The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 30, 1987, Image 7
Monday, March 30, 1987/The Battalion/Page 7 .************************ fd Battalion Classifieds IHELP WANTED lers because li vely easy to :h concerns ic scooter c® icemed /lead to an in f accidents sir n, could a®; ice premium! uires all vein; ; state be insa: have insuratc hiving test' thing youb j around will icense. THE GREENERY Landscape Maintenance Team member I Full-time or Part-time I Interview Mon-Thurs from 8am - 9am 823-7551 1512 CavlU, Bryan 11813/31 turn 1*180, weekly • $00, pci hundred drculun mailed, J^Hmecd, Work ui home and participate in our ^^^Hny project maillnp (llrculart and aticmbling idled over .MtcruU. Send lumped sell addressed envelope to i KB Idailcompam 1*0 Itox 25, (lastalc, Calitornia r tickets- l|3 |l ii 5[ 4/ 3 ense, one foriH- for the .IMierJobs: Houston Area. We are hiring managers u, T"‘^^Bfeguards to work at our swimming pools this Salary range $700./$900. plus lessons. 713- 117t4/3 IIOIl IS thatj-^Hnie assistant for doctor's office. Typing required. CCOrd Inth/ J^B 10111 ^5-50 WPM. Apply at 3020 E. 29th St, t is picked cr” j it i 108tfn upecl It goes iarnl Selling Something Every Woman Needs - 100% ro/vstvl Ml.,f^B n t' e d No-Run Pantyhose. No Investment Re- recorojusi i;™ 69S . 0785 12U3/31 IS borrow Telephone Operatos for Film Promotion. Plus Bonuses n> Start. Day or Evening Shifts It IS impOK:(MAble Start Immediately. 693-0593. 120t3/30 /hide has ir.i^l ,iirv mwn Optional summer oppori unity -bc a nicy covers IgM.|or at CAMP WAYNE in NE PENN. Warm, fun ■ atmos. Specialists needed in all sports, water- ; camping, computers, arts. Campus Interviews "$ilr Contact Placement Center to sign up. in to student 12113/27 not loan o, don't talt " NOTICE i re sec-i i ■ - i — torevdesart* i )le, but sco:/' | those undtr* they have: grab rai/. INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers interested in participating in investiga tive drug studies will be aid for their time and cooperation. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 10213/31 [(AP)-AL. ection width | Fever Blister Study a sheriffs de 1 in an Okfc horities said I runty Chief; nneth Drum face by a sk while he wn domestic il l Joe Han 1 Crane, 28, w 1 iter by the ptrol on a County, Half a capital mi led ‘ If you have at least 2 fever Misters a year and would be interested in trying a w medication, call for jinformation regarding Judy. Compensation for volunteers. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 vwrom Driving, Ticket Piimiml, Pnie», Times, ||#H Have Funlfl 693-1322 0|t5/K who was soovniNMEN t I IOMEH Delinquent mw properly, er County ( all 305-887.6000 F.xi IMlMi for cur- nty Shentfc!!L___ id Sunday he |d as a J LOST AMD FOaWD k,i;rSV' laige grey lahhy CAT, While feel and now; ' ( *“niea,lK Ltojn,,||,, w toller Mining .inte 3/7. Named MAX topped a gMn3.0336 .■veniugs. REWARDI 11913/81 use when a him in the a shotgun. deputy r," be Sid in the dn ,; er it Trier, tn. i with three heir eig better taste ctually beet' ve a special j the celeb# Constitution WANTED: Individuals with sore throat pain to participate In an over the counter medication trial. $25.- $100. monetary incen tive. 776-6236 lOMINO’S PIZZA Now hiring Delivery Personel flust be 18 and have own car and insurance Earn $6-$8 per hour wage, mile- | age and tips \pply between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. 1407 Texas, Bryan. 260-9020 .■ihu, Wiuil Proeeisihg, tiraplvin, Reasonable, IBM, ~)iC3ti0fl it ^ule.or NLQ. Call 822.45B7. Leave Messagd,19t4/3 of knowle:*TYPIN' v. r , l>ROCES91NO, Fait, Accurate, ^fanteed. Paper*, DI**ertutlons. Diana 764-2772. 11914/7 "an Peltjc"- ne Ij' malik 1 Word Processing. Term Papers, Reports, Thesis, Resumes, Dissertations, Graphics. LASERW- RITLR QUALITY. Best Prices. Call 696-2052. 83t5/C , . Jieirresr* miscellaneous la H. B0l f i' in' —TAKE OVER 5 ACRES. NO DOWN. $49/mo no inter- III I, nUU, H[ I’.cautiful trees. No Restrictions. Owner! 81B/363- I' K 12214/1 • FOR SALE Dorm refrigerator $30, Double bed $75, Dining table *20,693-0865. 122t4/l BIG PRICE REDUCTION SALE1 Turbo PC/XT IBM Compatibles; Two 360KB drives, 640KB-RAM, 8/4.77MHZ, Keyboard, Monitor; $669. Turbo PC/XT + 20MB Seagate; *999, Turbo PC/XT + 1200B Modem; *789. Turbo PC/XT + 1200B Modem + Citi- *en I20D Printer; $999, Computers, Etc, 693-7599, 12214/3 Yamaha .Seta 400 'H2 8200 miles. Red, sporty, looks new, $980. 822-4242, 122t4/3 MITSUBISHI, '84, Starlon Turbo, leather Interior, sunroof, cruise, $6800, Cail Paul, 846-8i86 or 846- 4783, 10413/30 1084 Honda Skooter Like New $378, Call Diane at 603-7870, 120t4/l Cheap auto parts, used, Pic-A-Part, Inc, '78 and older. 