The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 28, 1987, Image 1

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The Battalion
.82 No. 145 CISPS 045360 8 pages
College Station, Texas
Tuesday, April 28, 1987
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Demonstrators flock
to CIA lawn in protest
McLEAN, Va. (AP) — Peace dem
onstrators protesting Reagan admin
istration policies blocked roadways
at CIA headquarters Monday, caus
ing rush-hour chaos in this serene
suburban community and inconve
niencing hundreds of commuters.
There were more than 550 arrests.
There were no incidents of vio
lence in the protest, which culmi
nated three days of demonstrations
against American policies in Central
America and southern Africa.
It was a day that evoked memories
of the anti-war protests of the 1960s,
replete with slogan shouting, sing
ing, pamphlet passing, placard wav
ing and speechmaking by a cross-
section of people representing all re
gions, ages and races.
CIA spokeswoman Kathy Pherson
said that, so far as she knew, it was
the first large-scale protest at the
agency since the headquarters, about
six miles from Washington, D.C.,
opened 25 years ago.
The U.S. Park Service said Fairfax
County police, responsible for the
south gate at the sprawling, tree-
lined installation here, arrested 355
persons. Ninety of them were taken
to jail for refusing to identify them
selves or other reasons.
The U.S. Park Police, with juris
diction over the north gate, arrested
183 persons. Another 15 were taken
into custody by the Federal Protec
tive Service.
From shortly after dawn until
about 9:30 a.m. CST, demonstrators
sat down on roadways leading to the
spy headquarters, preventing vehicle
access. Some were escorted on foot
by police to a nearby precinct, while
others were hauled away in paddy
wagons, many with their hands tied
behind their backs.
The mood of the demonstrators
shifted frequently during the pro
test, with many angrily shouting
anti-CIA slogans only to revert mo
ments later to light-hearted banter
with their companions and the po
There were cheers for the protes
ters as they were carted off in police
vans and, as the demonstration
wound down, cheers for the re
straint exercised by the police.
The demonstration attracted a
range of participants — from teen
agers with “punk” haircuts, to mid
dle-aged clerics to elderly grand
mothers. They included men in
pinstripes and a less elegant group
which dropped their pants, exposing
a political statement across their
naked bottoms: “No Reagan.”
Power to set limits on enrollment
may shift to Coordinating Board
By Lee Schexnaider
Boards of regents of Texas uni
versities will lose the power to limit
enrollments if bills pending in the
Texas House of Representatives and
the Senate become law, said Bill
Presnal, executive secretary for the
Texas A&M University System
Board of Regents and vice chan
cellor for state affairs.
House Bill 2181 was taken from
recommendations of the House Se
lect Committee on Higher Educa-
Bill to allow regents to set
tuition rates for state schools
By Lee Schexnaider
A major provision of a bill in the
House of Representatives will enable
boards of regents at state universities
to set different tuition rates.
Dr. William Mobley, deputy chan
cellor for academic and resource de
velopment, said the hill will set a
minimum tuition level and allow the
boards of regents to raise the tuition
to double the minimum.
The bill now is in the calender
committee awaiting scheduling for a
floor vote.
Mark Browning, the higher edu
cation coordinator for the Legis
lative Study Group of the A&M Stu
dent Government, said a similar
Iowa law in 1969 was enacted with
out such restrictions and enabled the
state board of regents to raise tuition
by 70 percent. This was done two
days after the state legislative session
closed. In the next session, the Iowa
Legislature froze the tuition levels,
he said.
Dr. Eugene Payne, vice president
for finance and administration for
Texas Tech University, said there
are feelings on both sides of the issue
at his institution.
“If you look at other states with
similar policies, the rule puts the stu
dent body and administration at
odds,” Payne said. “Typically, the
rates go up rapidly and state support
of higher education goes down.”
L. Lowry Mays, a member of the
A&M Board of Regents, said he was
not opposed to universities setting
their own tuition rates.
“The regents would embrace that
responsibility,” Mays said.
Royce E. Wisenbaker, another
A&M regent, said this is mainly a po
litical issue.
“It’s really a hot potato,” he said.
Joe H. Reynolds, vice chairman of
the A&M board, said the problem is
that financial conditions may cause
See Tuition, page 8
tion and is sponsored by Speaker
Gib Lewis, Presnal said.
“It has a lot of momentum,” he
said. “Only every eight or 10 years
does a speaker put his name on a
bill. It’s a clear signal that the bill is a
high priority.”
Joe H. Reynolds, vice chairman of
the A&M Board of Regents, said Le
wis wants to keep the bill from get
ting bogged down in the politics of
the Texas Legislature.
“I think Lewis thinks this is a
problem that needs to be on a higher
plane,” Reynolds said. “We need
someone to make those tough deci
sions out of the political arena.”
Both House Bill 2181 and Senate
Bill 1140 would transfer the power
to set enrollment limits to the Coor
dinating Board, Texas College and
University System. According to the
House bill, the 18-member board
will represent the “highest authori
ty” in the state on matters of higher
The document states the board
shall have the power to set maxi
mum enrollment limits for all public
universities and colleges in Texas.
