Page 8AThe BattalionA'hursday L October 15, 1987 Battalion World and Nation ARGENTINE CLUB GENERAL MEETING Thur. Oct 15 7-8:15 Rm. 704AB Rudder Tower Classifieds ANYBODY INTERSTED in Joining is Welcome Salvadoran leader, David Hughes Zoni Lopez 846-3817 268-0313 NOTICE • HELP WANTED Reagan push peace $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 ALLERGY STUDY WANTED: Patients 18-60 yrs. with known or suspect Fall Weed Allergies/Hayfever to participate in a short allergy study. $100 In centive paid to those chosen to participate. Call Pauli Research Interna tional 776-6236 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 4tfn DON’T WAIT! ENROLL NOW! FEVER BLISTER STUDY! If you have at least 2 fever blisters a year and would be interested in trying a new medication, call for information regarding study. You must be enrolled before your next fever blister. Compensation for volunteers. G&S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 Student wanted. Part-time housekeeping. Flexible hours. Good pay. 776-4273 after 6. S0tl0/16 Person familiar with Bryan-College Station, nearby ru ral, temporarily needed to assist me in locating hous ing. 512-346-1984. S0tl0/16 Earn extra income! Set your own hours. Benefits. Call 1-800-338-6228 Aggie Girl Cosmetics. 29tl0/15 Are you an exercise enthusiast? Energetic & Fit women needed to teach classes. Work 1 on 1 with our members & handle membership sales. Apply in person. Shape- Way Women’s Fitness Center. Full-time & Part-time positions available. 3710 E. 29th St. 29tfn WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi dent Reagan welcomed Salvadoran President Jose Napoleon Duarte to the White House Wednesday and they agreed there can be no lasting peace in Central America without democratic rule throughout the re gion. tral Americans “still have a long way to go” in implementing the peace plan. "HIRING!” Government jobs - your area. SI5,000 - $68,000. Call (602) 838-8885, ext. 4009. 20tl0/16 Overseas Jobs. Summer, Year-round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia. All fields. $900-2000. mo. Sightseeing Free Info. Write IJC PO Box 52 Corona Del Mar, Ca 92625. 27tl0/27 Earn $480 weekly-- $60 per hundred circulars mailed. Guaranteed. Homeworkers needed to perform mail services. Incentive programs available. Send legal size stamped self addressed envelope to United Service of America 24307 MaGIC Mtn. Parkway, Suite #306, Va lencia, Ca. 91355. 32tl0/2S CHILD CARE Duarte was offered an enthusias tic official reception as he began a state visit and he showed his appre ciation for U.S. support by kissing an American flag displayed on the White House south lawn. After a ceremony that featured full military honors, Reagan said E eace prospects for Central America ave been enhanced because of the agreement Duarte and four other area presidents signed two months ago. Some administration officials have been privately critical of Duarte for signing the peace agreement, contending that it does not address key questions, such as Soviet-Cuban military ties with Nicaragua’s leftist government. Babysitter needed for 6 month boy. M-F 7:30-5:30. 696-1772. 29tl0/15 • FOR RENT TEMPERATURE STUDY WANTED: Patients with elevated temperature to participate in a short at-home study to evaluate currently available over-the-coun ter fever reducres. No blood taken. $75 offered to those chosen to particcipate. Call Pauli Research Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4t1 “If peace is to prevail, so must de mocracy,” the president said, adding that a successful outcome of the Aug. 7 accord remains “far from certain.” Duarte, in a similar vein, said Cen- Reagan was effusive in his praise for Duarte, a close ally whose coun try has received hundreds of mil lions of dollars in U.S. economic and military aid over the past six years. Salvadoran government and rebel leaders met last week to discuss ways to end their 8-year-old conflict, but the two sides remain far apart. If a truce cannot be negotiated before the deadline, Duarte has said he will declare a unilateral cease-fire in or der to comply with the peace agreement. The conflict is believed to have claimed more than 60,000 lives. Sublease 2-2, $355. 