The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 29, 1987, Image 1
The Battalion Vol. 87 No. 43 GSPS 045360 14 pages College Station, Texas Thursday, October 29, 1987 mg 10 of (1 22 points n; I B. Free; lousion Rods I ttorv over tin I .s in the seconij \ exhibition ( •sdav night. [rening game.f red 22 pointsai and James 1 as the Phot e Detroit Pistes | i’s Ralph Sac ■d with only Ify n Olajuwon, hjl d out of the i P'.wing pacts I i 26 points audit added 17. wins : Yea rd and finishedl behind the&til me in back of lets. s's record was nt over 198d, inished foura ers’ first season! e 84-77 and 1 a former catckd nia Angels, btial career withSafcf ta League in Trick or treat Photo by Robert W. Rizzo ? P r ‘best costumes’ at the MSC Hospitality’s Halloween party for the children of Texas A&M faculty and staff. The bumble bee won first prize,, the bunny was second, and the barmaid took third. Carter is a senior management major. Bush defends stand on taxes, weapons HOUSTON (AP) — Front-run ner George Bush, saying he knows how to “land the plane in a storm,” fended off fire from all sides Wednesday night as the six 1988 GOP presidential contenders argued arms control and taxes in a conten tious campaign debate. “It’s fine when you’re outside, car ping, criticizing your president,” the vice president said in stern rebuttal. “It’s very different when you’re in there having to make the tough call.” Bush was a frequent target but not the only one as the Republican rivals vied for advantage by attacking each other for two hours in their first na tionally televised debate. Former Secretary of State Alexan der Haig waved his finger close to Bush’s face as the two argued about a prospective treaty to ban interme diate weapons. Haig opposes the treaty, but Bush said, “Al, you supported it in the spring of 1982, I have read a speech you gave on it.” Haig shot back: “If you recall I fought it like the bloody death. I never heard a wimp out of you, not a word.” Former Delaware Gov. Pete du Pont attacked Bush sharply several times. “The question is in a Bush presi dency where would he lead Ameri ca,” he said to scattered boos from the audience. “So far we haven’t seen any vision, any principle, any policy. We really haven’t had it spelled out very successfully” he said to scattered boos from the audience. Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole said after one heated moment- ,“This debate’s starting to liven up a little bit. I thought it was going to die on the vine.” There was little chance of that, even though the attacks began, slowly. Rep. Jack Kemp assailed Bush in a veiled fashion, pointing out that as a New York congressman, he sup ported Reagan in the 1980 cam paign. That was an unspoken refer ence to Bush’s own losing candidacy in 1980. The sixth contender, former tele vision evangelist Pat Robertson, damned Bush with the faintest of praise. He called Bush “as fine a vice president as we have had in this cen tury and I would love to have him as vice president with me.” Robertson made the same statement earlier about Dole. But Bush showed he was able to give as well as take. At one point he attacked du Pont’s proposal for finding a private sector substi tute for Social Security. “I think it is a nutty idea to fool around with the Social Security Sys tem,” Bush said. “It may be a new idea, but it’s a dumb one, too.” Kemp attacked that idea, as well. “Frankly Pete, we don’t know exactly which libertarian or market oriented solution you’re going to come up with next,” Kemp said. Said Bush in his own defense a few moments before the debate ended: “You need somebody in that hot seat with a cool hand on the stick. I’ve been co-pilot for seven years, and I know how to land the plane in a storm.” Bush had agreed reluc tantly to share the stage in the spe cial segment of PBS’ “Firing Line” hosted by William F. Buckley. exans to consider horse, dog racing issue at polls ■71 Paso lo tk ■ in 1977, thca : a major-leap in 1980, repiac rge Bamberp kee Brewers, the Brewers’ om March fill 80, compiling; piloted Ml m an Lea :le in the i was replaced as Brewers lit Jm xuenn. Rodgers was gue Manager oting the India :he American,! ionship. also was a coat from 1970 d Francisco in IS! from 1978 d WAA will am an League Man, night. iefensi itry till! is a three-time i, a sophomore.i last year, same Cooper, has won ef :d tiding the IS n he fell and ft on has notlosli By Carolyn Kelbly Reporter I The Lone Star State is off to the