The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 08, 1987, Image 10
Page 10/The Battalion/Wednesday, April 8, 1987 AM/PM Clinics Minor Emergencies 10% Student Discount with ID card 3820 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas 846-4756 401 S. Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas 779-4756 8a.m.-11 p.m. 7 days a week Walk-in Family Practice Free Summer Shuttle RESORT ATMOSPHERE Now Preleasing for Summer/Fall/Spring Huge 2 Bdrm/2 Full Baths 3 Bdrm/2 Full Baths Pool • Hot Tub • Basketball Court • On Site Manager + Security 24 Hour Maintenance Parkway Circle J.W. Par 401 S. W. Parkway 696-6909 EAT IN •TAKEOUT FREE DELIVERY 846-0379 405 W. University Northgate iwmwmwm coupons i Small Thin Crust 12” one topping Pizza $4." plus tax expires 4-12-87 Large Thin Crust 16” one topping am, $5." plus tax expires 4-12-87 > 1 ”"rsr' $6." plus tax expires 4-12-87 Contact Lenses Only Quality Name Brands |(Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hinds-Hydrocurve) $79 00 "STD. DAILY WEAR SOFT LENSES $99 0 STD. EXTENDED WEAR SOFT LENSES SPARE PR ONLY $20 with purchase of 1 st pr. at reg. price 00 -STD. TINTED SOFT LENSES SPECIAL ENDS MAY 29, 1987 AND APPLIES TO CLEAR STAN DARD EXTENDED WEAR STOCK LENSES ONLY Call 696-3754 For Appointment * Eye exam and care kit not included CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL, O.D., P.C. DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY 707 South Texas Ave., Suite 101D College Station, Texas 77840 1 block South of Texas & University Coupon INTERNATIONAL HOUSE ^PANCAKES. RESTAURANT Mon: Burgers & French Fries Tues: Chili Beans & Biscuits Wed: All You Can Eat Pancakes Thur: Hot Dogs & French Fries Fri: Beer Battered Fish Sat: French Toast Sun: Spaghetti & Meat Sauce All You Can Eat $2 99 6 p.m.-6 a.m. no take outs must present this Expires 4/\5/Q7 I International House of Pancakes Restaurant 103 S. College Skaggs Center World and Nation Differences among TV preachers overlooked after Bakker scandal Vocational distinctions of religious personalities clouded NEW YORK (AP) — In the hub bub over TV preachers, some voca tional distinctions in the religious world are being generally obscured, leaving considerable confusion about them. Mainly the misunderstandings have shown up about about the dif ferences between “evangelists,” “evangelicals” and “TV ministers” or “religious broadcasters.” They’re quite dissimilar, and while their elements sometimes overlap, the current ruckus about religious television personalities tends to blur the demarcations. As a prime instance, most of the noted figures of what’s called the “electronic church” are not evangel ists, per se, meaning those with a special ministry of eliciting conver sions to Christianity. Instead, they mostly are television preachers or ministers, largely de voted to instructing their followers, mostly regular audiences, rather than primarily summoning the reli giously indifferent to faith. That task is the particular role of the evangelist, the best known of whom is Billy Graham, who runs his crusades around the globe to invite commitments to Christ. Oral Roberts, presiding over his Oklahoma domain of a university, a hospital and television production, whose give-or-he’d-die plea netted its $8 million, has himself said he is not an evangelist, but a “TV pre acher.” Jim Bakker, who resigned as head of his Bible park and PTL (Praise the Lord or People That Love) TV ministry because of involvement in a sex affair, was not primarily an evan gelist, but a television personality. He, along with his wife, Tammy, with their conversational and musi cal shows, simply had built up a huge and regular audience of captivated devotees, much as Johnny Carson has done. Jerry Falwell, picked by Bakker to replace him for the time being, is ba sically the pastor of a congregation, Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Va., whose services are televised on “T he Old 1 ime Gospel Hour.” He is not strictly an evangelist, al though some evangelism may enter into his otherwise extensive ministry of running his church, a university, anti the politically-oriented Moral Mait >rity movement he founded. M.G. “Pat" Robertson, head of big Christian Broadcasting Network in Virginia Beach, Va., and now a Re publican presidential hopeful, has Indian tribal dances relieve stress for Vietnam veterans SAN XAVIER, Ariz. (AP) — In dian warriors of the Great Plains once shook gourd rattles as they danced for power and honor. Today, the centuries-old steps of the gourd dance are followed by some Indian veterans of Vietnam. That dance