8c elec. On bus route, lease through May. 693-3347. 30tl0/16 Two Americans share chemistry Nabel 1 8c 2 bdrm. apt. A/C 8c Heat. Wall to Wall carpet. 512 & 515 North gate / First St. 409-825-2761. No Pets. 140tfn FOR SALE $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 WANTED: Individuals ages 18-651 with acute low back pain to par ticipate in a one week pain relief study. No blood drawing involved. $50 incentive tor those chosen to participate. For more information: 8 BAYLOR/A&M TICKETS 4 30 yard line 4 - 40 yard line price negotiable Justin 846-3039 33t10/16 Magnapau-MGI Speakers, Son-of-Ampzilla powe- ~ ‘ . Se ' ’ ramp, ThalUa preamp Denon turmable. Send phone# to: lames PO Box 3657 C.S., Tx. 77844. I will call you. SStlO/21 Call Pauli Research International 776-6236 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 Windshields, Navasola Glass will pay $50. deductible. Insurance claims handled. 1-825-3202 anytime.27tl 1/3 1973 Honda 350, 4 cylinder motorcycle. $250. Call 764-9222. 30tl0/16 Baylor/A&M football tickets. 25 yard line. (817) 753- 3834 call after 9pm. 3U10/15 ULCER STUDY We are looking for people who have been recently diagnosed to have one or more stomach ulcers to participate in a 6 week to 1 year study. $250 to $350 offered to those chosen to participate. Call Pauli Research International at 776-6236. 1tfn COMPUTER'S ETC. 693-7599. LOWEST PRICES EVER: EBM-PC/XT COMPATIBLES: 640KB-RAM, 2-360K.B DRIVES, TURBO, KEYBOARD, MON- STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) — Two Americans shared the Nobel Prize in chemistry with a French re searcher Wednesday, and a West German and a Swiss scientist won the prize in physics for a break through in superconductors that could lead to faster computers and speedier trains. The discoveries that led to both prizes came by accident when the sci entists were looking for something else, said members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which chose the winners. Each Nobel carries a cash prize of about $340,000, which is divided if more than one laureate is named for each prize. Chemists Donald J. Cram of the University of California at Los An geles; Charles J. Pedersen, retired from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Jean-Marie Lehn of the Universite Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, France, won the chemis try prize. They developed molecules that can link up with particular other molecules, a principle now used in medical testing. Tneir work could lead to an endless supply of energy by extracting hydrogen from water, academy member Bo Malmstrom said. It also could give insight into crucial biological reactions. West German Georg Bednorz and Swiss K. Alex Mueller won the phys ics prize for developing ceramic material that can act as a supercon ductor at a higher temperature than before. Superconductors conduct electric ity without losing current to resis tance. Their application has been limited because they must be chilled well below minus 400 degrees Fahr enheit. ITOR: $599. PC/AT SYSTEMS: $899. Cheap auto parts, used. Pic-A-Part, Inc. 78 and older. 3505 Old Kurten Road, Bryan. 23tfn PIANO FOR SALE. Wanted: Responsible party to as sume small monthly payments on piano. See locally. Call Manager at 618-J234-1306 anytime. 30t 10/20 Women’s 10 speed bike $40. New back tire. 696-7967. 30tl0/16 Government: Deficit shows slight decline • SERVICES $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 WANTED: Patients with high blood pressure, either on or off blood pressure medication, to par ticipate in a research study to evaluate and treat h.b.p. Ages 21 - 70. $400 monetary incentive of fered to those who participate. Call Pauli Research International 776-6236 $400 $400 $400 $4 l $400 STUDENT LOANS AVAILABLE! Still making loans for the fall semester. GSL, SLS, and Plus Loans available. Apply now to reserve WASHINGTON (AP) — The na tion’s persistent trade deficit showed its first decline in five months as it narrowed slightly to $15.7 billion in August, but an