The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 07, 1987, Image 3

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    Thursday, May 7, 1987/The Battalion/Page 3
State and Local
ew intra-campus buses
provide students comfort
drivers question safety of new shuttle buses
By Cheryl Pratt
lot ^lOTlie new intra-campus shuttle
■Hers liBs have features that should
Hegrilyia|e shuttling from class-to-class a
g tobeitoEe pleasurable experience, but
[| evr )m< bus drivers have questions
( i , bout the buses’safety.
ofwoif The new buses, called Diamond
“s \/3bB s ’ are mac ^ e °f Fiberglas. Five of
ie|13 intra-campus buses are Di-
V^Wnds. They are narrow in the
' ( *y l ' ront and get wider toward the back,
f rtipBmie drivers say the structure of
ie| Diamond buses causes blind
I that could be dangerous.
. ^^■’he Diamond buses are just an
^'t’^Blent waiting to happen,” said Joe
!l|e( l hshmore, bus driver and engi-
‘ed onfleering technology graduate stu-
i big ent
idi firH 110 ^^ 1 driver, who didn’t want
^ v is name used, said, “They’re all
ighi as long as you always remem-
pper^r to check the blind spots. You
1 " as 'an’i see anything behind you.”
ijot poMther bus drivers agree that the
linn spots exist, but they believe
IbHr benefits outweigh this disad-
tarac: an,t S e -
“I love the Diamond buses,” said
Mark Nimocks, bus driver and
junior business major. “A lot of driv
ers don’t like them because they
have so many blind spots, but they’re
air-conditioned and they have an
AM-FM radio. I like them a lot.”
Passengers like these features as
“I like them because of the big,
cushioned seats and the radio speak
ers,” said Ken Pemberton, a senior
journalism major. . “It’s nice to be
able to listen to the radio.”
Ashmore said the tinted windows
on these buses make it hard for him
to see his passengers when he is driv
“I hate the Diamond buses,” Ash
more said. “Not only from the dan
gerous aspect, but I can’t be person
able with my passengers. I look in
my small rear-view mirror and all I
can see are silhouettes. Granted, a
bus driver is supposed to drive the
bus, but I don’t like that atmos
Doug Williams, manager of Bus
Operations, said the office even
tually wants to replace all the old
miniature shuttle buses with these
new Diamond buses.
The Diamond buses are air-condi
tioned, they ride better, they look
better and they are more versatile,
he said.
Williams said the Diamond buses
cost about $40,000 each, while the
other intra-campus shuttle buses are
Carpenter and Thomas buses, which
cost about $32,000.
“If replacing the old buses doesn’t
save money, I’m certain it will pro
vide better service,” Williams said.
All intra-campus shuttle buses are
funded by the University Police De
Director of University Police Bob
Wiatt said, “This year we are giving
bus operations about $380,000 for
the operation and maintenance of
the intra-campus shuttle buses. We
use some of our parking revenues,
including parking tickets and park
ing permits, to fund the intra-cam
pus shuttle buses.
“That alleviates bringing vehicles
onto campus. It facilitates moving
pedestrians around. So we feel we
are justified in assisting shuttle bus
operations in its funding.”
Clements approves bill raising
some highway speeds to 65 mph
AUSTIN (AP) — Taking a swipe
if He federal government. Gov. Bill
lent (clients signed the proclamation
get loHnesday that will raise the speed
. yittpiit on rural interstate highways to
1( ( , ( Hph beginning Saturday.
, “liny federal bureaucrat who
11 lought the 55 mph limit was rea-
H u mable never drove a highway mile
>o carrij Texas,” Clements said.
"Sev- The new speed limit, authorized
earlier by Congress and the state
highway commission, takes effect
this weekend.
It will apply to about 2,441 miles
of the 3,147-mile interstate highway
system in Texas. It does not apply to
state highways, where the maximum
limit remains 55 mph, officials said.
“Texans have wanted the speed
limit changed to 65 mph virtually
since the day the federal govern
ment lowered the limit from 70 mph
to 55 mph in the early 1970s,” the
governor said.
Clements also said the lower
speed limit, enacted during the Arab
oil embargo, had caused difficulties
for Texans.
“The reduced limit didn’t have
much of an impact on smaller states
like Rhode Island or Delaware. It
had a major impact in Texas.”
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