The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 02, 1987, Image 7
■ H ! 4 'Iraiion l m ^ is rht Thursday, April 2, 1987/The Battalion/Page 7 Warped HEY, ?AUL, MERRITT.. WHAT'5 GOING ON? Tcamille., Y?U'U. AFTKECIATE TW/5... WATCHW6 "KEntf OF THE- TEP/." >IH EEETP, PWJP, ESET. VvilNGGPs XXCKf THOSE ARE THE OBSCENE FHRASES I'VE EVER HEARD/X CAN'7 |y WATCH THI5/ CAH YOU fOUWPS EIRE... MARE ■‘LEATHER" MYTHIA/G ANP... AND „ OOT I "cream cheese. YET?, Waldo by Kevin Thomas )X$q iflatecf e taxe (AP) - Company . ivercnarpnjici ing them aiLi ■ utility pa\> ■ I Jim Mattoia filed a tnotiotnl Jtilitv Comitis trict court opp- lie telephont idraw a S-yffi ■tiding befatj inis GTE. deral tax (am lied, hascoaf rate pavers 2^ es. (5, General :eived aSiai these taxsa believe thes id 01111 I WALDO AND DWET6 CO-fTINUE I TITIR FLIGHT THRU SFACE... TTSA Bi-ACK hole' mmk — ¥m SaSHi |A(ftLOCKj 1 'JL(XI.U T y. l 'T - Commissioner: Minorities will be hurt by restructuring AUSTIN (AP) — Education Com missioner William Kirby says disad vantaged students will be hit hard by a proposal to redistribute state school aid from property-rich dis tricts to poor districts. Kirby repeated his opposition Wednesday to a plan by property- poor districts as he completed his testimony in the complex school fi nancing trial. The non-jury trial recessed until Monday. Attorneys estimate additional tes timony and arguments will take about a week before it goes to State District Judge Harley Clark. The trial, which began Jan. 20, was filed by 67 property-poor school districts who say division of state school aid is discriminatory. The state, joined by 48 other school districts, claims the distribu tion is fair and adequate. The property,-poor districts have proposed redistributing about $660 million from rich districts to those more in need. “There are two pjrohlems with that plan,” Kirby said. “In these ur ban districts — including Houston, Dallas and Fort Worth — there are large numbers of disadvantaged particularly minority kids. Dropouts are a big problem. Taking money from these districts to give to other “Taking money from these districts to give to other districts would just hurt these disadvantaged kids. ” — William Kirby, Educa tion Commissioner districts would just hurt these disad vantaged kids.” Kirby said another bad effect of redistribution would be the removal of these big city districts from those lobbying the Legislature for additio nal help for public schools. “If they are not getting their money from the state they are not going to help us fight for improved state aid,” he said. On cross examination, Kirby ad mitted to Albert Kaufman, attorney for the Mexican American Legal Ed ucation Fund, that the 21 poorest school districts in the state include 150,000 students, of which 95 per cent are Mexican Americans. “I would not only agree to that but I would point out that some of the wealthiest districts in the state, which will have a majority of minority stu dents in a few years, also have a high concentration of Mexican American students,” Kirby said. The state now distributes about $5 billion to support public schools. An other $5 billion come from local school taxes. Kirby said the Texas Education Agency has asked the Legislature to increase school funding by $433 mil lion in 1988-89 just to keep opera tions at the present level and take care of growing student publica tions. Senate rejects Clements plan for budget AUSTIN (AP) -— Sen. Carl Parker said Wednesday he and 14 senators signed a letter opposing any plan to give the governor power to transfer money among state agencies in emergencies. A bill to implement the 1985 so-called budget execution amendment to the Texas Consti tution was overwhelmingly re jected by the Senate in late Feb ruary. Tuesday, however, Cov. Bill Clements threatened lawmakers with a special session unless they approved legislation changing the Texas civil justice system and broadening the governor’s au thority over state spending. The letter says the legislators will not give up their responsibil ity to represent their constituents by approving a “so-called budget execution or other schemes that amount to a surrender of legis lative responsibility.” Parker said in addition to those who signed the letter, at least three others in the 31-member Senate would vote against “bud get execution” but didn’t want to sign the letter right now. Firemen will rebuild home ruined by fire for 78-year-old man DALLAS (AP) — Firefighters have offered to build a new home for a 78-year-old man who has been sleeping in a car since his house was gutted by flames. The Fellowship of Christian Fire fighters offered Tuesday to rebuild Louie Watson’s home, which was de stroyed in a blaze that also killed his 80-year-old brother. City officials said Watson could not live in the house until extensive repairs were made. Firefighter Mike Irvin said he read an account of the elderly man’s plight in the Dallas Morning News Friday. “When I saw somebody in need, it just hit me that I wasn’t doing any thing when I was off-duty and I knew I could help,” Irvin said. “If it wasn’t done this way, it wouldn’t have gotten done.” Watson let the insurance lapse on the house, which he bought in 1962 and paid off in 1975. “If everything goes right, and I’m sure it will, we’re going to completely restore his house,” Irvin said. “The manpower is taken care of.” Several dozen of the 300 fellowship members will probably work on restoring the