Page 8/The BattalioiVTuesday, March 10,1987 Battalion Classifieds ' ' ;-/v ^ *r* ^ '*n^® ♦ NOTICE INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers interested in participating in investiga tive drug studies will be paid for their time and cooperation. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 10213/31 Fever Blister Study If you have at least 2 fever blisters a year and would be interested in trying a new medication, call for information regarding study. Compensation for volunteers. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 © l?° CORN Q4XkH R2®|SE 16il Texas Avenue South College Station, Texas 77840 Culpepper Plaza (Sear Hastings and Behind Holiday Inn), Mon-Sat 10:30-6:30 Get your popcorn for Spring Break USE THIS COUPON! Receive a 50< Bag of Popcorn .•>* or 50^ Discount Toward Your Purchase Defensive Driving, Ticket Dismissal, Dates, Times, You’ll Have Fun!!! 693-1322. 91t5/8 « SERVICES TYPING: Accurate, 95 WPM, Reliable. Word Proc essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 114t3/10 TYPING? Calljudy, 846-2132, cheap and accurate. 112t3/10 l-ooking for a fraternity, sorority, or student organiza tion that would like to make $500.-$1500. for a one- week long on-campus marketing project. Group must be organized and hardworking. Call 693-2847. 112t3/10 Expert Typing, Word Processing, Resumes. Error Free. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 86t3/13 APPLYING TO LAW SCHOOL? Free computerized LSAT Diagnostic Evaluation, 25% score in the 40’s. Call Kaplan Center 696-PREP. 11U3/12 CPA PREP ALTERNATIVE. Set your own schedule. Workbooks eliminate note taking. 24 hour toll-free hotline. 70% pass rate, 50% discount. Sign up this week! Call Kaplan Center 696-PREP. 11 U3/12 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 98t3/13 TYPING/WORD PROCESSING, Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Papers, Dissertations. Diana 764-2772. 110t3/17 TYPING BY WANDA. Any kind, any length. Rea sonable rates. 690-1113. 106t3/ll Versatile Word Processing. Term Papers, Reports, Thesis, Resumes, Dissertations, Graphics. LASERW RITER QUALITY. Best Prices. Call 696-2052. 83t5/8 Typing. Prompt. Reasonable. No Job Too Small. Payne. (409)823-7723. Anytime. 103t4/l Readv Resume Service. 24 hour turn around. Info taken by phone. 693-2128. 103t4/17 • FOR RENT HELP! Tenants Needed! 2 1 /2 blocks from campus 1 & 2 Bdrm efficiencies Cheap Rent! 260-9637 2 Bdrm House, Wellborn area, $250/mo., fenced yard. 693-0713,690-0376. 105t3/31 Large one bedroom, furnished apartment. Close to campus. 846-3050. Hurry only one left! $225. plus util ity plan. 84tfn Preleasing Now! 2 & 3 bdrm duplexes near the Hilton 846-24 71, 776-6856. 83tufn Clean, Quiet, 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath Apt., washer connection, some pets, walk to class, $170. to $190. plus bills. 696- 7266. 110t3/10 I.arge 2 bdrm., 2 bath near A&M, shuttle, w/d, call 846- 5735 days or 846-1633 evenings ask for Paul. 92tfn * FOR SALE Houston to Newark, NJ. Airline Ticket: leave 3/14 re turn 3/20 (spring break) $50. Bert 846-8230. 114t3/10 Motorcycle Runs Great Honda '79 500CX. $350, Must Sell. Mike 696-2057. 113t3/10 NE Austin Duplex 2/1 garage, fenced backyard, central r, fireplai heat/air, dishwasher, fireplace, dining/living, atrium, w/d connections. $82,500. Call Terri Troutman (512) 474-2441 daytime. 113t3/13 Help! Must sell 14x80 Trailer, negotiable, financing available. 845-5822, 775-6780. 110t3/lC MITSUBISHI, '84, Station Turbo, leather interior, sunroof, cruise. $6500. Call Paul, 846-5186 or 846- 4783. 104t3/30 1983 Jeep Wagoneer Limited, low miles, excellent. 1985 Dodge Crew Cab truck, must SELL... 1983 Mazda Sundowner, low miles, new tires. Dee McIntyre 822- 0459, 822-5290. 110i3/10 ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE! IBM-PC/XT COM PATIBLE TWO 360KB DRIVES, 640KB-RAM , 8/4.77 MHZ TURBO, PHOENIX BIOS, KEYBOARD, MONITOR, SOFTWARE: $699. COMPUTERS, ETC. 693-7599. 113t3/13 Copperfield, 2 BDRM, 2 Bath, Garage. Rent $450. Sell $45,000,846-3954. 107t3/I2 Cheap auto parts, used. Pic-A-Part, Inc. ’78 and older. 3505 Old Kurten Road, Bryan. 102tfn Manx cat for stud. Call after 5pm weekdays. 822-6955. 108t3/13 • ROOMMATE WANTED Female wanted to share 2 bedroom apartment ki mile from campus. $175./month all utilities paid. 846-8022. 113t3/12 • HELP WANTED THERE’S A JOB FOR YOU IN A SUMMER CAMP The American Camping Association (NY) will make your application avail, to over 300 camps in the Northeast. Exciting opportuni ties for college students and professionals. Positions avail: all land and water sports, arts & crafts, drama, music, dance, tripping, na ture, R.N.’s, M.D.’s, Aides, kitchen, mainte nance. COLLEGE CREDIT AVAILABLE. CALL OR WRITE FOR APPLICATION. AMERICAN CAMPING ASSOCIATION, 43 W. 23 St., Dept (AM), New York, N.Y. 10010, 212-645-6620. Student Couple To Manage Apartment Complex Near Cam pus. (Jr, Sr, or Grad) Salary, Car Allowance, Apartment Available & Utilities. 