Presnal said the Coordinating Board
has not been overpowering in the
past, but some officials think the
board may be getting too much
Jess Hay, chairman of the Board
of Regents for the University of
Texas System, said he doesn’t agree
with the shift of power.
“I think, ultimately, that partic
ular matter ought to be left to the
See Enrollment, page 8
Fold Glory
Photo by Andy Kirkpatrick
John Vitacca, a sophomore Business Administration major from Ir
ving, folds the flag toward Jim Lundsford, sophomore Business Ad
ministration major from Bryan. Responsibility for the flag alternates
from unit to unit. Vitacca and Lundsford are from Squadron 13.
House OKs
new bill
on budget
AUSTIN (AP) — A House com
mittee Monday approved a 1988-89
state spending bill that is far short of
expected revenue for the next two
years and more than Gov. Bill Clem
ents says he will approve.
The House Appropriations Com
mittee, by a 20-8 vote, voted for an
appropriations bill that would spend
$39.4 billion from all funds.
The Senate has approved a $39.9
billion bill.
Clements has recommended a
$36.9 billion bill, which is within
available revenue plus a $2.9 billion
tax increase that Clements said is the
maximum he will approve.
The differences between the
spending bills finally passed by the
House and Senate will be settled by a
10-member conference committee
before it goes to Clements.
Rep. Jim Rudd, D-Brownfield,
House committee chairman, said the
measure apparently will be debated
next Monday or Tuesday.
“We’re going to have a fight on
the floor,” Rudd said. “It’ll be too
much to some and too little to oth
The $39.4 billion overall spending
figure includes $28 billion spending
from the general revenue fund,
which provides money for most state
government operations.
Albert Hawkins of the Legislative
Budget Board said general revenue
estimates for the next year total
$24.9 billion, providing the 1986
temporary sales tax increase is ex
tended and taking into consider
ation the $1 billion current deficit.
Since the House bill would spend
$28 billion from general revenue,
this leaves a $3.1 billion shortfalT in
the state’s most important revenue
Students with unpaid tickets
soon will be issued warrants
By Curtis L. Culberson
Staff Writer
Students with outstanding tick
ets soon may be visited by one of
the University’s finest.
Justice of the Peace Mike Calli-
ham has directed the University
Police Department to issue war
rants to all students who have not
paid the fines or appeared in
court for all violations except
parking, court clerk Louisa Dunn
said Monday.
Director of University Police
Bob Wiatt said, “They (students)
know who they are, because they
have to sign the tickets.”
Warrants will be issued to stu
dents who have outstanding tick
ets for moving violations, simple
assaults or any class-C misdemea
nor. -
Dunn estimates there are more
than 600 outstanding tickets, and
she said the warrants are being
processed for all outstanding tick
ets filed in Calliham’s and Justice
of the Peace Wesley Hall’s courts.
Wiatt said, “When you sign a
ticket, you are agreeing to contact
je on your own.
student has been issued
Quest for presidency loaded with pitfalls
Campaigning disillusions candidates
By Christ! Daugherty
. Staff Writer
The campaign begins inno
cently enough. A group of stu
dents with the best intentions set
out to “make a difference” on the
campus by becoming student
body president.
Idealism in its purest form.
But before it’s over, they’ll
spend hundreds of dollars, they’ll
lose friends, fail tests and absolu
tely never sleep.
To those who’ve never done it,
campaigning simply doesn’t look
that hard; but for those involved,
it’s a lesson in dedication, deter
mination and, more likely than
not, losing.
Primary campaigning lasts a
week and a half, and for the two
candidates who make it to the
runoffs, campaigning lasts an
other week. On the Sunday night
before campaigning is allowed to
begin, a candidate can feasibly
look forward to two and a half
weeks of constant work.
Sean Royall, last year’s student
body president, said he lost 10
pouncls during those two weeks.
Mike Sims, the current president,
lost six. And the work is not just
physical — it’s emotionally and
mentally draining and often very
“I started out an energetic, ide
alistic dynamo, with my main
goals all set out,” Sims said. “You
know, 1 came into the office really
idealistic, but I’ll leave it far less
than idealistic.”
Sims, a transfer student who
had been at Texas A&M for only
three full semsters when he ran
for president, ran on a campaign
called “Aggie Plan ‘86.” Because
he didn’t think he could win on
the value of his name alone, he
developed a project with a catchy
title and played it to the hilt.
The only way to get elected,
former presidents say, is to blan
ket the campus. Attend every
meeting of every group and get
them to remember your name.
Sims, Royall, and David Alders,
in their individual races, all were
on the Quadrangle talking to the
Corps of Cadets every morning at
formation at 6:30 a.m. and at
tending dorm council meetings at
10:30 p.m. each evening.
In between, they dashed from
sorority houses, to club meetings
— like hometown groups, and
academic clubs — and then
“doorknocked” for at least an
hour before the 9 p.m. deadline.