and other tribal ritu als may be helping these modern warriors fend off post-traumatic stress linked to Vietnam, says Thomas Holm, who teaches Univer sity of Arizona classes on Indian pol icy and on the Vietnam War. Holm, an associate professor of political science who was among those dancing during the recent an nual powwow on the San Xavier In dian Reservation, served with the U.S. Marine Corps in Vietnam from November 1967 to December 1968. Part Cherokee and part Creek In dian, he has been studying Indian Vietnam veterans for the 6-year-old Vietnam Veterans Inter-tribal Asso ciation. Those who returned from South east Asia to tribes in which ceremony and ritual remain strong seem to have had fewer problems adjusting to postwar life, he said, citing a sur vey of some 170 Indian veterans. “As we become more secular as Americans, more scientific, we tend to scoff at ritual and ceremony as not being useful,” Holm says. “Far from that, I’m finding that ritual is very, very important.” Rituals honoring veterans, in par ticular, seem to foster a healthier self-image, he says. A Winnebago elder. Holm says, once explained such ceremonies with these words: “We honor our veterans because by seeing death on the battlefield, they truly know the greatness of life.” The gourd dance originated with the Kiowa, a southern plains tribe in which the highest status once was achieved only thxough success in warfare. Kiowa songs, ihe gourd dance today has spread to.many other trilies. “The U.S. had made it a |K>licy to get rid of these warrior scxieties in the 19th century,” Holm says. “These songs were kept alive in indi vidual families. “Then, after World War I. people would get together and sing the songs but not have the tull-fledged ceremonies. Alter World War II, with all the veterans coming back, they started doing the dances. Another warrior society that sur vived is the Coyote Society ol the \ a- qui Indians of Arizona and Mexico. A Coyote Society member once told Holm that the group took its name out of kinship with the animals who are “the only ones after the bat tle who will he around to pick up our Ixines." The gourd dancers were mem bers of a Kiowa warrior society, one of many such Indian military socie ties. Accompanied by the original The weekend powwow also fea tured Pima, Apache, I ohono O’od- ham, Oto, Cherokee and Jemez dancers. Proceeds benefit the yearlv cycle of religious leasts at the mis sion. Unusual ca returns again| after short lei Restless high-school students find college made for them GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. (AP) — Laura Sayre was 16 when she dropped out of high school for something less boring — college. Now she credits Simon’s Rock of Bard College for saving her from two more years of high school. Simon’s Rock, the nation’s only college primarily oriented toward restless but motivated high-school- age students, is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The school has grad uated more than 1,000 students. It opened with 55 high-school sopho mores, all girls, and now averages 300 male and female students a year. The college draws on a small group of dissatisfied students who drop out of high school for the chal lenges of college. The idea is not new. The late Rob ert M. Hutchins, while president of the University of Chicago, opened his school to teen-age students in the 1930s because he believed the last few years of high school were wasted on many of them. But Simon’s Rock is the only col lege primarily for younger students. Some college-age students are ad mitted, but they are the minority in a school founded on the belief that younger students fare better when studying alongside their peers. Leon Botstein, president of Bard College of Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y.Botstein says Simon’s Rock proves that better-than-average stu dents can be engaged in serious aca demics at an earlier age instead of wasting time getting deluged by triv- iaat conventional high schools. Dean of Academic Affairs Ber nard Rogers says some students come to the college with mediocre high-school grades. “We think that’s because they were bored,” he said. “There’s probably one student in ev ery school in the country that needs this place.” Because of their tender age, freshmen observe more rules than those at other colleges. They live in single-sex dormitories with strict vis iting hours. All classes are limited to 15 students and freshmen are watched closely by teachers, who meet with them every week to en sure they are on the right track. Students may earn an associate degree in two