The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 08, 1987, Image 1

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MM m Texas A&M
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n ,ora 4 s ;fcl.82 No. 131 CJSPS 045360 16 pages
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College Station, Texas Wednesday, April 8, 1987
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fficials blast
mbassy heads
n spy scandal
:ongressmen say building
lay never be free of spies
MOSCOW (AP) — Two members
If Congress looking into the U.S.
Imbassy security scandal blasted top
Jeople Tuesday for resisting tighter
Irotection measures and said the
Jnission might never be declared
Their report called for a world
wide overhaul of measures taken to
brotect U.S. diplomatic missions
Ifom espionage.
They said a new $ 195-million em-
lassy complex being built in Moscow
kould take at least five more years to
take secure, and did not rule out
tat it might have to be destroyed
because it was riddled with KGB
bugging devices.
Embassy security in Moscow now
is “fundamentally flawed both in
physical and personnel areas,” con
cluded Dan Mica, D-Fla., and Olym
pia Snowe, R-Maine, from the
House Foreign Affairs Committee.
Mica and Snowe came to Moscow
to inspect the new embassy and as
sess damage done by a spying scan
dal that led to two former U.S. Ma
rine embassy guards being arrested.
They spoke to reporters after two
days of inspecting the buildings and
talking with embassy officials.
b allow
lax vote
AUST IN (AP) — Gov. Bill Glem-
ths said Tuesday he would agree if
he Legislature chooses to allow vot-
:rs to decide this summer whether
hey want to pay more taxes to build
nore prisons.
The governor said opinion polls
epeatedly have shown Texans wili
ng to pay higher taxes if it would
nean expanding the currently over-
rowded prison system.
“Putting it to the people and let-
ing them decide on this particular
prison) issue is a form of referen-
ium, which I heartily endorse,”
Elements said.
Clements also said he wouldn’t ob-
?ct to shifting the statewide horse-
acing referendum from November
othis summer if a special election is
|oing to be held at that time on the
irison tax and a state lottery.
Struggling with Clements' refusal
|o approve more than $2.9 billion in
lew taxes for the 1988-89 budget
jeriod, some legislators have sug-
»ested placing before voters a pro-
ibsed constitutional amendment
hat would dedicate some additional
ax money to fund prison construc-
Although he says such a plan
irobably would be acceptable, Clem-
:ntsalso said lawmakers who want to
ipend more money than he will ap-
irove “are not facing up to reality
dth the budget.”
“They keep talking about greatly
ncreasing programs,” he said. “I’m
lot going to agree to those increased
“I’ve tried to make that very clear
io everyone.”
President Reagan told a White
House news conference Tuesday
U.S. diplomats would not occupy the
new embassy until he is sure it is se
cure from Soviet eavesdropping. He
said the Kremlin could not use its
new office tower in Washington un
til Americans occupy their Moscow
“We are not going to be run out of
town” by spying, Reagan said.
U.S. Ambassador Jack Matlock
delivered a formal protest Tuesday
over purported infiltration of the
old and new buildings, embassy
spokesman Jaroslav Verneer said
“We should operate on the basis
that the facility has been fully com
promised,” Mica said of the building
that has served as the U.S. Embassy
since 1933.
“We have five years of problems
there, at least,” he said.
Snowe said, “We might recom
mend that it be demolished.”
The two reserved their strongest
criticism for the attitude taken by
top embassy personnel on security
matters, and what they said was the
failure to devise back-up systems
that would prevent Soviet penetra
The two arrested Marines were
said to have been seduced by Soviet
women into allowing KGB agents to
enter the embassy at night, where
the agents got into top-secret areas
after automatic alarms were
switched off.
“It all came down to a point where
only two people could override the
entire system to all the electronics
equipment, all the physical security
and all the clearances and training,”
Mica said.
Snowe said her talks with embassy
personnel revealed a “negative atti
tude” toward the Marine guards.
Mica said embassy officials ex
pressed disagreement with those
This passerby was silhouetted against the windows of the walkway be- west side of campus. The walkway provides a different perspective of
tween the Soil and Crop Sciences and Entomology buildings on the the main campus, although the passerby doesn’t seem to notice.
Rio Airways relies on Ch. 11 for protection
By Elisa Hutchins
Rio Airways Inc. filed for protec
tion from its creditors under Chap
ter 11 of federal bankruptcy law
Feb. 27, leaving hundreds of em
ployees scrambling to find jobs and
to recover wages.
