The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 17, 1987, Image 6
Battalion Classifieds NOTICE MAY GRADUATES!!! Graduation Announcement Orders Pick-Up MSC STUDENT PROGRAMS RM216 A&B April 7-17, Mon-Fri. 9am-8pm, Sat. 11am-3pm extra announcements on sale - Student Finance Center Rm 217- Tuesday, April 14, Sam. First come first serve. FOR RENT CASA BLANCA APTS SPRING SPECIAL! 2 bdrm apt. for 2 occupants for $255. per month Enjoy your own private bedroom at an affordable price •Close •Quiet •Shuttle bus 4110 College Main 846-1413 CASA BLANCA APTS Private Bedroom Dorm Plan Summer $170. per month Fall-Spring $195. per month All bills paid - furnished 4110 College Main 846-1413 HELP! Tenants Needed! 2Vs> blocks from campus 1 & 2 Bdrm efficiencies Cheap Rent! 260-9637 THE GOLDEN RULE Summer and/or Fall/Spring Openings for Men and Women, Chris tian-like, non-smoking Telephones in, Deluxe Apts UTILITIES AND CABLE PAID Free Laundry, storage, Bus CALL/ASK: 693-5560 TODAY! $150./mo. Share B/B, $250./mo. Own B/B SUMMER SPECIAL: $240 Special! Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm.: $150. / 2 Bdrm.: $175. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. Newly decorated Executive Suites Near University. All bills and janitorial. Start at $95./mo. Call 846-4783 Large one bedroom, furnished apartment. Close to campus. 846-3050. Hurry only one left! $225. plus util ity plan. 84tfn 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath four-plex, Washer/Dryer, near A&M and Mall, $250-$350 /month (summer rates), pre-leasing for fall. 846-1712 and 693-0982. 125t5/l AGGIE ACRES - 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath, Duplex. Central air and heat. Pets o.k. Stables nearby. 823-8903 (or 846- 1051 for L.B.). 11714/17 DUPLEX TWO BEDROOMS, ONE BATH, NEAR CAMPUS, FENCED, CEILING FANS, $300. 845- 7301 DAYS, 693-0338 EVENINGS. 134t4/21 APRIL- Free water/sewer paid, W/D or dishwasher. $ 195-$215. 779-0480, 696-2038. 130t4/30 Bargain! 2 bdrm, washers and dryers, $ 175./summer, $195./fall. 779-3550, 696-2038. 128t5/6 Preleasing Now! 2 & 3 bdrm duplexes near the Hilton 846-24 71,776-6856. 83tufn Luxury 2 Bdrm, 1 */2 Bath, washer & dryer, water paid, near campus. $275./$S25. 696-0632, 693-0551. 132t5/8 Wellesley Court. Summer Sc Fall leases. 2 Bdrm, 1 Vi. hllwd bath. Approx. 1000 sq. ft., washer & dryer, deck, near shuttle. $395. Summer rates avail. 693-4750, 690- 3330. 1SU4/30 Efficiencies and Apts, 1-2 bdrm«. $150, and up. Lease 13514/22 Length Negotiable, 693-0122. SERVICES Reasonable, Fast, Accurate Typing Services. Call Pat 822-0235 Weekends/ After 5:30 Weekdays. 136t5/15 TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING. FAST, REA SONABLE, QUICK TURNAROUND AVAILABLE. 693-1598. 13H5/8 • SERVICES Ready Resumes $18. info taken by phone. 693-2128. 132t5/8 TYPING/WORD PROCESSING. East, Accurate, Guaranteed. Papers, Dissertations. Diana 764-2772. 129t4/21 EUROPE! One month. Visit London, Paris, Lausanne, Montreux, Rome, Florence, Venice, Innsbruck, Hei delberg, Munich, and Amsterdam. Alpine hiking, sightseeing, lodging, 50 free meals. Space limited. $2495. Call collect (806) 797-8892. Ask for Sigrid or Rita. 134t4/15 Versatile Word Processing. Term Papers, Reports, Thesis, Resumes, Dissertations, Graphics. LASERW RITER QUALITY. Best Prices. Call 696-2052. 83t5/8 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 117t4/17 Perfect Print, 1516 Echols. 822-1430. Expert Word txper Processing, Resumes, Graphics. Guaranteed error free Perfect Print. 822-1430. 125t5/6 • LOST AND FOUND LOST* emerald ring. Sentimental. Reward! Please Call 845-3142, 846-3513. 