The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 23, 1987, Image 3
Friday, October 23, 1987/The Battalion/Page 3 State and Local )r#7 Hector ari-mutuel betting generates Opposition from Brazos group By Lee Schexnaider Staff Writer he race to the betting windows mal' begin if Texans approve refer- cnaum No. 2 on Nov. 3 that will al low! ihem to vote on local pari-mu- :el gambling. But in a press conference Thurs- i| the Brazos County chapter of ‘elans Who Care voiced its opposi te the referendum. (ari-mutuel is a system of betting reby the winning money is di- d proportionally according to ;ers minus percentages for track Rations and taxes. The referen- i, if passed, will give counties the ion of approving pari-mutuel bling within their jurisdictions. ,e 58 of Texas’ 254 counties will Is that additional option already in [their ballots, but Brazos county |not. Ir a prepared statement Merrill 'NCrjen, co-chairman of the organiza- on and head football coach at D It 1 Han High School, voiced his oppo- r OYTETS Act tion to the referendum. me believe pari-mutuel gambling is not good for our families, our cit ies, our county and our state,” he said.“Texas does not need to go into the gambling business. “For the state to receive any reve nue, the citizens must lose.” He noted several reasons against gambling in Texas. He said it is the role of government to protect its people, not fleece them. He also said gambling would increase crime in the state and would not produce any sizeable state revenues. Ken Campbell, information direc tor for the Texas Horseracing Asso ciation, said his organization sees definite advantages of pari-mutuel gambling to the state. He said in a telephone interview that his associa tion supports the referendum for the horse industry. Campbell said horse racing would create a new industry in Texas, pro ducing employment and tax reve nues. He said if there was a problem with revenues from racing, states that have pari-mutuel gambling would be trying to repeal it. He also said he believes moral rea sons are primarily behind efforts against the referendum. Richard Blankenship, northeast Texas coordinator for Texans Who Care, said in a telephone interview that a large amount of the group’s support comes from churches. Green said religous organizations are important in the cause. “Major portions of it will be done through our local churches and we hope also to promote as much as possible through our civic associa tions,” Green said. Dick Maples, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Bryan, said a low voter turnout would have an effect on the election. “I think it would be in our favor or advantage to have a low turnout,” he said. Blankenship said that he agrees that low voter turnout could help the organization’s cause. Campbell said that a low or high voter turnout would not hurt his organization’s ef forts. Both Blankenship and Campbell said their organizations will promote their individual causes through tele vision, newspaper ads and telephone solicitation. Green said he was worried that the state’s financial condition might have an effect on the vote. “My concern, and I think it is the concern of many people, is that dur ing down times, economically, peo ple tend to be more susceptible to the quick fix,” Green said. “I have a great concern that people who otherwise would not be at all recep tive to this may find this might be some kind of answer. “I think there are many better ways we can solve our economic problems.” . ird Austin EMS employee arrested n drug charges; testing considered 10I on campus iis point. Wehad Fhey had theirs sonableandmiici! n their affairs. ent Government'! but its timing an! to be desired I t sentatives of the iding up for JUSTIN (AP) — A third Austin Emergency jelical Services employee has been arrested this eek on drug charges, and the city’s EMS direc- irlsaid he will look into whether mandatory rug testing should be implemented at the sfey- ■ he latest arrest means EMS workers must “go ujjand win back the trust and confidence” of the tiblic, EMS Director Bill Stockton said. ■oliceon Wednesday said they had arrested an MS supervisor and his wife after seizing 3 ounds of marijuana from their home near Lake ravis.The arrests came a day after two EMS pnicians were charged with selling drugs to an undercover police officer. Ifolice said the arrests culminated a six-week investigation by narcotics officers into allegations of drug abuse among EMS employees. Charged in the latest arrest with felony posses sion of marijuana were Robert T. Hardy, 31, and Carol Williams Hardy, 25, police said. Hardy has been an employee of Travis County for 13 years, and for the past nine years has served as an EMS supervisor. His wife is a clerk in City Manager Jorge Carrasco’s office. At present, EMS employees can be tested for drug use if supervisors or administrators notice a decline in job performance or an excessive use of sick time, Stockton said. The employees who were arrested never showed any signs of diminished