The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 26, 1987, Image 8

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    Page 8/The Battalion/Thursday, February 26, 1987
Battalion Classifieds
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World and Nation
S' s ®
affld) lu}@>UM
16il Texas Avenue South
College Station, Texas 77840
Culpepper Plata
(Sear Hastings and Behind Holiday Inn),
10-8 M-K
10-6 SAT
Get you popcorn for
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Receive a 50< Bag of Popcorn
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Can you buy Jeeps, Cars, 4x4's seized in drug raids lor
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S942. 106t2/26
MITSUBISHI, '84, Starion Turbo, leather interior,
sunroof; cruise. $6500. Call Paul, 846-5186 or 846-
4783. 104t3/30
Shave Ice/Snowcone Machine and accessories. Great
business opportunity. David, 268-0192. 102t2/26
High court supports quotas
to force affirmative action
Alabomo police plan ruled constitutional
USED GOl.F CLUBS: Irons, Wood, Putters and
Wedges. Priced to sell. Leave message. Jerry, 696-5355.
E TC. 693-7599. !05t3/3
85 Honda Spree $325, Stert
ing. 764-1070.
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Cheap auto parts, used. Pic-A-Part, Inc. '78 and older.
3505 Old Kurten Road, Bryan. 102tfn
Ski Boots - Nordica Air-System, men’s size 8V5, good
condition, $100.,o.b.o. David, 268-0192. 102t2/26
Fever Blister Study
If you have at least 2 fever
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be interested in trying a
new medication, call for
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G&S Studies, Inc.
FREE RENT! Female wanted to share 2 bdrm./2 bath
apt. Close to campus. 696-3257. 103t2/27
SOUTH PADRE. 7 nights in the
Sheraton Hotel $239. or Condos
$279. with Great Destinations,
Inc.March 14-21, 1987. Contact
David or Shane at 693-8930.
Recent injury with pain
to any muscle or joint.
Volunteers interested in
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tive drug studies will be
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G&S Studies, Inc.
846-5933 10213/31
A free retirement planning £
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All employees of BISD,
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mation. Ideal for ambitious, per
sonable freshman - junior. Start in
preme Court, in an important vic
tory for affirmative action and a de
feat for the Reagan administration,
on Wednesday upheld racial quotas
to hasten the promotions of blacks.
By a 5-4 vote, the justices said a
court-ordered plan requiring pro
motion of equal numbers of black
and white Alabama state police
troopers is constitutional.
The plan does not amount to re
verse discrimination against whites
whose promotions may be delayed,
the court said, because it is a “nar
rowly tailored” device to correct pro
ven past discrimination.
In other decisions, the court:
• Voted 6-3 to bar state and local
governments from regulating high-
stakes bingo games and other gam
bling on Indian reservations until
Congress consents to such regula
• Ruled, by an 8-1 vote in a Flor
ida case, that states may not deny un
employment benefits to employees
fired for refusing to work on their
Sabbath. The court said such denials
violate freedom of religion.
• Ruled unanimously that the
federal government may put limits
on the rates cable television compa
nies pay for attaching their wires to
utility company poles.
The affirmative action decision
marks the first time the high court
directly has upheld racial quotas for
promotions. The justices previously
upheld hiring quotas but have struck
down racial preferences that protect
blacks with less seniority than whites
from layoffs.
Wednesday’s ruling was hailed by
civil-rights groups that said it is an
other blow against the administra
tion’s assault on racial preferences in
the American workplace.
“Once again, the Supreme Court
has rejected the Justice Dejpart-
ment,” said Clyde Murphy or the
NAACP Legal Defense Fund. “We
hope they (administration officials)
decide it’s appropriate now to sup
port the law rather than resist what
is the clear message of the Supreme
The Rev. Jesse Jackson, meeting
with President Reagan at the White
House to discuss black education
and other matters, said, “Now that
the court has spoken, I hope that the
law will be enforced vigorously.”
Assistant Attorney General Wil
liam Bradford Reynolds, head of the
Justice Department’s civil rights divi
sion, minimized the significance of
the ruling.
