The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 07, 1987, Image 1

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    F _«| Texas A&M —^ m m <■ •
The Battalion
■ve warn,
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Vol. 82 No. 152 CJSPS 045360 10 pages
College Station, Texas
Thursday, May 7, 1987
Say hello to summer ^
ormer CIA director
illiam Casey dead
ing toe
I GLEN COVE, N.Y. (AP) — Wil-
Bam J. Casey, a World War II spy-
Biaster who as CIA director
Htruggled to restore the agency’s in
dependence and self-confidence,
Hied Wednesday at 74, leaving ques
tions unanswered about his knowl-
dgeofthe Iran-Contra affair.
“It really is the passing of an era,”
aid Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., for-
aer vice chairman of the Senate In
telligence Committee. “I think Bill
^asey was sort of a larger-than-life
Jirector of the-GIA and I think he’s
oing to be remembered that way.”
Leahy said Casey probably knew
tore than anyone about the Iran-
contra affair, with the possible ex-
eption of fired White House aide
Oliver North.
And of course that we’ll never
now, because he didn’t really tell us
inch about it before he died,” said
Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill, agreed,
laying, “There will always be ques
tions unanswered. There will always
e the suspicion that Bill Casey was
he moving force behind this entire
I Casey collapsed from a brain sei-
Kure in December on the day he was
Bo have testified before Congress
William J. Casey
about the diversion of funds from
Iran arms sales to the Nicaraguan
On Tuesday, retired Maj. Gen.
Richard V. Secord told a congressio
nal committee that he met three
times with Casey and dealt routinely
with CIA officials while running a
private resupply operation for the
Contras at a time when Congress
had banned aid.
Casey’s death at 1:15 a.m. was at
tributed to pneumonia stemming
from lymphoma, according to a
spokesman at Glen Cove Commu
nity Hospital. He had undergone
surgery in Washington in December
for a cancerous brain tumor.
Casey, who resigned as CIA direc
tor Feb. 2, had been in the hospital
here since April 25.
President Reagan issued a
statement saying “the nation and all
those who love freedom honor today
the name and memory of Bill Ca
“In addition to crediting him with
rebuilding America’s intelligence ca
pability, history will note the brilli
ance of his mind and strategic vision,
his passionate commitment to the
cause of freedom and his unhesitat
ing willingness to make personal sac
rifices for the sake of that cause and
his country,” Reagan said.
Casey’s stature in the intelligence
community was enhanced by his sta
tus as a former spy. Barred from
combat by poor eyesight, he joined
the Office of Strategic Services.
Sterling C. Evans Library
to review serial choices
’s Stull
By Cindy Milton
Stuff Writer
By the beginning of the 1987-
■1988 academic year, there may be a
fthange in the selection of magazines
Band other periodicals in the Texas
I With the help of departmental
Representatives, the Sterling C.
■Evans Library is undergoing a re
view project to determine which seri-
1s— including 15,000 books, jour-
aals and current periodicals — will
emain on the library’s purchase list.
“Money spent on serials is going
ip faster than the library’s budget,”
aid Sherrie Schmidt, assistant direc-
or for collection and bibliographic
“The Serials Review Project is. for
eviewing periodicals that no longer
upport research at TAMU,” she
The goal of the project is to find
ut which periodicals that the library
|buys are used by each department.
Representatives from each academic
[department will choose the titles
which are most significant to their
Those ranked lowest on a scale of
one to five have the possibility of be
ing canceled from the library’s list.
The cancellation of some materi
als will allow the library to buy new
titles that will enable students and
faculty to keep up with research.
According to a chart compiled by
the library, approximately /2 per
cent of the library’s $2.5 million bud
get is spent on serials and that per
centage is expected to go up.
If the library keeps spending
money at this rate, by'the 1989-1990
academic year, its entire materials
budget will be spent on serials alone,
Schmidt said.
“This is a management decision
that has to be made,” she said.
T he major concern of the review
project, she said, is that the library
maintains an adequate supply of cur
rent serials for the students and fac
“We don’t want to be in an adver
sarial position with the faculty,”
Schmidt said.
“We’re eager to know what kinds
of materials are needed to support
further research at the University,”
she said.
Imported periodicals are costing
more because of the devaluation of
the dollar, she said.