134t4/21 #; NOTICE Fever Blister Study If you have at least 2 fever blisters a year and would be interested in trying a new medication, call for information regarding study. Compensation for volunteers. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 ■urervai SHERWOOD CAPITAL, INC. a major brokerage firm with over 30 offices coast to coast. We will be interviewing on campus April 29,1987. Local office now hiring: Sherwood Capital, 1200 Northborough Dr., Houston, Tx. Manager: Tom Doran Phone#: 713-537-7800 If you want to explore an exciting career as a sales representative in the securities industry, see your Career Guidance Office. 135t4/22 GOVERNMENT HOMES. Delinquent tax nauen Repouesaions. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. T-9531 for cur rent repo Hit. 119t4/24 properly. 1 for cur- Defenaive Driving, Ticket Dismiaaal, You'll Have FunlU 693-1322. Dates, Times, 91t5/8 • WANTED $100 $100 $100 $100 WANTED Individuals with sore throat pain to participate in an over the counter medication trial. $100. monetary incentive. 776-6236 $100 $100 $100 $100 IE YOU CAN CATCHA SQUIRREL (ALIVE) I WANT IT!! STEVE 693-0455. 132t4/17 GIRLS WHO WANT TO HAVE FUN! FEMALE EXOTIC DANCER NEEDED FOR BACHELOR PARTY. CALL AFTER 6pm. 693-0225. 135t4/20 • PERSONALS * BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Large 2 bdrm., 2 bath near A&M. shuttle, w/d, call 846- 5735 days or 846-1633 evenings ask for Paul. 92tfn WANTED Female: share 2 bdrm, 1 bath, $ 137.50/mo. + k!l utili ties. Summer sessions only. Non-smoker, no pets. Shut tle. 764-1748 after 5pm. 135t4/22 • HELP WANTED COUNSELORS Boy’s camp in Western Mass. Good experience, salary plus room & board plus travel allowance for people who can teach tennis, baseball, basketball, sailing, waterskiing, archery, piano, drama, drums. Call or write: Camp Winadu, 5 Glen Lane, Mama- roneck, NY 10543. 914-381-5983 13414/17 Summer Work For Rent Apart ment provided for summer in ex change for Repairs and/or Ranchwork from May 18 to June 5. 846-1413, 4110 College Main 13514/24 HELP WANTED NEED A JOB? TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR SALES PERSONNEL. NO EXPERI ENCE NECESSARY. MUST BE WILLING TO TRAVEL. SEND RESUME TO OR CALL STUBBLEFIELD CO., INC., 1914 DEERBROOK DRIVE, TYLER, TEXAS 75703, (214) 534-1411. (ENCLOSE A PHOTO IF AVAILABLE). 130t4/22 Waitresses and bartenders needed immediately at Yes terdays. Apply 11:30-2. 4421 S. Texas Ave. 846-2625. No experience necessary. 134t4/24 Organist/Choir director needed at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Navasota, Texas. Call (409) 825-7726.130t4/24 MALE DANCER NEEDED. EXCELLENT PAY. 778- 0303. 135t4/22 ♦ FOR SALE FOR SALE BY SEALED BID 15 VEHICLES. STATION WAG ONS, PICKUP TRUCKS & CARGO VAN. INSPECTION 9AM-1 2 NOON & 1 PM-4PM APRIL 20th THRU 24th & APRIL 27th THRU MAY 1, 1987. IN SPECTION INFORMATION AND BID FORMS MAY BE OBTAINED AT BLDG. 4430 RM 101 AT THE TAMU RESEARCH ANNEX, HWY21 WEST, BRYAN. IBM PC, 2-360K Disk Drives, IBM monochrome mon- itorand keyboard. $ 1500. 846-4438. 132t4/17 BIG PRICE REDUCTION SALE! TURBO PC/XT IBM COMPATIBLE, TWO 360KB DRIVES, 640KB- RAM, 8/4.77MHZ, KEYBOARD, MONITOR: $669 TURBO PC/XT + 20MB SEAGATE: $999. TURBO PC/XT + 1200B MODEM: $789. TURBO PC/XT + 1200B MODEM + CITIZEN 120D PRINTER: $999. COMPUTERS. ETC. 693-7599. 12814/13 '84 Mazda GLC and '84 Toyota Tercell. Both in excel lent conditions, A/C, power stereo. $4400. and $3400. prices negotiable. 696-5533 leave message. 130t4/22 Cheap auto parts, used. Pic-A-Part, Inc. 78 and older. 3505 Old Kurten Road, Bryan. 102tfn COMPUTER TO GO. WE CUSTOM MAKE COM PUTERS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS. BEAT ANY DEAL IN TOWN!! 268-3256. 135t4/22 Books • Gifts • Supplies Hours: M-F 7:45-6 Sat 9-5 845-8681 COLLEGE EDUCATED, HARD WORKING, HAP PILY MARRIED WHITE COUPLE EAGER TO ADOPT A HEALTHY NEWBORN, AND PROVIDE A LOVING, HAPPY, SECURE FAMILY LIFE. BIRTH RELATED EXPENSES PAID. COM PLETELY CONFIDENTIAL AND LEGAL. CALL COLLECT - (314) 569-2419. 126t4/30 TURN KEY BUSINESS: Distribute 100% natural fruit juices in Holiday Inn, Hamada, Best Western and other motels. No selling. Accounts set up by company. Na tional census shows average monthly profit of $1580. increasing to $3160. because of participation by com pany. You must qualify to be selected. Requires invest ment of $18,500. Write New American, PO Box 360247, Birmingham, AL 35236 or call toll-free 1-800- 231-0563. Ask for Operator J. 136t4/17 INYADS, BUT REAL HEAVYWEIGHTS WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT. o matter what you've go to say or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job. 845-2611 Page 6/The Battalion/Friday, April 17, 1987 World and Nation Judge won’t order release of records tied to Iran deal WASHINGTON (AP) — A fed eral judge Thursday refused to or der retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Richard V. Secord to release records of foreign bank accounts Senate in vestigators believe are tied to the Iran-Contra arms deals. U.S. District Judge Aubrey E. Robinson Jr. denied a request by the Senate panel investigating the Iran- Contra affair that he order Secord to sign a directive releasing records of foreign bank accounts in Switzer land, Panama and the Cayman Is lands. Lawyers for the Senate committee told Robinson on Monday that inves tigators believe the accounts were used in the sale of U.S. arms to Iran and diversion of profits to the Nica raguan rebels known as Contras. Secord and Albert Hakim, an Ira- nian-American businessman who was his partner, have been linked by the presidentially appointed Tower commission to foreign bank ac counts that were used to facilitate the arms sales. Robinson ruled that forcing Se cord to sign the document would vi olate his constitutional protection from self-incrimination. “The court need not resort to con jecture to determine how the com munication sought from Secord could potentially incriminate him,” Robinson said in the brief opinion that he Filed. “The committee has candidly stated that it seeks to use the consent directive to obtain Secord’s foreign bank records for use in its investiga tion into his allegedly criminal activ ities. “The links in the chain leading to the potentially incriminating hank records are clear, the first link l>eing the compelled signing of the direc tive.” Robinson said the second link would be use of the directive to au thenticate the records. “The court would lx- completely ignoring reality if it were to say that Secord’s signature on the consent di rective were not [Kitentially incrimi nating,” Robinson said in ion. “By signing the directive, would be testifying just as cte if fie were forced to verballus* its content, the opinion said. The Senate had sought ana] threatening Secord w ment for contempt of courtilkt f used to sign the directive rtiea the records. During the hearingMondni inson indicated he was trouife! language in the directives! Secord was consenting to thettk of the hank records. In fact, ki Iwing compelled to signthels ment, tfie judge suggested Senate lawyers argued thS word “consent” in thatcontesi merely a legal term to satisfyik qui cements of foreign banklam Robinson said,“Ijusthaveia lem playing t harades 1 haveip ^-"wedr lem writing an order I how is i; i ade.” Committee sources said tk ate was inclined toappeal. GAO: Cancer research not found as successful as statistics suggest