The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 08, 1987, Image 10
Page 10/The Battalion/Thursday, October 8,1987 '*Y**DK 'I *** nlWMi i WU0Bk ■ a B 1 >!?■ 11 HI ll t Jl * Classifieds ♦ NOTICE TEMPERATURE STUDY WANTED: Patients with elevated temperature to participate in a short at-home study to evaluate currently available over-the-coun ter fever reducres. No blood taken. $75 offered to those chosen to particcipate. Call Pauli Research 776-6236. 1ttn DON’T WAIT! ENROLL NOW! FEVER BLISTER STUDY! It you have at least 2 fever blisters a year and would be interested in trying a new medication, call for information regarding study. You must be enrolled before your next fever blister. Compensation for volunteers. G&S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 Wanted individuals with high blood pressure to partic ipate in a high blood pressure study. $350 in centive for those chosen to participate. Please call if interested. Pauli Research International 776-6236 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 ""uLCER STUDY We are looking for people who have been recently diagnosed to have one or more stomach ulcers to participate in a 6 week to 1 year study. $250 to $350 offered to those chosen to participate. Call Pauir Research International at 776-6236. 1tfn DEFENSIVE DRIVING TICKET DISMISSAL, IN SURANCE DISCOUNT. CLASSES EVERY WEEK!! 693-1322. 24t 12/16 • HELP WANTED WANTED IMMEDIATELY Student worker for dirty job in Bat talion pressroom. MUST be avail able from approximately 10:30am to 2pm at least some days Mon day thru Friday. Dependability es sential. Pay $3.35 per hour. If interested call Don Johnson 845-2646. 10/7tfn CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING. M/F Summer & Carer Opportunities (Will Train). Excellent pay plus world travel. Hawaii, Ba hamas, Caribbean, etc. CALL NOW: 206-736-0775 Ext. 466H 19tfn Overseas Jobs. Summer, Year-round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asiaa. All fields. $900-2000. mo. Sightseeing. Free Info. Write IJC PO Box 52 Corona Del Mar, Ca 92625. 27t 10/27 Graduate Student note takers needed for classes in Art History, Music, Political Science and Animal Science. Please call 846-2255 for information. 26tl0/9 Electronic Technician- Able to repair audio amplifiers. Part-time. No phone calls. Lange Music - 1315 S. Texas. 24U0/8 Waitresses wanted. No experience required. Lunch or dinner hours. Apply in person, 10am-2pm, 5pm- 10pm. Confucious Chinese Cuisine, 2322 Texas Ave. S.,C.S. 27tl0/9 • SERVICES -- T T I I mi—m » llllllll r--TI ft Financial Aid Grants, Scholarships & Awards available. Guaranteed 5 to 25 sources or your money back. For information: F.A.C.T. 100 Fidelity College Station, TX 77840 or call 409-779-6798 after 7 p.m. 693-2653 ESSAYS & REPORTS 16^278 to choose from—all subjects Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD Bjoram 800-351-0222 In Calif. 1213)477-8226 Or, rush $2.00 to: Essays & Reports 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-SN, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Custom research also available—all levels WORD PROCESSING: Fast, Accurate, Experienced, Guaranteed. Papers - Dissertations. Call Diana 846- 1015. 25tl0/16 • MISCELLANEOUS TAKE OVER 5 ACRES. NO DOWN. $49./mo. Beauti- ful trees. Great hunting. Owner: 818-363-7906. 26tl0/13 • NOTICE [TYPING BY WANDA. Forms, papers, and word proc essing. Reasonable. 690-1113. 12t9/29 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-66141 ltlO/9 VERSATILE WORD PROCESSING - BEST PRICES. FREE CORRECTIONS. RESUMES, THESES, PA PERS, GRAPHICS, EQUATIONS, ETC. LASER QUALITY. 696-2052. 163tfn $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 ALLERGY STUDY WANTED: Patients 18-60 yrs. with known or suspect Fall Weed Allergies/Hayfever to participate in a short allergy study. $100 in centive paid to those chosen to participate. Call Pauli Research Interna tional 776-6236 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 4tfn • TRAVEL Let’s go skiing over Christmas Break! Sunchase Tours Sixth Annual Collegiate Winter Ski Breaks to Vail- /Beaver Creek, Steamboat, Breckenridge, and Winter Park for five or seven nights including lifts, parties, pic nics, races and more from only $154. Optional round trip air and charter bus transportation available. Call toll free for your complete color ski break brochure. 