feces Nov. 3 when Texans vote on the controversial pari-mutuel horse »cing and dog racing issue. I For the past 50 years, pari-mutuel pyagering has always been illegal in Te xas, except for a brief period dur- ilg the Depression. On the final day oi the Legislature’s 1933 session, d; mutuel betting on horses was proved to help the struggling onomy. But four years later, in 37, Gov. James Allred called a ecial session to consider only the ri-mutuel issue, and the horse wa ring was again made illegal. Texas is normally not an initiative referendum state, but the pari mutuel bill is an exception. On Sept. 24, 1986, the pari-mutuel bill be- dame law without then-Gov. Mark White’s signature. ■ White had said he would not veto ahorse racing bill if it had three pro visions: a statewide referendum to allow racing, a local county option election, and a strong anti-crime proposal. ■ The bill White allowed to become law — which is up for Texas voters’ approval next week — fills these re quirements. It gives Texans the de ciding vote at both state and county levels on pari-mutuel betting. ■ “I believe other Texans should have the right to make up their own minds just as I have,” White said in a November 1986 San Angelo Stan dard Trmes article. ■ The pari-mutuel proposal will ap- {•em below the proposed constitu tional amendments on the ballot and it reads: Debate presents opposing views of betting By Doug Driskell Staff Writer The economic issues of parimu tuel betting were a chief concern of both the pro and con side in a debate on this controversial issue sponsored by the MSC Political Forum Wednes day night in the MSC. ‘T he state comptroller has said that after five years, if all promises and all expectations are met, we would produce $110 million dollars a year in revenue to the state,” said Weston Ware, a representative of Texans Who Care, who oppose the referendum. “This amount is a very small amount in comparison to the total budget of Texas.” The amount would represent one tenth of one percent of the total budget of Texas. This is only if all of the expectations are met, he em phasized. Graphic by Susan C. Akin Jeff Steen, a representitive for the Texas Horse Racing Association, said this amount may seem small but in comparison with other revenue by the state, it is quite large. “Hotel and motel taxes in the state account for $35 million dollars,” he said. “We are talking $110 million dollars. Tax revenue from tele phone is $65 million, and I don’t think we are going to do away with those things.” Ware cited a race track in Bir mingham, Ala. as losing money in its first year of operations. The Birmingham Turf Club was set up in 1986 for the sum of $84 million, he said. “It has lost eight or nine million dollars in its first nine months,” Ware said. “The city of Birmingham has now invested in the installation of roads and such. And the city has had to set aside its own notes so it will not go bankrupt!” Steen said the tax revenue from the tracks will come in approxi mately three years. But, Texans will see some money immediately if the referendum passes Tuesday, he said. “Economic benifits will start next Wednesday,” he said. “If this passes you are going to see Texas breeders, owners, traders and people in agri culture beginning to change their game plan. They are going to bring their horse racing blood-stock home, purchase land, build farms, begin to do their business back home. This is going to be a growing new industry in Texas.” Parimutual betting is far from an industry, Ware said. “It is not an industry, but a busi ness,” he said. “It does not produce a product. And what you will find is it will be a good business investment for people who own horses, who have ranches or who are veternari- ans. Many of the horse owners are doctors and lawers and other profes sionals who happen to get a little ex tra money.” Both agreed voter turnout may be low Nov. 3, but those who do turn out should cast an educated vote on each issue. “The legalization of pari-mutuel wagering under the Texas Racing Act on a county-by-county local op tion basis.” As Texas is trying to pull out of an economic slump and at the same time deal with the effects of the fickle stock market, Texas voters have in their hands a decision that can make or break the state’s horse industry. A 1985 study by the Department of Agriculture measured the poten tial impact of horse racing on the Texas farm economy. Before the 1933 legalization of horse racing, there