associaie lilosoph, S has a Hrarv to KHigh i, omosex- good ‘ys. “For t() admit Koplein ii'gerij. re the is. tol.82 No. 147 (ASPS 045360 18 pages mgm'm TexasA&M m m « # The Battalion College Station, Texas Thursday, April 30, 1987 Activist admits guilt in Iran-Contra probe isexualts -re, sonit day dies they are lerences. > anyone md I do it thing but t om cus. s- I go to )ustastu- except it WASHINGTON (AP) — Conservative activist Carl R. “Spitz” Channell pointed to former White House aide Oliver North as a fellow conspirator on Wednesday as he pleaded guilty to the first criminal charge of the Iran-Contra affair. Channell was formally accused of de frauding the government by telling contrib utors to his National Endowment for the Preservation of Liberty that their gifts would be tax-deductible even though the money actually was used to provide military aid to the U.S.-backed Contra rebels in Ni caragua. Channell pleaded guilty to a single count and agreed to cooperate in independent counsel Lawrence E. Walsh’s investigation. Walsh’s formal charge, known as a crimi nal information, said Channell was involved with a government official, but the charge did not identify that official. However, when Channell was asked in court by U.S. District Judge Stanley S. Har ris to name the persons with whom he con spired, he replied simply, “Col. North, an official of the National Security Council.” When Walsh aide Michael Bromwich was asked later if a similar charge could be ex pected soon against North, he said, “We’re not prepared to do that at this time.” At the White House, presidential spokes man Marlin Fitzwater declined to comment. “We’re not investigating ourselves and I don’t expect to elaborate on this kind of is sue,” Fitzwater said. Under the agreement Channell entered into with Walsh, the fund-raiser and several of his employees said they would cooperate with Walsh’s investigation into possible criminal activity in the secret sale of weap ons to Iran and in the funding of the Con tras. The developments come less than a week before congressional panels are to open public hearings on the Iran-Contra affair and just one day after Walsh suggested prosecutions would be endangered if Con gress granted immunity from prosecution to any more principal figures in the investi gation. On Capitol Hill leaders of the congressio nal panels said retired Air Force Major Gen. Richard V. Secord, a pivotal figure with key financial information on the affair, will be the first public witness in the hear ings that begin on Tuesday. Secord, who declined to testify before the Senate Intelli gence Committee earlier, will appear with out an immunity grant. Former National Security Adviser Rob ert McFarlane will follow Secord, the pan el’s leaders said. lefendati ;r,” Evans ■s wherei; bill goe> cting slif ' culpable r punisk S IS >” if a uch a pr- iis. h i vole vote wasi appraisi appraisal' Factory tin I repeals; e Board ’: school dir part of(fc e measif 30-1 vote Don’t Lose Your Head Photo by Doug La Rue Phil Warwick, a junior political science major, seems to have lost his head while making a tough shot during a volleyball game Wednesday af ternoon between Aston and Spence Halls. Conflicting stories emerge over death of U.S. volunteer Sandinistas fault Reagan administration TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AP) — An American engineer killed in northern Nicaragua was caught in a firefight between rebel fighters and Sandinista militia, the largest U.S.- supported Contra force said Wednesday. The account contradicted Nicara guan statements that Benjamin Er nest Linder, 27, of Portland, Ore., was singled out by the Contras. The Nicaraguan Democratic Force, or FDN, said that it held the leftist government of Nicaragua re sponsible for the death of the first American in Nicaragua’s civil war. Nicaragua blamed the U.S. govern ment for supporting the Contras. Linder’s body was in Matagalpa Wednesday, a Nicaraguan provincial capital, where a ceremony was held in his honor. American colleagues of the Ore gon engineer joined Sandinista offi cials in blaming the Reagan adminis tration for his death. The Contras’ statement said Linder was killed Tuesday near La Camaleona, located about 45 miles from the Honduran border. “This region is a permanent scene of combat between rebel forces and the army of the Nicaraguan govern ment,” the statement said. “The FDN holds the Marxist-Le- ninist regime of Nicaragua (respon sible) for the death of the U.S. citi zen by allowing him to enter an area of civil war of our country, which is between Nicaraguans and not for eigners,” it said. “The American, one of the few in ternational volunteers helping the Managua regime, lived in Nicaragua for several years and knew perfectly the risks he ran by being in a war zone accompanied by Sandinista sol diers,” the statement said. Bosco Matamoros, a Contra spokesman in Washington, denied an allegation by one Nicaraguan of ficial that rebels killed Linder in his office. The statement was “absolu tely false,” he said. Matamoros said Linder died during an “engagement ... in which two Sandinista regulars also died.” In Matagalpa, Nicaragua, dozens of wreaths surrounded the casket of the engineer, who went to Nicaragua in 1983. He was the first American volun teer working for the Sandinistas to be killed in the Contras’ 5-year-old war against