The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 23, 1987, Image 10
Battalion Classifieds ♦ FOR RENT LEASING NOW FOR SUMMER! ALL BILLS PAID! As Low As $225 •Extra Large Pool •Tennis Court •Sauna •Balconies & Patios •All Electric Kitchen •Individual A/C & Heat •On Ground Mgmt. & Security •24 Hr. Emergency Maintenance •Ceiling Fans Open Daily Mon-Fri 9-5 Wm. J. Garrett ‘47 Where one check pays all! Open Sat. 10-5 Sun. 1-5 College Station, Texas 409/693-6716 Newly decorated Executive Office Suites Near University. All bills and janitorial. Start at $95./mo. Call 846-4783 12915/6 Special! Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm.: $150. / 2 Bdrm.: $175. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. 117tfn 2 Bdrm Apartment in modern 4-plex in Bryan near shuttle, 1.7 miles from campus. Dishwasher, disposal, w/d conn., trees. $200./mo. June & July. $265./mo. beginning August 1. 822-2892, 693-7761. 139t5/8 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. A/C & Heat. Wall to Wall carpet. 512 & 515 Northgate / First St. 409-825-2761. No Pets. 140tfn APRIL- Free water/sewer paid, W/D or dishwasher. $ 195-$215. 779-0480, 696-2038. 130t4/30 Looking for female to sublease my bedroom for the summer. 696-7174. 138t4/23 Bargain! 2 bdrm, washers and dryers, $ 175./summer, $ 195./fall. 779-3550, 696-2038. 128t5/6 AGGIE ACRES - 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath, Duplex. Central air and heat. Pets o.k. Stables nearby. 823-8903 (or 846- 1051 for L.B.). 117t4/17 Luxury 2 Bdrm, 1 !4e Bath, washer 8c dryer, water paid, near campus. $275./$325. 696-0632, 693-0551. 132t5/8 Rooms for rent $175 plus bills, washer 8c dryer. 693- 0939. 138t5/8 A One Week Special. C.S. on Woodsman. 2 bdrm, 1 !4t bath, fireplace, patio, $300./mo. Century 21 Beal. 823- 5469. 138t4/27 Wellesley Court. Summer 8c Fall leases. 2 Bdrm, \}/2 hllwd bath. Approx. 1000 sq. ft., washer 8c dryer, deck, near shuttle. $395. Summer rates avail. 693-4750, 690- 3330. 131t4/30 Preleasing Now! 2 & 3 bdrm duplexes near the Hilton 846-2471.776-6856. 83tufn TAHOE APARTMENTS 3535 Plainsman Lane, Bryan, Texas. 846-1771. WE LOVE AGGIE STU DENTS. 139t7/16 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath four-plex, Washer/Dryer, near A&M and Mall, $250-$350 /month (summer rates), pre-leasing for fall. 846-1712 and 693-0982. 125t5/l Large 2 bdrm., 2 bath near A8cM. shuttle, w/d, call 846- 5735 days or 846-1633 evenings ask for Paul. 92tfn Walk to campus. 2 bdrm, 1 bath apt. clean and quiet $190. + bills. 696-7266. 138t4/24 Large one bedroom, furnished apartment. Close to campus. 846-3050. Hurry only one left! $225. plus util ity plan. 84tfn Must Sublease! 2 bedroom, 2 bath, poolside apartment with shuttle bus, perfect for summer! Call Bruce 764- 7366. 139t5/6 ♦ FOR SALE CYCLONE PC/XT 10 MHz Mother Board, 640K RAM 2 disk drives, monographic card printer interface, clock, game port, serial and parallel port, AT style keyboard, 1 year warranty For only $689.00 Call Micro Computer Services at 846-7274 (6-10 evenings) This system at this price only good until April 24, so buy now! 13914/24 Plymouth Champ, ‘82, in good shape, new tires, air con., $2000/negotiable. 693-3235, 845-3778. 137t4/24 SCHWINN WORLD SPORT 22” EXCELLENT CON DITION. $125. 693-9641 after 6pm. 140t4/27 AFFORDABLE 1BM-PC/XT COMPATIBLES $539. INCLUDES 256KBRAM, 1-360KB DRIVE, KEY BOARD, MONITOR. 640KBRAM, 2-360KB DRIVES, 8MHZ TURBO, KEYBOARD, MONITOR: $669. 20MB DRIVE: $359. 1200BAUD MODEM: $109. CITIZEN 120D PRIN TER: $199. COMPUT ERS, ETC. 693-7599. 138t4/27 36” projection TV, Mitsubishi, stereo, extended war ranty. l-l’/j years old, perfect condition, $1200. 822- 1248 day, 846-4555 after 6. 138t4/27 TRAILER HOME 14x65 FULLY FURNISHED, VF:RY NICE, MUSI BE MOVED FROM TRAILER PARK. COLLEGE S TA TION NO.: (409) 260-5680 SAN ANTONIO NO.: (512)698-2195 I38t5/7 'Townhouse in Southwood Valley. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, Fire place, fenced yard, for sale by owner. 512-756-2581. 137t4/24 Cheap aino parts, used. Pic-A-Part, Inc. 78 and older. 3505 Old Kurten Road, Bryan. 102tin • HELP WAITED SUMMER WORK FOR RENT Apartment provided for summer in exchange for repairs and/or ranchwork from May 18 to June 5. 