The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 14, 1987, Image 3

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    Wednesday, October 14, 1987/The Battalion/Page 3
State and Local
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Orchestra delights audience
at A&M with classic selections
By Tom Reinarts
Music Reviewer
The Rotterdam Philharmonic
Orchestra, directed by American
James Conlon, performed Tues
day evening in Rudder Audito
rium for a large and appreciative
audience. The show was spon-
I sored by the MSC OPAS commit
This is the fifth time the Dutch
orchestra has toured the United
I States.
The orchestra has 26 albums to
1 its credit that cover a wide variety
of classical pieces. In the past the
group has
perfomed in
every major
center in the
[States and Europe, playing in the
[Soviet Union in 1986.
The current tour already has
[included an appearance at Carne-
[gie Hall and will continue on to
[several stops in Japan and one in
[Seoul, Korea.
There are a total of 107 musi-
jcians representing 17 nationali
Conlon has been chief conduc-
|tor and music director since 1983,
land will continue to be director
[through the 1990-91 season.
[Conlon has appeared with several
[major orchestras, including the
[Berlin and London symphonies
land the major orchestras in seve-
[ral large cities of the United
He led the orchestra through
[three pieces, including “Three
[Frescoes of Piero della Francesca”
[by Bohuslav Martinu, “Concerto
[No. 2 in G major for Piano and
[Orchestra” by Peter Tchaikovsky
and “Symphonic Dances” by Ser-
eei Rachmaninoff.
The best piece of the evening
vas the Tchaikovsky number that
[included piano accompaniment
by Bella Davidovich.
.V.,. •
«■*’ 5 %
James Conlon conducts the Rotterdam Philharmonic orchestra in Rudder Auditorium Tuesday.
Davidovich gained consider
able recognition while perform
ing for the Leningrad Philhar
monic for 28 seasons, and has
been more accessible to western
audiences since her recent emi
gration to the U.S.
Davidovich has received favor
able reviews wherever she has
played, and she has played in sev
eral European and U.S. cities.
Her energetic style compli
mented the piece well. Her solos
were exciting, and when playing
with the rest of the orchestra she
blended in nicely. The audience
was impressed enough to give her
a standing ovation and she was
also given a bouquet of flowers by
a representative of the Corps of
“Three Frescoes of Piero della
Francesca” was a varying number
that incorporated several differ
ent styles and showed off the ver
satility of the orchestra.
“Symphonic Dances” by Rach
maninoff, the final piece, started
off slow and soft and moved
through three movements to a
loud, booming ending.
After the concert the audience
applauded for several minutes as
Conlon took four bows. The per
formance was exhilarating and
entertaining, and most in the au
dience, judging by response,
seemed to enjoy themselves.
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With Special Guest The dB’s
Thursday, November 19th, 8 p.m.
G. Rollie White Coliseum
Tickets $10 - available at 10 a.m.
Monday, October 19th, at
MSC Box Office (845-1234) or at Dillards,
U.S. Naval officer calls
technology superior
to that of Soviet Union
By Drew Leder
Staff Writer
A Houston-based Naval officer,
Senior Chief L.D. Holleman, told
students in the Marine Technology
Society Tuesday at Rudder Tower
that U.S. Naval technology is supe
rior to that of the Soviet Union.
“The Soviet Union has quantity,
we have quality,” he said. “If we took
’em on today I have no doubt that we
would come out victorious. We have
better technology and we have better
Holleman, who said he hunts sub
marines as a profession, presented a
slide show to about 25 people that
featured U.S. and Soviet naval ships,
submarines and aircraft.
He said most of Soviet naval ships
have technology that was imitated
from their U.S. counterparts.
“It’s a monkey-see, monkey-do
type affair,” he said. “They see us do
something, they study it for a while
and try it out; they lose a few lives
and then perfect it, and we go on.”
Although the United States has
superior technology, the Soviets are
developing their naval capabilities at
a rapid rate, Holleman said. He said
Soviet submarines pose the most
dangerous threat to U.S. ships.
“Their submarine threat is their
most devastating weapon,” he said.
“Their (submarine launched) torpe-
dos aren’t too far behind ours.”
The main difference between the
two navies is that the Soviets center
around a plan of attack, while the
United States mostly maintains de
terrent forces, Holleman said.
