The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 15, 1987, Image 1
ifse -28 ton ;er phone ty. fRlP % ■m. all Texas A&MW^ « I • The Battalion Vol. 87 No. 33 CiSPS 045360 10 pages College Station, Texas Thursday, October 15, 1987 >es > •Hydrocj r lenses : T LENSES 'JSES ’Wear )0LLAH NEYTO WAYJ IN THE EOPLE CARE! Fold Glory Members of the Corps of Cadets lower the flag in front of the Academic Building at the end of the day. Photo by Robert TV. Rizzo Labor adviser quits Cabinet to help Dole WASHINGTON (AP) — Labor Secretary William E. Brock will an nounce today he is resigning from President Reagan’s Cabinet to head Sen. Robert Dole’s Republican presi dential campaign, Dole’s campaign staff said Wednesday. “We do not know the effective date,” said Tim Archer, a spokes man for Dole’s campaign. “But we are looking forward to have him start in time for the senator’s an nouncement on Nov. 9.” Archer said Brock would specify the timetable at news conferences at the Labor Department at 10:30 a.m. and in Dole’s office in the Capitol at noon formally announcing his resig nation and his appointment to chair Dole’s campaign. Dole, of Kansas, the Senate mi nority leader, has been actively cam paign for the presidency and is ex pected to formally declare his candidacy Nov. 9. Brock would be the second Rea gan Cabinet member to resign and work on behalf of Dole. Former Transportation Secretary Elizabeth Dole, the senator’s wife, recently quit to work full time on his campaign. Brock, a former congressman and senator from Tennessee, was chair man of the Republican National Committee in 1977-81. He would bring a reputation as an organizer to Dole’s campaign. Dole has been run ning behind Vice President George Bush in most polls thus far. Dole, Bush and Rep. Jack Kemp, R-N.Y., approached Brock in recent weeks about working for them, according to close associates of Brock. Officials in Dole’s campaign said Robert Ellsworth, a longtime friend of Dole who has been running the campaign, would remain as a senior adviser. A Labor Department source said Brock’s resignation will not be effec tive immediately, but will probably take place in a couple of weeks. As Reagan’s U.S. trade represen tative from 1981 to 1985, Brock headed off protectionist measures wanted by labor unions to restrict imports. But he also yielded to pres sures from some industries to slow the flow of some products into the United States. Iranian gunners hit tanker; Iraqi jets attack ship MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) — An Iranian I gunboat fired on a tanker Wednesday, shipping sources reported, and Iraq said its warplanes raided a ship near Iran’s main [oil-export terminal in the northern Persian [Gulf. It was the second Iranian attack on a [tanker in two days. Iraq’s report, if con- Jfinned, would mark the 10th Iraqi raid on [ships carrying Iranian oil in a little more |than a week. An Iraqi communique said warplanes [raided a “large naval target,” the customary [term for a tanker, after dark east of the [Kharg Island oil terminal and scored “an effective and accurate hit.” In Baghdad, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis marched in a 10-mile-long funeral procession for victims of an Iranian missile attack Tuesday. The long-range rocket ex ploded at a school, killing at least 32 people, according to official reports. The United States reaffirmed that its warships will protect only American-regis tered ships in the gulf, where Iran and Iraq have been at war since September 1980. Neutral Oman said it would serve as in termediary for the repatriation of four wounded Iranians rescued after an Ameri can helicopter attack on Iranian boats last week. It played the same role last month af ter U.S. forces sank an Iranian vessel caught laying mines. The 84,631-ton Liberian-flag tanker At lantic Peace was reported attacked off the southern gulf port of Dubai about 1,000 yards from where the Saudi Arabian prod ucts carrier Petroship B was hit Tuesday. Salvage executives, speaking on condi tion of anonymity, said the attacker in both cases appeared to have been an Iranian “warship” seen in the area. They said the Iranian vessel used only machine guns against the tankers, but Lloyd’s Shipping Intelligence Unit in Lon don said 4.5-inch and 35mm shells hit the Atlantic Peace. Shipping officials quoted the Atlantic Peace’s captain as saying damage was mi nor. The owner, Island Navigation Corp. of Hong Kong, reported no casualties among the crew of about 24 South Koreans. Iran does not acknowledge attacking commercial ships, but its armed speedboats and larger craft regularly retaliate for Iraqi air raids on tankers carrying Iranian oil. Most Iranian attacks are on tankers owned by or serving Kuwait and Saudi Ara bia, which Iran accuses of supporting Iraq in the war. The United States has given 11 Kuwaiti