846-1413 4110 College Main • HELP WANTED WORK IN JAPAN Individuals with a degree or ex perience in: electronics & electri cal engineering, TESOL, linguis tics, pharmacy or business management interested in teach ing English for one year in Japan to employees of major cor porations/government ministries should write to: International Education Services Shin Taiso Bldg., 10-7 Dogenzaka 2-chome Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo 150, Japan Information on the position will be sent after receiving a detailed resume and photograph. 14014/23 Party atmosphere! Easy phone sales. Day 8c evening positions available. For a fun job call 693-0797.137t4/24 Office Assistant needed for young vital company. Must have good phone voice. Have fun at work! Call 693- 0797. 137tt4/24 Organist/Choir director needed at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Navasota, Texas. Call (409) 825-7726.130t4/24 EASY EXTRA INCOME!! ■$500/1000. STUFFING ENVELOPES! GUARANTEED! SEND SASF. TO: LVM ENTERPRISES, PO BOX 13013 C.S., Tx. 77841. 137l4/24 Waitresses and bartenders needed immediately at Yes terdays. Apply 11:30-2. 4421 S. Texas Ave. 846-2625. No experience necessary. 134t4/24 1988 SKI AND BEACH BREAKS! ATTENTION A&M MARKETING CLUBS, SKI CLUBS, FRATER NITIES, SORORITIES, and INDIVIDUALS! SKI Steamboat, Vail/Beaver Creek, and the Summit! Hit the BEACHES in TEXAS and FLORIDA including SOUTH PADRE ISLAND and DAYTONA BEACH! Earn FREE TRIPS, GROUP DISCOUNTS, and UN LIMITED COMMISSIONS! Call Jeff at Sunchase Tours TODAY for 1988 SKI & BEACH BREAK sales info. 1-800-321-5911. 139t4/23 Part-time receptionist wanted two days a week. Flexible hours. Laurie 696-0700. 139t4/28 • PERSONALS Experienced Expert Pilot will take 2 passengers to Mid land; April 23 and return April 25, $65./person. 774- 7172 nights. 139t4/23 • PERSONALS Looking for jogging panner(s). Early evenings Male- /Female. Rick 268-4132. 140t4/24 COLLEGE EDUCATED, HARD WORKING, HAP PILY MARRIED WHITE COUPLE EAGER TO ADOPT A HEALTHY NEWBORN, AND PROVIDE A LOVING, HAPPY, SECURE FAMILY LIFE. BIRTH RELATED EXPENSES PAID. COM PLETELY CONFIDENTIAL AND LEGAL. CALL COLLECT - (314) 569-2419. 126t4/30 • WANTED $100 $100 $100 $100 WANTED Individuals with sore throat pain to participate in an over the counter medication trial. $100. monetary incentive. 776-6236 $100 $100 $100 $100 129tfn ♦ ROOWMATE^WAi^ Female: share 2 bdrm, 1 bath, $ 137.50/mo. + Vi utili ties. Summer sessions only. Non-smoker, no pets. Shut tle. 764-1748 after 5pm. 135t4/22 Needed Female to share nice apt. Walking dist. from campus. Spring-Fall or year lease. Call Kathie 260- 7162. 13714/22 MONEY FOR COLLEGE GUARANTEED! Our 10 year old service will locate up to 25 scholarships and grants designed espe cially for you. Educational Scholarships Service an investment in your future 846-6347 14014/23 TYPING: Accurate, 95 WPM, Reliable. Word Proc essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 140t4/23 Typing: Reportrs, theses, dissertations. Low Prices. Cali Burtha 696-3785. 140t5/6 STUDENT TYPING— 20 years experience. Fast, accu rate, reasonable, guaranteed. 693-8537. 140t5/27 TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING. ALL KINDS. 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE. 764-2931. 140t5/8 Ready Resumes $18. info taken by phone. 693-2128. 132t5/8 • SERVICES TIRED OF SPENDING VALUABLE TIME IN THE LIBRARY? LET ME DO YOUR RESEARCH . CALL TODAY! (2-6pm) 696-6046. 138t4/27 Versatile Word Processing. Term Papers, Reports, Thesis, Resumes, Dissertations, Graphics. LASERW RITER QUALITY. Best Prices. Call 696-2052. 83t5/8 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 137t5/8 Reasonable, Fast, Accurate Typing Services. Call Pat 822-0235 Weekends/ After 5:30 Weekdays. 136t5/15 Perfect Print, 1516 Echols. 822-1430. Expert Word Processing, Resumes, Graphics. Guaranteed error free Perfect Print. 822-1430. 125t5/6 WORD PROCESSING. All kinds. Experienced. De pendable. Reasonable Rates. AUTOMATED CLERI CAL SERVICES. 693-1070. 138t4/23 TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING. FAST, REA SONABLE, QUICK TURNAROUND AVAILABLE. 693-1598. 13H5/8 Defensive Driving, Ticket Dismissal, Dates, Times, You’ll Have Fun!!! 693-1322. 9U5/8 GOVERNMENT HOMES. Delinquent tax property. Repossessions. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. T-9531 for cur rent repo list. 119t4/24 NOTICE Fever Blister Study If you have at least 2 fever blisters a year and would be interested in trying a new medication, call for information regarding study. Compensation for volunteers. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-S933 10213/31 Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 GIVE A 'TASTEFUL GIFT SECRETARYS’ WEEK APRIL 20-24th 3737 East 29th Street Bryan, Tx 268-4001 SHORT ON CASH??? Sell your books at University Book Stores Northgate & Culpepper Plaza Perhaps You Know This Young Lady: She has an extrovert’s person ality. She might as well carry a soap box with her at all times, because she sure has one heck of an opinion about just about everything. But she’s got charisma, and she’s not exactly ho mogenized milk. One more thing: if she doesn’t live and breathe for Sports, at least she has a working knowledge of it. If you know this terrific gal, we may have an exciting opportu nity for her! Please call 846-1150 Weekdays, 9 to 4. Problem Pregnancy? we listen, we care, we help Free pregnancy tests concerned counselors Brazos Valley Crisis Pregnancy Service We’re local! 1301 Memorial Or. 24 hr. Hotline 823-CARE NEED MONEY??? Sell your BOOKS at University Book Stores Northgate & Culpepper Plaza cow SUNGLASSES QY BAUSCH &c LOMB (g) SERENGETI® SUNGLASSES BY CORNING OPTICS® VERY LOW PRICES!! 696-1246^^ Sponsored by ENVE Page 10/The Battalion/Thursday, April 23, 1987 World and Nation Official accuses Congress of meddling in missile taller WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. arms-control director Kenneth L. Adelman accused Congress on Wednesday of meddling in missile- reduction talks with the Soviet Union and General Secretary Mik hail S. Gorbachev of backtracking on removing Soviet rockets from Asia. “I think one of the big threats hanging over the horizon of arms control is the action of the Congress on arms control,” Adelman said at a news conference. “If the Congress is going to proceed to tie the presi dent’s hand instead of strengthening his hand, it’s going to hurt us in ne gotiations.” Turning to Gorbachev, the U.S. official said the Soviet leader’s pro posal Tuesday for a separate treaty to curb shorter-range missiles was unacceptable. Adelman said Gorbachev had agreed with Secretary of State George P. Shultz last week in Mos cow that limits be placed simulta neously on missiles both in Europe and in Asia. “It made no sense to have sepa rate limitations,” Adelman said. “The Soviets and Mr. Gorbachev himself agreed with Secretary Shultz that there had to be global limits.” The presidential adviser spoke with reporters as the House pre pared to take up today an appro priations bill containing two arms- control provisions strongly opposed by Reagan. In addition, leading congressional Democrats and Republicans said Tuesday that numerous details needed to be settled before Congress gave its blessing to an arms-control pact reducing, or even eliminating, the superpowers’ medium-range and shorter-range missiles. Adelman said Congress should geLbehind U.S. policy, which seeks deep reductions in American and Soviet missiles, “and not try to sub vert it.” Adelman, who was on the nego tiating team headed by Shultz, de scribed the “rising cry of opposition” as a psychological phenomenon. Now that an arms-control agreement appears on the horizon, Adelman said, proponents of nu clear-weapons curbs are caught in an “approach-avoidance syndrome." The closer they get to their initial ob jectives, the more theywantioad an agreement, Adelmanraaimai Rep. jim Courier, R-N.jj President Reagan’s strongess porters in the House bn nati* curity issues, took issue wthi man’s comments. You g Leekent leries Stop “1 disagree with Congress ; tion on many of these! don’t agree that CongresssW have a voice on arms-controli he said in an interview. Adelman refused to piejl whether the North Atlaniklia Organization allies would eaj the tentative understanding real lied with fiorbachev. exas tf ad the fir “Will ais Ma eemed Event ut cert arity. After yggies an o inii (iorbachev offered Iasi destroy the 50 Soviet laundal East Germany and Czechoia According to Adelman, agreed to impose an overall on any missiles that Sov iet territory, [ might rtsl The Soviets have ata shorter-range launchers, di United States has none indie! (>00-mile range. Officials say problems continue for Soviets 1 year after Chernobyl MOSCOW (AP) — A year after the Chernobyl nuclear accident, the temperature of