The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 08, 1987, Image 1
The Battalion Vol. 82 No. 153 GSPS 045360 12 pages College Station, Texas Friday, May 8, 1987 art ends campaign or 1988 nomination DENVER (AP) — Gary Hart, his fijont-running presidential cam- ptign crippled by questions about his H'lsonal life, is withdrawing from tin race for the 1988 Democratic H>mination, a Hart campaign aide ■id Thursday. ■ “That’s the word,” said Rodger |lcDaniel, Hart’s Wyoming cam paign manager. “It’s prettv shocking 'on fHcts ontinue ver Hart I Gary Hart and the Miami Herald lisagree about whether he spent Fri day night with a young woman, but it s not (he only disparity which has emerged in various accounts of the ■andidate’s weekend. 1 The Herald, in stories published lunday and Monday, said Hart and l)onna Rice did not emerge from his Bouse until Saturday night. Hart, (hce and Hart supporter William B load hurst say they left the house Saturday afternoon. When he was interviewed by Herald reporters Saturday, Hart laid he could recall nothing about a poat trip with a Miami woman. On uesday, he offered a detailed recol lection of the incident. I Hart said he was invited by Broad- Jmrst to join him and some friends, Deluding Rice, for the cruise. Rice said Hart invited her. ■ The Herald, in its first story on Sunday, said it had “documented the inovements of Hart and the uniden- tilied woman from the time she left yfiami on Friday afternoon.” However, when Hart and others said Rice had left before midnight uiday via a back door, the Herald bid that it had not had front and pack doors under continuous sur- yeillance, and had no one at all on (he scene between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. Saturday. to me. I suspect it’s pretty shocking to Gary Hart.” McDaniel confirmed the word from sources, who asked not to be identified by name, that. Hart cam paign manager Bill Dixon and other aides were telephoning supporters of the former senator with the stun ning news that Hart would quit the race. Hart’s decision came five days af ter publication of a newspaper story that he had entertained a 29-year- old model overnight in his Washing ton townhouse. Both Hart and the woman denied the story, but Hart's standing in the polls has plummeted in the past few days. The Washington Post reported in Friday’s editions that Hart’s decision came after the paper presented his staff with “documented evidence of a recent liaison between Hart and a Washington woman with whom he has had a long-term relationship.” The Post quoted a senior Hart aide as saying the Post’s information “accelerated the inevitable” withdra wal of Hart from the race. Hart, who mounted a surprisingly strong bid for the 1984 presidential nomination, has been the prohibitive front-runner in the early maneuver ing for 1988. His withdrawal would create a political vacuum that the re maining seven contenders would rush to fill, and might prompt other Democrats to enter the campaign as well. Officially, Halt’s campaign re mained mum about his intentions, except to announce that the 50-year- old former senator would make an announcement on Friday. Even before word of Hart’s deci sion spread, Democratic politicians were saying his campaign was dead. “The Hart candidacy in my opin ion is history,” said Idaho Gov. Gecil Andrus, who did not back Hart in 1984. “I say that based more on questions that have been raised about his judgment more than any thing else.” Hart officially announced his can didacy on April 13, and has been battling rumors about his personal life and questions about his $1.3 mil lion 1984 campaign debt from the start. The crippling blow came on Sun day, when the Miami Herald re ported that he had spent the night at his Washington townhouse with Mi ami model Donna Rice. Hart, Rice and others denied the account, and Hart attacked the newspaper. At an extraordinary news confer ence in New Hampshire on Wednes day, Hart again denied having sex ‘‘The Hurt candidacy in my opinion is history. I say that based more on questions that have been raised about his judgment more than anything else. ” — Cecil Andrus, governor of Idaho with Rice, but he refused to answer questions about whether he had ever committed adultery. He had scheduled a full day of campaigning in New Hasmpshire f o r I hu r s day, but a b r u p 11 y cancelled all the events and flew to Denver with his wife. In a statement released earlier by his staff in Groveton, N.H., Hart said, “While running for president is important, right now my family is more important. . . . This campaign, and the ideals and ideas it rep resents, will continue and our cause will succeed.” Hart came to New Hampshire on Wednesday, pursued by questions about his relationship with Rice. Af ter campaign events and the news conference, Hart and his wife de cided after midnight to fly to Denver. Earlier, in an interview with The New York Times Magazine, Hart had defied