unexpected dip in U.S. overseas sales clouded the im provement, the government said Wednesday. The Commerce Department said the merchandise trade deficit, the shortfall between imports and ex ports, was down from the record $ 16.5 billion gap posted in July. Despite the one-month im provement, acting Commerce Secre tary Bruce Smart said the deficit “continues on an unacceptably high g lateau,” with the United States still uying nearly twice as much as its sells. For the first eight months of 1987, the trade deficit has been running at an annual rate of $ 171.1 billion. your loan amount! FIRST VENTURE GROUP 696-6601 16t9/25 DEFENSIVE DRIVING PICKET DISMISSAL. IN SURANCE DISCOUNT CLASSES EVERY WEEK'.' 693-1322. 2 It 12/! 6 • HELP WANTED PIZZA NOW HIRING DRIVERS • great pay •flexible hours • loads of fun Call or come by 1702 S. Kyle, Suite 101 (next to Thomas Sweet) 764-8629 must have own car & insurance 29G0/16 ESSAYS & REPORTS 116278 to choose from—all subjects I Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD KSKBa 800-351-0222 | Wll'llTilUr in Calif (2131477-8226 Or, rush $2.00 to. Essays & Reports 111322 Idaho Ave. #206-SN, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Custom research also available—all levels Doctors: Eating vegetables will help reduce stroke risk TYPING: Accurate, 95 WPM, Reliable. Word Proc essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 33tl0/15 GOLD S TAR TYPING. Business, Manuscripts, Aca demic. Reasonable. Call Anna 775-6695. 30t 10/16 Typing, Word Processing-Reasonable rates. Call Ber tha 696-3785. 30tl 1/6 NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A diet rich in potassium from fruits and vegetables protects arteries from the ravages of high blood pressure and dramatically lowers the risk of stroke, animal studies show. “You get tremendous protection from strokes by eating more fruits and vegetables,” Dr. Louis Tobian of the University of Minnesota said Wednesday. smm, especially among blacks and young people who may consume a lot of fast food. “I’m worried about the young sin gles or marrieds so involved in their careers that they just pick up one junk food after another,” he said. “I think there’s going to be a price paid down the line.” WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu- si ripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 30tl 1/6 VERSA PILE WORD PROCESSING - BEST PRICES. FREE CORRECTIONS. RESUMES, THESES, PA PERS, GRAPHICS, EQUATIONS, ETC. LASER QUALITY. 696-2052. 163tfn A single extra helping of fruits or vegetables daily might cut stroke risk by as much as 40 percent over an ex tended period, Tobian said at the American Heart Association’s an nual meeting on high blood pres- Explosion injures 25 in Chinatown WORD PROCESSING. Thesis, Dissertations. Experi enced. Dependable. AUTOMATED CLERICAL SERVICES. 693-1070. 3U11/23 The Houston Chronicle is taking applications for immedi ate route openings. Pay is based on per paper rate & gass allow ance is provided. The route re quires working early mornings, 7 days a week. If interested call: James at 693-7815 for an appointment. 3 3;1 o/23 COUNTRY CABIN FRAME SHOP $Drive a little - Save a lot.$ Quality picture framing. Elmo Weedon Road, 776-8005. 22tfn English for foreigns. $3.00/hr. By English Major - Ex perienced. Carole 779-1405. 29tl0/15 WORD PROCESSING: Fast, Accurate, Experienced, Guaranteed. Papers - Dissertations. Call Diana 846- 1015. 25tl0/16 Tobian and his colleague, Tokui- chiro Sugimoto, showed in stroke- prone rats that high blood pressure damages the endothelium, a single layer of cells lining arteries in both rats and humans. That damage can lead to obstruction or rupture of ar teries. • LOST AND FOUND CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING. M/F Summer & Carer Opportunities (Will Train). Excellent pay plus world travel. Hawaii, Ba hamas, Caribbean, etc. CALL NOW: 206-736-0775 Ext. 466H 19tfn Lost on Wednesday 9/30: Gold Nugget Bracelet. Re- wardl! 764-7583. 29tl0/15 MALE DANCERS NEEDED. THE COSTUME CON NECTION PARTYGRMAS. 693-3004. 33tl 0/21 P/T afternoon/evening person wanted to manage flight operations desk, (scheduling charters, bookkeeping, ordering). 