The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 19, 1987, Image 3
Friday, June 19, 1987/The Battalion/Page 3 State and Local /eiA&M official: Competition rising or few available scholarships mr eyes; make you; better; make you. By Kathryn McMinn Reporter ngareti t ;| ■ With state colleges tripling their e y° ur Iflition in the last two years, schol- Hships have become increasingly to like you Important to students with financial ■mculties. In order to aid a variety someont students with their financial bur- M|n, scholarships are awarded in i ^«ny dif ferent categories. y our «M ()s t scholarships have no trouble Biding applicants; however, certain hancetl'fllholarships receive more feedback 7? :# Ban others. •ventIII*||. Lynn Brown, scholarship and eni- Boyment administrator for the i'ourchaitB exas Student Financial Aid ^Bpartment, said that none of the „ Bholarships in her department y osu 1 t'laded applicants. ■ “It is an absolute myth to assume Bat students are not competing smoke; Bavily for scholarships awarded Academic Achievement Schol arships, given to incoming fresh men; the Academic Excellence Awards, given to upperclassmen; and the Junior College Scholarships, given to transfer students. The Department awarded 500 scholarships from 4,500 applicants mle 540 through financial aid,” Brown said. 70umalij«The scholarships that come to the W) incoming freshmen, Of The fc|);n(ment generally are funded by scholarships from 1,900 applicants iBivate individuals. These schol- were given to previously enrolled arships fall under four categories: students. thi Opportunity Awards and the While grades are an important as pect of scholarship consideration, the applicants also are evaluated on financial need, campus and commu nity activities, leadership positions and work experience. “I’ve turned down four-pointers I (grade-point ratio) with no extracur ricular activities and picked up stu dents with a 3.25 grade-point ratio with lots of activities,” Brown said. Although the path leading to the Financial aid department schol arships may appear trodden, there are scholarship committees on cam pus that, because of specific require ments within the scholarship, must seek applicants for their awards. The majority of College of Busi ness Administration scholarships are given by private individuals and companies and are awarded through the respective departments, said Les Fiechtner, adviser in the College of Business Administration. “I often have to request faculty members and departmental advisers to seek qualified applicants because these companies place restrictions on the scholarships,” Fiechtner said. “The restrictions might include geo graphical location, specific field of study and the sort.” In the 1986-87 school year, over $600,000 in scholarships were given to undergraduates in the business college, with the majority of them going to upperclassmen. “The amount of money we are al lotted for scholarships each year va ries depending on how that partic ular company is faring in the economy,” Fiechtner said. “We give our scholarships to upperclassmen because they are already enrolled within the business college and prob ably will be staying there,” he said. The scholarships offered by A&M have a minimum grade-point ratio the students must maintain to keep their awards, depending upon the type of scholarship received. These students are required to take a mini mum of 12 hours each semester to remain eligible. All scholarships are designed to assist students interested in excelling academically and pursuing quality leadership positions, he said. Ul Grand jury clears police in misconduct case m Waynecl ny other d efacttk SHERMAN (AP) — A special grand jury pund no evidence of alleged criminal activity in Sherman Police Department, following 20 Jays of testimony from 85 witnesses, but sug- lested ways to improve the force. The statement by the Grayson County grand Miry ended five months of controversy in this cit y on l b e Texas-Oklahoma border. tewar ; w I A group of officers, known as the “Crazy newvb Bight,” had accused Police Chief J.D. Pickens of Hscrimination and favoritism, and alleged one Betective was involved in drug trafficking, ensandfl B They said two officers were hand-picked for 3 “Sardst! promotion by Pickens and suggested the two and\4§ <fh eatec l on a civil service examination. avneinlB nieill ^ ers °f tho grand jury, none of Bern from Sherman, reported to special pros- S ecutor Dan Meehan, district and county attorney \ ictnar f ()r neighboring Fannin County. mdwasaH