WASHINGTON (AP) — Progress in the nation’s fight against cancer has been much more limited than suggested by federal statistics, says a congressional report released Thursday. The General Accounting Office studied a dozen forms of cancer and found dramatic improvements in survival rates in only two relatively rare cancers — acute leukemia and non-Hodgkins lymphoma. “For the majority of cancers we examined, the actual improvements have been small or have been overes timated by the published rates,” GAO said. “For lung, rectum and breast can cer (the most prevalent malignan cies), gains in survival have been only modest,” the GAO said. “The result is that the dramatic im provements in leukemia and NHL are muted by the overwhelming prevalence of the other cancers.” GAO, the non-partisan investigative arm of Congress, to determine whether reported improvements in cancer patient survival rates reflect true progress. GAO said advances in the detec tion and treatment ol cancer from 1950 to 1982 had extended patient survival for all but one of the 12 can cers it studied. Earlier detection, chemotherapy and better surgical and radiation procedures accounted for the improvement, GAO said. FCC to raise phone fees of home- WASHINGTON (APl- Federal Communications ( mission voted Thundav io crease the monthly line ci paid by residential telephow scribers by S1.50 over the two years, beginning with i cent boost injuly. The increase won unatE support of the five-member mission as a way to furthc duce long-distance ratesano courage large businessusenl leaving the public phonenef to build their own network Sc wi LOS Scott sa about a Young of 1986. “I’m about i split-fin “I’m cei and loo where 1 time. “I’m j by-game real sur season.” Scott paign w major le outs and jor-leagi age of 2. If his cation, h year. Scott t shutout; 10 in He ran his I, n th >on open :arlier. “My oi pring tr :ent star As long rotten of lad a ten “I’ll tak He los ind had 986, the !6. But h opment i fastball to Sisions. Althou lis seaso he one-h |rs, catcln be eve son. But it said major breakthroughs have been rare and have not gener ally come in the treatment of carci nomas, which account for 85 percent of all cancer cases. The GAO report was requested by Rep. Ted Weiss, D-N.Y. He asked The cancer institute, faulting the GAO for concentrating on the survi val rate, said there are indeed other indicators of progress against can cer, including a decrease in the per centage of the population that smokes cigarettes and a reduction in physical impairments from treat ments for some cancers. FCC Chairman MarlS.Fo saitl the increase will mai American public can com look forward to affordable phone service provided bt most modern, efficient tele; munications network in world.” The first increment willad; cents to customers'bills an additional 60 cents inDta her 1988 and up to SO ceil April 1989. SMILE 4(k Cl o Fa T*i Jose’s (V try sehir FOR YOUR FAMILY’S GENERAL DENTAL CARE CLEANING, EXAM & X-RAYS ★Call For Appointment, Reg. $44 Less Cash Discount $15 • Dental Insurance Accepted • Emergency Walk Ins Welcome • Evening Appointments Available • Nitrous Oxide Available • Complete Family Dental Care ' On Shuttle Bus Route Hi k (Anderson Bus) CarePlus^vti MEDICAL/DENTAL CENTER 696-9578 Dan Lawson D D S 1712 S W ' Parkwa y M ‘ F 1 ° am-8 p.m. uan Lawson, u.u.a. (across from Kr0 g e r Center) Sat. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. ► c so.. Texas A&M Cycling Team AGGIELAND STAGE RACE Collegiate Bicycle Race Saturday: 10 mile Time Trial Normangee City Park 10:00 a.m. Sunday: 20 mile Criterium TAMU Drill Field 2;00 p.m. For More Information Call 846-BIKE or 764-9540 Helm^te