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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1987)
NOW 2 LOCATIONS Page 8B/The Battalion/Monday, August 31 198/ Northgate (across from Post Office) Redmond (next to Academy) YOUR TEXTBOOK HEADQUARTERS Beverage commission watchei for underage drinkers in Texas Those caught breaking alcohol law face tight penalties TAMU Snow Ski Club Fall 1987 meetings Sept 14 Oct 5 Oct 26 Nov 9 Nov 23 Dec 7 Rudder 301 Rudder 301 Rudder 601 Rudder 301 Rudder 301 Rudder 301 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm Ski Summit County Colorado Jan 8-15,1988^ Breckenridge Keystone Arapahoe Basin Copper Mountain ★must be a Ski Club member By Melanie Perkins Sta ff Writer to you or to It could happen someone you know. It happened to 2,167 minors and 569 juveniles in Texas in January, says Joe Darnall, legal counsel lor the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Com mission. And of those, 64 of the minors and 10 of the juveniles were in the Bryan-College Station district, he says. “It” is a citation for minors, or in some cases juveniles (those 17 and under), possessing and consuming alcoholic beverages. A first-time offender could pay S25-$200, while a second offense could bring a $100-$500 fine. Darnall says the suspects usually are not taken into custody. “Whenever it is possible, which is most of the time, we issue a citation to appear at a certain time or date in a justice court, just like a traffic tick et,” he says. “We i,ssue a ticket, he signs for it and goes on about his business,” he says. Possibly even worse than the hu miliation and potential monetary, setback a citation entails is a statute that requires the justice court to no tify at least one parent of the minor who has been cited. “This wasn’t so bad when the legal drinking age was 18 or even when it was 19,” Darnall says. 'But now that the legal drinking age is 21 and you’ve got a 20-year- old who is cited to appear before a justice of the peace, it gets a little awkward sometimes to notify the patents of this person who is an adult for all other purposes he Darnall says the TABC, to a large extent, wor ks on complaints. But he says the commission also will conduct some inspections at ran dom. “We will, in effect,- stake them (stores^ out just like on television, where w< will park maybe half a block away and observe the premises the comings and goings — with binoculars,” he savs. If an underage person is caught buying alcohol, he can be issued a ci tation along with the person who sold him the alcohol. But the employee does have a de fense. “If it really is fake, but it is an ap parently valid driver’s license or DPS identification card, that is an abso lute defense for the seller,” Darnall says. He sys there are two types of fake ID cards — counterfeit and look-al ike IDs. The counterfeit of an official doc ument is a felony, Darnall says. It is illegal to manufacture, pos sess or use this type of ID. The look-alike IDs sold in flea markets or magazines are not coun terfeit — they are documents that mimic the real thing but don’t say they are the real thing. They might, for example, be from the Texas Department of Public “Sa fely” or Texas Department of Iden tification — neither of which are real departments. “At the moment, the manufacture and mere possession of these —what we call flea-market IDs — is legal,” Darnall says, “but the use of them in an attempt to purchase alcoholic beverages by a minor is illegal.” He says there has been a sharp in crease in both types of false IDs since The amazing Casio FX-4000P pro grammable scientific calculator. In power, it’s compa rable to the most highly touted calcu lators on the market today. 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And it includes up to 94 data memories, which are invaluable for statistical analysis. r mding all this power at your fingertips is remarkable enough, let alone at half the price of some com petitors. If you can put your finger on a scientific calculator that gives you more power at any price by all means buy it. Where miracles never cease the drinking age went up St: The 1986, and those collected rep where ^ only the tip of the iceberg. College ; Most local liquor stores ha- where n same policy when faced with r elax. ling fake IDs: Take the ID anil The c the individual to leave. voluntee and mu "I collect the I Dane! try toe: m eans. rass the person trying to passi; » says Mike Martensen, ownttl Mayor Mike’s Discount Liquor. prolesso Rupert Jones, manager ■memI Package Store in College Si Haddox says he really hasn’t seen am Boughtc IDs, but would refuse to sell it Jousevvi’ one using one. Hpey. A&M pi Besides stores, the TABCal; i| 7 hese riodically patrols bars and in charg clubs. 'HP nl 'l If a problem is suspected,i 19k s may go undercover, DarnallsarftfTiuge Ron Stone, TABC assi i. f9| seve trict supervisor, says it is there * sibility of the managers of the | or club to make sure that noon; | is underage purchases, pos-:-- j consumes alcoholic beveragtj their premises. Un Ot the 250 TABC a T exas, 10 are assigned topatrtj 1,85 1 establishments licensed.:! alcohol in the 14 counties ofi| Brazos County is a part. rrr-T&cj ‘if/ LaTTx,-- P# I Brit is ir raU bu Church,” Alexin ■ cent Christiar ■We j i ig folks 1 Kdivin WL’nity, organizai gjbod in people s open so when the she says. ■Sf Casio, Inc. Consumer Products Division: 570 Mi ’Pleasant Avenue, Dover. NJ 076O1 (20J) A61T400. INYADS, BUT REAl HEAVYWEIGI WHEN REALLY C o matterwta you've go tosaf or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big jot, Battaliot Classifii 845-261 CO] do Frc cat tro yoi se£ poi z