Chris Frank, a Texas A&M stu
dent and a ticket agent for the re
cently closed Bryan-College Station
terminal, said management notified
.him Feb. 12, only a day before the
terminal closed.
“We were told Rio was discontinu
ing service here and that we would
be given a week of severance pay
plus our wages,” Frank said. “Two
weeks later, they filed for bank
ruptcy and I’m out about $800.”
Rio’s creditors number in the
hundreds. The top five listed in the
etition together owe more than
1.27 million.
The top five companies listed
were: Beech Aircraft Corp., of Wi
chita, Kan., $855,900; Donovan &
Baker Inc., of Houston, $131,737;
Northwestern Motor Carriers, of
Wis., $117,551; James Kensington,
of New York, $111,919; and Coastal
Refining & Manufacturing, $69,851.
Barry Phillips, a Waco attorney
retained by Rio chairman Hugh Sea
born, said that under Chapter 11,
employees are given priority over
creditors in collecting wages. But
there is nothing they can do legally
to collect their money.
To date, Rio has made no attempt
to tell its employees when, if ever,
they will be paid.
No one could be reached in Kill
een, the airline’s base of operations,
to comment on the status of the com
In the meantime, many Rio em
ployees have found other jobs.
“A lot of pilots have gotten jobs
with American Eagle or on other air
lines,” said Judy Pustejovsky, a pre-
See Bankruptcy, page 16
A&M pathologist accidentally discovered mild jalapeho
By Carolyn Garcia
Staff Writer
Most who fancy Mexican food have never
tasted ajalapeno.
What? Mexican food in Texas without the fa
mous pepper? No — it’s just that they’ve never
“tasted” the pepper because their taste buds have
been burnt off.
But because most Aggies believe in having it
all, Dr. Pepper was called in.
No, they are not purchasing bulk quantities of
the sweet brown liquid. Dr. Pepper is Ben Villa-
Ion, a Texas A&M plant pathologist at A&M’s re
search station in Weslaco.
Villalon didn’t set out to genetically create a
mild jalapeno for the non-cast-iron stomachs. His
mission was quite different.
“Dr. Pepper,” as his co-workers call him, was
sent to the Rio Grande Valley in 1970 to help
find a cure for a disease that was wreaking havoc
on bell pepper crops.
The discovery was somewhat of an accident.
During the cross-hybridization, which in
cluded altering the pepper’s capsaicin — the
clear liquid responsible for a pepper’s fire power
— some interesting things developed.
“We had a variety of sweet jalapenos and some
hot bell peppers,” he said.
The mild jalapeno, appropriately called
TAM1, will make up half of the pepper crop this
year, Villalon said.
Villalon set up a one-to-ten scale system to rate
the heat of the peppers.
A normal bell pepper rates a one, while a stan
dard jalapeno tips the scales at seven to nine, he
The TAM1 pepper ranks somewhere between
two and five.
The Aggie pepper made its debut in 1981
when it was released to a few growers.
See Jalapeno, page 16
Aggression, need to dominate cause rape
Sexual assault victims
By Carolyn Garcia
Staff Writer
Sexual assault victims never
|asked for it.”
Rape is not the result of an uncon-
iolable sexual desire for a particular
ndividual brought on by the way she
Bresses or walks — it is an act of ag
gression and dominance.
Most women do not “bring it on
hemselves.” However, it is up to
Ihem to assure they are not vulnera-
Sexual assault
Part three of a three-part series
I And vulnerability is the name of
fie game, said Bob Wiatt, director of
lampus security and University Po-
I “The rapist is an opportunist,” he
nid. “He is a thief. He steals a wom
an’s self-respect and dignity. But
■ven though he operates on some
■range emotional urge, he doesn’t
want to get caught.
I “Unfortunately, many of our in-
labitants think they live in a dog-
i<me Alice in Wonderland. They
pink because they are at Texas
l&M, the real world doesn’t exist.
Pell, the city of College Station may
Pst become the real world for them,
■oo many people are walking
■ound with their heads in the
Wiatt said the police can only do
so much to protect women from as
sault. The burden of staying safe
rests largely on the shoulders of the
potential victim.
“If you want to be hard-nosed
about it, every man is a potential ra
pist,” he said. “Every nice-looking
guy is not Tom Sawyer. Some could
rip you up bad.”
Although all people have the right
to go wherever they want and do
whatever they want, Wiatt said, they
must be prepared to be responsible
for their own safety.
