The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 16, 1987, Image 10
Battalion Classifieds • NOTICE MAY GRADUATES!!! o o Graduation Announcement Orders Pick-Up MSC STUDENT PROGRAMS RM216 A&B o\ April 7-17, Mon-Fri. 9am-8pm •o\ Sat. 11am-3pm extra announcements on sale - Student Finance Center Rm 217- Tuesday, April 14, Sam. First come first serve. FOR RENT LEASING NOW FOR SUMMER! ALL BILLS PAID! As Low As $225 •Extra Large Pool •Tennis Court •Sauna •Balconies & Patios •All Electric Kitchen •Individual A/C & Heat •On Ground Mgmt. & Security •24 Hr. Emergency Maintenance •Ceiling Fans Open Daily Mon-Fri 9-5 Open Sat. 10-5 Sun. 1-5 Wm. J. Garrett ‘47 Where one check pays all! 1601 Holleman College Station, Texas 409/693-6716 HOUSES FOR LEASE: MONTROSE: Two bedroom, one bath, both formal living room and dining room, kitchen w/appliances, W/D connections. Near River Oaks Shopping Center. $475. + deposit. HEIGHTS: Three bedroom, two bath, both living room and dining room, kitchen w/ap pliances, W/D, built-ins, WB fireplace. $650. HOUSE FOR SALE: GESSNER AREA: Two story townhouse- /condo 3-2 1 /2-2CP, delight to show. Private park-like setting. $41,900. DIRKS ASSOCIATES 713-526-0142. THE GOLDEN RULE Summer and/or Fall/Spring Openings for Men and Women, Chris tian-like, non-smoking Telephones in, Deluxe Apts UTILITIES AND CABLE PAID Free Laundry, storage, Bus CALL/ASK: 693-5560 TODAY! $150./mo. Share B/B, $250./mo. Own B/B SUMMER SPECIAL: $240 Newly decorated Executive Suites Near University. All bills and janitorial. Start at $95./mo. Call 846-4783 Special! Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm.: $150. /2 Bdrm.: $175. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. • SERVICES Perfect Print, 1516 Echols. 822-1430. Expert Word nnt, loro tcnois. fcxpe Processing, Resumes, Graphics. Guaranteea error free Perfect Print. 822-1430. 125t5/6 WORD PROCESSING. All kinds. Experienced. De pendable. Reasonable Rates. AUTOMATED CLERI- CALSF.RVICES. 693-1070. 133t4/16 Free LSAT Diagnostic evaluation. Call for details 696- PREP. 127t4/16 TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING. EAST, REA SONABLE, QUICK TURNAROUND AVAILABLE. 693-1598. 13H5/8 Free GMAT Diagnostic evaluation. Call for details 696- PREP. 127t4/16 Ready Resumes $18. info taken by phone. 693-2128. 132t5/8 TYPING/WORD PROCESSING, Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Papers, Dissertations. Diana 764-2772. 129t4/21 Versatile Word Ptocessing. Term Papers, Reports, Thesis, Resumes, Dissertations, Graphics. LASERW RITER QUALI TY. Best Prices. Call 696-2052. 83t5/C • LOST AND FO UND LOST' emerald ring. Sentimental. Reward! Please Call 845-3142, 846-3513. 134t4/21 NOTICE Efficiencies anti Apts. 1-2 bdrms. $150. and up. Lease Length Negotiable. 693-0122. 135t4/22 Wellesley Court. Summer & Fall leases. 2 Bdrm, 1 l A hllwd bath. Approx. 1000 st). ft., washer 8c dryer, deck, near shuttle. $395. Summer rates avail. 693-4750, 690- 3330. 13114/30 Fever Blister Study If you have at least 2 fever blisters a year and would be interested in trying a new medication, call for information regarding study. Compensation for volunteers. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 10213/31 SHERWOOD CAPITAL, INC. a major brokerage firm with over 30 offices coast to coast. We will be interviewing on campus April 29,1987. Local office now hiring: Sherwood Capital, 1200 Northborough Dr., Houston, Tx. Manager: Tom Doran Phone#: 713-537-7800 If you want to explore an exciting career as a sales representative in the securities industry, see your Career Guidance Office. 135t4/22 AGGIE ACRES - 2 Bdrm. 1 Bath, Duplex. Central air and heat. Pets o.k. Stables nearby. 823-8903 (or 846- 1051 for L.B.). 'I17t4/17 Preleasing Now! 2 & 3 bdrr 846-2471,776-6856. duplexes near the Hilton 83tufn 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath four-plex, Washer/Dryer, near A&M and Mall. $250-$350 /month (summer rates), pre-leasing for fall. 846-1712 and 693-0982. 125t5/l WANTED Luxury 2 Bdrm, 1 !4> Bath, washer & dryer, water paid, near campus. $275./$325. 696-0632. 693-0551. 132t5/8 Large one bedroom, furnished apartment. Close to campus. 846-3050. Hurry only one left! $225. plus util ity plan. 84tfn Bargain! 2 bdrm, washers and dryers, $175./summer, $195./fall. 779-3550, 696-2038. 128t5/6 Large 2 bdrm., 2 bath near A8cM. shuttle, w/d, call 846- 5735 days or 846-1633 evenings ask for Paul. 92tfn APRIL- Free water/sewer paid, W/D or dishwasher. $ 195-$215. 779-0480, 696-2038. 130t4/30 DUPLEX TWO BEDROOMS, ONE BATH, NEAR CAMPUS, FENCED, CEILING FANS, $300. 845- 7301 DAYS, 693-0338 EVENINGS. 134t4/21 $100 $100 $100 $100 WANTED Individuals with sore throat pain to participate in an over the counter medication trial. $100. monetary incentive. 776-6236 $100 $100 $100 $100 • SERVICES MONEY FOR COLLEGE! Our 10 year old service will locate up to 25 scholarships and grants de signed especially for you. Educational Scholarships Service an investment in your future 846-6347 13014/14 PERSONALS TYPING: Accurate, 95 WPM, Reliable. Word Proc essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 135t4/16 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 117t4/l 7 • ROOMMATE WANTED Female: share 2 bdrm, 1 bath, $ 137.50/mo. + */2 utili ties. Summer sessions only. Non-smoker, no pets. Shut tle. 764-1748 after 5prn. 135l4/22 HELP WANTED COUNSELORS Boy’s camp in Western Mass. Good experience, salary plus room & board plus travel allowance for people who can teach tennis, baseball, basketball, sailing, waterskiing, archery, piano, drama, drums. Call or write: Camp Winadu, 5 Glen Lane, Mama- roneck, NY 10543. 914-381-5983 134t4/17 NEED A JOB? TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR SALES PERSONNEL NO EXPERI ENCE NECESSARY. MUST BE WILLING TO TRAVEL. SEND RESUME TO OR CALL STUBBLEFIELD CO., INC., 1914 DEERBROOK DRIVE, TYLER, TEXAS 75703, (214) 534-1411. (ENCLOSE A PHOTO IF AVAILABLE). 130t4/2 2 MALE DANCER NEEDED. EXCELLENT PAY. 778- 0303. 135t4/22 Office Assistnat needed to start immediately. No expe rience necessary. Call 693-0890. 13114/16 Evening T elephone Sales. No experience necessary. Hrs. 5pm-9pm, Mon-Fri, and 9am-lpm, Sat. Call 693- 0797. 131t4/16 Day T elephone Sales needed. Experience a plus. Pays well. Hrs. 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri. Call 693-0797. 131t4/16 Organist/Choir director needed at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Navasota, Texas. Call (409) 825-7726.130t4/24 Waitresses and bartenders needed immediately at Yes terdays. Apply 11:30-2. 4421 S. T exas Ave. 846-2625. No experience necessary. 134t4/24 FOR SALE FOR SALE BY SEALED BID 15 VEHICLES. STATION WAG ONS, PICKUP TRUCKS & CARGO VAN. INSPECTION 9AM-1 2 NOON & 1PM-4PM APRIL 20th THRU 24th & APRIL 27th THRU MAY 1, 1987. IN SPECTION INFORMATION AND BID FORMS MAY BE OBTAINED AT BLDG. 4430 RM 101 AT THE TAMU RESEARCH ANNEX, HWY21 WEST, BRYAN. COMPUTER TO GO. WE CUSTOM MAKE COM PUTERS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS. BEAL ANY DEAI. IN TOWN!! 268-3256. I35l4/22 '84 Mazda GLC and '84 Toyota Tercel!. Both in excel lent conditions, A/C, power stereo. $4400. and $3400. prices negotiable. 696-5533 leave message. 130t4/22 BIG PRICE REDUCTION SALE! TURBO PC/XT IBM COMPATIBLE. TWO 360KB DRIVES, 640KB- RAM, 8/4.77MHZ, KEYBOARD, MONITOR $669 TURBO PC/XT + 20MB SEAGATE: $999. TURBO PC/XT + 1200B MODEM: $789. TURBO PC/XT + 1200B MODEM + CITIZEN 120D PRINTER: $999. COMPUTERS, ETC. 693-7599. UiflU/LL. IBM PC, 2-360K Disk Drives, IBM monochrome mon itor and keyboard. $1500. 846-4438. 132t4/17 Graduating- Must Sell! 1976 Ford Maverick. Good tires, needs work. $300. / best offer. 260-2560, 260- 7604 evenings. 134t4/16 Cheap auto parts, used. Pic-A-Part, Inc. 78 and older. 3505 Old Kurten Road, Bryan. 102 tin SHORT ON CASH??? Sell your books at University Book Stores Northgate & Culpepper Plaza Defensive Driving, Ticket Dismissal, Dates, Times, You’ll Have Fun!!! 693-1322. 9U5/8 GOVERNMENT HOMES. Delinquent tax property. Repossessions. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. T-9531 for cur rent repo list. 119t4/24 WORDS TO THE WISE □■3 Professional word processing for resumes, reports, correspondence and more. L® kinko's Great copies. Great people. 201 College Main GIRLS WHO WANT TO HAVE. FUN! FEMALE EXOTIC DANCER NEEDED FOR BACHELOR PARTY. CALL AFTER 6pm. 693-0225. 135t4/20 IF YOU CAN CATCHA SQUIRREL (ALIVE) I WAN 1 IT!! STEVE 693-0455. 132t4/I7 HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY ANGELA. BEWARE OF STRANGERS! FROM THE GIRLS. 135t4/16 COLLEGE EDUCATED, HARD WORKING, HAP PILY MARRIED WHITE COUPLE EAGER TO ADOPT A HEALTHY NEWBORN, AND PROVIDE A LOVING, HAPPY, SECURE FAMILY LIFE. BIRTH RELATED EXPENSES PAID. COM PLETELY CONFIDENTIAL AND LEGAL. CALL COLLECT - (314) 569-2419. 126t4/30 846-8721 Page 10/The Battalion/Thursday, April 16, 1987 Managers: Dixie datelines may be key to win in 1988 Kemp begins campaign with tour of South BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — On his first outing as a presidential can didate, Jack Kemp carried a flight log resembling a travel agency’s package tour of Dixie. It is a com mon recognition of the 1988 realities — pay homage to Iowa and New Hampshire, but don’t neglect the South. “In American politics, there are only two resources — time and money,” Lee Atwater says. “An un precedented amount will be spent in the South by anyone interested in becoming president.” Atwater, a South Carolinian who runs Vice President George Bush’s campaign, predicts that between now and next March 8, “the South will be getting more attention than it’s ever gotten in history and proba bly will ever get again.” Why the fuss? Because most Southern states have scheduled their 1988 presidential primary elections to follow Iowa and New Hampshire, and because candidates have studied the Gary Hart lesson of 1984. though the emphasis on early cam paigning remains centered in Iowa and New Hampshire. Example: Phis week, after declaring his candidat \ in Denver, Hart, a former Colorado senator, immediately headed to Iowa — by way of Texas. “There are only two re sources — time and money. An unprece dented amount will be spent in the South by any one interested in becom ing president. ” — Lee Atwater, campaign manager lor George Hush Boh Dole of Kansas hasn'i made his forma! announcement,i( he spent last weekend in Louma. Georgia and Mississippi. On Moj day, the Republican Senate tomed ihe Carolinas. Rep. Richard Gephardt of Mi som i. seeking the Democraticntnii. nation, has logged considerable!^ Club ailed t IRV ticker ;o ind( /laced in the South. He’ll spendtbelo(jB''f‘'! e< ^ East e i weekend in North (W \moug Democrats, idrmer&t B i in e Babbitt of Arizona or Sen. | beri Gore ) i . of Tennessee might ir.tet natural constituencies South, as would evangelist Pat Hi i tson or former Sen. Paul basalti Ne\ada on the GOPside. \nd the Rev. J esse Jadi«u likeh Democratic contender. 4! II in 1984 with black votersn| could reap enormous advai Irom the March 8 primaries. Hart exploded out of Iowa and New Hampshire with the momen tum to score a knockout punch against Walter Mondale in the Dem ocratic race. But he hadn’t organized much of a campaign in the South and on Super T uesday 1984 he sput tered just enough for Mondale to survive and begin his comeback. Thus, Dixie datelines are appear ing regularly on the itineraries of 1988 presidential candidates. The Kemp campaign believes the Southern primaries could Ik* the kr\ to his effort to overtake the Republi can front-runner. Bush. Kemp began his tour in Missouri, Alabama and Georgia. The next day, Kemp toured die Carolinas — Greenville, S.C.; Charleston and Ra leigh. The South, with its cluster of more than a dozen primaries and caucuses, may be redef ining the can didates’ travel, but it remains to Ik* seen whether the candidates will also alter their campaigns to appeal to the region’s large conservative and large black voting populations. Bush has skillhilly used his to collect chits for 1988, paigning to elect dozensofloc state officials. Moreover, Bus should draw well in Texas,when made a iortune as an oilmai his elec i ion to the House. Democratic pollster Cl Darden of Atlanta said, “Sureti going toclaim he’s a Southerner. But perceptions are imponar the South, and Darden said lei might not stand scrutiny. "Weikti like folks in pink sweaters.Riji wrong, we're talking about reit and Bush is kind o( a pink-swtt man.” he said. Nazi war criminal to be deported avoids death sentence in U.S.S.R WASHINGTON (AP) — Accused Nazi war criminal Karl Linnas is to be deported to Panama, the World Jewish Congress said Wednesday. Attorney General Edwin Meese made the decision to deport Linnas to Panama instead of to the Soviet Union, said Eli M. Rosenbaum, the general counsel for the Jewish group and a former war crimes prosecutor for the Justice Department. his attorneys have been waging a court campaign to delay his deporta tion to the Soviet Union while they and the Justice Department searched for another country that will accept him. The Jewish group had Linnas deported to the Department spokesman Patrick Korten refused to comment on Rosenbaum’s assertion. Linnas and Linnas, a Long Island resident, has been condemned to death in ab sentia in the Soviet Union for his re ported role in Nazi executions and abuse of Jews and other prisoners in the Tartu concentration camp he is said to have run in Estonia during World War II. In a N e w Y Meese's sion ot j portions telephone interview ork, Rosenbaum t eported detision “as ust ice in monument! Linnas, a native of Estonia stripped of his U.S. citizensli 1981 af ter the U.S. District Cot Westbury, N.Y., found lhathe hidden his wartime role in Es when he entered the United! in 1951. SPECIAL $12 95 i^ 1 (Expires 5/15/87) Includes * C ree road test LOCALLY own CO BY * Free pan inspection jim wiLSOrt * Fluid change, new pan gasket * Clean screen, pan. and sump * Adjust bands (filter extra) (This special good with coupon only. Transmission must be serviceable.) -ALSO— COMPLETE SOFT PARTS OVERHAUL FOR AS LOW AS $335 50 with nationwide warranty included Exotic and 4 speed, overdrive automatics not included at this price. s F E C I A E CALL FOR APPT. 1215 Texas. Bryan 779-2626 iVS’l o » "Core Give Yourself The Graduation Present You Deserve Today! Dc Se gu veryoi nembe Septi igo in ears ' i2,000 n the s irl, wf Date’s ( “I kn mblic i this ac ivanted ations aid. Schn ;ave p swere re Todd ii an Die "We ions o he pas as bee had no ion. “Tht nity ah elatioi )eour Lam itaterm ' 3 with no payments for 90 days, ^ Quality Pontiac-Buick-GMC Trucks and Subaru is offering guaranteed financing for graduating Aggies and graduate students. With your proof of employment and good credit or no credit we'll finance your purchase for up to 60 months through GMAC. With no payment due for 90 days. With as little as 5% down. You've worked hard for your degree so give yourself the present you deserve. We have a special shipment of cars just for this very special event. Gary Congratulations! Stevenson’s QUALITY Pontiac* Buick* GMC • Subaru /