The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 27, 1987, Image 4
■§■> AM/PM Clinics Minor Emergencies 10% Student Discount with ID card 3820 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas 846-4/56 401 S. Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas 779-4756 8a.m.-11 p.m. 7 days a week Walk-in Family Practice Fort ShiLOtf GRILLE $1 00 off one pound of the best beef or chicken fajitas in town! Served with: Grilled onions, beans, rice, sour cream, quacamole, pico de gallo, cheddar cheese and homemade flour tortillas 693-1164 or 764-0076 for guaranteed delivery in 29 minutes Good thru 5/2/87 • Limit 1 coupon per order • Delivery area inch all ofC.S 2628 Texas Ave. S. College Station Free Summer Shuttle RESORT ATMOSPHERE Now Preleasing for Summer/Fall/Spring Huge 2 Bdrm/2 Full Baths 3 Bdrm/2 Full Baths Pool • Hot Tub • Basketball Court • On Site Manager + Security 24 Hour Maintenance Parkway Circle 401 S. W. Parkway 696-6909 ITAUj^" EAT IN •TAKE OUT FREE DELIVERY 846-0379 405 W. University Northgate mm coupons Small Thin Crust 12” one topping Pizza $4." plus tax expires 5-2-87 Large Thin Crust 16” one topping $5." plus tax X-Large Thin Crust 18” one topping $6." plus tax expires 5-2-87 expires 5-2-87 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY 85 MEMBER SYMPHONIC BAND IN NOON CONCERT dcuJ CL. \pn n 28* m 12:30 - 1:30 P.M. MSC LOUNGE (FLAG ROOM) PROGRAM STARS AND BARS MARCH JAGER > IRISH TUNE FROM COUNTY DERRY GRAINGER ENGLISH DANCES (SET 2) ARNOLD ELSA’S PROCESSION TO THE CATHEDRAL WAGNER WOODWIND TRIO (KEVIN STAHL, SHELLEY IRVIN, AND SUE OLSTA) CANTICLE: ALL CREATURES OF OUR GOD AND KING SMITH BEGUINE FOR BAND 0SSER THE GLORY OF THE YANKEE NAVY (MARCH) SOUSA CALL 845-3529 FOR INFORMATION ON OPENINGS FOR THE FALL SEMESTER Page 4/The Battalion/Monday, April 27, 1987 What’s up Monday EXTERNAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE: will meet at 7 p.m. in 102 Rudder. AGGIE ALLEMANDERS: will meet at 7 p.m. in the Pavilion. Tuesday HUMAN FACTORS SOCIETY: Dr. Wayne Shebilske will speak on “Human Factors and Sensory Motor Adaptabili- t\" at 7:30 p.m. in 203 Zachry. TEXAS STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: Char maine Ht acllev will speak at 7 p.m. in 501 Rudder. TAMU FLYING CLUB: Scott Griff ith, an American Airlines pilot, will speak at 7 p.m. at the Easterwood Airport dub- nouse. HORSEMEN’S ASSOCIATION: will meet at 7 p.m. in 115 Kleberg. TAMU ONE-WHEELERS: will meet at 6 p.m. in front of G. Rollie White Coliseum. MSC CEPHEID VARIABLE: will meet at 8:30 p.m. in 301 Rudder. CO-OP STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: will meet at 7 p.m. in GO 1 Rudder. PREMED/PREDENT SOCIETY: will meet at 8 p.m. in 201 HFCC. EL PASO HOMETOWN CLUB: will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the f l\ ing 1 omato. STUDENT ACTIVITIES: deadline for recognized student organizations to submit dates to the 1987 Summer Cal endar is Thursday. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no less than three working days be fore desired publication date. Spectators begin own boxing matdi at 11th Fight Night By Tami Tate Reporter The audience at the 11th annual Fight Night, sponsored by the Sigma Phi Epsilon f raternity, was treated to an extra dose of jabs and punches in the third round of the fraternity di vision heavyweight championship when two overzealous spectators be gan their own boxing match. Emotions and tempers were strong as the crowd chanted for their favorite fighters, but when the dust settled and the chants ceased, two teams emerged victorious — the Texas A&M Boxing Club white team in the open division and the Kappa Alpha-Phi Delta Theta team in the f raternity division. Six teams fought in the open divi sion and eight teams fought in the fraternity envision, said Don Saus- tad, Fight Night chairman. Each team consisted of four or five people in live different weight categories. Individual fighters re ceived