The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 19, 1987, Image 7

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    Friday, June 19, 1987/The Battalion/Page 7
'd Bosworth up to usual selfish
n« antics in dealings with NFL
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By Loyd Brumfield
Assistant Sports Editor
Brian Bosworth is at it again, and the
NFL has become the new designated
rget for his tiresome antics.
The University of Oklahoma was
i|lad to see him
|o, and the .
Jicaa was all Viewpoint
too happy to
low him the .
ioor to a
'he Inis
:nt ism
erous life playing
football and making fast food com
mercials. But after last Friday’s sup
plemental draft, Bosworth may get
the opportunity to rudely walk out
Un the NFL, too.
I Bosworth was the only player
Eraken in the draft, and he went to
I Seattle. Sounds like a nice place to
live and have a career, doesn’t it?
■ Not to Mr. Bosworth.
■ He has said time and time again
/that he won’t play for just any team.
|The team the Boz plays for has to fit
the mold, his 6’3” 240-pound mold.
■ Let’s look closer at Seattle. This is
a|team located in one of the most
sautiful states in the country, with
iguably the best fans in football,
id whose home stadium, the King-
dome, is one of the most feared
jaces to play because of those tena-
Jous Seahawk fans. And this doesn’t
fit his mold?
■ Obviously, this means any team
Bat hopes to sign Bosworth must
pake sure its players sport earrings,
Sunglasses and multi-colored hair
I Bosworth said he doesn’t want to
play for the Seahawks because they
are “one step away from the Super
Bowl.” Yeah, that would deter me,
He also said Seattle isn’t in need of
any immediate help. In other words,
he might not start.
In fact, Bosworth narrowed his
list of potential teams to three: the
Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the Los An
geles Raiders and the New York Jets.
Tampa Bay is his First choice because
he would get to play with his idol,
Vinny Testeverde.
To make things nice, the Bucs
need a little help, too. Both the Raid
ers and Jets fit his mold with nasty,
terrifying defenses. They pass the
Boz test.
Two more teams, the Los Angeles
Rams and the New York Giants,
flunked. They were previously on
his list, but Bosworth doesn’t like the
Rams because they don’t have a first
round pick.
So What.
He doesn’t like the Giants because
they might be complacent after the
Super Bowl, and he fears they might
use him only on special teams. In
other words, he might not start.
He has threatened to sit out an en
tire season if he doesn’t get to play
for the team of his choice. What a
role model he is. He has even threat
ened to go to graduate school if he
doesn’t get his wish.
There are lots of fine institutions
which would love to have him, al
though I’ll wager Oklahoma isn’t
one of them.
There are hundreds of players
not as fortunate as Bosworth who
would gladly jump at the chance to
just sit on the bench for any team,
even Buffalo.
Bosworth is immensely talented to
be sure, and he should be an imme
diate help to any team in the league,
but he’s no special case. One player
shouldn’t be able to bring an entire
league to its knees.
Besides, after his antics at Okla
homa, his constant flirting with
NCAA regulations (remember this
year’s Orange Bowl?) and his gen
eral tendency to attract controversy,
one would think Bosworth has worn
out his welcome with just about any
But the NFL loves its celebrities,
and another one alongside of the
Refrigerator and Jim McMahon
won’t hurt the image at all, and hey,
Bosworth even has a degree, too.
Who says athletes aren’t educated?
The simple fact is, Bosworth will
be an immediate star wherever he
goes, regardless of whether he starts
or not. There will be numerous op
portunities for endorsements, talk
show appearances and other perks
of thejob.
Another fact is that Bosworth will
probably get his way, opening doors
for other “superior” athletes to push
around the pro league of their
Seattle has vowed to sign him, but
don’t look for him to play for the
Seahawks any time soon. However,
look for him to get the rudest wel
come in the history of pro football
when he and whatever team gets
saddled with him struts into the
Kingdome one Sunday afternoon.
Grow up, Brian.
vrupiri. 1
Elia hired as new Phillies manager
ICHICAGO (AP) — Coach Lee
Elia, in a city where he was fired as a
o-cod'B ana 8er f° ur years ago, was named
T-mlW manage the Philadelphia Phillies
kf’j^.Biursday, replacing John Felske.
| The change was announced be-
t alielpre the Phillies’ game in Chicago,
■here Elia managed the Cubs for a
^Btle more than a year.
“This is very emotional,” Elia said.
“I had a strong relationship with
Felske. This is never an easy situa
Elia’s contract is for the rest of the
season, but Phillies President Bill
Giles, who flew to Chicago to make
the announcement, said, “Hope
fully, we’ll have him around for
many years in the future.”