the leftist government. Seven European volunteers have been killed since 1983. A government spokesman said Linder’s relatives were not expected to arrive until Thursday. Nicaraguan officials said guerril las killed Linder and two Sandinista militiamen Tuesday at La Cama leona, a village about 20 miles away in Jinotega province. There were conflicting reports about the precise circumstances of Linder’s death. He was helping build a small hydroelectric plant in La Camaleona. Manuel Espinoza Henriquez, spokesman for Nicaraguan Presi dent Daniel Ortega, said Linder left a letter asking to be buried in Nica ragua if he was killed. American colleagues working in northern Nicaragua blamed the Reagan administration for Linder’s death and reaffirmed their commit ment “to stand alongside the Nicara guan people.” An estimated 200 American vol unteers are in Nicaragua as volun teers. Most say they work here either because they oppose U.S. policy to ward Nicaragua or simply want to help. 'Official English 7 pros, cons debated By Stuart Vorwerk African riot police arrest 11 in Johannesburg JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) — liot police surrounded a black union head- parters Wednesday while officers went hough the 1 1-story building with masked fitnesses, apparently to make arrests for the tilling of four railway workers. The state-run South African Broadcasting Forp. reported on its television news that at east 11 people were detained after police iearched the downtown building while it was tordoned off late into the evening. It gave to details. More than 75 policemen, wearing plastic- risored helmets and tear gas canisters slung over their shoulders, stood guard with shot guns, pistols, dogs and whips in front of bar ricades of police cars and iron gates. Officers used dogs to repeatedly push back hundreds of pedestrians and journal ists trying to observe the entrance to the building, headquarters of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and its affiliates. The police swoop occurred as hundreds ofipembers of the South African Railways and Harbor Workers Union were discussing their seven-week strike, which led to mass firing of 16,000 workers last week by the South African Transport Services. Tuesday night, the bodies of three black men and one of mixed race were found un- At least 11 people were detained after police searched a black union headquarters building while it was cordoned off late into the evening. — South African News Broadcasting Corp. report der a pile of burned tires at a train station, according to a police statement. It said the victims “had been brutally assaulted with knives and pangas (sharpened sticks) and their bodies set alight.” The statement said the four victims “were forcibly removed from their places of em ployment to (the union building) where they were violently assaulted . . . and thereafter butchered, for no other reason than that they chose not to participate in COSATU’s actions.” Dirk Hartford, editor of the COSATU newspaper, said in a telephone interview that the union had no knowledge of the four deaths. He denied that the men were as saulted in a union building. Peter Harris, a railway workers union at torney, said police had a search warrant when they entered the building accompa nied by several masked black men who were “pointing people out.” Occupants of the building told journalists they had to walk a “gantlet” of police as the masked men watched and occasionally nodded. Several people who got the nod were seen being taken to a police van, the witnesses said. Despite two Supreme Court cases in the past week overturning restrictions on press coverage of unrest and security force ac tions, police interfered with journalists try ing to film at the union building. Television crews were chased out of adja cent buildings, and a news photographer said he was told he would be arrested if he did not put his cameras in his car in five min utes. Police headquarters in Pretoria acknowl edged that a promise had been made in a court hearing Tuesday that it would “not molest” members of the Congress of South African Trade Unions at their headquarters following the deaths of six railworkers in April 22 battles with police outside two union buildings. Earlier Wednesday, the trade union con gress and anti-apartheid groups called for a two-day protest on Tuesday and Wednes day, coinciding with Wednesday’s voting for the white chamber of the tricameral Parlia ment. The congress and the United Democratic Front anti-apartheid coalition did not spec ify protest actions. But police headquarters said it was aware of preparations for a two- day boycott of work and schools. GSS debates value of political activity By Doug Driskell Reporter The homosexual at Texas A&M may be comfortable with himself and his beliefs but politi cal activity and expression of these beliefs is another story. The Gay Student Services Or ganization is in the midst of a heated debate over whether the GSS should become politically ac tive, Dave Martin, GSS vice presi dent says. People are afraid to be associated with the Cay Student Services or they don’t see a reason to be involved, Martin says. Two years ago the GSS was fighting to be recognized. This got people involved. Now there is nothing to really fight for. “This thought scares a lot of people off,” Martin says. “If we are politically active, some mem bers may feel that they are going to be more visible. With this Uni versity having such a strong mili tary background many members feel threatened.” Philosophy professor Dr. Larry Hickman counsels the GSS and agrees that being politically active could have its drawbacks. Hickman says he believes that people are afraid to become polit ically active in GSS. He says that a person would have to be a politi cal activist of a certain type and in a “safe” major. “I have had men and women in my office who were education majors that said they wanted to run for office in the GSS,” Hick man says. “I said, ‘Don’t do it! If you want to be a teacher you can forget it if you are gay.’ “In America we are supposed to be able to have freedom of as sociation in any club we wish. That is not true at A&M if you are an education major. Basically, it is the kiss of death in primary and secondary education.” Although some homosexuals may fear the Corps of Cadets, Hickman has an interesting the ory towards the Corps and its past members. “There’s got to be a rather se rious level of sensitivity (when ho mosexuality is discussed) on the Homosexuality at A&M Part two of a two-part series part of people who were a part of the Corps during those years when there were no women around,” Hickman says. “Look at the language they used. What did the old guys call their roommate? They called them the ‘old lady.’ Look at the saying ‘humping it.’ What are those cheerleaders doing when they get down and ‘hump it?’ It’s a gesture of sexual submissiveness. “The images and the icons of male homosexuality are at the very heart of A&M traditions. People conveniently say that that’s not what they are but what else can ‘humping it’ be?” However, A&M Assistant Ar chivist David Chapman says find ing the true meaning of ‘hump ing it’ would be impossible. Chapman says it has been lost over time. For homosexuals that do want to talk the GSS offers counseling on the “gay line,” says Scott, the group’s president. Each gay line bperator goes through a training workshop that emphasizes listening, Scott says. The purpose of listening is to get the caller to solve his own prob lem or to come to terms with him self without the operator giving advice that may be taken wrong. “Lately we have been getting a lot of harrassing calls, but there are many serious calls,” he says. “We get people calling in that are contemplating suicide and we also get calls from gays who just need a roommate. “What we want to accomplish through the gay line and GSS in general is to promote an under standing between us and the A&M community.” Counseling for gays is also available off campus through the Metropolitan Communty Church in Bryan. The Rev. Ronald Grant, who says he is gay, believes that many gay students at A&M come out of the closet and feel they need to play catch-up. This causes them to have many sexual partners, Grant says. “I believe that sex for the sake of sex is self-degrading,” Grant says. “I want people I counsel to become comfortable with who they are and I want to bridge this stage in their life.” When he speaks of homosex uality and the Bible Grant says, “Christ came to take away our sins, not our sexuality.” See Homosexuals, page 18 Reporter Supporters and opponents of En glish as the official state language squared off in a debate sponsored by the Mexican Democrats of Amer ica Wednesday night. Lou Zaeske, chairman of the American Ethnic Coalition, and Ru ben Bonilla, chairman of the Mexi can-American Democrats of Texas, argued the merits of legislation that would make English the official lan guage of Texas and of the United States. Zaeske said America would de generate into a “tangle of squab bling nationalities” without Ameri cans’ love of the country and English as the common language. “Establishing English as the offi cial language of the United States is vital to the continued unity, security and prosperity of our nation,” he said. “Indeed, it is vital to prevent ing the division and ultimate frag mentation of America along ethnic or language lines. “American tax money ought not be used to grant any foreign lan guage or any foreign culture, co equal status or .. . preferential status to America’s culture and America’s English language.” But Bonilla, an opponent of the movement, said that if the United States rejects other languages and cultures it would lead to social and economic calamity. “English is the language of com merce — English is the language of trade in this country,” he said. How ever, he added that bilingualism is important. “ ‘English only’ in Texas is dead,” Bonilla said. John Adams, one of the founding fathers of America, tried to establish English as the official language of the United States, Bonilla said, but it was defeated because the founding fathers said diversity is the key to freedom. And he added that the purpose of bilingualism is not to perpetuate the Spanish language or have His- panics impose apartheid on them selves. During a question and answer pe riod after the debate, a member of the Mexican-American Democrats raised questions about an article from Tuesday’s Battalion. Zaeske said, “Before you get into that, let me say all of those words in there are lies, and we are right now working, talking to Dr. Vandiver about that — OK? “That’S written but it wasn’t sub- See Debate, page 18