tankers American flags and regis tration so U.S. Navy ships can protect them. Hospital officials in Baghdad said many of the 218 people reported wounded in the missile explosion had died, but gave no fig ures. Nearly all the dead and wounded were said to be children. Crowds lining the funeral route chanted “Revenge! Revenge!” and officials prom ised retaliation. “The blood of our martyred children will not be wasted,” Saadi Mahdi Saleh, a leader of the ruling Baath Socialist Party, said in a graveside eulogy. ouse holds bill to tell workers of job health risks WASHINGTON (AP) — The House on Wednesday moved toward | setting up a new program requiring the government to individually no tify between 100,000 and 300,000 workers annually that they face a high risk of cancer and other dis- j eases from job exposure to hazard- I ous substances. Final action on the bill was post poned until Thursday after Demo- Icrats beat back an effort by Republi cans to replace it with a weaker substitute. The substitute bill would have re quired a two-year study first while giving the Occupational Safety and Health Administration more money to enforce new hazard-labeling re quirements placed on employers in the past 15 months. Despite the threat of a presi dential veto, labor unions and health groups said legislation is necessary to address the nearly 100,000 deaths and some 350,000 disabling illnesses blamed on occupational hazards each year. While the notices themselves can not be used as evidence in civil suits, opponents led by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National As sociation of Manufacturers claim the process will trigger billions of dollars in liability suits against employers by their workers and former workers. The substitute measure offered by Reps. James Jeffords, R-Vt., and Paul Henry, R-Mich., was defeated 234-191, with Democrats voting 217- 33 against and Republicans voting 158-17 in favor of it. Having lost the key test vote, Re publicans began offering amend ments in an effort to weaken some of the provisions of the bill by Demo cratic Rep. Joseph Gaydos of Penn sylvania, chairman of the House Ed ucation and Labor Committee’s health and safety subcommittee. Gaydos’ bill would create a new board in the Department of Health and Human Services to determine what workers are most at risk. Once identified, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health would then be required to notify them of the risks. Employers would then be re quired to provide periodic medical examinations of the workers, paying the costs for those currently on their payrolls but free to pass them along to former employees. NIOSH officials estimate nearly one-fourth of Americans have been exposed to carcinogens and other hazardous substances on the job and most of them are unaware of it. Reagan promises to continue fighting for Bork’s Supreme Court nomination President calls battle 'ugly spectacle' of pressure politics IN talio ation! Let 1)1 ection dispel dI service! fast, efft' 5 do busili WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- ent Reagan on Wednesday decried the battle over Robert H. Bork’s Su preme Court nomination as an “ugly spectacle” of high-pressure politics fend promised to keep fighting in the face of all but certain defeat for sBork. I am determined to fight right own to the last ballot on the Senate floor,” Reagan said in a brief Oval ffice address. The speech was made available to jjie television networks, but only the I'Cable News Network carried it live, followed by a response in which Democratic Sen. Terry Sanford of North Carolina lashed back. I Senators opposing Bork “are tired of having our integrity impugned,” Sanford said, adding that “it is time for that corrosive dialogue to stop.” I In the Senate, meanwhile, Demo cratic and Republican leaders con tinued arguing over the timing for a vote, with Democrats insisting on |)uick action and the GOP demand ing enough time to make a case for the conservative judge. I Fifty-four senators are on record against Bork, all but ensuring he will lose when the vote is taken in the 1100-member body. || Reagan, however, said that al though the public may have heard that the battle over Bork is over, he also had another cause in mind. || “I’m doing this because what’s now at stake in this battle must never in our land of freedom become a lost cause, and whether lost or not, we Americans must never give up this particular battle: the independence of our judiciary,” Reagan said. Holding to the tough tone he has used in most recent comments on the issue, Reagan said that when he announced Bork’s nomination on July 1, he thought the confirmation process would go forward “with a calm and sensible exchange of like Judge Bork, who don’t confuse the criminals with the victims.” He said he sought “judges who don’t invent new or