job performance or missed an unusual amount of work, he said. “There is no change in our policy being con templated, but this gives me pause to review the need” for such a change, Stockton said. Stockton said he still has reservations about the accuracy of drug testing and concerns about indi vidual privacy rights. He said the validity and costs of mandatory drug tests must be weighed against a person’s right to privacy before he will consider implementing such a step. “I’m saddened for the (other) employees who are clean as a hound’s tooth,” Stockton said. “They are now burdened somewhat with a tar nished image, which they did nothing to bring on.” Senator says youths get lax punishment for their criminal acts AUSTIN (AP) —- Texas juve nile delinquents are not held ac countable for their violent crimes, said state Sen. Bill Sarpalius, who Thursday touted a conference to examine the issue. “In Texas, a kid who commits rape or murder or beats up a se nior citizen . . . their average stay in (a Texas Youth Commission facility) is 7 months,” Sarpalius, D-Amarillo, said at a news confer ence to announce the agenda of the 1987 Southern Legislators Conference on Children and Youth. Sarpalius is chairman of the conference, which is scheduled Nov. 15-18 in San Antonio. Juveniles commit about one- third of all serious crimes, Sarpa lius said. He said 16-year-old boys com mit more crimes at a higher rate than any other single age. “Kids are not stupid,” Sarpa lius said. “They know that if they commit murder or rape or some thing like that, the punishment is very lax as compared to an adult.” The sealing of juveniles’ crimi nal records also makes them less accountable, he said. Besides making juveniles ac countable for their crimes, Sarpa lius said, it is important for Texas to focus on students to prevent them f rom dropping out and per haps turning to crime. “It’s a whole lot cheaper to the taxpayers to invest your money in that kid in the second and third grade, and make sure they stay in school . . . than it is to build more prisons,” he said. The Texas high school drop out rate is reported at 33 percent, Sarpalius said. Sweeping state education re forms enacted in 1984 are not ad dressing the whole problem, he added. “I told (lawmakers in 1984) this was a great bill for preparing kids for college, but I said we failed on addressing the borderline stu dent,” he said. Rep. Anne Cooper, a San Mar cos Republican who is on the Texas advisory committee for the conference, said the state partic ularly needs to address the 50 percent Hispanic dropout rate. “We are predicting that in the year 2010 or 2015, the majority of Texans will be from the mi nority,” Cooper said. “Somebody’s going to have to take care of this state in the 21st century, and it’s our responsibil- “Kids are not stupid. They know that if they commit murder or rape or something like that, the punishment is very lax as compared to an adult.” — Sen. Bill Sarpalius, D-Amarillo ity to provide the opportunities for them so they have the capabil ity of doing it,” she said. Sarpalius said the legislators’ conference “gives Texas the op portunity, the members of the Legislature, to finally address many of these problems that we face in our state of dealing with juveniles.” After last year’s conference in Tennessee, the legislature there passed more than 20 juvenile-re lated bills, compared to three that were passed in the session before the conference, he said. Topics to be discussed at con ference workshops include juve nile justice, education reform, in fants with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, child sup port collection, Medicaid en hancements, substance abuse and teen-age pregnancy. . is wrong, bul of the faculty ernight. There*': u it. If students i)n the faculty's 1 have done sok ed and workedf! des of Faculty if which were ops Inch should have indent Senate since been rd of Regents® andiver, The ation for ;ned Thursday ;m policy, alcp leased roomsoi lust become a If ■ license. The If :ed the leasing ssees of Kyle Fit* have alcohol.ft 1 of the necessat] it major ? ago. udder Tower?If* 't miss it. fvetf ics in the fivey^ 1 iut those whoei' mter should lucky they were as they did. originally inteP y loor be used as s members. Don't miss a lick. senior journal The Battalion. Breath) 1 The Tony Award winning hit musical "CATS'' is coming this year. The only way you can be sure of getting a seat is to buy season tickets to the MSC OPAS Theatre Series. "CATS'' has consistently sold out during its 6 years in London, 5 years on Broadway and wherever the American touring companies stop. With only three performances here, tickets are going fast. "CATS" isn't the only hit in this year's Theatre Series. Season ticket holders will be assured of seats to "Singin' in the Rain", "Beehive", Marcel Marceau and "Frankenstein ". Season tickets to the MSC OPAS Theatre Series are available through Hovember 17. Order today and you won't miss a lick. 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