house, said Ray Seymore, president of the group. Seymore said firefighters hope to replace the wiring, cabinets and ap pliances with donations from mer chants once the outer structure is re paired. Irvin said, “What we are basically trying to do is set it up so he can move back and get on with his life.” Both firefighters said meeting Watson increased their desire to help. “Lie’s done a little of everything in his life,” Irvin said. “He’s pretty well- rounded.” He said Watson has been a me chanic, a carpenter and a practical nurse. “He’s very bright,” Irvin said. “He’s got all his wits about him.” Seymore said, “He had tears in his eyes as he was thanking me for reno vating the house.” Watson said he had been sleeping in his car because he did not want to go to a home for the elderly. Commission starts federal probe of former InterFirst Bank director DALLAS (AP) — A federal grand jury and the Secu- j rities and Exchange Commission are looking into re ports of insider loans to former InterFirst Bank Dallas director Edwin L. Cox Jr., officials of InterFirst Corp. I said. The reported loans to Cox, along with those to other I former directors including his father, former InterFirst Corp. director Edwin L. Cox Sr., caused $56 million of , InterFirst’s total 1986 losses of $326.5 million, the bank I holding company said Tuesday. InterFirst, in a filing with the SEC, said the federal [agency is making an informal inquiry into “matters . . . relating to certain credit facilities at InterFirst Dallas which were extended to, or guaranteed by, Mr. Edwin L. Cox Jr., including InterFirst’s policies and proce dures concerning certification and valuation of collat- |eral associated with such credit facilities.” InterFirst officials said SEC personnel declared their intention “to obtain a formal order of private investiga- [tion in this matter.” The holding company said “various documents relat- [ ing to these credit facilities have been subpoenaed from InterFirst Dallas by a grand jury,” and added that the grand jury investigation is continuing. But InterFirst said “InterFirst Dallas has been ad vised that it is not a target of the grand jury investiga tion.” In October the Dallas Times Herald reported Inter First had turned over certain materials pertaining to Cox Jr.’s troubled loans to the U.S. Attorney’s office in Dallas and to the Dallas FBI office. InterFirst, at that time, said it “recently has learned that. . . financial statements and the existence of. . . col lateral may not be accurate” as required by law. A spokesman for Cox Jr. characterized InterFirst’s disclosures Tuesday regarding the SEC and federal grand jury investigations as “old news” and said neither he nor Cox Jr. would have a comment. RepublicBank Corp. spokesman Edward McClelland said the company was “comfortable” that it had been properly informed about the SEC and grand jury inves tigations. •cut here* by Scott McCullar Defensive Driving Course April 6, 7: April 10,11 and April 14,15 College Station Hilton Pre-register by phone: 693-8178 Ticket deferral and 10% insurance discount LI cut hereKJ NEED MONEY??? Sell your BOOKS at University Book Stores Northgate & Culpepper Plaza Transmission • Clutch Drive Shaft • 4X4 Front Wheel Drive Full Service-Import-Domestic ryan Drive Train Present this ad and receive 10% off any service Valid thru 4-4-87 Visit our new location across from the Chicken Oil Co. call us 268-AUTO SCHULMAN THEATRES 2.50 ADMISSION 1. Any Show Before 3 PM 2. Tuesday - All Seats 3. Mon-Wed - Local Students With Current ID's 4. Thur - KORA "Over 30 Nite" DENOTES DOLBY STEREO ^ Sunday Dinner Buffet, 5-8 p.m. Daily Lunch Buffet, 11-2 p.m. I A T T the Chinese Food you can eat I j I i (14 Entrees) ALL the Chinese Fajitas you can eat (3 Flavors) $4. 25 1 n C/ Off with this coupon (you pay $3.82) JL V/ /O offer ends April 12 Pacific Garden Chinese Restaurant 701 University E, between'Chunmey Hill Bowling and Hilton ^46-082^ J PLAZA 3 | 226 Southwest Pkwy 693-24571 |*TIN MEN* 7:15 1 9:35 1 f‘MANNEQUIN pg 7: 15l 9:55 | | * LETHAL WEAPON * 7:2S| 9:451 MANOR EAST 3 | Manor East Mall 823-8300 | 1 *PLATOON R 7:10 ■ 9:40 g I *S0ME KIND 7:25 1 1 OF WONDERFUL pg-is 9:35 1 1 OUTRAGEOUS FORTUNE r NK1 SCHULMAN 6 2002 E. 29th 775-2463 ANGEL HEART r 7:20 9:50 RETURN TO HORROR HIGH 7:10 R 9:55 $ DOLLAR DAYS $ This Week's Features Are: THE GOLDEN CHILD po 7:20 9:45 CROCODILE DUNDEE pg is 7:25 9:35 THREE AMIGOS r 7:30 9:40 STAR TREK IV r 7:15 9:45 Battalion Classified 845-2611 MOUNTAIN BIKING LAKE SOMERVILLE STATE RECREATION AREA SATURDAY. APRIL 1 1 MOUNTAIN BIKERS! TIRED OF RIDING AROUND ON THE ASPHALT TRAILS OF CAMPUS? Join us for a day of riding in the outback. We will follow a 13 mile trail between Birch Creek Unit and Nails Creek Unit on Lake Somervilie. The $8 fee for this adventure includes park permits, trans portation costs, and a guide. You must provide your own mountain bike. Sign-ups are going on now and will continue through Monday, April 6 in the Intramural-Recre ationa1 Sports Office in 159 Read Building. The trip is limited to 10 participants. For more information, please call Patsy at 845-7826. Trip Leader: Steve Long MOHAMMAD IN THE BIBLE (St. Mary’s Univ. Canada) Lecturer: Prof. Jamal Badawi Commentator: cj Reverend Don McCurry Rabbi Peter Tarlow Former Dir. of Zwemer Inst. Texas A&M Univ. Date: Thursday, April 2nd, 1987. Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: M.S.C. TAMU Room 201 FREE ADMISSION Saudi Students Club