“Our position has been never to
use racial preferences,” he said.
“The court has said hardly ever and
has carved out narrow exceptions.”
The Alabama plan requires pro
motion of one qualified black for
each qualified white promoted until
blacks constitute 25 percent of the
higher rank or until the police de
partment adopts an approved ra
cially neutral promotion system.
The only time the plan, ordered
by U.S. District Judge Myron H.
Thompson, has been implemented
was to promote eight black and eight
white troopers to corporal in 1984.
Justice William J. Brennan, in the
court’s main opinion, rejected the
administration's argument that a SO
SO quota is too high when blacks
comprise only 25 percent of the af
fected labor force.
The administration “ignores that
the 50-percent figure is not itself the
goal; rather it represents the speed
at which the goal of 25 percent will
be achieved,” Brennan said.
Judge halts
of Deaver
federal judge on Wednesdays
porarily stopped an independn
counsel from seeking an ini
ment against one-time Rtai
aide Michael K. Deaver forallt;
edly lying to a federal grandjun
and a congressional commiiie
investigating his lobbying atw
U.S. District Judge Thom
Penfield Jackson said Deaverhal
raised serious questions abounh
1978 law establishing the officd!
independent counsel, and tit
the public interest would beta
served by a temporary delay.
| DALI./
ould tak
vhen thi
amed in
ion aboli
am for
When i
n three
985, the
anned fi
lade put
the u
irobe of
Before Deaver’s attorm
asked for a temporary restrain
order in an emergency
court session, independent*
sel Whitney North Seymour]:
had acknowledged he intended: would n
ask a grand jury for the indio
ment later in the day.
Seymour had said he wH .
seek a four-count indiamc 101 a
charging Deaver with mat; lievei s
false statements to a grandp r(,l ' ,u s<
irwt tfi th#» Fnprffviv 0 that W
y facet t
and to the
House Energy
investigations sib
Second witness identifies Demjanjuk
“We w;
◦s former Nazi guard Ivan the Terrible
Holiday Inn,
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ail: all land and water sports, arts &
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nature, R.N.’s, M.D.’s, Aides, kitchen,
maintenance. COLLEGE CREDIT
Dept. (AM), New York, N.Y. 10010,
212-645-6620. 10412/26
JERUSALEM (AP) — “I saw his eyes, I saw
those murderous eyes,” a Treblinka death camp
survivor testified Thursday in naming John
Demjanjuk as the brutal Nazi guard “Ivan the
Demjanjuk smiled and tried to shake hands
with the witness. But Treblinka survivor Eliyahu
Rosenberg, who had walked across the court
room for a closer look at the 66-year-old de
fendant, exploded in anger, shouting in Russian:
“Terrible. That’s the bandit.”
Ivan the Terrible was the name given by pris
oners of the Nazi camp in occupied Poland to a
sadistic guard who operated the gas chambers
where 850,000 Jews were killed.
Asked by prosecutor Michael Shaked to make
an identification, Rosenberg said he wanted to
see the defendant’s eyes. Demjanjuk took off his
glasses, stood and whispered to his lawyer, “have
him come closer to me.”
Rosenberg then approached Demjanjuk, who
was sitting on a bench flanked by police officers
and an interpreter.
“Ivan, I say it unhesitatingly, without the
slightest doubt, it is Ivan of the gas chambers,”
Rosenberg, a 66-year-old Israeli, said. “I saw his
eyes, I saw those murderous eyes.”
Rosenberg was the second camp survivor to
identify Demjanjuk as Ivan the Terrible. Dem
janjuk is accused of being one of the operators of
the gas chambers at Treblinka.
Demjanjuk, who was stripped of his U.S. cit
izenship and extradited to Israel, has denied he
was at Treblinka. His attorneys maintain the
guard Ivan was slain in a 1943 uprising at Treb
In his testimony, Rosenberg retr:
statements he made in 1947 and 1961 tk
guard Ivan had lx*en killed in the 1943revoll
Rosenberg, who escaped in the uprising s
the account of Ivan’s slaying was"astory,i
tion, a mere boast. It was a matter of boasliii ] NCAA
people who wished this had taken place.”