reporters to check up on him. “If anybody wants to put a tail on me, go ahead,” he said. “They’d be very bored.” Hart has said he accepts the scru tiny that comes with his candidacy, but contends the Herald’s reporters saw only part of his comings and goings over the weekend, and drew the wrong conclusions. Hart and Rice have denied that she stayed with him or that they had a sexual relationship. lements approves bill nixing open containers AUSTIN (AP) — Beginning Sept. Si, Texans no longer will be able to Irink a beer or any other alcoholic beverage while driving. Gov. Bill Clements, who says he Inever has hoisted a drink while be- Ihind the wheel, Thursday signed into law a bill that prohibits drinking |\vhile driving. “I think it’s been long overdue,” IClements said after putting his sig- [nature on the legislation sponsored Iby Sen. Bill Sarpalius, D-Amarillo. “I’m delighted to see it go on the [books,” he said. Clements called the law, which [does not extend to passengers in ve- 1 hides, a key highway safety measure and said he believes it will reduce highway fatalities. “Alcohol and automobiles can be a volatile combination,” he said. “The combination has resulted in deaths, wasted lives and destruction. There is no argument against a measure that seeks to end this unnecessary misery. It will save lives.” Current Texas law prohibits driv ing while intoxicated, but does not prohibit drinking while driving. In a report to the Legislature writ ten last year, the House Liquor Reg ulation Committee said many states have open-container bans. Twenty-seven Texas municipali ties have open-container ordinances. Just GoirT For A Drive Kathryn Caperton, left, daughter of Sen. Kent Ca per ton, and her friend, Angela Mauro, take a ride on the Rugged Buggie tide at the Brazos Valley Photo by Robert W. Rizzo Shrine Club carnival, Sen. Citpeftdb ^ wife. Kathy, watches in the background. The carnival is cur rently under way at the Townshire Center. Limits in B-CS area unchanged by 65 mph law for rural Interstates but those came under question be cause of an attorney general’s opin ion that said the state’s alcoholic bev erage code is the exclusive law on transportation and possession of al coholic beverages, the report said. The bill signed Thursday was sup ported by several groups, including Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Clements said he wasn’t worried about any negative public reaction to his signature. “1 think it’s the right bill,” he said. Asked if he ever drank while driv ing, the governor replied, “No, I have not. I don’t think that’s really pertinent to what we’re talking about.” By Doug Driskell Staff Writer Gov. Bill Clements signed a bill Wednesday that will raise the Texas rural Interstate speed limit to 65 mph, but Bryan-College Station speed limits remain unchanged, said a highway department official. The closest interstate to Bryan- College Station to be affected is In terstate 45, said Nick Turnham, public affairs officer for the Texas Highway Department. Only where Interstate Highway 45 runs through Walker, Madison, Leon and Freestone counties will the speed limit increase, Turnham said. Bo McCarver, spokesman for the Texas State Department of High ways and Public Transportation, said a rural interstate highway is one that passes through an area with a population of 50,000 people or less. “This means the speed limit will increase to 65 mph only on inter states that run by rural areas,” he said. “When an interstate such as 10 goes by Houston or San Antonio, the speed limit will go down to 55.” An Interstate highway is a high way which crosses state borders and is federally funded. All the roads and highways in the Bryan-College Station area are intrastate. Quinn Brackett, a research spe cialist for the Texas Transportation Institute of Human Resources at Texas A&M, said it is important to emphasize what a rural interstate is. “What we are going to see is an in crease in accidents and law enforc- ment agencies are going to have a difficult time controlling speeders,” he said. “People are going to assume the speed limit is 65 on every road in Texas because of this bill. What they must realize is the speed limit of 55 still applies to highways such as 6, 21 and 290.” At 12:01 a.m. Saturday, speed limit signs on interstate highways will be unveiled with the new limits printed on them, McCarver said. In Walker, Madison, Leon and Freestone counties, where 1-45 passes, 37 new signs that have 65 mph printed on them will be erected Friday, Turnham said. In addition to the 37 new signs there will be 37 truck speed-limit signs posted over a two month period. Trucks will only be allowed to go 60 mph during the day and 55 mph at night. The new speed limit will affect ap proximately 244,100 miles of inter state Texas blacktop, according to a report prepared by Jay Rosser, Clements’ press secretary. Universily police to remove bikes left at semester's end By