The jury convened May 21 to investigate the allegations made by the Crazy Eight but issued Jo indictments, concluding instead that there 3 do ntslBas no criminal activity. Newhart.j :s? LetitiJ n those e sin The grand jury did submit suggestions for the improvement of the department, including spe cial attention to city jail procedures and the use of city-owned vehicles and better attention to the storage and use of evidence. The panel suggested that future police depart ment examinations be obtained from a neutral and out-of-county source. Meehan agreed to handle the case May 1 at the request of the Grayson County judiciary, which works closely with the Sherman Police Depart ment. “This has been a thorough and painstaking in vestigation,” he said, but declined to comment on the testimony because grand jury proceedings are held in secret. Meehan said he was impressed with the quality of the grand jury and said that the quality of the report by the grand jury speaks for itself. “Flopefully this report will restore the confi dence of the city in the police department,” Mee han said. “I hope the suggestions made will help to improve the department.” Witnesses included every member of the Sher man Police Department, every civilian employee of the police department, members of other law enforcement agencies and citizens and officials of Sherman. The panel reviewed 76 documents and tape recordings obtained from the Sherman Police Department, the Grayson County Sheriff’s Of fice and the city of Sherman. A private investigator from Dallas County con ducted numerous interviews and reported to the grand jury. The fracas has reportedly split the depart ment, damaging morale. One officer was accused of leveling a .45-caliber semi-automatic pistol at a member of the Crazy Eight. A hearing on the appeal by eight officers about their civil service exams was postponed and moved from a state court to a federal court on a motion filed by Sherman City Attorney Greg Humback. 22-year-old case to be retried; man pleads innocent AUSTIN (AP) — Opening wit nesses in the retrial of James Cross testified Thursday that two sorority sisters who were slain in 1965 left Dallas on July 18 of that year expecting a fun-filled week end at the University of Texas. The sunburned bodies of Su san Rigsby and Shirley Stark were found 12 days later in a weed- filled vacant lot in North Austin. Cross pleaded innocent Thurs day on a new indictment that ac cuses him of fatally strangling Rigsby with his hands and her clothing. “We intend to prove the de fendant is the murderer,” said Assistant District Attorney Phil Nelson, who was a prosecutor at the 1966 trial. Cross, now 44, spent more than 21 years in prison before be ing released on a recent appeal to the Texas Court of Criminal Ap peals. Cross, now gray-haired, sat qui etly during the trial’s beginning. Before court opened, he sat in a back row and talked with his wife, whom he married several weeks ago after being released from prison. David Botsford, Cross’ chief at torney, tried to make an opening statement but was told by State District Judge Mace Thurman Jr. to wait until the state presented its case. The first witness was Thelma Schuford of Tyler, who said Stark, her niece, lived in her Dal las home for six years. “She was the daughter I never had,” she said. “She was real, real happy that Sunday morning when I told her f oodbye as she went to pick up usan for the trip to Austin,” Schuford said. “She was looking forward to a few days of vacation before starting a teaching job in the fall.” igsby, san, said Stark came by her Dallas home to eat breakfast and then they packed Stark’s yellow Cor- vair for the Austin trip. Rigsby planned to live with a third sorority sister, Martha Blount, for the summer session at UT. “She was very excited about be ing able to go back to school,” Mrs. Rigsby said, explaining that her daughter had not been able to attend UT in the spring semes ter. Both women described what a shock it was to them when they got telephone calls a day later say ing the two 21-year-old sorority sisters had arrived in Austin and then disappeared. Thurman refused Wednesday to transfer the retrial to another city. Cross was sent to prison for life in 1966 after confessing in the deaths of the two women. He was tried only in the death of Rigsby. The charge involving Stark’s death was dismissed after he was in prison. Cross did not initially appeal the conviction for the slaying of Rigsby, but in 1986 an appeal was filed citing changes in the law since