First Presbyterian Church 1100 Carter Creek Parkway, Bryan 823-8073 r , Dr. Robert Leslie, Pastor Rev. John McGarey, Associate Pastor SUNDAY: I Worship at 8:30AM & 11:00AM Church School at 9:30AM College Class at 9:30AM | (Bus fromTAMU Krueger/Dunn 9:10AM Northgate 9:15AMI. Jr. and Sr. High Youth Meeting at 5:00 p.m. Nursery: All Events Thursday, June 11, 1987/The Battalion/Page 5 RTIR ( REEK PKV First A PresbyteHan ' Church an mm mm LL U LI, AFFORDABLE HOUSING * Single Family Flousing from $30-$200 / 000 * Condominiums - On Shuttle Bus, Close to Campus * Income Producing Property * Raw Land STANFORD The First Name in [Real Estate" STANFORD REAL ESTATE I NVESTMENTS 7 7 6-03 3 T Someone is Always Available Downtown Wellborn Bar-B-Que knrsday: Spaghetti and Meatballs and or Lasagna [Homemade) served with Garlic Bread & Salad *** 95 Friday: After 5 Lunch Catfish All You Can Eat Frog Legs/Catfish $3 M $5 95 inn., Fri. & Sat.: Introductory Oiler 2" Homemade Pizza with one topping: Pepperoni, Ham- I )urger. Sausage, Mushroom, Green Pepper, tf*y|95 I hisbet. Ham, Onion. 750 each add. topping, fcPfc 250 Meister Brau 4-7 Happy Hour Pool Tournament Every Wednesday Cash Prizes! | Downtown Wellborn Bar-B-Que 2154 Wellborn Ri*. Sh MJm Sonth Kyl« ReM Mon Tiiurs 11-9 pm Closed Sunday Fri, Sat 11-11 pm Be Cool in Class! Shop Texas A&M Bookstore for a wide selection of tank tops, shorts & t-shirts Store Hours: M-F 7:45-6:00 p.m. Sat. 9:00-5:00 p.m. Ph.845-8681 MOM’S DINER 54 Years of Aggie Tradition and Student Boarders MENU Mondays-Chicken fried steak or meat loaf Tuesdays-Fried chicken or meat loaf Wednesdays-Enchiladas Thursdays-Pork chops Fridays-Chicken fried steak Saturdays-Enchiladas All meals are $5.00 and include five vegetables, salad and tea. 779-8600 1207 E. 25th in Bryan OPEN:11-1:30 4:30-8:00 Mon-Sat Thursday KANM STUDENT RADIO: summer disc jockeys will meet at 7 p.m. in 701 Rudder. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no less than three working days be fore desired publication date. Doctor says officer tried to ward off assailant’s shots SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Patrol man Stephen Smith tried to fend off his attacker before he was shot to death by another officer, a patholog ist testified Wednesday. Farrell Tucker, 36, is charged with murder in the slaying of Smith, 31, his best friend, who was sus pected of vigilante activities. Tucker claims he shot Smith five times last Aug. 18 after Smith threat ened him with a pistol, but Dr. Vin cent DiMaio, chief medical examiner for Bexar County, testified his find ings are inconsistent with Tucker’s claim that Smith had a gun. DiMaio said an autopsy showed Smith had gunshot residue on the palm of his right hand, indicating that Smith probably had placed his hand along the cylinder of a gun and tried to push it away. “The gunshot residue in the palm of the hand is consistent with a de fensive move as if to ward off the gun or grab it,” DiMaio testified. “The hand had to be virtually in contact with the weapon when it was fired,” DiMaio said under cross-ex amination. Tucker’s attorney, Terry McDon ald, asked DiMaio why Smith’s hand wasn’t injured if Smith was holding the gun. “He probably had his hand adja cent to the cylinder,” DiMaio re plied. McDonald also asked if the high level of lead found on the hand could have come from any other source. “We find levels like that only when the hand is in contact with the weapon at the time of discharge,” DiMaio said. In a videotape re-enactment of the shooting, Tucker claimed that while he and Smith were in Smith’s car Smith pulled a 9mm weapon on him. Tucker claimed Smith ordered him to hand over a .45-caliber semi automatic pistol he was carrying. Tucker said after he complied, Smith turned the .45-caliber pistol on him and put the 9mm weapon under the driver’s seat. Tucker claims he then shot Smith five times with a second weapon he had brought to their meeting, a .357-cali ber Magnum service revolver. FBI agent Robert Spalding testi fied earlier that Smith could not have been holding the .45-caliber pistol because it had a small amount of blood spattered on it that came from a different direction. Spalding said the blood stains on the .45-cali ber could only have gotten there if the weapon were upside clown. DiMaio, the state’s key witness, used a mannequin head to indicate where Smith had been shot and dis- played to the jury photographs of Smith’s wounds. Tucker claims Smith, who was on suspension on brutality charges, planned to kill then-Assistant Police Chief Frank Hoyack* Deputy Chief Robert Heuck and then-District At torney Sam Millsap, whom he blamed for damaging his career. Smith’s slaying cost two police chiefs their jobs and sparked a fed eral investigation into the slaying. WWI vets will attend ceremonies in France FOR I WORTH (AP) — He may be 96 years old, but Harry Cramer plans to be on a plane bound for Pa ris this week to attend ceremonies honoring him and other World War I veterans. Cramer and Elvin Sprague, 89, both of Fort Worth, are among 19 veterans who were invited to attend ceremonies commemorating the an niversary of the U.S. troops’ entry into the war. Sprague also plans to attend. It was on June 17, 1917, that Cen. John Pershing and the first of the American Expeditionary Force landed in France. To the tune of “Over There,” 2 million more Amer ican soldiers soon followed. “We got a wonderful reception — men and women crying, hugging and kissing us,” Cramer said, recal ling what it was like to arrive in Paris 70 years ago. The ex-doughboys and their wives arrive Saturday in Paris for a wreath-laying ceremony at the French tomb of the unknown soldier at the Arch of Triumph. Additional ceremonies and tours are planned Sunday and Monday, including a visit to the Belleau Wood Battlefield with French World Wat I veterans. U.S. Veterans Administration of ficials called two weeks ago to offer the five-day, expense-paid trip, Cramer’s wife, Bertha, said. “They called us and said, ‘Would you like to go?’ ” Mrs. Cramer said. “Well, actually, they first said, ‘Are you physically able to go?’ ” Sprague and Cramer were chosen for the commemorative trip through their activity in the Veterans of World Wat I of the U.S.A., a na tional veterans service organization. Sprague is a past national com mander. Cramer is currently na tional junior vice commander. Cramer was a 27-year-old civil en gineer working for the Pennsylvania Railroad in Pittsburgh when he vol unteered in 1917. He spent the war rebuilding rail lines in France. Sprague said he actually spent all his World War I set vice in Texas, and lie’s wondering now why he agreed to go overseas at this late date. “I've just decided I’m crazy,” he said. “Mv wife thinks so, too.” •cut here* Defensive Driving Course june 12,13 and June 16,17 College Station Hilton Pre-register by phone: 693-8178 Ticket deferral and 10% insurance discount (■cut here I Twin City Honda Why Rent When You Can Own! Sale $398.°° + TT&L 1 yr. warranty unlimited mileage 903 S. Main Bryan, Tx. 823-0545 Chimney Hill Bowling Center (409) 2o0-9184 on Lite Bowling’ ‘Happ Corona’s Bowling Thursday 9:00 n rices” *. * . * T-\ * * * * IF YOU RI WANT TO RELAX THIS SUMMER THEN LEASE YOUR APARTMENT NOW WITH US! Convent writ. 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