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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1987)
■§■ AM/PM Clinics Minor Emergencies 10% Student Discount with ID card 3820 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas 846-4756 401 S. Texas Ave. Bryan,Texas 779-4756 8a.m.-11 p.m. 7 days a week Walk-in Family Practice Page 6/The Battalion/Wednesday, June3 i World and Natior u Vo 1.82 N< House votes to require details of military plans from Reagan R e SALE UJ SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE < CO Contact Lenses SALE CO > m UJ UJ Only Quality Name Brands (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hinds-Hydrocurve) m co < CO UJ —I < $79 00 " STD - DA,LY WEAR soft lenses Sparepr.Only$10 with purchase of 1st pr. at reg. price CO UJ $99. 00 -STD. EXTENDED WEAR SOFT LENSES m < co UJ $99. 00 -STD. TINTED SOFT LENSES m DAILY WEAR OR EXTENDED WEAR co SALE ENDS JUNE 30, 1987 AND APPLIES TO CLEAR STANDARD m u DAILY WEAR STOCK LENSES ONLY < CO Ul < CO Call 696-3754 For Appointment * Eye exam and care kit not included UJ CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL, O.D., P.C. DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY < co 707 South Texas Ave., Suite 101D College Station, Texas 77840 1 block South of Texas & University SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE m SALE WASHINGTON (AP) — The House, rejecting a decision by one of its committees, voted overwhelm ingly Tuesday to seek new details from President Reagan about U.S. military plans in the Persian Gulf. The 302-105 vote approved the bill and sent it to the Senate. Democrats who control the Senate say that chamber also is likely to pass it, despite congressional fears that Reagan’s plan to provide U.S. pro tection for Kuwaiti tankers may in volve the Navy in the Iran-Iraq war. The vote on the bill became a test of the House Democratic leadership after the Foreign Affairs Committee rejected the measure earlier in the day on a voice vote. Moments later, House Speaker Jim Wright, D-Texas, promised “ab solutely, we will pass it” despite the action by the committee. Wright was a co-sponsor of the bill, along with Rep. Bob Michel, R- 111., the Republican leader. Wright’s lieutenants spent much of the afternoon lining up support. The measure needed a two-thirds margin to pass because House rules were being suspended. The bill requires a detailed report from Reagan about the threat to U.S. servicemen because of Reagan’s pledge to keep the Persian Gulf open in the face of threats to oil tankers stemming from the long Iran-Iraq war. Shultz: Reagan to stress need for 'adequate force' in gulf WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi dent Reagan will underscore the need for an “adequate force” to pro tect Persian Gull oil shipments at next week’s allied economic summit in Venice, Secretary of State George P. Shultz said Tuesday. But, Shultz added, the president may not ask the allies to increase their military participatin in a U.S.- led defense operation beyond the British and French naval forces al ready in the tense gulf region. He told reporters a military buildup was not necessarily re quired. This seemed to conflict with asser tions Monday by Reagan that he would press the allies at the eco nomic talks next week in Venice to become involved in U.S. efforts to protect ship movements. Shultz insisted “there isn’t any daylight to be found between me and the president.” He said the United States was not alone in trying to deter attack on gulf shipping and “we don’t want to be alone.” “What is needed is an adequate force to deter the use of force against us,” he said. The British, with a longstanding naval presence in the area, contrib ute an even greater proportional share to gulf defenses than does the United States, Shultz said. “There is a unified view about this matter and people do the things they can do,” he said. “Countries are posi tioned in different ways in terms of their capabilties, and so we have to recognize that... U.S. actions in the gulf are Ixxmd to dominate the non-economic agenda at the Venice summit June H- 10. President Reagan will meet there will the leaders of Britain, Canada, France, Italy, Japan and West Ger many. Majority Leader Tom Foley, D- Wash., told his colleagues that the bill doesn’t commit the House to supporting Reagan’s policies. , “Suggestions that this is somehow an advance permission” for adminis tration military action “are absolu tely wrong and have no merit what soever,” he said. Earlier in the day, Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd, D-W.V die Senate would voteafteri I louse. Byrd said his chamberalsc approve the measure. Iran and Iraq have beenfijjl long, bloody war at the top gull, source of most oftheo l>\ western nations. Kuwait is an Iraqi ally. Congressional fears haver the wake of the Iraqi attad Navy frigate Stark, which li U.S. sailors. Legislators have complaint the Kuwaiti protection plant % eloped without consulting gress and without adequate!) sing the military threat to U.S, Wright said the bill would high standard for coratnum consultation and conperatio tween the administration and tol Hill. 1 le said Congress is willingi Reagan in protecting Amem terests, but added, “the Coni unwilling to accept a piginap The measure considered 1 was worked out last week by I of the two Democratic-con chambers and officials of the House. Reagan's aides have saidthi dent would sign it. The measure requires the to be sent to Capitol Hillsevt after the bill becomes law. ■tnicf, leaders arriv pets in the < Palace, Pre; goodwill tra Monday anc not bluffing don against Gulf. 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