The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 06, 1987, Image 5

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    Wednesday, May 6, 1987/The Battalion/Page 5
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Police Beat
The following were reported to
the University Police Department
, from April 24 through last Fri
1' • A Schuhmacher Hall resi
dent reported his clothes were
stolen from a dryer in the Special
Rrvices Building.
I • An officer chased and ar
rested two juveniles in a car stolen
from a campus parking lot.
|| • Several desk items reported
stolen from Goodwin Hall were
found in a room in Walton Hall.
K • A student in Dorm 8 re-
■arted she heard knocking on
her door at all hours of the night.
1 • Two Neeley Hall residents
Rported receiving several ha-
Rssing phone calls.
1 • A woman reported that she
Rceived several obscene phone
■blls at her office and her home.
I • A woman student reported
that a man entered a women’s
restroom in Legett Hall and took
a picture of her.
• A Davis-Gary Hall resident
reported that four turkeys and a
goat were put in his room, and
the door then was locked. The
animals were from the A&M
poultry farm and from the sheep
and goat center.
• UPD received a report that
detergent was put in a fountain in
front of Zachry Engineering Cen
ter, and a glass door on the build
ing was broken.
• A student reported that eggs
were thrown on his car while it
was parked in the Commons
parking lot.
• Two mailboxes were broken
into at the Northgate post office.
• UPD received a report that
there has been an increase of
criminal mischief in the Langford
Architecture Center.
• An officer, responding to a
report of an intoxicated person,
found a student unconscious near
the Northgate post office.
Gephardt declines
comment about Hart
is a foil
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AUSTIN (AP) — U.S. Rep. Rich-
ird Gephardt said Tuesday he plans
o slick to the issues in his campaign
or the Democratic presidential
Sic also said he has no comment
in the Cary Hart incident.
« don’t know anything about it,”
he Missouri congressman told a
lews conference.
■And what I would say would be
nappropriate,” the U.S. House
Democratic caucus chairman said.
■Jephardt had his wife Jane beside '
■’he Miami Herald reported Sun-
lay that Hart had spent Friday night
ind most of Saturday with Donna
ilice at his Washington tovvnhouse.
nice is a 29-year-old model and ac
res s.
■lart’s wife, Lee, was in Denver at
he l ime.
■iart has denied any wrongdoing
ind denounced the media’s perfor-
■Obviously, the American people
ook at us and scrutinize us very clo-
ely,” Gephardt said. “L think that
erntiny comes with the territory,
ind I have no problems with that.”
■When asked what he thought
about reporters following candidates
and reporting on their non-public
activities, Gephardt said:
“I’m not in the business of telling
the press and the media how to con
duct their business.
“My responsibility is to try to be a
good public servant, to articulate my
vision for the country and what I
would do if elected president, and
that’s what I am going to do.”
Gephardt spoke to the Texas
House after he had already ap
peared in San Antonio and Hous
After he spoke in Austin, he flew
to campaign stops in Mississippi and
“Viva Cinco de Mayo,” Gephardt
said in his brief speech in recogni
tion of Mexico’s independence from
France, which is celebrated widely in
Texas as well as Mexico.
“Texas has traditionally shown
the way to the rest of the country as
to how to deal with the future,” Ge
phardt told the House.
“The ‘Don’t Mess with Texas’
spirit is felt all over the United
States,” he said, referring to a popu
lar slogan used in a state anti-litter
He said he felt many Texans were
with him in his national efforts for
an oil import fee and for a fair for
eign trade policy.
Attorney hired
by minister's
friends to help
protect his rights
DALLAS (AP) — The Rev.
Walker Railey’s friends have hired
an attorney to be on hand when po
lice question the minister about his
account of his wife’s near-fatal at
tack, officials said.
Railey’s condition has been up
graded to satisfactory, and police
say they expect to be able to ques
tion him soon about the April 21
strangling attempt on his wife, Mar
garet, in their home.
Ralph Shannon, chairman of
pastor-parish relations at First
United Methodist Church, said at
torney Doug Mulder was hired over
the weekend by a group of individ
uals who feel that when Walker Rai-
ley is interrogated, he should exer
cise his legal right to have an
attorney present.
“We’re not hiring someone to de
fend him,” Shannon said Monday.
“We’re hiring someone to protect
his rights.”
Shannon said Mulder’s fee is not
being paid by the church but is
coming from another source. He
declined to elaborate.
Police said Railey, senior minister
at the church, tried to commit sui
cide with an overdose of drugs Fri
day after they requested an inter
view with him about his
whereabouts the night his wife was
Homicide Lt. Ron Waldrop said
police will wait for a medical evalua
tion of the minister’s condition
“and then we’ll decide whether we
want to talk to him or not.”
Margaret Railey is in critical con
dition at Presbyterian Hospital,
where she has been in a coma since
April 22.
Railey told police he found his
wife early that morning after re
turning from a library at Southern
Methodist University where he had
been doing research.
The incident followed a series of
six threatening letters to Railey that
were critical of his sermons sup
porting civil rights.
Police said Friday that FBI ana
lysts determined the letters were
written on a typewriter at Railey’s
Railey does not know that
Mulder has been hired, Shannon
“He’s not been in a condition to
have any knowledge of it,” he said.
’ “He’s been in and out. He’s be
ginning to respond, recognizing
people, etc.”
Books • Gifts
• Supplies
Slow economy offers fewer jobs
■DALLAS (AP) —Job of fers are coming in slower this
ipring at area colleges and universities, and placement
1 lilectors are blaming sluggish state and national econ
omies for the downturn in entry-level positions.
l() wl[ [ Spring is usually the biggest recruiting season on col-
jegc campuses and the heaviest hiring season for em-
, plovers seeking recent graduates.
!S( J But business closings, mergers, restructurings, losses
(| l 'on contracts and other changes related to a weak econ-
' 1 ! omv have caused many of the larger companies nation-
I’ ' wide — and particularly in Texas — to reduce the num
ber of employees, say industry analysts.
PT] Warren Rohh, director of counseling, testing and ca-
" 1 reer placement at the University of Texas at Arlington,
. said, “Recruiters are saying they have fewer available
w 1H positions, and, therefore, are going to fewer campuses.”
in . ( S 1 " 1 , But Ray Lewis, placement director at North Fexas
1 ln ' State University, voiced optimism.
if'My feeling is there’s a job out there for everyone —
you might have to hunt for it harder,” Lewis said. “A
majority of people probably are working in jobs they
didn’t First have in mind.”
■Ahile the big companies may not be recruiting at the
le volume as previous years, analysts say students
may fare better finding a job with a small company.
Butch Herrington, placement director at DeVry In
stitute of Technology, said, “Smaller companies are hir
ing more than the larger companies for expansion and
Joseph W. Duncan, corporate economist and chief
statistician for Dun & Bradstreet Corp., which conducts
an annual national employment survey, said, “The lon
gevity of the economic recovery has surprised every
one, and the big companies have become concerned
about their ability to become more competitive.
“That concern has produced a lot of belt-tightening
last year, particularly with respect to employment, and
the trend appears to be continuing this year.” The sur
vey said corporations employing 25,000 or more work
ers have indicated they plan to reduce payrolls slightly
this year, but that about 2.6 million new jobs will be cre
ated by smaller companies.
“Small businesses continue to be the driving force be
hind job creation in the U.S. economy,” Duncan said.
The Dun 8c Bradstreet study projects growth in areas
such as finance, real estate, construction, service indus
tries and the wholesale and retail trade — some of the
problems in the Texas economy.
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