Wednesday, May 20, 1987/The Battalion/Page 3 State and Local alias researchers develop dye lo monitor treatment of tumors Chimney Hill Bowling Center (409) 260-9184 ‘Moon Lite Bowling” Happy Hour Prices” * Corona’s 1°° Bowling 1 60 Thursday 9:00 pm to Midnight advertisJ Is, woods, j pretty\J 'alias CoJ ' toughesi i id insigniij )t ball tea: ais' mostij •y s i bless: lor the a cowboy J rate RaidtJ madillos, j lys. TheGil ubbasHu, . util Texas sever go:, lassachust h e-eaters ■ DALLAS (AP) — Researchers have developed a special dye that helps find and monitor tumors as liny as a pinhead, and it could lead to assessing tli( ef fectiveness of cancer treatments weeks ear- liei than current methods. ■ That sjreecl could enable doctors to change tiratment plans quickly before tumors begin spieading, said Dr. David Ranney, who led the University of Texas Lfealth Science Center re- ■arch team. I Just one or two thimblefuls of tumor can over- ulielm a patient’s disease-fighting white blood Tils, leading to the spread of cancer, Ranney ■id Monday. ■ The dye, tested so far only in mice, enhances the results of magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI. MRI uses magnetic impulses and radio-fre- (jtiency electromagnetic waves to generate high- Jnality images of internal organs. The researchers have studied the dye in mice ifijected with malignant human melanomas, a le thal form of skin cancer. One group of mice was treated with an anti-tumor drug, while the other gioup was left untreated. One to four days after treatment, researchers used an MRI machine to scan both groups of mice. In images made before injection of the dye, both treated and untreated tumors appeared as gray masses, said Ranney, director of the labo ratory of targeted diagnosis and therapy in the pathology department. Ranney said the dye improves detection of tu mors because malignant tissue contains blood vessels that are more porous than surrounding tissue. As a result, the dye leaks out of the bloods tream and into tumors, which show up brighter than healthy tissue on MRI scans. Once cancer cells die, though, blood stops flowing through them, so dead tumor tissue does not absorb the dye, Ranney told the Dallas Morn ing News. After the dye was injected into the mice, dead cells in the middle of the treated tumors ap peared dark on the MRI scan, while the living tu mor cells appeared brighter than healthy tissue, Ranney said. The untreated tumors, made up to tally of living cells, appeared uniformly bright, he said. Differences between treated and untreated tu mors were apparent in images made just 30 hours after treatment, Ranney said. The Dallas team is one of about 20 across the country testing methods of determining early on whether cancer therapy is effective, said Dr. John Doppman, chief of radiology for the National In stitutes of Health in Rockville, Md. Another method uses MRI to measure phos phorus metabolism in cancer cells, Doppman said. Changes in phosphorus metabolism occur within only four hours of treatment with an anti tumor drug, long before the cells actually die. Currently, cancer doctors usually use X-rays to tell whether chemotherapy has helped shrink tu mors, but they must wait three or four weeks be fore any changes can be detected, Ranney said. “When they get to the size when you can tell if they’ve regrown after treatment, they’re too big,” he said. AM/PM Clinics Minor Emergencies 10% Student Discount with ID card 3820 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas 846-4756 401 S. Texas Ave. Bryan,Texas 779-4756 8a.m.-11 p.m. 7 days a week Walk-in Family Practice y hope in. adingni' e editor oh beaver; ii for: ierfly»Ji i me io 1, moral Tong^ nd l leedep nidi ipporrt , and I e fututf l wilM and I ho wo lli :hasb ef jown. dbeen donk e ' <; jno» rda# me. 11 calf fficiols ban ale of shirts ocking SMU DALLAS (AR) — Southern lethodist University officials lave banned sales of a new T- irt circulating on campus that pokes fun at SMU’s play-for-pay football scandal. I he shins that have drawn the lire of university officials show a Mustang, the team’s mascot, dead with its feet in the air. It reads, [•SMU football 87” on the front and “Undefeated” on the back. The T-shirts, being sold by [four students, can no longer be sold on campus, university offi cials say. “It's degrading — this institu tion is not dead,” said Don Noll, [manager of the SMU bookstore and director of licensing. “We’re not punitive, we just want it removed from circula tion,’’ he said. The students think selling the populiir T-shirts is an easier way to make money than mowing lawns or waiting tables. They were recently ordered to take their business off university property, hut they still occasion- aly venture into dormitories, hawking their shirts. “I’ve taken some verbal abuse for the shirts from students and faculty, but I laugh all the way to the bank,’’ said Van Leftwich, 22, of Richardson, who recently graduated with a degree in fi nance. Leftwich said he and his part ners — Rick Herrick, Tom Wil- berg and l ed Reade — have sold about 1,000 T-shirts and have netted a total of $4,000 from the controversial shirts. Eric Fox, a senior at Southwes tern University in Georgetown, who owns three of the shirts, said, “They’re a hot commodity; they’re black market T-shirts.” Not all school officials are miffed bv the T -shirts, he noted. “We’ve sold a lot of shirts to ad ministrators,” he said. “But it’s kind of an under-the-table kind of tiling." Senate backs right of state to