Because more than one-third of
the serials found in the library are
foreign, she said, more money is
coming out of the budget.
The changes in what the library
buys will affect faculty and graduate
students the most, she said, because
the new materials will specialize in
certain fields and departments — es
pecially the sciences.
“All of the colleges need books
and other serials for research,”
Schmidt said. “It is important that
we find the right mix to satisfy all of
the colleges.”
The Gospel Truth
Mike Garrett, a computer programmer for Texas
A&M University and a member of Great Commis-
Photo by Sarah Cowan
sion Students, preaches to a gathering of students
Wednesday near Rudder Fountain.
Hart denies involvement with Miami woman
HANOVER, N.H. (AP) — Gary
Hart declared in an extraordinary
news conference Wednesday that “I
am not stupid,” and he denied hav
ing sex with a Miami woman.
“I have nothing to hide,” said the
Democratic front-runner.
For 51 minutes in a packed hotel
lounge, the former Colorado sen
ator answered questions about his
relationship with Donna Rice, a 29-
year-old model and actress.
Sometimes angry in his responses,
he admitted “a series of mistakes.”
Hart said he considers adultery
immoral, but he adamantly refused
to answer questions about whether
he had ever committed adultery.
“I don’t have to answer that ques
tion because you get into some fairly
fine definitions,” he said.
But asked specifically if his
statements meant he had not had
sexual relations with Rice, Hart an
swered: “That’s correct.”
He praised his wife, Lee, who flew
to New Hampshire to be at his side
through the next day of cam
paigning. She did not attend the
news conference, although she was
in the hotel at the time.
Mrs. Hart, who had canceled
plans to join Hart in New York on
Tuesday because of a sinus infec
tion, broke her silence Wednesday,
telling reporters that she was not dis
turbed by her husband’s association
with Rice.
Hart, author of two spy novels,
declared his actions were not those
of a man having an affair.
“If I had intended a relationship
with this woman, believe me — I
have written spy novels — I am not
stupid,” Hart said. “If I wanted to
bring someone into a house or an
apartment or meet with a woman in
secret, I wouldn’t have done it this
“I’m a human being. But believe
me, if my intent was to have a
relationship with a woman, partic
ularly this attractive a one, I cer
tainly wouldn’t have gone about it in
this way.”
On Sunday, the Miami Herald
published a story saying Hart spent
much of the weekend at his Wash
ington townhouse with Rice while
Mrs. Hart was in Colorado. On Mon
day, Rice told reporters the weekend
was an innocent one. And Tuesday,
Hart went before the nation’s news
paper publishers to deny any immo
ral behavior and to denounce the
story as false.
Hart told the news conference in
New Hampshire, site of the first
1988 presidential primary, that his
chief mistake was, “I underestimated
the way in which it would be infer
red something wrong going on
Hart, whose campaign has been
dogged by rumors of womanizing,
also said he and his wife of 28 years
socialize freely with members of the
opposite sex.
Hart denied he and his wife have
an understanding that would allow
him to have affairs.
“No, we do not have that kind of
understanding,” he said. “We have
an understanding of faithfulness, fi
delity and loyalty.”
An ABC News poll of 529 people
conducted Monday night found that
‘Hart’s support for the Democratic
nomination had fallen from 46 per
cent on March 9 to 36 percent.
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Law toughens DWI offense penalties
to include stiffer fines, jail sentences
By Staci Finch
It was John Doe’s 21st birthday and he hit the
town with his friends to celebrate. Several hours
and many drinks later, John said goodbye to his
friends and started home.
He had only gone a few blocks when he saw
the red and blue lights of a police car in his rear
view mirror.
Eddie Garmon, state trooper for the Depart
ment of Public Safety in Bryan-College Station,
Drinking and driving
Part one of a two-part series
said that drivers who are pulled over for suspi
cion of drunk driving often are administered a
roadside sobriety test. The driver is asked to
perform a series of dexterity tests, which in
clude looking down and slowly counting to 30
while balancing on one foot, Garmon said. The
driver may also be asked to walk a certain num
ber of steps heel-to-toe, turn in a certain way
and walk back, heel-to-toe, he said.