1- 800-321-5911 TODAY! 19U0/8 • HELP WANTED Join the World's Largest Pizza Delivery Chain Domino’s Pizza is hiring just a few more drivers who want to earn $6-$8 an hour. Must be enthu siastic, have own car w/insurance and a good driv ing record. Apply at 4407 S. Texas Ave. 260-9020 26t10/9 NOW HIRING DELIVERY DRIVERS Good Pay, Must Have Own Car 405 W. University Dr. (Northgate) 846-0379 28t10/9 NEED OUTGOING PEOPLE FOR SINGING TELE GRAMS. THE COSTUME CONNECTION PARTY- GRAMS. 693-3004. 23tl0/9 “HIRINGI” Government jobs - your area. $15,000 - $68,000. Call (602) 838-8885, ext. 4009. 20tl0/16 COUNTRY CABIN FRAME SHOP $Drive a little - Save a lot.$ Quality picture framing. Elmo Weedon Road, 776-8005. 22tfn • FOR SALE 1987 Chevy Sprint, 15 miles. $6,000. Can’t beat this deal. Steve 764-6525. 28tI0/14 BANA/CS students TRS-80 Model III, 2 Drives, 48K, w/modem, Wylbur Software, SuperSripsit, Letter Quality Printer, more. $800. or best offer. Collect (214) 271-9946 after 5:30pm & weekends. 28U0/14 83 KAWASAKI 550 LTD, 4000 mi, $995. May finance. David 846-2463. 24tl0/8 COMPUTER'S ETC. 693-7599. LOWEST PRICES EVER! EBM-PC/XT COMPATIBLES: 640KB-RAM, 2-360KB DRIVES. TURBO, KEYBOARD, MON ITOR: $599. PC/AT SYSTEMS: $899. Itfn Macintosh Computer Software Included $650. or best offer. Dan 260-2201. 26tl0/12 MOVING SO MUST SELL MY 24 hr. GYMS OF TEXAS MEMBERSHIP. CHEAP! 776-2156 25tl0/7 36” projection TV, Mitsubishi, stereo, perfect condi tion, $1200. 822-1248 day, 846-4555 after 6. 25tl0/9 Cheap auto parts, used, Pic-A-Part, Inc, 78 and older. 3505 Old Kurten Road, Bryan. 23tfn Windshields, Navasota Glass will pay $50. deductible. Insurance claims handled. 1-825-3202 anytime. 27tl 1/3 1985 AMC/Renault Encore S, Auto, Air, etc. MUST SELL NOW $4400. or BEST REASONABLE OFFER. 845-1766 or 693-9820 after 5. 27tl0/9 • FOR RENT Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4tfn RENT FREE, House or Trailer hookup, 2 male stu dents in return for help with cattle, etc. 13 miles from campus. 778-1276. 25tl0/9 Furnished - 1 Bedroom Apartment, Shuttle, Quiet Area, $300. per month. Sublease. Call 696-5763, 19tl0/8 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. A/C & Heat. Wall to Wall carpet. 512 & 515 Northgate / First St. 409-825-2761. No Pets. I40tfn Small Efficiency House - Set up for one male student. Has desk and plenty of light. Refrigerator, freezer, bed & chairs. Furnish own hot plate, Large closet. Tub & shower. Very quiet area. No pets, $150./mo. All Bills Paid. One mile from A&M located 809A Enfield Street. Call to see 696-1156. 27tl0/13 • LOST AND FOUND Blue Stone Sr. Ring. NJB inside. Please call 696-2244. 25U0/9 World and Nation Reagan asks for millions in aid to ensure peace in Nicaragua La< to < By WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi dent Reagan, warning he won’t be fooled by Sandinista “facades of freedom,” asked Congress on Wednesday to approve $270 million in Contra aid as an insurance policy for peace in Nicaragua. Reagan, in a toughly worded ad dress to the Organization of Ameri can States, lauded recent steps taken toward peace under a regional accord. But he also said the pact is “only a beginning” and described a series of steps the leftist Sandinista govern ment in Managua must take in order to assure that U.S. military aid to the Contra rebels ends. “Full, free and fair elections and the open society that alone can make them possible, including full human rights and expulsion of all Soviet and Cuban forces — these must be the bedrock of conditions upon which any further agreement with the Sandinistas is built,” Reagan said. Although House Speaker Jim Wright, D-Texas, has said Reagan has little chance of obtaining re newed military aid, the president lectured Congress against abandon ing the Contras after supporting them in the past. “It cannot just walk away,” he said. “I have made a personal com mitment to them — and I will not walk away.” Reagan termed the aid package “the essential guarantee that the Sandinistas will live up to the demo cratic conditions of the Guatemala Accord,” the peace pact signed in August by Five Central American na tions, including Nicaragua. Crews have gone to steep at controls, British pilots say LONDON (AP) — British airline pilots on long-haul flights say their entire crews have fallen asleep at the controls because of strenuous work schedules, research