the reactor hovers near the boiling point and 13 badly- burned people still are considered invalids, Soviet officials said Wednesday. The officials told a news confer ence that most people in the Cher nobyl area are in good health and that radiation levels in farm prod ucts and soil near the plant have al most returned to normal since the accident on April 26, 1986. At least 31 people died and hun dreds were injured after the explo sion and Fire, which spewed radia tion around the world. The Soviets did not report the accident for three days. Nikolai Lukonin, minister of atomic power generation, said the temperature inside the ruined No. 4 reactor is 98 degrees Celsius, or 208 Fahrenheit, just under the boiling point. Last November the tempera ture was 140 degrees Celsius (284 Fahrenheit), he said. Soviet reports have said that the reactor’s nuclear fuel reached more than 2,000 degrees Celsius during the accident in the Ukraine. “The lowering of the level of heat is going according to plan,” Lukonin said. “The temperature continues to fall.” Soviet authorities have blamed the accident on an unauthorized experi ment that went out of control. They declared a 19-mile danger zone around the plant 80 miles north of Kiev and evacuated 135,000 people. Leonid Ilyin, vice president of the Academy of Medical Sciences and director of the Soviet Institute of Bi ophysics, said most people affected by radiation were able to resume normal lives. However, he said, "Thirteen peo ple have become invalids of differ ent forms. Human skin suffered much, and in some cases these peo ple will have to undergo plastic-re construction operations." He did not further describe their afflictions. Doctors diagnosed 237 people near the plant site with acute radia tion sickness. Twenty-eight of them died. Three other people at the acci dent site died of oilier causes. Ilyin, who arrived in Chernobyl within three days of the accident to help direct medical services, said, “196 people can come back to work but they still have to follow certain restrictions about contact with radio activity in their work.” He said doctors had not recom mended abortions for women ex posed to the radiation and there had been no cases of birth defects caused by the accident. 2 NRCofficioi are accused of wrongdof on 2 urday ly leader. Maga ie seas< He sixth hich 1 ithin o [anked 1 But p clutch the so In las ference burnai and led linent ch To being Most Oi Stanes wa Desr spi ■hough, ■oesn’t (APi-s WASHINGTON’ John Glenn, D-Ohio,calbiia day for the resignation ofn Nuclear Regulator Coies appointee, while another a official was assailed at a h hearing over charges ik: coached an industn bidi heated licensing battle orei! billion reactor. Glenn, chairman of the ia Governmental Affairs C«a tee, said Thomas Roberts,i) term NRC commissioner,sla sten down immediately in wake of disclosures that M dest roved documents afteia tigators discovered thatai tive memorandum app had been leaked from hiis to a troubled Louisianauti Roberts, in a rein statement, said 1 ami shocked at Sen. Glenn’sstatei calling for my resignation Meanwhile, the NRC's chief, Victor Stello, was acti at a House Energy subcoiMi hearing of having favored owners of the controversiali brook nuclear plant Hampshire by coai licensing strategy . Stello denied any wroi and was defended by NRCtt man Lando Zech, who toils panel that Stello had merti' plained “the facts of life'« Seabrook of ficials. |repare It wa lies at A got purr we had from the “But lifferen Joing. 1 Ball real! Maga leads th ■econd i Season, shortsto lim sec< thir d ha who is c Spring Graduates: GET THE CREDIT YOU DESERVE Once again, we're proud to of fer the Alien Olds Cadillac Col lege Graduate Finance Plan. We want to give you the credit you deserve, and the keys to a new Oldsmobile or Cadillac. For this special Allen Olds Cadillac financing, all you need is your diploma, proof of a job, a low down payment, the ability to meet monthly pay ments and no derogatory credit references. You'll get $400 off the purchase price, or a 90-day deferral onyoui payments, as a graduation present from us. After all, graduating from college is no small achievement, Were proud to offer you one of yourfiisl rewards. Allen Olds Cadillac is Equal Credit Opportunity Com pany. Come in and see us today. Allen Olds Cadillac 2401 Texas Ave. Bryan, TX 779-3516