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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1987)
POPCORN NOW AVAILABLE AT THE MSC SWEET SHOP 3737 East 29th Street Bryan, Tx 268-4001 Page 14/The BattalionThursday, April 16, 1987 House endorses anti-smoking bill targeting students NEED CASH? We offer premium dollars on used Books... trLoupors’E Check on our Trade Policy PJ and Save 20% More. FREE Parking Behind the Store % EBS EL I MADE THE AMERICAN WAY ON TAP l.D. required 404 E. University 696-Debs Spring Fever Fiasco I 50 Pitchers 3-8 everyday RUMOUR: Ninety percent of the rumours published in this column are true. FACT: April 8, 1986 this column made the following announce ment: stated in part... work will begin to construct a railroad tunnel parallel to the rail line that runs through campus. The roof of the tunnel will be ground level and will support wheel vehicles. Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 3:30 pm RFMCUES Behind The MSC Post Office AUSTIN (AP) — A lawmaker who took his first cigarette puff in junior high school won House en dorsement Wednesday for his bill banning students from smoking at public schools and at school-spon sored events. “Smoking kills 17,000 Texans an nually,” Rep. Jim McWilliams, D- Hallsville, told the House. His measure, with an amendment that extends the ban to cover snuff, won preliminary approval in a non record vote. The bill is scheduled for a final House vote next week that could send it to the Senate. McWilliams said in an interview that the ban could help prevent some students from getting involved with tobacco. Peer pressure to smoke is difficult to overcome, he said, re calling why he began a smoking habit that lasted for 36 years until he quit two years ago. “I felt like I was tougher and smarter and bigger than everybody else because I smoked,” McWilliams said. Rep. Jerry Beauchamp, D-San Antonio, who added the snuff-ban amendment, said, “The younger generation of boys are using a lot of snuff and it’s causing cancer of the lip and gums.” Also Wednesday, the House voted final approval to Rep. Charles Fin- nell’s bill that adjusts penalties for animal cruelty. Finnell, D-Holliday, wants to lower the penalty for minor offenses against animals. He said that would allow quicker prosecu tion. He also wants to allow prison terms for three-time violators of ani mal cruelty laws. The Finnell bill was sent to the Senate on a 81 -55 vote. S&L official: Failures force more control 0) DALLAS (AP) — Federaltf ulators by the end oflOSSi®! managing four times the valiti assets they now controlbetausd savings and loan failuresitiisj state region that includesTtiai top FSL1C official said. 1 homas Procopio, directs ■ the Federal Savings and Loanli surance Corp.’s southernresi told the Dallas TimesIknt: his of fice already isadminisfe about $2 billion in assets i; f ailed S&Ls in the region “If recapitalization plans through, that could douUttl year and maybe doubles® next year,” Procopio $8 billion in assets from thrifts in the region by IMi; conservative estimate,headdal I .ate Wednesday, the Feilu 1 lome Loan Bank of Dallas sa a statement sayingtliatthtreg no plans to acquire assetsolij volume. North (Continued from page 1) erformance "Is our Business' We believe in Performance: In Your Car or Truck For any Repair-Import or Domestic Bryan Drive Train call us 268-AUTO the Iran-Contra affair set to begin May 5, investigators are discussing the possibility of having former Na tional Security Adviser Robert Mc- Farlane as the lead off witness. Sources said that McFarlane has been spending much of his time in recent weeks meeting with investiga tors for the special counsel and the House and Senate committees. North’s boss at the time, sources said. They said that North and his sec retary destroyed documents as North’s activities as a National Secu rity Council aide came under scru- dny last November by Attorney Gen eral Edwin Meese III, who led an investigation by Justict Dep® officials. That investigation was ba weekend before North waslw his role in the sale of arms and possible diversion of pr«i the Nicaraguan rebels Contras. Tunnel Investigators also disclosed they are negotiating with Albert Hakim’s lawyers to obtain his testimony, in cluding records of his financial deal ings. Hakim, an Iranian-American businessman, has been named as a key figure in the military supply op eration to the Contras and linked to North and retired Maj. Gen. Rich ard Secord as one of the joint hold ers in a Swiss bank account. (Continued from page 1) flights, the engineeers are working on multiple projects. The rocket escape system is de signed for limited use, mainly after an aborted launch. “If vou have some kinrfo where you’ve had an exp! around the engines mavbe. has destroyed someofther of it, the vehicle may not lie anti you wouldn’t be able to escape system.” The White House memos that were altered were written by North in 1985 to McFarlane, who was Rea gan’s national security adviser and “It’s not designed for use in any thing but an abort situation, espe cially when you feel you’ll have to ditch over water," he said. “The line of thought now is if you have to ditch over water, you have less than a 50-50 chance of surviving because the vehicle will break up. Despite its limitations, NA ministrators want the system escape option in place fortl shuttle flight. Romeredoubs Ik* certified for use by thtr will l>c installed, and he isopl that his team will fmd'answen questions they lace. Easter savings! A special collection of sterling silver earrings and pins 1/3 OFF Reg. 5.25 to $31, sale 3.47 to 20.46 Brilliant sterling silver jewelry to complement yourEastef fashions! Sculptured, filigree, art nouveau and geometric style earrings and pins are timelessly beautiful and elegant, A wide variety of shapes and sizes by M.W. Samaraspan seasons and styles effortlessly. So versatile and affordable, you worft be able to resist the allure of these silver trinkets! c £ SHOP DILLARD'S MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 10-9; SUNDAY 12-6; SOUTHWEST MILITARY DRIVE PLAZA, CENTRAL PARK, INGRAM PARK AND WINDSOR PARK. AMERICAN EXPRESS CARD WELCOME. Dillardf Bcmauon WeeWy Magazine April 16,1987