“If a woman wants to sit in the
middle of the golf course at 3 a.m.
and contemplate her constitutional
right to be there, she has that right,”
he said.
“But when the guy hiding behind
the tree gets her — a lot of good her
right to be there has done,” he said.
Wiatt said that although “stranger
rape” is a threat to Aggie coeds,
there is a closer and just as danger
ous foe.
“It’s date rape,” he said. “It’s not
the guy jumping out of the bushes or
breaking into your car that’s going to
get you. It’s probably that good-
looking guy you’ve been dying to go
out with.”
Debbie Spencer, assistant coordi
nator in the South Area Office, said
although it may seem stupid or em-
barassing, it may not be a bad idea to
sit down with the person you’ve be
dating and set some ground rules
establish just what you’re comfo
able with.
“There is no reason why a m
“If you want to be hard-
nosed about it, every man
is a potential rapist. ”
— Bob Wiatt, director of
security and University
can’t initiate this kind of discussion
to find out what she is comfortable
with,” she said. “And if he doesn’t
seem like the kind who would re
spect your wishes — don’t continue
to go out with him.”
A little honesty ahead of time can
save everyone a lot of grief, she said.
It would curtail men trying to pull
the “I spent all that money — you
owe me,” and “you’re a tease — why
did you lead me on?”
Wiatt said women unnecessarily
continue to find themselves in these
kinds of situations.
“Women are smart,” he said.
“When a guy suggests stopping for a
drink, or going back to his place —
man, they should be hearing bells!
don’t ‘ask for it’
“Unfortunately, men lie — and
they do it very well.
“Women know from the time they
are little girls what makes men crazy.
They need to be very careful that
their actions aren’t misinterpreted.”
There is no “right way” for victims
to defend themselves once they’re in
a rape situation, Wiatt said.
There are, however, three varia
bles to be considered.
The location of the assault plays a
big part in whether the victim can
get help.
“Potential victims must think
about their surroundings,” he said.
“Screaming or shouting ‘Fire!’ might
frighten away the attacker at a shop
ping mall or in a building on cam
pus, but in a secluded place it might
be a waste of breath and energy.”
The second variable is the victim
herself, Wiatt said. She must decide
if she has the capability to be vicious.
Could she, in fact, jam her finger in
her attacker’s eye?
The attacker is the third variable.
What is he made of? Victims must
try to read their attackers and, most
importantly, should remember to
stay calm and consider all the alter
Wiatt said he is often asked, “How
do I defend myself?”
“There is no formula,” he said.
“People want to be told exactly what
to do so they don’t have to think.
And thinking ahead of time is the
only way they are going to be safe.
“I see women who read books and
watch television shows and even go
to self-defense classes. I admire their
concern, but it’s injurious to them —
it gives them a false sense of security.
“There are plenty of people out
there who claim to have the answer
and those willing to sell you a whole
assortment of gadgets, but aware
ness for your own safety is the best
way to go. Weapons tend to get
taken away from the victim. Besides,
most women I know couldn’t find
their mace or whatever in their
purse if they tried.”
The myths surrounding rape are
plentiful and often serve to contrib
ute to the vulnerability of the victim.
Linda Castoria, director of the
Brazos Valley Rape Crisis Center,
said that white women are led to be
lieve that most rapists are black men.
“Race rapes race,” she said. “Sta
tistics show that the majority of white
women are raped by white men.
And black women are usually raped
by black men.
“A (white) woman can be followed
by a white man, who has full intent
of raping her, and she might not be
the slightest bit concerned. But you
let a black man be walking down the
See Assault, page 16
for editors
due April 10
By Jenny Hynes
The Student Publications
Board now is accepting applica
tions for summer and fall editors
for The Battalion, editor for the
1987-88 Aggieland and editor-
/producer for the 1987-88 Video
Applications may be obtained
in the Journalism Department
Office, 230 Reed McDonald, and
must be returned to Malinda
Pope, 230A Reed McDonald by 5
p.m. on April 10.
Qualifications of all positions
• Minimum 2.0 GPR, both
overall and in major, both at the
time of appointment and
throughout the term of office;
• At least one year of experi
ence in a responsible staff posi
tion on The Battalion (for Battal
ion editors) or on Aggieland (for
Aggieland editors) or any compa
rable student publication; or
• At least one year of experi
ence on a commercial newspaper
(for Battalion editors) or on a
commercial television staff (for
Video Aggieland editors); or
• At least 12 hours of journa
lism courses including JOUR 203
and 303 (Reporting and Editing I
See Applications, page 16