The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 20, 1987, Image 4
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Page 4/The Battalion/Wednesday, May 20, 1987 Battalion Classifieds == World and Nation * BUSINESS OPPORTCINIXY HELP! Save humanity. The worst epidemic in history now threatens our very existence. You can help stop this epidemic and save lives. Local distributorship available to service pre-estab lished accounts. Requires 5-10 hours per week and $10,000 cash — 100% secured by inven tory. Write M.H. Marketing, P.O. Box 36804, Birmingham, Alabama 35236 or call toll free 1- 800-521 -4849. Ask for operator 3M. ^3,5/20 NATIONAL COMPANY NEEDS “MANAGING PARTNER” IN YOUR AREA To qualify you must have a desire to own your own business, and have $15,000 for equipment. Company will establish the busi ness. National survey shows average monthly earnings of $1,355. No selling involved. Service accounts set up by company handling Eagle and other convenience snack products. Potential expansion earnings of $2,710. per month with no additional in vestment on your part. Write New American, P.O. Box 360247, Birmingham, Alabama 35236 or call toll-free 1-800-231-0563. Ask for operator 4-S. 153,5/20 ♦ FOR RENT LEASING NOW FOR SUMMER! ALL BILLS PAID! As Low As $225 •Extra Large Pool •Tennis Court •Sauna •Balconies & Patios •All Electric Kitchen •Individual A/C & Heat •On Ground Mgmt. & Security •24 Hr. Emergency Maintenance •Ceiling Fans Open Daily Mon-Fri 9-5 Open Sat. 10-5 Sun. 1-5 Wm. J. Garrett ‘47 Where one check pays all! 1601 Holleman College Station, Texas 409/693-6716 ANGLEWOOD SOUTH CURES Apartment Hunter's All bills paidl 1, 2, 3 bdrm. apartments 2 swimming pools 2 laundry rooms Exercise room Party room Covered parking Convenient location 1/2 mo. free rent with 6 mo. lease or more Ask about our Great Giveawayl 693-1111 ^Jaij^kWood Sdutl^ Mon.-Frl. 8-7 Sat. 10-5 Sun. 1-4 41i‘Harvey Rd. ATTENTION AGGIES! Great rates for Summer Leases & storage Fantastic rates for Fall & Spring se mesters. 2 Bdrm, IVz bath, very clean, on shuttle bus, vaulted ceilings w/ceiling fans Avail. University Hills Apts 1007-D Spring Loop 846-2676 Prof, managed by Stapleton Inter ests, InC. 147,6/3 THE GOLDEN RULE Summer and/or Fall/Spring Openings for Men and Women, Chris tian-like, non-smoking Telephones in, Deluxe Apts UTILITIES AND CABLE PAID Free Laundry, storage, Bus CALL/ASK: 693-5560 TODAY! $150./mo. Share B/B, $250./mo. Own B/B SUMMER SPECIAL: $240 134,4/17 TAHOE APARTMENTS 3535 Plainsman Lane, Bryan. Texas. 846-1771. WE LOVE AGGIE STU DENTS. 139t7/16 Preleasing Now! 2 & 3 bdrm duplexes near the Hilton 846-2471.776-6856. 83tuTn Large one bedroom, furnished apartment. Close to campus. 846-3050. Hurry only one left! $225. plus util ity plan. 84tfn Need Summer lease only? Call us. 'Two bedroom, some bills paid. $195-$205. 779-0480. 696-2038. I48t6/12 Walk To A.VM I&2 Bedroom Kourplexes. Summer Hr Kali Rates. 776-2300. weekends 1-279-2967. 15216/9 2 bdrm mil urn with stove, tel $50. dep. Shuttle Bus 846-8055. ig. $200./mo + elect 152t6/3 • WANTED Special! Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm.: $150. / 2 Bdrm.: $175. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. Wanted Patients with acute diarrhea to participate in a 2 day “at home study” no blood collection involved. $50 incentive for those cho sen to participate. Call Pauli Research Interna tional 776-6236 FOR SALE Summer months only! 2 Bdrm, 1'/j Bath, special low rates. 696-0632, 693-0551. 153t6/3U Soundproof' cover for 80 column printer $50. 775- 0400. 153t6/3 LUXURY 2 Bdrm, 1 ‘/i Bath studio fourplex, washer & dryer conn, $250./ $325. 312 manuel Dr. C.S. 696-0632 693-0551. 153t6/30 Is It True You Can Buy Jeeps for $44. through the U.S. government? Get the facts today! Call 1-312-742- 1142 Ext 8390. 153t5/20 One, two 8c three bedroom apartments near campus. $105./$275. 779-3550, 696-2038. 154t6/12 Quiet room with private bath. Private home near cam pus. 696-7840. 153t6/10 Can you buy Jeeps, Cars, 4x4’s seized in drug raids for under $100. Call for facts today. 602-837-3401 Ext. 942. 153t5/20 Available Now! 1 and 2 Bedroom Apts. $190./$245. Year Round! 846-0880, 268-2015. 153t6/30 Cheap auto parts, used. Pic-A-Part, Inc. 78 and older. 