ers report. Under a 5-year-old confidential reporting program, one-third of almost 800 British pilots who disclosed problems affecting their performance mentioned a de manding work schedule and the fatigue it caused, said Roger Green and Roy Skinner of the Royal Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine. The researchers quoted a range of pilots — either fly ing alone or with a large crew, in helicopters, freight or passenger aircraft — who said they had nodded off while the automatic pilot did the flying. Green, an aviation psychologist, and Skinner, a re tired military pilot, said pilots on long-distance night flights complained most often about difficulty in stay ing awake. Some specified being unable to sleep in noisy hotels between night flights; enduring long stopovers at con gested airports, or becoming complacent in cockpits that are highly automated and where key chores be come “unavoidably soporific.” Study: Day-care children may give dangerous NEW YORK (AP) — Children in day-care centers may be giving their mothers an invisible infection that can cause pregnant women to bear mentally retarded children, a study reported Wednesday. The infection thus poses a risk to women with children who become pregnant again and is probably to blame for 1,000 to 2,000 cases of re tardation and other birth defects a year, said the author of the new infections study, Dr. Stuart Adler of the Medi cal College of Richmond in Virginia. In a two-year study of 104 chil dren in a day-care center in Rich mond, Adler found that 38 of them, mostly under the age of 3, got the in fection caused by a virus called cyto megalovirus. Of the mothers of those 38 chil dren, 18 had not become immune to the virus through a previous infec tion, and six of them, or one-third, got the infection from their chil- mothers dren, an infection rate that Adler said was “extremely high.” In the general population, only 1 percent to 5 percent of people are infected each year, he said. Adler reported the findings of his study at the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Che motherapy. In general, day-care centers are known to be places where infections spread easily oecause of the number of small children in the same place. prs mys bird and The president said he w quest and fight for” the S270inilMj n j vers it 18-month aid package, which j ministration officials have s would go forward before the Not cease-fire date called for under!] regional peace accord. "Once a cease-fire is fully ini feet, only that support necessan [3 The 1 maintain the freedom fighters[Cj i0n re cor tras) as a viable force w ered,” Reagan pledged. '‘Thene and they, will be watching to see genuine the democratic reforra Nicaragua are.” The r earn wat ame ma L Rollie ’ As a re he mate! erence r< Sophoi (elli Kell vith 13 k 407 pert ittacker 1 Banks raise lending rates to new high ligs. “I thin! loach A1 )oints in t akes. “We pr NEW YORK (AP) - Maj U.S. banks raised their pnis lending rates a half-percenlaj! point Wednesday to9.25percei the highest level since early 151 and a reflection of the broa: pressure toward higher inters ce f 1 !,”! rates nationwide Hnatch, G Citibank and Chase Manhai — the nation's two biggest U — were the First to announce increase in the key rate. Oil major banks followed suit The prime is the bendmatl used by banks to set interestn on a variety of corporate and coi sumer loans. The latest increase, the fouitl so far this year, will likely me higher interest payments mortgages, home equity Ic credit cards and other consumer debts. It also could slow fi economic growth. “It basically comes as no prise,” said Elizabeth G. Reiners, a money market analyst with lire investment firm Dean Wine Reynolds Inc. “Banks have beet under pressure to maintainpraft margins following huge writeoffs for loan-loss reserves" for shah Third World loans, she said The financial markets showed little reaction to the increase io that an Givens ] ack of ab vas a key i he match. “We she [ame, anc >ver in f< aid. “Bot irst and w think th; he way w< et to 12 c he knockc “I think mnot sut Outside rills out 0 jercentag fvonne V n assists empts fot Kellen; he Lad barge. K bile Var MSC Great Issues General Committee Meeting Thursday, Oct. 8 308 Rudder 7:00 PM All interested students are welcome. STRETCH Your Dollars WATCH FOR BARGAINS IN THE BATTALION