fanciful consti tutional rights for those criminals, judges who believe the courts should interpret the law, not make it, judges, in short, who understand the principle of judicial restraint. “That is the standard to judge those who seek to serve on the courts: qualifications not distortions. “I’m doing this because what’s now at stake in this bat tle must never in our land of freedom become a lost cause, and whether lost or not, we Americans must never give up this particular battle: the independence of ourjudiciary. ” — President Ronald Reagan “Unfortunately, the confirmation process became an ugly spectacle marred by distortions and innuen does and casting aside the normal rules of decency and honesty,” Rea gan said. Appealing for public support, Reagan listed past issues of contro versy and said, “When the chips were down, you and I worked to gether. “My agenda is your agenda, and it’s quite simple: to appoint judges judicial temperament, not campaign disinformation. ” Reagan said the upcoming Senate debate “is to allow’ sides to be heard.” “Honorable men and women should not be afraid to change their minds based on that debate,” Rea gan said. The president charged that the “tactics and techniques of national political campaigns” had been used against Bork, calling this a.“disturb ing . . . dangerous” development. Sanford, in his response on behalf of Senate Democrats, took strong ex ception, saying Reagan’s confronta tional approach “is not becoming to the constitutional process in which we are engaged.” He said one mark of a great leader is not only being gracious in victory but gracious in defeat. Sanford said now that “Judge Bork’s nomination appears doomed, we hear cries of ‘lynch mobs’ and ‘distortions.’ ” “But it was not for political rea sons that the nomination of Judge Bork was rejected,” Sanford said. “It’s time for that corrosive dialogue to stop and time for profound re spect for the constitutional process to begin.” He said senators, including some Republicans, have decided to oppose Bork after making careful evalua tions of his qualifications. “To suggest that they have been swayed by anything but conscien tious intellect is slanderous,” San ford said. The decisions of officials at ABC, CBS and NBC against interrupting afternoon programs to carry Rea gan’s remarks were criticized by White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater. “Having devoted hours of broad cast time to the Senate hearing, they have suddenly gone blind to the president’s address,” Fitzwater said. “That view of their public responsi bility is sadly inadequate.” A&M legal advisers offer affordable help to troubled students By Lisa Rosner Reporter Students with legal questions can find affordable answers from Texas A&M University’s Stu dents’ Legal Department. The student legal advisers help students with legal problems con cerning contracts, consumer pro tection, domestic relations, traffic tickets, landlord-tenant conflicts, auto accidents and insurance pol icies, Alex Walter, one of two li censed staff attorneys, said. “We will advise on virtually any topic,” Walter said. However, there are some re strictions on what the office han dles, he said. The attorneys can not advise or represent one student against another, nor can they advise or represent a student versus a part of the University, he said. Walter said the most frequent matter the office deals with is landlord-tenant conflicts. He esti mated that about 25 percent of complaints are this type. The second most frequent complaints are consumer protec tion problems, he added. He said these generally involve rip-offs by businesses. The procedure the office uses varies according to individual sit uations, Walter said. In many cases a question can be answered over the phone, he said. In addition to legal advice, the office also has documents such as appearance bonds, bankruptcy claim forms, defensive driving af fidavits, income tax forms, resi dent complaint forms and repair notices that students can pick up without seeing one of the attor neys, Walter said. The office is funded by student service fees, and as long as a stu dent has paid his fees, he said, the service is free. However, if the attorneys liti gate a case in court, the student is responsible for court fees, he said. In a small-claims court case in which a student faces a Brazos County defendant, the cost to the student would be about $52, he said. But if the student wins the case, he will get the money back, the attorney said. Students who need legal advice can call for an appointment, or if the matter is an emergency, they can stop by the office in 359 Biz- zell West. The office books appointments for the next week on Thursdays. Mariann Siegert, one of the of fice’s secretaries, said the office is usually booked full within 2‘/a hours, so it is best to call early.