were 13 breeding farms in Texas, but after the legalization, the number of breeding farms increased to 265, showing a definite effect on the industry. The Texas Department of Agri culture estimates that horse racing would bring $1.25 billion a year to the Texas economy besides provid- ingjobs for 10,981 people. Campbell says the money the state government would get from the race track betting is only a small percent age of the money the horse racing industry will produce. “The market value is estimated by the multi-million dollar animals, in surance, advertising, transportation, employment, agriculture, real estate, and construction the industry gener ates,” he says. A 1985 study by the Peat, Mar wick, Mitchell & Co. accounting firm says the passage of pari-mutuel horse racing would bring a total di rect economic contribution of $562,762,000 during the first two years. This estimation, which is ex pressed in 1985 dollars, takes into account real estate purchases and construction and improvement of facilities. But the opposition disagrees with these economic projections. “In state after state, once pari-mu tuel gambling is legalized, the un happy truth is that horse and dog racing brings in less than one per cent of any state’s revenue,” said Gary McNeil, legislative assistant to the Christian Life Commission. “All Texas is looking for is an economic developement to take us into the 21st century. Texans should con sider a more prestigous industry like the growing demand for high tech nology and not the pari-mutuel in dustry.” However, a Dallas-based anti gambling group predicts legalized gambling will attract crime, a Hous ton Chronicle article said. “This is a very, very poor bill to turn loose on the people of Texas,” said Sue Cox, director of the Anti- Crime Council of Texas. In a Dallas Morning News article, Cox said the bill should be declared illegal, because Texas law does not address the idea of the referendum. The referendum puts legal issues before the state’s voters, instead of handling the issues in the Legis lature, which is the way Texas has traditionally operated. But the pari-mutuel bill contains a provision making it a law if the courts declare a referendum illegal, so fighting the bill in court would be futile, Cox said. Other law enforcement officials say gambling will attract crime. The Christian Life Commission put to gether an information sheet quoting various officials knowledgeable about legalized gambling and its relationship with organized crime. “Anytime organized crime sees an opportunity to put a fix on some- See Horse racing, page 13 ntry meet smo te 1985 SWCmtf record speaks ft] :1 more th :nd his individsj said. "Reubenkf 5 ■at. No colW oe has beaten he better race; n. Matter of fad J are in front oh per as well. TM uid ready fot'f has been 1 nces wnersltl )VER EVERAOl m. 'eagan: Summit should not be 'recondition for progress on talks WEST POINT, N.Y. (AP) — Pres- it}ent Reagan, in a blunt message for the Kremlin, said Wednesday he is rfeady to intensify negotiations but that a superpower summit should net be “a precondition for progress” op arms talks and other differences. Adopting a wait-and-see attitude out talks with Soviet leader Mik- ha l Gorbachev, Reagan said, “When tie general secretary is ready to visit th( United States, I and the Ameri- ■n people will welcome him.” ■ The president’s statement, in a speech at the U.S. Military Academy, appeared to be a sharp rebuff to Gorbachev’s sudden attempt last week to hold off on a summit until Reagan agreed to restrictions on his “liar Wars” missile defense plan. ■ Even before Reagan’s address, Gorbachev appeared to have changed strategy. In a sudden about-face Tuesday, Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze ar ranged to travel to Washington to resume talks Friday with Reagan and Secretary of State George Shultz. ■ Reagan, accompanied by Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, was greeted by loud cheers and long ap plause when he arrived at West Point’s Washington Hall for lunch with cadets before his address. The roar grew even louder as he an nounced an amnesty for disciplinary action against the corps. He delivered his remarks from the poop deck, the same spot where Gen. Douglas MacArthur delivered his famous “duty, honor, country” speech 25 years ago. Reporting on Shultz’s meetings in Moscow last week, the president said “he had lively, sometimes heated dis cussions” with Shevardnadze and Gorbachev. “That