The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 08, 1987, Image 3

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    Thursday, October 8, 1987/The Battalion/Page 3
State and Local
i forced to do tv
Animal shelter helps pets find
owners by using tag numbers
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By Jamie Russell
A small, blond cocker spaniel is
picked up by an animal control offi
cer on the Texas A&M campus. The
dog is bewildered but finds refuge at
the Brazos Animal Shelter where the
workers try to make out the num
bers on its 1986 North Carolina tag,
The third number looks mostly
like a seven, so the workers decide to
call North Carolina with the dog’s
description — no luck.
As one of the workers hangs up
another line rings. It is a local
woman who has lost her dog — a
cocker spaniel with North Carolina
For the workers at the shelter, this
their reward — seeing a pet re
turned to its home. But rewards
don’t always come so easily and lo
cating owners can be quite difficult if
the pets don’t have Brazos County
Brazos County pet-license tags are
vailable at local veterinarian offices
nd the shelter. They ensure pets
lextended impoundment and emer
gency veterinary care if needed.
Patty Arreola, humane educator
or Brazos Animal Shelter, said they
ave no way of identifying pets with-
ut tags.
Strays are kept a minimum of only
hree days unless they have tags, and
en they are put in a category of an
imals to he put to sleep, she said.
If the animal has county tags, an
-out effort by the shelter to con
tact the owners is implemented,
which sometimes lasts for months. A
certified letter is the last resort be
fore an animal is put to sleep.
More than 8,000 animals per year
re received by the shelter for one
reason or another, Arreola said.
The animals arrive at the shelter
Photo by Robert W. Rizzo
A red-bone hound casts a forlorn look at passers-by in the Brazos
Animal Shelter’s kennel area.
in several ways, she said. Many ani
mals are brought in by Bryan-Col-
lege Station animal-control officers.
Others are brought in by con
cerned citizens who find strays
roaming their neighborhood or in
their yards and still others are
brought in by families who cannot,
keep the animals.
Monnie Bond, kennel supervisor,
said educating the public is the main
Shelter workers teach about spay
ing and neutering, tagging, leash
laws and procedures for finding
missing pets, Bond said.
Arreola said they also have set up
formal education programs. There
is an animal-care program set up for
elementary-school children, kinder
garteners and sixth-graders. Special
classroom presentations for civic
groups, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and
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other local groups also have been es
tablished, she said.
“We try to make ourselves avail
able,” Arreola said.
Informative brochures and kits
also can be found at the shelter,
which is at 2207 Pinfeather Road.
Only about 23 percent of the ani
mals at the shelter are adopted or
claimed by their owners. Bond said.
More than 6,000 animals are eutha
nized by the shelter every year.
To help keep more animals alive,
the shelter encourages adoption.
Applications are reviewed by an
adoption committee that will not
place a pet in a new home until it is
convinced the applicant will provide
a permanent and responsible home,
Bond said.
The adoption fee is $45 for a dog
and $40 for a cat. This includes a
$25 veterinarian fee that covers a
coupon for a free examination and
rabies vaccination, a $5 license fee,
and shelter fees. A discount for neu
tering and spaying also is offered by
participating vets.
The spring and summer are
usually good times to adopt because
about 1,000 animals are impounded
a month then, compared to roughly
600 in ah average month, Bond said.
This overwhelming number is
due to the breeding season and the
fact that the community is more
transient then and tends to leave ani
mals behind, Bond said.
Unclaimed strays are evaluated
daily on the basis of health, age, so
cialization and adoptability to deter
mine which ones will be euthanized
first after the mandatory three-day
period, said Kathy Ricker, executive
director of the center.
Breeds in greater demand and
healthy, well-behaved dogs usually
will be kept longer than three days,
Ricker said.
Professor: Businesses
from U.S. must learn
new methods abroad
By Elisa Hutchins
Staff Writer
American businesses making
the move into Japan need to learn
a whole new way of conducting
business, an assistant professor of
finance at A&M said Wednesday
About 50 people watched “The
Colonel Goes to Japan,” a film
that described the success of the
Kentucky Fried Chicken chain in
Japan, and heard comments from
Lawrence C. Wolken, administra
tive director of the Center for In
ternational Business Studies and
a visiting professor from the Uni
versity of International Business
and Economics in Peking.
“American business operates in
a very narrow scope and we don’t
know too much about the rest of
the world,” he said. “We think
that our way is the only way to op
He said the barriers to business
in Japan are the language and so
cial customs that are routinely
overlooked by Americans.
The film backed Wolken’s
statements. Kentucky Fried
Chicken began operating in Ja
pan in 1972 and has 342 stores.
The chain opens an average of 50
new stores a year and does $200
million in yearly business with the
help of Japanese personnel.
Employees come to work at
Japanese KFC for their entire ca
reers, compared to Americans
who change jobs frequently and
work at food places while in
school or until they find a better
Menu adaptations are smoked
chicken as well as fish and chips.
Marketing personnel have
adapted display windows at store
fronts with plastic replicas of the
food because Japanese like to see
what the food will look like.
Before any new KFC store
opens in Japan the manager per
sonally greets all the shop owners
on the block as part of a 300-year-
old public relations custom. A
Shinto priest blesses the store at
the grand opening.
Wolken said the chain did so
well because they adapted their
stores and their way of doing
business. Church’s Fried
Chicken, a San Antonio-based
firm, opened stores in Japan be
fore KFC, but are not doing as
“Japanese businesses are more
concerned than the United States
with the quality of a product,” he
said. “They are also the most po
lite and unassuming people in the
world. They will not be as agres-
sive as Americans in doing busi
ness because they want to pre
serve group harmony.”
He also said college graduates
who go to work at companies
such as Toyota in top manage
ment positions spend up to six
months in each area of the firm.
They go from the assembly-line
to the marketing department.
They also meet the people who
are affected by their management
Tetsu Sasaki, a 25-year-old
ocean engineering major from
Osaka, Japan, said he agreed with
“Americans need to come
down from their ivory tower and
change their ways, or they won’t
survive in internatinal business,”
Sasaki said.
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