the 1966 trial. Cross asked the Court of Crim inal Appeals to rule he was im properly convicted because the same jurors ruled on his mental competency and guilt. Tne court ruled that Cross should be released and receive a new trial. During his years in the state prison at Huntsville, Cross ob tained three college degrees and was described by authorities as a model prisoner. Thurman has said he expects the trial to last at least a week. ationofij getsouit; jesn’tdo | n. atchingjij HeDand'l )l had cd 3 my TV J ne-color tie button! rked“bi tied? In 1 ini isly intendj allow yon j ikthatd ntire M ved andjl , night onj cate n n n n n pi At DIAMONDS largest selection in Brazos County No Questions asked. 30 day money back guarantee on all loose diamonds sold. (Does not include lay away or mountings) FANCY COLOR DIAMOND .83 Marquise shape diamond with GIA laboratory certificatate stating that the color is a natural orange brown and a clarity of WS; This diamond has a rosey/pink tint to it. Natural color diamonds are very REAR our price $3495°° compare at $8,000°°. V4>' V 2.87 ROUND Our Price $8275.°° Compare At 18,500.°° 2.05 7280.°° 14,500.°° 2.04 4850.°° 9700.°° 2.03 4785.°° 9700.°° 2.02 7650.°° 15,000.°° 2.01 5675.°° 12,000.°° 1.83 2900.°° 5800.°° 1.55 2295.°° 4500.°° 1.26 3675.°° 6100.°° 1.17 2525.°° 4900.°° 1.17 2525.°° 4900.°° 1.16 1395.°° 2700.°° 1.15 2200.°° 4200.°° 1.10 1345.°° 2600.°° 1.08 2250.°° 4400.°° 1.08 2895.°° 5600.°° 1.06 1975.°° 3800.°° 1.02 1495.°° 2800.°° 1.02 2375.°° 4500.°° 1.02 2685.°° 5100.°° 1.01 1295.°° 2400.°° 1.00 3975.°° 7700.°° 1.00 1950.°° 3800.°° 1.00 1345.°° 2700.°° .99 2150.°° 4200.°° .97 1520.°° 3100.°° .96 1840.°° 3500.°° .88 1475.°° 2800.°° .82 1395.°° 2000.°° .80 1200.°° 2300.°° .77 985.°° 1800.°° .72 1145.°° 2200.°° .71 1195.°° 2300.°° .71 1175.°° 2300.°° .67 760. 00 1450.°° .65 815. 00 1600.°° .63 975. 00 1700.°° .62 715.°° 1400.°° .61 775. 00 1400.°° .61 715.°° 1400.°° .60 895.°° 1700.°° .60 695.°° 1200.°° .59 930. 00 1800.°° .59 930.°° 1800.°° .57 695.°° 1400.°° .55 895.°° 1700.°° .55 865.°° 1700.°° .55 695.°° 1400.°° .54 875.°° 1600.°° .54 695.°° 1650.°° .53 795.°° 1750.°° .53 495.°° 985.°° .52 845.°° 1750.°° .52 810.°° 1625.°° ROUND .51 .50 .50 .49 .48 .42 .41 .40 .35 .35 .30 .20 .15 .10 .07 .05 .03 .02 Our Price $795.°° 795. 00 695 00 650°° 695°° 660°° 470°° 540°° 395°° 375 00 335 00 I65 00 110°° 63°° 3 8 oo 35 00 1495 10 95 Compare At 1550.°° 1550.°° 1275 00 1300°° 1300.°° 1350.°° 985.°° 985. 00 850.°° 750.°° 750.°° 325.°° 220. 00 140. 00 75.°° 70.°° 30.°° 22. 00 MARQUISE .55 .55 .55 .52 .51 .45 .37 .31 1.52 1.15 1.04 .89 .83 .78 .71 .46 PEAR Our Price 795.°° 695. 00 895. 00 665.°° 695.°° 325.°° 350.°° 245. 00 OVAL Our Price 5275.°° 2495. 00 1495.°° 1750.°° 1350.°° 1495.°° 1495. 00 375.°° Compare At 1600.°° 1700.°° 1700.°° 1300.°° 1400.°° 675. 00 675.°° 500. 00 Compare At 9800. 00 5500. 00 2900. 00 3500.°° 2700. 00 2800.°° 2800.°° 675.°° Our Price Compare At HEART 2.78 2.14 $13200°° 4888°° 27,500.°° 9800.°° Our Price Compare At 1.23 2750°° 4500.°° .64 1150.°° 2800.°° 1.10 3200°° 6400.°° 27 335.°° 675.°° 1.01 1175°° 2300.°° .91 2585°° 4950.°° .76 .74 .71 1085°° 995°° 2900°° 2200.°° 1800.°° 5800.°° EMERALD .62 795°° 1850.°° .57 .57 .55 895°° 895°° 895°° 1900.°° 1900.°° 1900.°° 30 Our Price 695. 00 Compare At 1400.°° .54 795°° 1850.°° .47 .47 695°° 626°° 1300.°° 1300.°° RADIANT .35 425°° 890.°° 31 425°° 875. 00 Our Price Compare At PEAR 1.03 $2600.°° 5.200.°° Our Price Compare AT SQUARE 1.80 $3495.°° 6800.°° Our Price Compare At 1.38 2275. 00 4500.°° .83 1975.°° 3900.°° .46 $920.°° 1850.°° .60 1195.°° 2300.°° 33 385.°° 750.°° ii' / % DIAMOND JEWELRY Large stock of diamond earrings, rings, necklaces. Just arrived wedding bands. GOLD COIN JEWELRY Largest stock of Gold Jewelry in the Area! Hundreds of Pieces to choose from. Rings, Pendants, Diamond Gold Coin Jewelry. Large stock of gold coin mountings for all popular Gold Coin Krugerands, Mapel Leaf, Gold Panda. DIAMOND AND SEMI-MOUNTS Wedding Bands and Bridal Sets 14 KARAT GOLD CHAINS Larges Selection Starting at $27°°. All chains sold by weight Shop, Compare, and Save Money Never A Sale! Just the best prices in town! Our prices are up to 70% less than what other jeweley stores charge for the same merchandise. Full time jewelry repairman on premises. We pay Cash for gold, silver, rare coins, diamonds and Rolex watches Since 1958. One of Texas’ Oldest Rare Coin Dealers College Station • S4S-8S05 Store Hours Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Fri.-Sat. 9-3 p.m. Behind Shellenberger’s