The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 07, 1987, Image 18

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    It's that time of year again.
Time to think of ways to survive
the summer heat. Of course,
there are always drastic
measures. You can drag your
bed into the kitchen and sleep
in front of the open refrigerator,
you can fill your waterbed with
dry ice or — if you have money
you don't know what to do with
— you can take a three-month
cruise to Alaska.
Even though these
approaches may not be
feasible, there are plenty of
ways to get around the heat of
summer, no matter where you
may be.
If you have to endure the
heat, endure it in an exotic
location. To do that you’ll need
the help of your friendly travel
Travel agents have
information on every kind of
trip available, from month-long
vacations to to weekend flights.
Talk to them to set up a cruise
to the Bahamas or any other
exotic place and enjoy the
summer heat among palm trees
and coconuts.
If you don’t have the time or
the money for an extended
cruise, there are many other
ways to get away from the heat
of summer. In order to help you
do that, here are some tips to
beat the heat.
Your local park can be a
great place to get away from the
heat of summer, even if you
aren’t 7 years old anymore.
Wait until evening, when the
heat of the day has passed and
pack a picnic. Call a couple of
friends, or that special person,
and head out to the park.
Rediscover the swings and the
seesaw and don’t forget the big
slide that scared you to death
when you were little. It might
not be as scary as you
remember, but it will still be fun.
Be a Sport
Summer is a great time to
take up water sports. Instead of
sweating to death while jogging,
run to the nearest pool and dive
in. Swimming exercises muscles
all over your body, but still
keeps you cool. However, if
you can’t live without jogging,
jog at night when it’s cooler.
Besides, many places run their
sprinkler systems at night, so if
you get too hot, take a detour
through their cool spray. If you
live near a lake you can take up
waterskiing or parasailing and
have fun, meet new people and
get in shape wihout dying of
It’s evening and you have
nothing to do. It’s too hot for
the park picnic and all the good
movies have been rented.
Don’t give up hope yet. Instead
of condemning yourself to
another night of summer
reruns, check out the local
theatre scene and see what
plays are in performance. Go to
some experimental theatre
performances and expand your
horizons instead of watching the
same cops chase the same cars
they chased three months ago.
The theatre is not the only
place to expand your cultural
knowledge. Go to that museum
no cool person would have
been caught dead in during
high school. Many towns have
historical museums which
contain a lot of interesting
information about the history of
the town and the surrounding
You can also go to art
galleries. Not only are they air
conditioned, but you can spend
a cool afternoon in the modern
art section trying to figure just
what drug the artists were on
when they were painting their
Finally, you can enter the
one place you may never go
during the school year — the
library. And this time you won’t
have to head for the reference
section or the study carrels.
Instead, catch up on the latest
Stephen King or Robert
Ludlum novel, or pick up the
latest issue of “Time" magazine
and just relax.
Keep Your Cool
While you can find ways to
beat the heat during your spare
time, there are still those hot
hours when you are at work or
school that have to be endured.
But don’t blow up. There are
plenty of ways to stay cool and
calm even when the
temperature is 100 degrees or
For instance, you have 10
minutes to get across town,
which is just enough time if you
leave NOW. You walk out of
your house and get halfway to
your car, only to realize that you
have left something behind.
You run back to your house,
grab your things, run back to