trophies for first and second places and teams received trophies for f irst, second and third places. The open division featherweight champion, Jery Valle, has fought in Fight Night for three years and has won twice. The senior aerospace en gineering major is a member of the boxing club white team. “This year’s competition was tough and better in comparison to last year’s Fight Night,” Valle said. Bart Askew, the fraternity light weight division runner-up and a member of the Beta Theta Pi team, said he had never participated in Fight Night before. “I’ve never fought before, but I enjoyed it,” fie said. “It made me feel good to fight — like 1 was accom plishing something to be able to fight and win.” Preliminary fights began Friday and final matches concluded Satur day at about 12:30 a.m. Although Fight Night lasts only two days for spectators, it is a year long activity for Sigma Phi Epsilon, which sponsors the event. Saustad is in charge of advertis ing, boxing equipment, health and general crowd liability insurance, fa cility reservations and team organ zation. He also makes sure food drinks and medical assistance an provided at Fight Night. I he Texas A&M FmergencyCan I earn provided medical asssistann at the event to ensure lighters safety. Dave Holland, emergency medl i al tec hnician, said, “We are here!* anyone who gets knocked out« who needs first aid. We haveoxygei and a first aid kit. We also call an an bul.uue if it is necessary.” 1 iolland said there were nomajo; injuries — just a few bloody noses. “The reason no one gets hum because the referees are so good,'k said. “ i hey won’t allow the fights continue it someone is hurt.” Saustad said one expense Sig® Phi Epsilon did not have this yea was alcohol liability insurance bt cause its national organizatioi doesn’t allow it to serve alcohol J f raternity functions. Although most spectators sail they would like to drink at Figkl Night, the lack of alcohol didni seem to hurt ticket sales or atten dance, which totaled about 2,600(or both nights. Bryan Vanderpool, Fight Nigh ring chairman, said, “We wereonk anticipating 500 people each nigh hut 1,400 came Friday night. I wan little surprised that crowd pariio pat ion was so good due to the fad that we couldn’t sell beer, butldont think beer made a big differenced! attendance.” But Jay Clark, a senior civil engi' neer major, said lie wanted to drill! beer at Fight Night. “1 think Fight Night is still to but it would be nice to stand arod and watch my buddies fight with) cold beer in my hand,” he said. Other attractions at Fight Nigh included pillow fights by sorort' teams and a tae kwon do exhibition The Kappa Kappa Gamma leaf won the pillow fight championshf for the second year. Vicky Russell, an exercise technol ogy major, said, “I volunteered bo- cause I am a freshman and didni know what to expect. It was grd and I had a Jot of run.” Concrete counterweights lead to crane accident DALLAS (AP) — Massive con crete blocks atop a construction crane apparently swung out of con trol and toppled the structure, kill ing three workmen and injuring its operator, federal safety officials said. The blocks dragged the 12-story metal structure to the ground Satur day, crushing cars and trucks. The three workers fell from the boom of the crane. “What came down first was that counterweignt, sain U.b. Occup)' tional Safety and Health Admit nation area director Jim Knorpf “When you turn the crane, if they 1 * (out of balance), the centrih# force puts a great strain on the strut- lure.” The blocks weiglt between dO# 1 and 70,000 pounds and serve as 1 counterweight on the shorter, to* end of the crane arm, officials Removal of an 80-foot segment fro® the arm’s front end caused the strut true to become unbalanced. Chimney Hill Bowling Center "A Family Recreation Center" OPEN BOWL Every night 40 Lanas — Automatic Scoring Pool Tables League & Open Bowling Video Games Bar & Snack Bar oiffi 701 University Drive East tOU-W