696-7414 or 845-3012 113t3/13 Senate to discuss working with regents The Student Senate will discuss creating an ad-hoc committee to study the possibility of a student representative on the Texas A&M Board of Regents. The meeting will be held Wednesday at 7 p.m. in 204 Harrington. The plan would allow the com mittee to study the situation and travel to Austin over two years to discuss the idea with Texas legis lators. After two years of re search, it would offer its sugges tions to the Senate. Senate Speaker Miles Bradshaw says many universities have similar programs of student representation on their boards of regents to give their students more voice in school affairs. The Senate also will discuss creating a formal committee out of the high school public relations and recruitment program, which is currently a program in the Ex ternal Affairs Committee. For two years, the program has involved committee members re turning to visit their high schools to recruit for A&M, but recently it’s taken a considerable amount of time to run the program effec tively. Many members think that there would be potential for con siderable growth if the program were a committee. The Senate also will debate a bill on Senate absence policy, which would increase enforce ment of existing policies and make other policies more strict. The idea behind the bill is to increase attendance and to weed out those who will not attend meetings. After two absences, the bill automatically would remove a senator from his position, and he would then have to appeal to the Internal Affairs Committee to be reinstated. The Senate also will consider the creation of an ad-hoc commit tee to study ways to improve the aesthetic environment at A&M. RN, LVN Needed Full Time Part-Time, All Shifts, All Areas, Contact Director of Nursing, Navasota Regional Hospital (409) 825-6585 EOE. 114t3/16 Business/Scientific Programmers Needed - Tx, Ok, Ks, Co, Mo, Ne locations. Infoservice Box 4688, Wichita, Ks 67204. 114t3/l 1 EXCEPTIONAL SUMMER OPPORTUNITY- Be a counselor at Camp Wayne in NE PENN. Warm, fun family atmos. Specialists needed in all sports, water front, camping, computers, arts. Campus Interviews arranged. Write 570 Broadway, Lynbrook, NY 11563 or call 516-599-4562. 113t3/l 3 Homeworkers Needed! to Stuff Envelopes. Send Self- Addressed Stamped Envelope. Whittaker Dynamics 1102-D Spring Loop, College Station, Tx 77840. 110t3/10 Clements: NCAA feeling pressured over 'improprieties' Part-time assistant for doctor’s office. Typing required, minimum 45-50 WPM. Apply at 3020 E. 29th St, Bryan. 108tfn AIRLINES, CRUISL1NES HIRING! Summer. Ca reer! Good Pay. Travel. Call for guide, Cassette, News service! (916) 944-4444 Ext. 127. 113t3/l 1 Clerical Help for approximately 20 hours/week for fil ing, errands, etc. Must have own transportation. Call 690-8911 for appointment. 113t3/13 AUSTIN (AP) — The NCAA is feeling the heat over widespread col lege football improprieties. Gov. Bill Clements charged Monday while promising further comments on the problems at Southern Methodist University. Clements last week triggered an investigation by the university and the United Methodist Church by saying he and some other members of the SMU Board of Governors knew of improper cash payments to SMU players. The NCAA’s chief enforcement officer, David Berst, said Clements’ actions represented the dark side of college athletics. But Clements, who left the SMU board after being elected Texas gov ernor last year, responded by saying the NCAA is worried about wide spread violations of its rules. “I think the NCAA is beginning to feel a little pressure,” Clements said. “There’s an awful lot of discussion going on about how prevailing this problem is — not just in the South west Conference but on a national basis. “The basic pressure they’re feel ing is that anyone that knows any thing whatsoever about intercolle giate athletics and big-time football .. . knows that the system historically has not worked, it is not working and it won’t work in the future.” Clements again refused to re spond to the university’s Friday re quest that he name the other SMU officials who knew of the illegal player payments. However, Clements said he would make additional comments about the SMU situation during his weekly news conference on today. “I’m going to talk about that to morrow,” he said. I’ll give you all a prepared statement.” Clements’ press secretary, Reggie Bashur, said the governor would give “a brief opening statement about the thing you all are interested in.” But Bashur cautioned, “Don’t put it in terms of great revelations.” Clements said he believed the NCAA might change its athletics rules in light of the problems at SMU and other universities. Texas legislators pushing for annual special sessions AUSTIN (AP) — A House com mittee Monday heard three versions of an attempt to put annual legis lative sessions into the state constitu tion. Under the constitution, lawmak ers now meet in 140-day regular ses sions in odd-numbered years. But not many Legislatures in recent years have avoided special sessions called by a