Rosenberg, whose mother and three sis:
died at Treblinka, told the court that thega hedulin
ing to f
The M
ven SW
1988. Th<
erence a
Ivan, wielding “a short iron pipe, a whip,a
a holster, a sword . . . would beat, whip, slasti ies will I
tims as they entered the gas chambers. at Kyle F
Rosenberg, who was among workers who® “Obvio
moved corpses from the gas chambers,te:
Nazi officer once stopped Ivan from forcing: |
to rape a dead woman. “Afterward Ivansaii f
me, ‘You will pay for this,’ ” he said.
ADOPTION NOTICE: Happily married physician
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cision, let us help ease your burden thru peace of mind.
Call Lori and Sherman collect anytime (201)654-9561.
Defensive Driving, Ticket Dismissal, Dates, Times,
You'll Have Fun!!! 693-1322. 91t5/8
GOVERNMENT HOMES. Delinquent tax property.
Repossessions. Call 805-687-6000 ext. T-9531 for cur
rent repo list. 102t2/27
Texas Transportation Institute
needs students from Amarillo,
Brownsville, El Paso, Lubbock,
San Antonio, and Waco to survey
child safety seat use during spring
break. $5./hr. Call Julie at 845-
5815 between Sam and 5pm, Feb.
26 or 27, for interview.
Gorbachev: Tough domestic reforms ahead
Help! need to rent S. Padre condo on beach. Sleeps 8.
Spring Break. Very Cheap! Call 846-6532. 106t2/26
Part time help. Morning shift only. Call Grapevine.
696-3411. Ask for Patsy. 104tufn
Ready Resume Service. 24 hour turn around. Info
taken by phone. 693-2128. 10St4/17
Figure Drafting / Illustrations. Theses, etc. Seven years
experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. 778-8564. 106t3/5
Microcomputer Programmers Wanted- Assembler and
‘C, if you are self-motivated, goal-oriented and can
work 40 or more hours weekly, Call 268-5809. 105t3/6
MOSCOW (AP) — Soviet leader
Mikhail S. Gorbachev said Wednes
day the toughest stage in his drive
for domestic reform lies ahead and
accused the West of going on the of
fensive to block the changes.
In a wide-ranging speech to the
Congress of Soviet Trade Unions,
the Soviet leader also cautioned his
country’s workers that tangible ben
efits of the new Kremlin policies
would be awhile in coming.
“Many want a speedy social and
material return,” Gorbachev told the
Kremlin gathering of delegates rep
resenting 188 Soviet labor organiza-
tions with 140 million members.
“Let us be frank, comrades: We
can achieve better quality for our en
tire life in only one way — through
effective and highly productive
work,” he said.
“Yes, indeed, the reorganization is
affecting our short-term interests,”
he said. “But it meets the vital long
term interests of our working peo
ple. We ought to understand that.”
Gorbachev said the West, led by
the United States, opposed the re
“Imperialism and reactionary
forces are doing their utmost to hin
der, come what may, our onward de
velopment and compel us to remain
on tne tracks of military confronta
tion,” he said.
hence the most difficult, still
The Soviet leader noted that a
year ago to the day the Communist
Party convened its 27th congress to
endorse the leadership’s campaign
for economic efficiency and more
openness in society.
He said the first steps have been
taken but, “The main thing, and
“Up to now, we have been«
preparing for reorganization
Now it is time to get the reorj
tion actually moving.”
Gorbachev’s remarks app<
clearly directed at winning su|
among union leaders and the
rank-and-file, while cautioning!
porters that the reforms were
quick fixes whose results woul
immediately felt.
The Costume Connection Partygrams. Fun for any oc
casion. Singers needed. 778-0303. 106t3/5
TYPING BY WANDA. Any kind, any length. Rea
sonable rates. 690-1113. 106t3/ll
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