Finally, the officer can administer a horizon
tal gaze and nystagmus test. Garmon said
nystagmus activity — the normal jerking of the
eyeball to maintain balance — increases w'hen a
person is drunk. By having the offender follow
a pen or the officer’s finger with his eyes, Gar
mon said, the officer can tell whether or not the
person is drunk.
“These tests are difficult enough for a sober
person to complete,” he said. “You can rarely do
them if you’re drunk.”
John failed the tests. The officer took him to
the sheriff’s office, where a videotape was made
of John performing another series of tests, such
as touching his finger to his nose with his eyes
closed and his head tilted back and saying his
ABCs. After administering these tests, the officer
tested John’s blood-alcohol content.
“There are three types of tests that can be used
to test blood-alcohol content — breath, blood and
urine,” Garmon said. “We use the breath test.”
The blood and urine tests both require viola
tion or entrance of the body, for which consent
must be obtained, and also must be performed
by a qualified individual, he said.
“We are not qualified by the State Board of
Health to perform these tests,” he said, “so we
can’t do them.”
But when a person operates a motor vehicle,
he has given implied consent to a breath test, he
“When a person signs for a driver’s license,”
Garmon said, “that is a statement that he will
take a chemical breath test if stopped at any time
by any police officer in the state of Texas and
asked to do so.”
John took a breath test and his blood alcohol
content was found to be 0.2 (a person is consid
ered legally drunk at 0.1). John was booked for
DWI — driving while intoxicated.
If John had been convicted of this offense be
fore January 1984, he could have pleaded guilty
and perhaps received deferred adjudication. A
judge would have assigned a probation period
and if John followed his probation, the incident
wouldn’t be recorded. But on Jan. 1, 1984, de
ferred adjudication became impermissible and
John is going to do some time.
Jim Kuboviak, county attorney for Brazos
County, explained that if this is John’s first con
viction, it will be classified as a misdemeanor. He
will be fined $100 to $2,000 and will spend 72
hours to two years in the county jail. If this is
John’s second conviction, it still is classified as a
misdemeanor, but he will be fined a minimum
of $500 to $2,000 and spend 15 days to two
years in jail.
Garmon said the punishment can involve
more than just these fines. If John had seriously
injured someone while driving drunk, the mini
mum term of his confinement would be in
creased by 60 days and the minimum and maxi-
See DWI, page 10
President of Mexico
has ‘let’s see’ attitude
on immigration law
MEXICO CITY (AP) — The gov
ernment is cautioning that more
time is needed before the impact of
the new U.S. immigration law, which
took effect this week, can bejudged.
“There have been too many exag
gerated stories about the phenome
non,” President Miguel de la Madrid
said at a ceremony marking the
Cinco de Mayo national holiday.
“This law will be applied very grad
He also sounded a note of pride in
the role Mexican workers play in the
United States.
“Let’s see what the Americans say
when they don’t have Mexican labor
any more, their costs go up and they
lose competitiveness,” de la Madrid
said as the Immigration Reform and
Control Act of 1986 granting am
nesty to illegal aliens living in the
United States since before 1982 took
effect. “There are many chapters yet
to be seen.”
His conversation with local re
porters at the ceremony in Puebla,
marking a Mexican victory there
over French invaders in 1862, was
the banner story Wednesday in the
government newspaper El Nacional
and other local newspapers. Puebla
is 77 miles southwest of Mexico City.
It follows dozens of articles and
editorials, sometimes taking up en
tire front pages, that have preceded
the new immigration law for weeks.
Television and radio news pro
grams, the most widespread source
of news in Mexico, also have given
ample attention to the topic.
Fidel Velazquez, 87, the leader of
the powerful Mexican Labor Feder
ation, predicted the United States “is
not going to be able to get rid of
Mexican labor.”
“In the fields, for example, the
native labor force won’t do because
it’s very expensive,” he said.He pre
dicted that despite the law, “Mexi
cans will keep crossing” into the
United States.
Still, immigration officials here
and in northern Mexico reported
that some undocumented workers
were returning to their homeland
because of the new law.
The chief immigration officer at
the Mexico City International Air
port, Daniel Zorrilla, said as many as
half the passengers on some flights
from the United States arriving
Tuesday were Mexicans returning
He said the situation has been no
ticeable for the past month and a
The U.S. government has given
employers until June 1 to start de
manding proof of residency from
employees, but some Mexicans re
turning said not all are waiting that