governor. “What I’m here for today is to rat ify what we’ve been doing since I’ve been here for 10 sessions,” El Paso Rep. Paul Moreno told the House State Affairs Committee. “Since I’ve been here, we’ve been having special sessions. Let’s get a date certain, a time certain, so all of us can make plans accordingly.” Like several other measures, the annual session idea is thought to have a better chance this year be cause of the budget crunch. Regents (Continued from page 1) VEB/, Auto Service ‘Auto Repair At Its Best’ General Repairs on Most Cars & Light Trucks Domestic & Foreign OPEN MON-FRI 7:30-5:30 ONE DA Y SERVICE IN MOST CASES 846-5344 Just one mile north of A&M On the Shuttle Bus Route 111 Royal, Bryan Across S. College From Tom’s B-B-Q Both have given a lot of their time and effort and energy to the Univer sity over the past years. They’ll be outstanding Board members.” Adkisson added that McKenzie has “provided outstanding lead ership and has been a real stalwart. It’ll be good to have him back.” Eller said, “I’m pleased with the appointments and I think they’ll make fine regents.” Eller and Adkisson also were com plimentary when talking about the job performances of departing re gents Richardson and Cisneros. “I think Mr. Richardson made an outstanding contribution to the Board,” Eller said. “And Mr. Cisne ros added a new dimension of in sight both in planning and useful ness and in his work for minorities.” Adkisson said, “They wer,e both very fine Board members and they did an excellent job. But the two new replacements are equally qualified and they’ll be good Board members, too.” Richardson said his one six-year term was enough. “It is if you worked as hard as our bunch did,” he said. “There are so many good Aggie former students that it ought to be passed around. It was the greatest experience in my life to serve on the A&M Board. “I served on 11 different boards at one time and I’ve never been around such a significant group. I have no regrets. I’m just happy I had the opportunity to serve six years.” Cisneros couldn’t be reached for comment. The next series of Board meetings is scheduled for April 5 and 6, at which time the Board will reorganize and select its chairman and vice chairman. Eller currently chairs the nine- member Board, and Houston attor ney Joe H. Reynolds serves as vice chairman. Senate James Huffines, director of gov ernmental appointments for Clem ents, said the appointments were made almost six weeks after the terms had expired because Clements is in the process of making more than 4,000 appointments to various boards and commissions. (Continued from page 1) “We tried to be sensitive to geo graphical diversification throughout the state,” he said. “Of our three ap pointments, one was from central Texas, one was from north Texas and one was from south Texas.” Huffines said two of the three nominees are new appointees be cause Clements likes to bring in new people “to spread the opportunities around.” for official policies about classified research. “Some of my colleagues in liberal arts have told me that I have sold out to the military-industrial complex,” Dunning told the Senate with a smile, “while others in the College of Engineering accused me of being a bomb-throwing anarchist. So I sus pect that I have gotten the ball roll ing and the dialogue started.” The Senate, in a voice vote, autho rized its research committee to ap point a “subcommittee that is broadly representative of diverse views” to study the resolution and suggest a formal University policy for classified research. MOVE IN NOW At Summer Rates! Prices start at $130 Efficiency - 1BR - 2BR luniowick apartments I 502 Southwest Parkway 693-1325 lOne; ■Texa Hint. ■ It’s a Hosier Hd Di Hnts h; H a Hke C free-thr ■ ‘‘Airr Hnce a ■ Cliffc Bfovvd n ■ The s the ball le bad front of give the ■ore frc I He se ■row. I H and ■d . . o’t lock c Altho rg noi 1 ■ wV y-fj thi Uni\ pr Vj he.d h>< itould di< pi; .fis. . ■Hindu n -'■The i famatio fs./LX./ TTH 1 Frai ^*'**‘Tu rep< B said Hney I Hi nevei ■ The ( during a th< Horn fld Zive Bin Btvei s ii A Bfeom. Chicken Fried Steak • Hamburgers • BAR-B-Q • 50 $1 Pitchers Every Night 5-9 pm Catering for any size group East Bypass/Hwy21 778-0077 STUDY BRE/U r-- Expires 4-10-87 B-Tu-3-10 Buy any size Original Round Pizza at Regular Price, Get Identical Pizza FREE! Price varies depending on size and number of toppings ordered. Valid with coupon at participating Little Caesars. Carry Out Only. w, loo TWO PIZZAS *10 171 plus tax Large Size Pizzas with Cheese J 2 tterns Extra Items and extra cheese avail able at additional cost. Valid willi coupon at participating Little Cae sars. One coupon per customer. Carry Out Only Expires 4-10417 B-T u-3-10 IJUfie Crams VALUABLE COUPON With all the studying you have, you’re entitled to a break. At Little Caesars® you always get two pizzas, but you pay for only one. When you make pizza this good, one just isn't enough. ' College Station Winn Dixie Shopping Center Bryan E. 29th & Briarcrest 696-0191 776-7171 ••• •••