3808 Old Kurtcn Road, Bryan, I02tfn • FOR RENT HELP! Tenants Needed! 2Vi blocks from campus 1 & 2 Bdrm efficiencies Cheap Rent! 260-9637 The Golden Rule Renting for the Summer and Fall Semesters. 2 Bdrm., 2 Bath, furnished apartments. Locked storage, free laundry, bus, UTILITIES & CABLE PAID!! Telephone connected. One deposit for all. De posit earns 5% interest. $150./mo. - share bedroom. Immediate openings also. Cad 693-5560 TODAY! 11613/13 Special! Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm.: $150. / 2 Bdrm.: $175. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. Large one bedroom, furnished apartment. Close to campus. 846-3050. Hurry only one left! $225. plus util ity plan. 84tfn 1 have the cleanest, freshest, bargain in an apartment within walking distance TAMU. Looking for long term, year round students. blG 2 bedroom, 1 bath for only $240. per month. Call 846-9077. 118t4/7 2 Bdrm House, Welllxn n area, $250/mo., fenced yard. 693-0713,690-0376. I05t3/31 Preleasing Now ! 2 & 3 bdrm duplexes near the Hilton 846-2471,776-6856. 83tufn AGGIE ACRES - 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath, Duplex. Central air and heat. Pets o.k. Stables nearby. 823-8903 (or 846- 1051 for L.B.). 117t4/17 Large 2 bdrm., 2 bath near A&M, shuttle, w/d, call 846- 5735 day* or 846-1633 evenings ask for Paul. 92tfn NEED MONEY??? Sell yout HOOKS at i iiuvcrsiiy Book Slures Not iligale Culpepper Plaza ! I Problem Pregnancy? ^ we listen, we care, we help Free pregnancy tests concerned counselors Brazos Valley Crisis Pregnancy Service We're local! 1301 Memorial Dr. 24 hr. Hotline 823-CARE • Books • Gifts • Supplies Hours: M-F 7:45-6 Sat 9-5 845-8681 mean city here were one said, he Swiss tf eturn toEt|HM NES ' cr UISELINES HIRING! Summer. Ca- . rt«r! Good Pay. T ravel. Gall for Guide, Cassette, News- ? Charles Wserviiv'(9)6) 944-4444 Ext 127. 122t3/31 EXCHTIONAL SUMMER OPPORTUNITY-Be a ^^mselor at CAMP WAYNE IN NE Penn. Warm, fun famih atmos. Specialists needed in all sports, water- \OITIfiUi from cam Ping, computers, arts. Campus Interviews J J j | |y||, arranged. Contact Placement Center to sign upJ22tufn ! Femali or male, creative, outgoing, good music knowl- rd-in andDiNli wc " dressed, 4 nighls/week, $8/hr, 693-0137, 2- _ . j.lfqpm. 12214/2 ■ em|C ■ccessf^l SERVICES ■e firm o . Tvantf: PfdBiBt, Meaisiiable, Nn lob Too imall. Id tax. Paffl, (4t)9)823T?23, Aitytittu): I03t4/1 ith llividuals- W0 g 0 PROCESSING; Dissertations, theses, manu- DreviOUS KHw*.'reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614, 117t4/17 B- Read. Resume Service. 24 hour turn around. Info Wn by phone. 693-2128. 10St4/17 Auto Service “Auto Repair At Its Best” Genera] Repairs nn Must Cars & Light Trucks Domestic & Foreign OPEN MON=PRI 7:30=5:30 ONE DA Y SERVICE IN MOST CASES 846-5344 Just ona mlla north of A&M On the Shuttle Bus Route Ill Royal, Bryan Across S. College From Tom's B-B-Q ^ Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 Sports Barnes, Kerr highlight College Station Relays By Hal L. Hammons Sports Writer Outstanding efforts by Texas A&M's Randy Barnes and Stanley Kerr highlighted the College Sta tion Relays held Saturday at the Frank G. Anderson Track and Field Complex. Kerr ran a wind-aided 100-me ter dash in 10.0 seconds. The au tomatic timer was inoperative during Kerr’s race, so a hand timer, which had him timed at 9.98, was rounded up. Kerr, who has been out with a pull of his left hamstring since the Southwest Conference Indoor Championships Feb. 21, said the race was probably his personal best in the event. “I was just disappointed the au tomatic timer dian’t work,” Kerr said. “I just wish it was a legal time.” Although the record did not stand because of the wind, it was the fastest time ever by an Aggie. The previous best was a wind- aided 10.04 by Ray Brooks in 1978. The race was especially impres sive considering Kerr is suffering from a slight groin pull in his right leg. Kerr said the injury, which he thinks occurred from overcompensating for his injured left leg, bothered him during the race. Barnes, normally a shot put specialist, tossed the discus 203 feet 11 inches to win the event easily and qualify for the NCAA Championships in the event. Barnes, suffering from a hand injury that has kept him from putting the shot so far this year, said he is only now beginning to enjoy the discus. "It should have been a low-key meet for me," Barnes said, "but I was really psyched when I took my First throw (195-5). I had hor rible technique on that one," Floyd Heard, the top 200 me ter runner in the worm last year, won his specialty with a time of 20.31. Heard said, “The 20.31 shows me that I’m