appeal in criminal cases AUSTIN (AP) —T he Senate ap proved a proposal Tuesday that would give the state a limited right to appeal in a criminal case. Sen. John Montford, a former prosecutor, and Sen. Craig Wash ington, a lawyer who specializes in criminal defense work, debated Montford’s proposal on appeals for half an hour before a 26-4 Senate vote advanced it to the House. Currently, the state has no right of appeal in criminal court cases, and it would require a constitutional amendment to grant that authority to state and local governments. In fact, Texas is the lone state that prohibits all appeals by the prosecu tion, according to an analysis of the subject. Washington, D-Houston, offered an amendment to Montford’s pro posal that would grant the de fendant the same right of appeal as the state, claiming that “this would make it a little more even-handed.” Montford, D-Lubbock, said grant ing a def endant certain appeal rights probably would result in inordinate delays. “There’s not the same motivation — good or bad — for the state of Texas,” he said. Washington’s amendment was re jected 20-10, after Montford said a proposed constitutional amendment with the same language as Washing ton’s amendment was defeated by the voters in 1980. A bill to implement Montford’s proposed constitutional amendment was sent to the House on voice vote. If approved, Montford’s proposal would go on a statewide ballot Nov. 3. The bill specifies that the state would be permitted to appeal a court order in a criminal case if, for exam ple, the order dismisses an indict ment, modifies a judgment, grants a motion to suppress evidence or a confession, sustains a claifn of for mer jeopardy or grants a motion for a new trial. Senators also approved on voice vote a conference committee report that would change the current name of the State Board of Morticians to the Texas Funeral Service Commis sion. “This is a deadly serious motion^” quipped I.t. Gov. Bill Hobby. Oak Forest Apts SPECIAL! December Ending Leases on 2 bdrm 1 bath apts $285 * 850 sq. ft. * Laundry facility (.250 washer/.250 dryers) micro & c. fan for additional cost 15 minutes from campus Oak Forest Apts. 2809 Westridge Bryan • 775-3406 00 | SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE i< co Contact Lenses SALEJ co J> r~ m Police kill crime watch volunteer in Dallas after disturbance report UJ Hi DALLAS (AP) — Police shot and killed an 81-year-old crime watch volunteer who witnesses said was try ing to thwart an auto theft outside his retirement home, authorities said Tuesday. Witnesses said police drove up and started shooting after getting a disturbance call late Monday night, hut police said David Horton was killed after he fired at officers. The shooting conies about a week after a congressional hearing on the Dallas police force's use of deadly force. Critics argued that officers are loo quick to pull the trigger. Mondav night two officers were dispatched to the south Dallas apart ment house where Horton lived af ter a report of a disturbance with shots fired, police spokesman Hollis Edwards said. Officers J.B. Nichols, 2:>, and D. Moten, 34, saw Horton walking across the parking lot with a rifle in his hands as thev drove up to the Slice into At Little Caesars J* 1 when you buy one of our cheesy, delicious 100% natural pizzas, you get another one to slice into, free. What a great way to save money. . building in a marked squad car, Ed wards said. He said Horton, holding the gun at his hip. pointed the idle at both officers as thev repeatedly ordered him to drop the weapon. He then fired two shots at Nichols and was gunned clown in a hail of police fire, Edwards said. ■■Further investigation showed that Horton and two other men were holding a female c itizen at gunpoint prior to the officers’ arrival, he said. ‘Witness accounts indicate that Hor ton and other residents had stopped the female because of crime prob lems and were attempting to hold her lor police." Police later determined the woman apparently pulled into the parking lot onlv to turn around and was not involved in any theft, Eel- Wards said. "(Horton) was a member of the crime watch organization that was li ving to do something about c rime,” Edwards said. "We have no idea why Coupon ^ INTERNATIONAL HOUSE Of PANCAKES RESTAURANT he fired at t he officers." But jinimie Wilkerson, vice presi dent ol the Park Manor Apartments residents council, said witnesses didn't see Horton fire any shots and that Hoilon had yelled ‘’don't shoot” before police shot him. According to witnesses, he also called out, ‘'You've got the wrong guv." before he was killed, said Wil kerson. w ho did not see the shooting herself. "The police just drove up and started shooting. Everybody here is just sad." Residents at the apartment com plex have appeared before the Dal las Housing Aulhoritv several times rec enilv to appeal for better security. "Am shooting is a tragedy. And in light of the victimization of those residents, it is even more a tragedy," Dll A spokesman Wavne Rosenk- i ans said. Edwards said Police Chief Billy Pi inc e has asked for an independent investigation bv the district attor ney.s office into the shooting. Only Quality Name Brands (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hinds-Hydrocurve) " 'P ■ Spare pr. Only $10 with purchase of 1st pr. at reg. price '$99 00 -STD. EXTENDED WEAR SOFT LENSES " Spar© pr. ONLY $20 with purchase of 1st pr. at reg. price 111 $99. 00 -STD. 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