Mary-Lynne Rice Staff Writer Students planning to store theij bicycles in campus racks be tween the spring and summer se mesters may return to find their bikes have been removed. In accordance with a par agraph added to the 1986-1987 University Rules and Regula tions, bikes will be removed from racks surrounding dormitories 10 days after the end of the spring semester. “The idea behind this policy is that over the years, bikes have continued to accumulate,” Uni versity Police Department Chief Elmer Schneider said. “They are never registered, and they’re abandoned and in a state of disre pair.” University Grounds Mainte nance crews will assist the UPD in collecting the bikes. Schneider said the bicycle owners must bear the costs incurred in removing locks or chains, and the Univer sity will take no responsibility for any damage to the vehicles. Impounded bicycles will be se cured by the UPD and kept for six months. If not claimed, they will be put up for auction. Reve nue from the sales will be trans ferred to the MSG lost and found account. A master log of all bicycles taken from the racks will be kept by the UPD and bikes will be re turned to students after they pro vide registration information or a sufficient description of their property. A charge for handling and storage may be assessed. Removal of bikes from other racks around campus will be based on “a judgment call” on whether the bike is abandoned, Schneider said. “We would con sider abandoned a bike with two flat tires and a chain rusted into a solid mass,” he said. Bicycles may be brought back to campus racks one week before the beginning of the first summer session. Drunk drivers may face sobering aftermaths By Staci Finch Reporter T he price for driving while intoxi cated is sobering. It could lead to a misdemeanor conviction for first time offenders, but drivers arrested for a third DWI will awaken from Drinking and driving Part two of a two-part series their drunken haze to find them selves charged with a felony carrying a punishment that is more than just a fine or a slap on the wrist. Margaret Talk, an assistant district attorney for the Brazos County, de scribed how her office handles fel ony DWIs. “We really don’t have a set policy on how to handle any certain cases in this office,” Talk said. “However, the general philosophy of the trial attor neys on DWIs is these people should not be allowed to pose a threat to the community in the future.” Talk said that, if necessary, the district attorney’s office will send these people to prison to keep them off the streets as long as possible. “However,” she said, “if we have good reason to believe that some type of chemical dependency pro gram will help their drinking prob lem, we will try that route.” Talk said by the time drivers are picked up for DWI a third time, they usually have a drinking problem. “We can’t use any convictions older than 10 years,” she said. “So if someone is convicted three times in 10 years for DWI, the chances are that he has been driving drunk a lot more times than he has gotten caught. You can almost guarantee there is a substance abuse problem by the time we get him.” Lalk said the major factor in de ciding whether to send an offender to prison or to grant probation de pends on the offender’s record. “If the probation office has dealt with this person on a misdemeanor level and has tried to get him into programs and to realize he has a problem, but it hasn’t worked, I’m not going to try it again,” she said. Another type of probation can be used to show the offender the law means business, she said. “We can try what we call shock probation,” she said. “If the of fender has never been to the peni tentiary, we send him for five to six months, then take him out and put him on probation for the rest of his term, which includes a substance abuse program. “Prison life can be pretty frighten ing, and the theory is that the of fenders will be scared by their look at prison life and will stay out of trouble.” Many people know they’re drunk when they drive, Lalk said, but drive anyway with hopes of not getting caught. “What we hope to get across by punishment is the fact that you can try to fool yourself, but if you get caught, something bad is going to happen to you,” she said. Eddie Carmon, state trooper for the Department of Public Safety in Bryan-College Station, said when spotting drunk drivers, the officers look for drivers who do something sober drivers normally don’t. “If someone is driving down the road and he crosses the line once or twice, he would get our attention and we would follow and watch him,” Carmon said. “We might go ahead and stop him, just to see what was wrong. Many times people are just tired or are not paying attention, or maybe they’re older people who drive really slow. “We also look for people who drive with their headlights on bright, to compensate for impaired vision. They may run a stop sign or a stop- See DWI, page 12