was no surprise,” Reagan said, given the broad range of their talks. Reagan renews invitation for summit meeting in U.S. WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi dent Reagan on Wednesday re newed his offer to host the next su perpower summit meeting in the United States, but administration of ficials said Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev might prefer another site. Gorbachev’s reservations surfaced as the White House and the Kremlin announced that Soviet Foreign Min ister Eduard A. Shevardnadze would fly to Washington for talks Friday with Reagan and Secretary of State George P. Shultz. He is expected to deliver a mes sage from Gorbachev to Reagan, who said in a speech at the U.S. Mili tary Academy at West Point, N.Y., that it would be good for Gorbachev to see this country for himself. But two U.S. officials, requesting anonymity, told The Associated Press that the Soviet leader was re luctant to have the summit in the United States. “He is concerned about being up staged by the president on his own turf,” one of the officials said. “They also have said they are worried about security.” The official said the Soviets had hinted that Dublin, Ireland, might be a suitable summit site. “But,” he added, “I wouldn’t be surprised if they agreed to meet here.” The first summit was in Geneva in 1985 and the last meeting was in Reykjavik, Iceland in October 1986. Stock market levity may cause difficulty for future job seekers By Tracy Staton Staff Writer The recent stock market volati lity may make getting a job more difficult, and Texas A&M grad uates may soon be facing stiffer hiring standards and lower start ing salaries. But Louis Van Pelt, director of the Placement Center, says the ef fects will be mostly long term. The placement center is not suf fering yet, and there is no need to panic yet. Although long-term effects cannot yet be assessed, most fields will be scrutinizing their potential recruits more carefully than ever, a Dallas placement agency vice president said Wednesday. “In more and more situations it is going to take a good grade point and good classes for a per son to get into the type of busi ness they want,” Bob Clarke of Largent Parks & Partners, Inc., said in a telephone interview. “The days of a person walking into a bank as a credit trainee and making $30,000 a year are gone. “We’re making a major correc tion now . . . people coming into the marketplace are going to be coming in at the $12,000 to 15,000 level.” Clarke puts potential employ ees into three categories — the superstar, the consistent worker and the marginal worker. The “marginal worker” is in trouble, but the “superstar” will still be able to get a job, he says. “Those superstars out there with the 4.0 grade point ratio and who are sitting on the dean’s list and are involved in everything and are strong business majors are the people who are going to get ahead,” he said. These stiff criteria will be more crucial to the investment banking industry, which will be hit hardest by the crunch. Donald Fraser, an A&M finance professor, said the field will contract and consolidate as a result of the stock market loss. “(Investment banking) rises and falls with the stock market,” Fraser said. “When the market is good, it prospers. When it’s bad, the industry has trouble. If the market stays down, you’ll see a lot of consolidation and layoffs.” Layoffs have already begun. Salomon Inc. laid off 800 em ployees and shut its municipal-fi nance and commercial-paper de partment, Newsweek stated in its Oct. 26 issue. After a 5-year boom in which investment banking lured the best and brightest appli cants, one week of chaos has caused executives to re-examine their hiring policies. Imminent changes will affect the “marginal worker” Clarke mentioned. “We’re seeing a ‘trimming-of- the-fat’ — people who are not meeting the criteria or not up to the qualification level,” Clarke said. “Your C people, or marginal people, will be out of a job.” Dr. Charles Maurice, an A&M economics professor, agreed that investment banking opportuni ties will diminish, but he had a more optimistic outlook for other fields. “I don’t think the investment houses will be hiring investment bankers, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t strong, strong job possibiliteies for our grad uates in other financial aspects,” Maurice said. “The stock market is only one part of the financial job opportunities that people See Jobs, page 13