846-3591. 33t 10/16 Delivery man wanted. Must have own car. 5-10pm. Chick-Fil-A 764-0049. 3U10/19 They also showed that the dam age can be almost completely elimi nated if rats with high blood pres sure are given diets rich in potassium. Strokes afflict 500,000 Americans each year, killing 155,000 of them, according to the heart association. Most fruits and vegetables are good sources of potassium, Tobian said in an interview. Among the best are bananas, strawberries, potatoes and orange and grapefruit juice. Skim milk is another good source, he said. Since the advent of the modern, junk-food era, Tobian said, Ameri can diets have been low in potas- Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 Martins Bar B Que S. College North of Chicken Oil October Specials All Dinners $2" including Ribs Combo plate $3" Chopped Sandwich 980 Dinner $2 25 Fries 600 All bottled beer 900 Serving Aggies since 1925 Tues.-Sat. ll-9p.m. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — An ex plosion rocked a Chinatown restau rant at lunch hour Wednesday, show-ering glass and debris over a crowded street and injuring 25 peo ple, authorities reported. The three-alarm fire at the Can ton Tea House was extinguished within a half-hour, but authorities remained at the scene treating in jured people as a crowd developed in the busy neighborhood. There was no immediate word on what caused the explosion. Wit nesses said the fire began in the back of the building near the kitchen and spread to the front. Fire Chief Ed Phipps said the cause was under investigation. Asked if it could be anything but a gas explosion, he replied: “I don’t think it was a bomb.” Paramedic Robert Navarro said 25 people were injured. Four were in critical condition with burn inju ries and 16 were hospitalized in all. Bring This Ad in For 10% OFF The "FUNNY BONE!" A fun place to shop... • GAGS • GIFTS • NOVELTIES Come in and browse, shop, and visit. Also items for birthdays, Halloween, and Christmas ... Gag gift s for a barrel of laffs! Open Mon. - Sat., 10:00a.m. to6:0 3808 Old College Rd. / 846*955; (Next to Triangle Bowl) Register for a free gift basket by Judy Dr. K. Ragupathi is happy to announce the opemugofl his office for the practice of gas trointestinal and liver diseases. (Diseases of the stomach, colon, liver and pancreas) 2701 OSIER BLVD., BRYAN OfFlCE HOURS MOM.-FRI. 9a.m.-5p,m OFFICE: 774-7666 AfTER HOURS: 775-M33I Diplomate American Board of Internal Medicine 8c Gastroenterology PRESBYTERIAN! UCM and First Presbyterian Church of Bryl announce “The Last Lecture 10 Texas A&M University Professors have agreed toshaie J you what would be their last lecture if they had only oneWj give before they died. October 18-DR. Bill Perry-Math Dept, October 25-Dr. Murray Milford-Soil & CropScM First Presbyterian Church of EM 1100 Carter Creek 9:30 Sunday in the College Class For more information Michael Miller 846-1221 Vans to church: 9:10 commons-9:15 NorthgatePostO Contact Lenses Only Quality Name Brands (Bausch & Lomb, Clba, Barnes-Hinds-Hydro *$79 00 'STD. DAILY WEAR SOFTLENS^I $99. 00 -STD. EXTENDED WEAR SOFTLE^I $99. 00 -STD. TINTED SOFT LENSES DAILY WEAR OR EXTENDED WEAR Call 696-3754 For Appointment Same day delivery on most soft contact lenses ★ Eye exam and care kit not included CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL, O.D., P.C. DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY ** 707 South Texas Ave., Suite 101D College Station, Texas 77840 J 1 block South of Texas & University ST. LC Louis • Ca Jose Oqui and behin Cox to wi playoffs \ ing the Si in Game 7 The C 15th Worl the final t fore ratio St. Louis Twins, m; Series ap play Gam the Metroi Cox all< tended t streak to 2 cord. He; at reachin the first tit Oquend Hammake second in Stadium ii dinals can dugout to who had j run of his I Giants. St. Lot games, wi than any I York Yan | This was t playoff hi: seven fort jago. The Cai I hit, outhor the field f were hum [did work< (could do lii Only Je jries Most \ Icontributic going 2-fo Iran out in jhe hit a lim Ishortstop Jin the air a 2 F