Third baseman Mike Schmidt,
one of Felske’s most vocal critics,
said of the fired manager: “He was a
kind, thoughtful and sensitive man.
But in order for us to turn it around,
a change had to be made.”
The Phillies went into Thursday’s
game with a 29-32 record.
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SMU supporters react angrily to
sanctions leveled against Texas
DALLAS (AP) — Boosters and
former players at Southern Meth
odist University reacted angrily at
NCAA sanctions against the Uni
versity of Texas, saying they were
not strong enough.
The NCAA Committee on In
fractions issued a report on
Wednesday involving the Univer
sity of Texas football program,
which was placed on probation
and given other sanctions.
In February, SMU received the
stiffest football sanctions in
NCAA history. Its 1987 football
season was canceled and its 1988
season limited to seven road
The school was restricted to 15
scholarships though 1990 and the
number of assistant coaches to six
through 1990. SMU later decided
on its own to sit out the 1988 sea
son as well.
The penalties announced
against Texas made no mention
of a ban against playing in bowl
games or on television. Many
SMU supporters called the penal
ties “a slap on the wrist.”
“You can imagine what I think.
I’m amazed they even got that.
It’s nothing. It’s a slap on the
wrist. Amazing,” Dallas business
man George Owen said.
Because of his alleged involve
ment in recruiting violations that
led to SMU’s problems with the
NCAA, Owen has been banned
from any connection with the
SMU athletic program.
A member of the NCAA’s
Committee on Infractions and of
ficials from Southwest Confer
ence schools said Texas received
fair penalties.
The NCAA placed Texas on
two years’ probation with a year
of sanctions, including the loss of
five scholarships for the next re
cruiting season and a reduction in
the number of official visits re
cruits may make to the Austin
campus, from 95 to 75.
“They always seem to get off,”
said Corpus Christi businessman
Reid Ryan, another of the nine
boosters banned from SMU’s ath
letics program. “It’s not fair the
way the game is played. It’s fair
for some to cheat and not fair for
others to cheat.”
“It’s ridiculous,” said Dick An
derson, a former SMU player. “It
doesn’t anger me but it’s not fair.
They (NCAA) must not have in
vestigated it well. They did the
same things SMU did. And I’m
sitting home not playing and all
they get is a loss of five schol
Boosters said they are also up
set because they believe the
NCAA ignored a detailed report
that SMU provided the NCAA in
1985 documenting rules viola
tions by Texas and other SWC
Crenshaw shoots 3-under-par 67
to grab 1-shot lead in U.S. Open
Crenshaw finished off a 3-under-par
67 with a last-hole birdie and took an
early one-shot lead over Seve Balles
teros Thursday in ihe first round of
the 87th U.S. Open championship.
“When I went to the practice tee
and saw the winds were light, I
wanted to take advantage of it,”
Crenshaw said.
“I kind of set a target score of 70.
I’m three ahead of that target, and
that’s fine for me,” the former Mas
ters champion said.
“I gave a couple back,” he said of a
double-bogey from a bunker, “but
that’s a minimum on this golf course.
“I made a couple of no-brainers
(extremely long, difficult putts) and
that offset the double bogey,”
Crenshaw said.
Ballesteros hit only eight of the
narrow, tree-lined fairways on the
Lake course at Olympic Club, but
made only one bogey in a round of
2-under-par 68 that left him one
back of Crenshaw.
“Eight fairways, pretty good for
me,” shrugged Ballesteros, a mercu
rial Spaniard who has made a career
of being able to extracate himself
from extremely difficult positions.
“It was very difficult,” he said of
the tight, sloping fairways with over
hanging cypress, eucalyptus and
pines, and the very small, very fast
“But I shot 68,” said Ballesteros,
winner of two Masters and a pair of
British Opens. “Three more 68s,
and I think I’ll win the
championship” that he has called
“my No. 1 career goal.”
A pair of South Africans, Denis
Watson and Nick Price, came in at
69. Watson, who abandoned a prac
tice round after eight holes because
the course “was too tough for me,”
birdied his last three holes.
With about half the field of 156
still out in chilly, cloudy weather,
PGA champion Bob Tway and five
others were tied at even-par 70.
Australian Greg Norman, who
has dominated the world of golf in
the last 18 months and has been a
central figure in all of the last five of
golfs major championships, had a
very late starting time.
Tway, a non-winner since his
72nd-hole bunker shot beat Norman
in last year’s PGA Championship,
started his round with an eagle-3 but
bogeyed three of the next five holes.
He was tied with Sandy Lyle of
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