The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 02, 1987, Image 20
bUULUtrj dL{4 ‘ajdiLrexa joj ^snoui^uoue t wMi, oiuuorl moq pajapuom LI ■ H | J3A3 noA 0AB I | Mt/UWi-— Best Bets Tonight you may want to check out Town Hall’s concert at the Grove featuring The Handouts and the Fabulous Pleasuretones. The show begins at 8 p.m. and admission is $2. 'Tin Men" Directed by Barry Levinson Starring Richard Dreyfuss, Danny DeVito and Barbara Hershey ★★★★ Touchstone films is making a mistake by promoting “Tin Men” as a comedy. “Tin Men” does contain some funny moments, but its strength lies in the serious side of the film. Richard Dreyfuss’ last film, “Down and Out in Beverly Hills, ” earned Touchstone several million dollars. Danny DeVito’s last film, “Ruthless People,” also earned Touchstone several million dollars. Since both of those films were comedies, it explains Touchstone’s advertising campaign for “Tin Men. ” “Tin Men” is the story of a couple of Tin Men —aluminum siding salesmen —living in Baltimore in 1963. Tin Men are a strange breed of salesmen in that they are able to hustle and con people into shelling out thousands of dollars on something so gauche as aluminum siding. They gamble, drink and chase women but manage to maintain an air of respectability. Tin Men are usually good men but they often rely on dishonesty to sell their product. One Tin Man is B.B. (Richard Dreyfuss), a young, good-looking man who can sell anything. He is in complete control of his life because of his sly scheming. Another Tin Man is Tilley (Danny DeVito). Tilley is losing his ability to sell, and his world is about to crash around him. He is about to have to pay for all of his schemes. B.B. buys a Cadillac, a status symbol among Tin Men, and literally runs into Tilley’s Cadillac as he is leaving the showroom. Although both parties are at fault, neither one will accept any part of the blame—just the sort of attitude you would expect from Tin Men. To protect their image, they react violently to the situation and threaten revenge. The battle begins with B.B. vandalizing Tilley’s Cadillac and escalates after Tilley vandalizes B.B.’s Cadillac. B.B. decides the ultimate revenge would be to seduce Tilley’s wife, Nora (Barbara Hershey). That’s when real emotions begin to enter the battle. B.B.’s control over his life begins to waver because of the battle of wits with Tilley and his new-found feelings resulting from his fling with Nora. Both men are threatened by a special branch of the Federal Trade Commission, set up to investigate and prosecute illegal business practices in the alumninum siding industry. “Tin Men” is an interesting character study. You have two men who deal in dishonesty and fall back on dishonesty to sort out their private lives. Despite the dishonesty, you feel sympathy for Tilley and B.B. and see a hope for redemption. “Tin Men” is also about a period in American history. During the ’60s the American consumer began to demand honesty from industry and business. It’s no accident that director Barry Levinson has B.B. drive a Corvair while his Cadillac is in the shop. The Corvair was the subject of Ralph Nader’s “Unsafe at Any Speed. ” Nader used the Corvair as the first target of his war to protect the consumer. “Tin Men” shows the final days when industry could push off any garbage or any scam on the American public in the name of free enterprise. Dreyfuss, DeVito and Hershey turn in marvelous performances. Levinson’s direction is simple and effective. The feel of the period is captured beautifully but is somewhat obtrusive. Another problem is that there are several moments in the film that don’t work. There is a lot of natural humor in some situtions, but there are a couple of scenes that were thrown in just for laughs and those laughs are forced. —Review by Karl Pallmeyer Free shuttle bus this summer. ^ N Hwy fc Bypass mm Post OaU Mali OHS , Texas Awe m The TAMU shuttle buses will only make a few stops this summer and Plantation Oaks is one of them. And we're picking up the bill. Plantation Oaks has six floor plans to choose from, two pools, basketball courts and a volleyball court, •men's and women's exercise rooms, each with a sauna, no utility deposits plus gas and water bills paid. Summer leases start at $165. Come by Plantation Oaks today: 1501 Harvey Koad/693-1110 WJoiyeflriem live music a. more! KANM Benefit featuring The Locomotives Fusion The Sheep Mannish Soys The Quitters Public Bulletin Shake Russell & Dana Cooper 18 & over Welcome i Jus Wanna Oance! 4410 College Main Bryan,Tx. 77801 846-1812 If your dub has live music that you would like listed in Best Bets, call Af Ease at 845-3312. Eastgate Live Located on Texas Avenue across from the east entrance of campus. Under 21 admitted. Legal drinkers can purchase wine or beer or bring their own liquor - Eastgate Live provides setups. Call 764-2095 for more information. Thursday — Pet Peeves. Dance rock. Cover $3.50. Friday — Herschel Berry and the Natives. Dance rock. Cover $4. Saturday — Self Employed. Rock. Cover $3 Tuesday — Straight Edge. Speed core metal. No cover Wednesday — Crank. Rock. Cover $1. Morgenstem s This dub is about one-half mile north of campus on College Main. Those 18 and older are admitted. Beer, wine and setups are served to legal drinkers. For more information, call 846-1812. Thursday - The Crawl. Rock, rhythm and blues. Cover $3. Friday - Students Against Apartheid benefit featuring Dr. Rockit. Rock Cover $5. Saturday - The Pet Peeves. Rock Cover $3. Wednesday—The Lippman Jam Open stage. No cover Brazos Landing Brazos Landing is at Northgate next to Gizmos. Everyone is admitted. Beer and wine are served. For more information, call 846-3497. Thursday — Side Effects. Blues folk No cover. Friday — Walter Hyatt and Champ Hood. Folk. No cover. Saturday - Julius Miller and the Untouchables Blues Band. Blues. Cover $3. Sunday—Bluegrass Review. Bluegrass. No cover Piping Tomato At Northgate. Everyone is admitted. Legal drinkers can consume beer and wine. Call 846-1616 for more information. Monday—Pat Foster. Rock. 9 p.m. to midnight. No cover. Wednesday—Sneaky Pete and the Neon Madmen. Rock. 9 p.m. to midnight No cover. Rocco’s Rocco’s is located at Northgate. Those 18 and older are admitted. Beer, wine and liquor are served to legal drinkers. For more information, call 846-1023. Wednesday —* The Pet Peeves. Rock 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Cover $2. Kay’s Cabaret Located at Post Oak Mall Those 18 and older are admitted. Beer, wine and liquor are served to legal drinkers. Call 696- 9191 for more information. Friday—Pat Foster. Rock 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. No cover. Auto Service “Auto Repair At Its Best” Complete Auto Service, Domestic & Imports 111 Royal 846*5344 Brya