“We believe in defense; they be
lieve in offense,” he said. “They are
looking at a first strike capability; we
are mostly designed to counter
Another difference between the
navies, Holleman said, is that Soviet
enlisted men, or conscripts, aren’t
given the responsibility that their
U.S. counterparts are. He said the
Soviet navy is distrustful and allows
its conscripts to do only menial tasks.
All major operations of a ship are
carried out by officers, who are re
quired to be Communist Party mem
bers, he said.
This lack of responsibility and
trust makes for an atmosphere of
discontent among Soviet sailors,
Holleman said.
Holleman referred to the U.S.
Navy as a melting pot and said it
gives much more responsibility to
enlisted men.
“Each one (U.S. sailor) is given re
sponsibility until he can’t handle it
anymore,” he said.
Holleman said that because of dis
trust among the Soviet military and
strict party rules, each Soviet ship
has a political officer on board, who
gives lessons on Communism and
sometimes outranks the captain in
decision-making authority.
While such a rigid management
system may cause Soviet sailors to
fear their leaders, Holleman said the
greatest fear a Soviet naval man has
is of a U.S. aircraft carrier. He said
U.S. carriers have the power to ap
proach overactive Soviet naval ves
sels and convey a message of “calm
down, bud.”
The United States has about 16
carriers, five of which are nuclear
powered, compared to the Soviets’
four, Holleman said. Each U.S. car
rier holds about 100 jets, he said.
To decrease the carrier gap, the
Soviet Union is building a new class
of carrier, or Kiev, that is scheduled
to be completed in 1990. Holleman
said the carrier will be the pride and
joy of the Soviet navy, but is based
on a model that the U.S. already has
in operation. The carrier will em
ploy a catapult to launch jets, as do
U.S. carriers, whereas now jets must
take off vertically from Soviet car
riers, he said.
OPEN - MON-FRI 7:30-5:00 - SAT 8:00-! 2:00
In September 1987, an article was published in the Battalion stating the new policy for or
dering a senior ring. There has been one change made as follows: The 95 hour requirement
will not go into effect until January 29, 1988, 5:00 p.m.
A new procedure for mid-semester orders this fall has been implemented by the Association
of Former Students Ring Office. An undergraduate student that has 30 hours completed in
residence prior to this semester and will complete a minimum of 92 hours by the end of this
semester may do the following:
1. Come by the Ring Office, Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, beginning October
14 and no later than November 18 to sign up for a preliminary eligibility check. (At least 3
days in advance of making the application for an order and paying).
2. Return anytime between October 26 and November 25 only and make the application for
a ring. (The full payment is due when the application is made).
3. At the end of this semester when final grades are posted, your transcript will be checked
for eligibility. If you meet all the requirements, your order will be processed and sent to the
The requirements for qualifying this semester are:
1. Have a minimum of 30 hours completed in residence prior to the fall ’87 semester.
2. Have a minimum of 92 hours completed and on record by the end of the fall ’87 semes
ter, when final grades are posted.
3. Have a minimum of a 2.0 cumulative grade point average at A&M by the end of the fall
’87 semester.
4. Not be on probation after final grades are posted for the fall ’87 semester.
5. Be in good standing with the University. (This includes not being on probation, suspen
sion, dismissal, expulsion, blocked from registration or receiving a transcript, or owing any
outstanding bills to the University).
If you are currently attending another school and need the course(s) to meet the 92 hour
requirement, it is your responsibility to see that an official transcript is either taken or sent
to Transfer Admissions, Heaton Hall. The hours must be evaluated and transferred onto
your A&M record prior to January 29, 1988. There will be an order taken between January
15-29, 1988 for those students requiring transfer hours from the fall ’87 semester to qual
ify. (Mid-semester applications are not taken on transfer hours in progress). If the transfer
hours are not posted to your A&M transcript by January 29, 1988, your order will not be
taken until you have 95 hours on record, since this requirement goes into effect after 5:00
p.m., January 29, 1988.
Any student having the qualifications before this semester, must come by the Ring Office
for the eligibility check at least 3 days in advance of placing the order. November 25 is the
last day for ordering a ring this year.
Please call 845-1050 for further information or if you have any questions.
Office hours are from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday.