The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 10, 1987, Image 5

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    Friday, April 10, 1987/rhe Battalion/Page 5
Photo by Chris Lane
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dents c
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Horsing Around
Sherman Scury, a junior pre-med major, escapes the sunlight by re
laxing in the shade provided by her 4-year-old horse, Sir Presso.
House OKs
half-day off
for Easter
AUSTIN (AP) — Texas House
members who plan to take three
days off for the upcoming Easter
weekend grudgingly voted Thurs
day to let state employees take a
half-day off.
The Good Friday battle began
when Rep. Bob Richardson, R-Aus-
tin, sought approval for giving all
state employees half the day off.
Rep. Bill Ceverha, R-Richardson,
objected, saying state workers al
ready get enough holidays.
Ceverha said the Good Friday
half-day off, which traditionally has
been granted, should be covered in
the bill that sets up state holidays.
He objected to it being done in a
separate resolution.
Richardson fell Five votes short
of the two-thirds majority he
needed to bring the motion up for a
“They’re not even going to let
them off to go pray for help now,”
Richardson said. “It’s a direct kick
in the teeth.”
His motion later came up on a
motion for reconsideration, and
was approved on voice vote after
Ceverha added an amendment that
said state offices could not close Fri
day afternoon. Richardson said ske
leton staffs would remain on the
Ceverha said the amendment sat
isfied some of his concerns about
the half-day holiday but added, “I
still think it’s a lousy idea.”
The House and Senate will not
meet next Thursday or Friday.
They also will take off the Monday
after Easter.
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ouston Ballet ends 2 nights
•f spirited dancing at A&M
iiiinue I
’ 1987,*
e no bin!
rl said I* 1
to vote it
felt the
By Karl Pallmeyer
Music Critic
■The Houston Ballet ended two
■enings of long performances at
Rudder Auditorium Thursday with
its performance of “La Sylphide.”
BWednesday night’s performance,
which included “Three Preludes,”
fDon Quixote Pas de Deux” and
iThe Lady and the Fool,” lasted al-
same. MBost three hours. Thursday’s per-
willuse jfopnance lasted two hours and 30
■inutes. The two intermissions on
Hth nights added to the programs’
lengths considerably.
■ About 1,000 people turned out to
£ln Jsee Thursday night’s performance,
fsponsored by the MSC Opera and
I Performing Arts Society. As with
tee lit' 'Wednesday's program, the evening
rents bw®gan with the “Bartok Concerto.”
5’wish toll® Houston Ballet director Ben Ste-
aid theyuBnson choreographed the “Bartok
-n fortklConcerto,” a tribute to composer
Bela Bartok. Sixteen ballet artists
session flldanced to Bartok’s Third Piano
Concerto. Since the piece told no
• story, the dancers’ movements were
■signed to emphasize musical pas
sages and to convey the spirit of the
■ Sometimes the dancers’ arm
movements seemed erratic, perfectly
matching the erratic rhythms of Bar-
tok’s music.
■The second movement of the con-
perto was the most striking. At first
the dancers were bunched together
in what looked like a sculpture of
human bodies. As the music began
to pick up, the dancers peeled off
the sculpture” in pairs and danced
around the stage for a short while.
Before long, two performers were
left on stage to dance solos and
duets. The rest of the company soon
■turned to the stage and reformed
the “sculpture.”
■ “La Sylphide,” composed by Her
man Lovenskjold and choreo
graphed by August Bournonville, is
■tragic love story tied into the su
pernatural. “La Sylphide” is the
Spry of James (danced by John
Grensback), a young Scottish farmer
ftio’s about to marry Effie (Kerri
IcClatchy). On the evening before
Bis wedding, James wakes to see the
Sylphide (Rachell Jonell Beard)
Hmcing around the room. James
[ Ills under her spell.
In the morning, the wedding
ests arrive. One guest, Gurn (Paul
Gros), is unhappy because he is
in love with Effie. When Madge
Dorio Perez) the soothsayer pre
ps that it is Gurn, not James, who
marry Effie, James throws the
Hd woman out of the house.
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Photo by Bill Hughes
Two members of the Houston Ballet dance the Bartok Concerto dur
ing the company’s performance Wednesday in Rudder Auditorium.
During the wedding dance, the
Sylphide arrives and entices James
to leave his friends and future wife.
Madge follows them into the forest
with a magic scarf and promises
James that it will make the Sylphide
fall in love with him. When he puts
the scarf around the Sylphide, her
wings fall off and she dies in his
arms. Madge has taken revenge on
James for his treatment of her at the
wedding dance. Her revenge is com
plete when Effie marries Gurn.
Beautiful costumes and sets
helped to make “La Sylphide” a
wonderful experience. The dancing
was incredibly graceful and well-
choreographed. The audience
seemed well-pleased, despite the
length of the performance.
Ian charged in thefts of geiger counters
(HOUSTON (AP) — A survivalist
Jio posed as a state official has been
barged with stealing geiger coun-
!H rs from city fire stations, authori-
Hs said.
■ “He belongs to a survivalist club,
|#id he was going to sell them to
■embers in case of a nuclear attack,”
Hre Department Deputy Chief L.O.
Martin said.
I Geiger counters are devices used
to measure radioactivity.
■ Miles N. Cable, 21, of the River
Haks area of Houston, was charged
with theft and held in lieu of $2,000
bail, Houston Fire Department
spokesman Richard Hawkins said.
Since the alleged thefts took place
from fire stations, Fire Department
investigators handled the case and
filed charges, Hawkins said.
Martin claimed Cable used fake
identification when he visited the
stations, telling officials he was with
the Texas Division of Emergency
Management and was picking up old
- geiger counters that were to be re
placed with new ones, Martin said.
The ruse was helped by the fact
that old geiger counters were being
replaced by the state emergency
management officials.
Fire officials at one station would
not hand over the $735 unit before
checking with state officials, who
said no one had been authorized to
pick up the device.
One firefighter recorded the li
cense plate on the car the suspect
was driving at the time.
Cable was arrested at his home
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