3505 Old Kurten Road, Bryan. 102tfn 1 8c 2 bdrm. apt. A/C 8c Heat. Wall to Wall carpet. 512 & 515 Northgate / First St. 409-825-2761. No Pets. 140tfn Darkroom, All or Part. Enlargers. Misc., Supplies, B 8c W. Color. MAKE OFFER 775-2984. 149t5/20 • HELP WANTED One block from campus. Special one time offer. One bdrm $145./mo. Two bdrm $195./mo. Going fast. Call 822-2188. 150,5/27 Wanted Bovs To Work On Summer Grain Harvest. 817-471 -5642 01 817-471 -5794. 15116/3 HELP WANTED COUNSELOR POSITIONS available in residential wilderness tamp near Dallas, Texas. BA/BS required. Live-In position. $13,500. starting salary; excellent benefits; career ladder. Chris’ camp 214-549-2381; Boys’ camp 214-769-2500. l53t5/20 Flexible I lours: Part-time evening and afternoon shifts available. Apply Schuhnan F> Theater 2002 East 29th St. Bt van. during business hours. 152t5/27 • SERVICES PIANO LESSONS (Monday through Saturday) RUTHERFORD PIANO STUDIO 500 East 25th, Bryan, Texas 822-2242 (owner: E.N. Rutherford, 54, BA ‘62, most-recent public per formance April 1986) TYPING BY WANDA. Any kind, any length. Rea sonable rates. 690-1113. 146t6/3 Moving? Wecan HELP movin'on. 846-MOVE (6683). I46i5/27 Reasonable, Fast, Accurate Typing Services. Call Pat 822-0235 Weekends/ After 5:30 Weekdays. 13615/15 WORD PROCESSING. All kinds. Experienced. De pendable. Reasonable Rates. AU TOMATED CLERI CAL SERVICES. 693-1070. I52i5/27 • NOTICE ACUTE DIARRHEA STUDY Persons with acute, uncom plicated diarrhea needed to evaluate medication being considered for over-the- counter sale. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 NEW CREDI T CARD!!! NOONE REFUSED!!! ALSO INFORMATION ON RECEIVING VISA. MASTER CARD WI TH NO CREDI T CHECK. TOR DF. TAICS CALL! 602-248-0779 EM . 505. I52i6/3 • ROOMMATE WANTED House near campus $150. All bills paid. Non-smoker, male. 696-3884. 149t5/20 ()wn room walk to 846-4247. inpus $90./in + '/J utilities. Billy 15215/27 The Battalion . SALES OFFICE ENGLISH ANNEX Ross Street, Campus PHONE: 409-845-2696 or 7 LOCAL DISPLAY AD RATES Monday" Tuesday At Ease Wednesday Thursday Friday $5.39 if less than 50 inches $5.67 $5 11 S4.85 $4 69 $4 32 $3.77 . $3.25 . $2.72 . from 50 to less than 100 $5.38 from 100 to less than 250 $5.11 from 250 to less than 500 $4.94 from 500 to less than 750 $4.55 ... from 750 to less than 1.000 $3.97 ..from 1,000 to less than 2,000 $3.42 2,000 or more $2.86 "Beck to School edition Monday, Sept. 1, 1986, will be charged at higher rate. Special rates for officially recognized Texas A&M Campus organizations. Classified Display: $5.70 per column inch. Classified (regular): 30 cents per word with minimum charge of $3 for each day. If ad runs consecutive days, to tal charges will be reduced 10 percent for each added day up to maximum of 40 percent deduction for 5 days or more. Color: Only spot color available. Charge for each time run. in addition to column inch charges: $50 if in At Ease or on Monday or Tuesday (with exception of Back to School issue which is charged at higher rate): $90 il ad runs Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Color limited to ads 60 inches or larger. Inserts: Pre-printed material will be inserted into only non mail copies of The Battalion, and will be charged at $50 per 1,000 copies, or $45 per 1.000 if 15,000 or more are inserted. (Special reduced rate is available on most Fri days for first customer) Minimum inserting order is 5.000. Delivery of inserts must be one week in advance, properly bundled, boxed or stacked on skids. II insert has unusual folding, or is unusuni sh.vie size or stock, samri-’ «>•.••• ■ h- submitted before final acceptance, and will be rejected r. mechanical inserting is impossibie. Reverses and double burns: £10 each in addition to other charges. Expci ionted Gluut'li organisi. resume required. Bi van 779-1591. 15215/27 Senate confirms selection^ of Webster as head of CIA^ i,. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly confirmed FBI Director William Webster as the 14th head of the Cen tral Intelligence Agency, succeeding the late William Casey. Webster, who in his nearly 10 years as FBI director has built an ex cellent working relationship with members of Congress, was praised as a director likely to repair dam aged relations between Congress and the CIA growing out of the I ran-Contra affair. The vote was 94 to 1 for confirma tion, with Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., voting against the nomination. The Senate Intelligence Commit tee earlier recommended unani mously that he be approved for the CIA directorship. Webster takes over the CIA at a particularly sensitive time in the his tory of the agency, when its role in the Iran-Contra affair has become the focus of much of the testimony in congressional hearings into the scandal. Fr William Webster v informed In confirmation hearings before the intelligence committee last month, (he FBI director pledged to keep members of congressional oversight committees ft of CIA activities. Casey, who resigned as head of the CIA on Jan. 29, after under going surgery for a cancerous brain iumor, died May (i. Casey was die first director of cen tral intelligence to he given Cabinet rank, and he used his ini', within (lie Reagan adminisn Nupporl the covert sale nl § jHspi Iran, without informing L Southw< Supplying weapons to Iran Tom iia! i r.u \ lo stated l'.S. polity. Hie go Cases also was insliuinen vveie exi development of the Nil. 48-ieam Contras as a lighting fora mem. the let list Sandinista governnifJ^&M, Piesiclent Reagan's duel with a 4 man. Marlin Fit/watei, calleilvptai'kvilli toniii ination ol Webster in the first foi the countrs and theadt gional I lion. "At this crucial junciu^B h e 1 world affairs, we need die, j|y e( l ^ and strong leadership at tin anc l lo f he said. ■ due ’ In another developmento f a PP mg the CIA dirertor fuesd jeafries a ate Majoritv Leader Robert! season p W.Va., planned to imrodutt-Hr 1 -^ lation to make the directora g et a * ) ' d ut\ director ol central inte sas and sci ve fixed, seven-year tenii>ps|' ;ls - ^ appointments currently have:Ptf ,eal 1 length. Bvrd, noting that the dimij the FBI and other agency seise Fixed terms, said "itisiiir<| the director and deputy dimi central intelligence to be addfj the list.” Models' chaperones found slain; | FBI arrests, charges man in case SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. (AP) — FBI agents rescued two ter rified teen-age models and arrested a man who had allegedly kidnapped them and killed their two chaper ones, authorities said Tuesday. Herbert James Coddington, 28, who allegedly hired the girls on the pretext of Filming an anti-drug vi deo, was arrested late Monday and hooked for investigation of murder and kidnapping, agent Terry Knowles told a news conference. He said the two girls were found apparently unharmed but “scared to death” in one bedroom. The bodies of the two women were in plastic hags on the lloor of the master bed room. Alecia Thoma, 14. and Monica Beige, 12, who vanished Saturday, were not hound and “it was a fair as sumption" that they were present during the slayings, Knowles said. Gaynel Wadsworth, who for another modeling agei) her firm turned Coddingto last week. “He was vt sweaty,” she said. “He neverb me in (he face." She said the man told he wanted two teen-age girls am came nervous when he was models' parents are sent wilhtb 1AL1 cricks C no u nee with the seeking Knicks. owner E ■Carte By froi dei slum hadv, shall ™' enl s SMILE FOR YOUR FAMILY’S GENERAL DENTAL CARE New Y< there is tin coo eighth si ■ 'He thal Imi sail I K“H ( ' ( 1 Dallas !\ any was anythin: •going to ;i Carle nighi w — $ 29 00 CLEANING, EXAM & X-RAYS ★Call For Appointment, Reg. $44 Less Cash Discount $15 • Dental Insurance Accepted • Emergency Walk Ins Welcome « Evening Appointments Available • Complete Family Dental Care Nitrous Oxide Available On Shuttle Bus Route (Anderson Bus) «jaa|BBB|h n L (Anderson Bus) CarePlus^rti MEDICAL/DENTAL CENTER 696-9578 Dan Lawson, D.D.S. 1712 S.W. Parkway M-F 10 a.m.-8 p.m. (across from Kroger Center) Sat. 9 a.m.-l p.m. Campus Specials Fountain Drinks 29* EACH 20oz regularly 590 good thru 5/25 Blue Bell Drumsticks 49<t FA 5 EACH regularly 690 Pepsi 45« EACH 16 oz NRB $2.49 6-PACK good thru 6/2 / FOOD MARTS Offers good at participating stores. College Station: 3129 Texas Ave So: 603 Harvey Rd. Bryan: 4609 E. 29th St; 1920 Hwy 6 By-Pass, So; 800 San Jacinto