When doorknocking, they dis
persed their campaign workers to
as many dorms as possible and
went from door to door, dis
cussing the candidate and con
vincing residents to put the flyers
on their doors.
This work was, by necessity,
constant until the final election of
the runoff campaign.
Alders calls the campaign “an
encapsulated time period, where
there’s so much you must do, and
so little time.” After being elected
and hoping to settle smoothly
into office, Sims and Royall first
had to deal with scandals involv
ing charges of overspending lev
eled against their campaigns,
somewhat of a campus tradition
as a similar situation occurred this
year with Miles Bradshaw’s cam-
Royall describes his situation,
when accusations of overspend-
The student body presidency
Part two of a two-part series
ing plagued his campaign before
and after the election, as utterly
depressing after all the work he’d
put in, and admits there were
times when he wanted to quit.
“It was really discouraging — I
was completely overwhelmed by
it — but David Alders encour
aged me to keep going,” Royall
said. “I lost 10 pounds, I wasn’t
sleeping and I didn’t go to class at
all for three weeks.”
Both say the worst thing about
such charges was the sickening
feeling that people on campus as
sociated their names with illegal
acts, whether they did them or
not. Both later were cleared of all
But once they overcame that
obstacle, they were in for an even
bigger shock — the realization
that despite lofty, well-intended
goals, there was really not a whole
lot they could accomplish.
Sims’ Aggie Plan, for instance,
was rather quickly forgotten. A
lot of the goals of the plan never
came to pass. Goals like a school
wide quiz file and a tutorial clear
inghouse faded quickly from
memory because, he said, he dis
covered he didn’t have the power
to initiate most of them without
the time and effort of a lot of peo
ple, most of whom were unwilling
to cooperate.
“All politics aside, it was a good
idea and I really believed in it,”
Sims said. “A lot of it didn’t hap
pen, and that’s mostly our fault.
“After school started we were
still full of energy and getting
E eople to work on my projects,
ut as the semester wore on, the
Senate worked less and less on
the legislative agenda, and some
aides became less interested in
their projects. That’s partly my
fault too because I’m such an uns
tructured manager.
“When I first started I was ab
solutely full of energy, but misdi
rected energy, because nobody
really knows how to be student
body president except someone
who’s already done it,” Sims said.
Sims isn’t alone in that lost feel
ing; Royall remembers it well.
“It’s a huge organization that’s
kind of difficult to control,” Roy
all said of Student Government.
“No student body president can
do these things alone. We tried to
motivate people — we held meet
ings and all that — but it never
“When I look back, there are a
number of things I wanted to ac
complish but never did.”
Alders is amused by the mem
ory of the promises candidates
make during the campaign, be
cause his experience has shown
him that presidents simply don’t
have the power to accomplish
“Campus politics being what
they are, it seems to me it’s always
easier in a campaign to say things
that make the position seem to
have more weight than it does,”
Alders said. “Take senior finals,
for instance. It’s easy to say you
can do things you’re not going to
be able to carry out.
“And the bulk of the student
body are not privy to the infor
mation that would let them know
that the candidate will not be able
to do all he says. You always cam
paign with generalities — getting
the poor, downtrodden, unrepre
sented represented more.
“I was always amused when the
campaign rolled around and
some of those aspiring politicians
would get on their soap boxes
about issues about which they
have absolutely no control.”
It is the uninitiated who really
aren’t prepared for the job, for
the bureaucracy, the futility and
See Campaigning, page 8
the judge or pay the fine within 10
“Don’t wait for us. Contact the
jud .l
ticket by UPD and has chosen to
ignore it, hoping it will be forgot
ten, that student had better think
“Justice Calliham is very serious
— he doesn’t intend to let stu
dents leave College Station for the
summer without making the max
imum effort to bring them before
the halls of justice,” Wiatt said.
Dunn said students who have
outstanding tickets could either
pay the fines or make arrange
ments to see the judge to avoid a
Wiatt said a warrant officer will
call the students and arrange for
them to come in and take care of
their violations, or he could have
officers go out and arrest stu
He said a similar situation oc
curred a year ago.
“Last year, College Station po
lice went out and picked students
up,” he said. “They went to apart
ments to arrest students, and on
some occasions, University offi
cers accompanied College Station
officers to arrest students coming
out of classes.”
Wiatt said he hopes ticket recip
ients voluntarily will take care of
the violations but said that there is
a possibility that he will have offi
cers go out and pick the students
There is quite a backlog of com
plaints filed, Wiatt said, and police
may not get to them all.
But those students who are not
served a warrant or choose not
take care of the violations aren’t
getting away with breaking the
“The judge will issue a failure-
to-appear warrant to anyone who
hasn’t cleared up their tickets be
fore they leave for the summer,”
Wiatt said.
“Failure-to-appear warrants are
put out in a law-enforcement net
work,” he said. “You could be ar
rested this summer in Dallas, Aus
tin or anywhere else around the
“They could put you in the
slammer, and that would be a real
“If you don’t get caught by
some Texas police agency this
summer, the warrant will still be
waiting for you in the fall.”
He added that the warrant may
stay on record for as long as four
or five years.