years and go on to other colleges or stay to earn their bachelor’s degree. lOI.EDO. Ohio (AP) high-performance, handEj P.intera, a half-breed spor that expet ien<ed .i short lit! American highways, is wt i < '.ids again and undergointj naissance in northwest Ohio Ihe half-ltalian, can sports car was introdiril this country in 1971. It i peared from the American!; in 1975 because of bodn problems and a clisagreemfflij tween the body makers! Henr\ Ford 11, whose ForiDI tor Co. produced theenginei I Kirk Evans, a car bun in ll seon, savs the rust problemsls l>een solved, and hehasbro^ t he ca i back to life in his dm a about 30 miles westofToledaj “It's quite a nice-looking]) when it's all put together, 1 said. "It has a L'.S. engine,] people like the serviceabfcl it.” Evans, 30, was just out olS sc hool when he bought his a Pantera in 1974. Thirteenn later, after working for s years restoring and mot the cars, Evans is ownerofii rispoi t Inc., and the solehtj American distributor of PanH “I've always loved the car kept doing a lot of improve® and made cosmetic pieces tel c ar," Evans said. “It wasthe* thing that really was in the[dj range I could afford. “It is a lot less thanthefl cars, like the Lamborghini? Ferrari. I thought it vvasah for die money and, franklpb think it is.” At $67,900, however, the £ engine Pantera is notaptafl family vehicle. “It’s a toy,” Evans! toy that is not as exotic as soittj the Ferarris, Maseratis, the J ian exotics. You canj car and pretty much dhsttl the lime. It is obviously not thing you’re going to wantte i! the country in.” But if it were, it would be ride, [lowered by a Cleveland block V-8 engine 0 accelerates from a standstill mph in 5.5 seconds. Museum shows commitment to displaying latest art item RIDGEFIELD, Conn. (AP) — The smell of fresh paint is in the air at the Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art. The fumes are the result of the museum’s recent renovation, but wet paint isn’t covering only the walls. Exhibits arrive at the Aldrich Museum so fresh from the easel and chisel that some are still gummy and others are not yet considered com plete by their creators. They state the commitment of the 23-year-old museum and its founder, former dress manufac turer Larry Aldrich, to displaying the work of artists who are in the vanguard of the latest movements in visual art. The museum has been savaged as a rich man’s tax writeoff, a showcase for the mediocre and a museum not dedicated enough to art to acquire a significant permanent collection. But Aldrich says the criticism doesn’t mean much to him and he’s won over people by the present-day success of artists, such as Jasper Johns and Frank Stella, whose works now some times command more than $1 million at auction. In die 1960s, he said, their creationswer^J museum and widely scorned. “There were occasions (after) we ol* when some older people practically screaming,” Aldrich recalled. "I enjoyeM Experts, however, said the ;f broadened its perspective since thedaysii 11 contained Aldrich’s personal collection 4 had added to the cult ural scene in Conned 10 Aldrich, 80, a New York City and Rif. resident, began collecting European art nl before World War II. MATHEMATICS CONTEST The annual Freshman and Sophomore Math ematics Contest will be held Thursday, April 16, 1987 form 7:30 to 9:30 PM. The Freshmen Con test will be in Room 216 Milner Hall and the Sophomore Contest in 304 Milner Hall. No cal culators - all test material will be provided. Prizes for winners of first place will be $100.°°, second place $60.°°, and third place $40.°°. Prerequisite for Freshmen contest is knowledge of calculus through Math 151 or equivalent, for the Sopho more contest knowledge of calculus through Math 253 or equivalent. NOW OPEN m//C‘/C£7?^ Sr/CKB State Inspection Station 308 S. Jersey College Station 693-8512 Call Battalion ssified 845-26 r Ti repeatedly insisted he’snotajitJ gelist, but a religious broadcast^,] Jimmy Swaggart, whose fid Rouge, La., TV ministry con® a huge and expressivelyadorinj dience, and who figured ini)kJ c harges against Bakker,isnois]* ieallv an evangelist, but a prea performer. He emotes, and evokes fervor from a nation TV floc k — his regular contribj < ailed “outreach partners’’ Rol km t Schuller is a Refoj Church in America pastor,i "I lour of Power” sermonstoy giegation at its CrystalCathednlj Carden Grove, Calif., are i shown on television. With a strong ingredient o[|j c hological insights, his not directly evangelistic,butnuj the- nature of pastoral conn! for more confident living. Williai kc-nne Jesse V PLEA ASEIi TOPIC WHEF