more than ready to run against anybody in the world.” The A&M 4x100 relay team of Kerr, Heard, Lawrence Felton and Greg Lewis was plagued with bad handoffs in a second-place finish, as they were edged by one- tenth of a second. T he Baylor team of Darnell Chase, Raymond Pierre, Michael Johnson and Keith Stanford won with a time of 39.6 seconds. Matt Dunn won the 800-meter run with a time of 1:48.7. His 1:48.6 dock in the preliminaries set a meet record. Craig Calk also set a meet re cord as he won the 400-meter hurdles with a time of 50.88. The women’s division was dominated by Texas Southern, which took six first-place finishes in the 16 events. The lone winner for Texas A&M was Brandy Stub blefield, who won the high jump with a leap of 5-7. Five other A&M women took second place finishes — Lisa Lan gston took second place in the 100-meter hurdles with a time of 14.04 seconds; Tanya Woodside had a 1-01.08 time that earned her second place honors in the 400-meter hurdles; Terri Argu- bright placed second with a 146- JO discus throw; and Cheryl Hen derson took second place in the long jump with an effort of 19-5. Photo by Bill Hugh ( Texas A&M pole vaulter Robby Hall clears the bar in the College Station Relays Saturday at the Frank G. Anderson Track and Field Complex. Hall placed fourth in the event with a vault of 15-6. Greg West of Southern Methodist won the event with a vault of 17-0. Syracuse, Indiana to shoot for title dependent on bench than Orangemen Hoosiers more NEW ORLEANS (AP) — On Monday night, Hollywood’s Hoo siers go for the Oscars while India na’s version reaches for the NCAA basketball championship. Syracuse is the last hurdle for Coach Bob Knight's team after In diana defeated Nevada-Las Vegas 97-93 and the Orangemen downed Providence 77-63 in Saturday's semi finals. "I think Syracuse is as good a team as there is in the country,” Knight said, "Considering the regional they came out of and the way they've played, they're probably right where they ought to be." Syracuse was seeded No, 2 in the East and reached the Final Four by beating Georgia Southern, Western Kentucky, Florida and the region's No, 1 seed, North Carolina. Indiana carried the No, 1 seed in the Midwest Region and beat Fairfield, Auburn, Duke and LSU on the road to New Orleans and the Final Four. Syracuse is basically a seven-man team, depending heavily on their five starters t— guards Sherman Douglas and Greg Monroe, for wards Howard Triche and Derrick Coleman and center Rony Seikaly, Boeheim will substitute Stephen Thompson in the baekeourt and Derk Brower up front hut rarely goes deeper than that, Douglas’ defensive job on Billy Donovan was a key element of the Providence victory and he could draw the assignment on Indiana All- American Steve Alford, who scored 33 against UNLV, Monroe is Syracuse's 3-point spe cialist, He hit three of the home run shots against Providence and had to be watching when UNLV's Freddie Banks lit it up with 10 against In diana, Triche is a good ball handler and, at 6-5, can help off the boards, Like the other Syracuse starters, he aver aged in double figures this season. ■Coleman, a 6-foot-9 freshman,, and Seikaly, a 6-10 junior, give the Orangemen a twin tower look un derneath. Both have played well throughout the tournament, asserting mem- selves and improving what had been a spotty rebounding game for Syra cuse, Indiana's bench plays a more sig nificant role for the Hoosiers behind starters Alford and Keith Smart at guard, Rick Calloway and Daryl Thomas at forward and Dean Gar rett at center. The Hoosiers got im portant contributions from reserves Joe Hillman and Steve Eyl, who hit a combined 6-for-7 from the floor against UNLV. "Our bench has helped in fou^h situations all year," Alford said. "They do an excellent job coming in like that." Smart and Garrett are junior col lege transfers, a departure for Knight who previously has de pended on traditional four-year re cruits. Calloway will probably draw Triche with Thomas working under neath with Garrett against Coleman and Seikaly. Syracuse comes into the title game at 31-6 with five of their losses to Big East Conference rivals, three of them to Georgetown. Indiana is 29* 4, including two victories over Big Ten rival Michigan, the only non- Big East team to beat Syracuse, The Orangemen will be playing for the national championship for the first time, although Boeheim came into the season with a ,749 win ning percentage, fifth highest among all active coaches. Reaching the Final Four improved that per centage to ,758. Knight previously won NCAA ti tles in 1976 and 1981 and has a ca reer head coaching record of 467- 169 for 22 years, 365-119 in 16 years at Indiana,