Page 4/The Battalion/Thursday, February 26, 1987 Plus all Regular Special |T El Chico’ >Q\ MEXICAN RESTAURANT & BAR This Week MON THRU SAT 1 lam-10pm MARDl GRAS Miller (Black Lable) Genuine Draft 75C per bottle FREE Chips & Hot Sauce MTV or Sports in Aggie MARDl GRAS Room 3109 S. Texas Ave. Bryan 823-7470 Major Credit Card-Cash-Approved Checks Attention Aggies! OUTFITTERS Ou Sporting rifles, black powder firearms, complete line of archery equipment, hunting and folding knives, reloading equipment Discount with Texas A&M I.D. Open 10:00-7:00 Mon.-Sat. DEALERS IN FIREARMS Outfitters (Under the Moose) 260-9831 iJMj AMERICA’S LARGEST INDEPENDENT TIRE DEALER WE WILL BEAT ANY LOWER TOTAL PRICE IN TEXAS — PEROID! GLASS BELTED WHITEWALLS 28,000 MILE WARRANTY • % JL99 I CP P155X13 P19SX14 20 99 P215X15 23 99 P205x1« 22 99 P225x1S 24 99 P215x14 22 99 P235X15 25.99 ALL SEASON GLASS BELTED WHITEWALLS 30,000 MILE WARRANTY P165x13 PIts* 14 ....27.W P215*1$ 31.99 P20S*14 ... .29.99 P22S*15 31.99 P215*14 ... .30.99 P235*15 33.99 STEEL WHITEWALL RADIALS 35.000 MILE WARRANTY *1799 P155RX13 P165RX13 .... 19.99 P205Rx15 .... 24.99 P195RX14 ....• 20.99 P215Rx1S .... 25.99 P205RX14 .... 21 99 P225Rx15 .... 26.99 P205Rx14 .... 25.99 P235Rx15 .... 27.99 Assuring You “26” Years Of Confidence RAISED WHITE LETTER RADIALS P175/70RX13 P185/70RX13 638 99 P23S/70RX 15 649 99 P19S/70RX14 638 99 P225/80RX 14 646 99 P205/70RX14 640 99 P235/60RX14 647 99 P215/70RX14 642 99 P245/80RX 14 649 99 P225/70RX14 644 99 P235/60RX15 64 5 99 P225/70RX15 645 99 P275/60RX IS 656 99 BEST ■•RV TRUCK TIRE WHITE LETTERS *40" L70X15 10X15HWY . . .651.99 27-850RX14 556 99 10X15TRAC . .551.99 30-950RX15 . . 670 99 11X15TRAC . 555.99 31-1050RX15 574 99 12X15TRAC .665.99 33-1250RX15 686 99 WHITE SPOKES 14x6 2321 Texas Ave. College Station Coupon 1 / 2 PRICE Texas 77840 (409) 693-0177 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-6 Sat. 8:30-5 • Mounting, Rotations, Tire Repair • New! Eure Tire Changers for All Hi-Tech Wheels, Touchless Mounting _ .. • Lugs Torqued to iV y. Vl Specifications • Fastest Service In Town • Best Warranties In the Nation BALANCING A&M STUDENTS AND FACULTY 'Superman' becomes Mr. Ag '87 Restaurant Re By Jill Raupe Reporter Craig Meek, a Dallas psychology major dressed as Superman, was crowned Mr. Aggie 1987 Wednes day before about 150 people in the MSC lounge. The Mr. Aggie Contest “is a fun type of promotional to give levity to everything,” Bonne Bejarano, exec utive director of the Miss Texas A&M Scholarship Pageant, said. “It’s everything you thought a pageant was, but isn’t,” Bejarano said. The contest, a parody of the Miss Texas A&M Scholarship Pageant, was started by the MSC Hospitality Committee in 1982. The Mr. Aggie contestants — Troy Ireland, Perry Eichor, Vic Pe- tricka, Tom Supan and Craig Meek — were introduced by master of cer emonies James Johnson. Each con testant wore a costume complement ing a theme he chose. The emcee read information about the contes tant: his goals, his ideal date and his plans if chosen as Mr. Aggie. Perry “Safari Fred” Eichor, a mar keting major from San Antonio, was named second runner-up. Safari Fred wore khaki shorts, a straw cow boy hat, boots and a camouflage shirt. Tom “Melvin P.” Supan, a man agement major from Plano, was dressed as a nerd. His white shirt hung out of the fly of his pants. His too-short pants showed off his bright white socks. His pocket pencil holcler was filled with a dozen pens and pencils. The bridge of his glasses was wrapped with tape. While being in troduced, he blew his nose on a long piece of toilet papier. Supan would look at the floor, glance quickly at the audience and then look away. He trippied twice — while walking up the stairs to the runway and while leaving. Meek wore a Superman-type cos tume of a white sweatshirt and sweatpants, a maroon bikini bathing suit and a cape monogrammed with “Mr. Aggie.” His sweatsuit was stuffed, giving him the “Superman” look. He thrilled the females in the audience when he flexed his stuf fing. ^4, INTERNATIONAL WEEK March 2-6 '87 Cultural Display Food Fair Fashion a> Talent Show Party eP Awards Ceremony March 2, 1 lam-5pm March 3, 9am-5pm at the MSC March 4, 7pm MSC 2nd Floor $6.°° March 6, 8pm Rudder $2.°° March 6, after Talent Show tickets on sale at MSC Hallway Sl Box Office combination SZ. 50 Sponsored by INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION This year supporting UNICEF By Curtis L. Culberson Staff Writer The College Station restau rants listed below were inspected from Feb. 16 to Friday by the Brazos County Health Depart ment. The information is based on food service establishment re- door needed sealed. Two points were deductej from the report because towels were needed in a restroonif Abhor and at a kitchen hand sink. T*o group s< more points were deducted foi (j e nts tha p>o SC rts. CORED BETWEEN 90 AND 95: Kentucky Fried Chicken at 2501 S. Texas Ave. was inspected by Mike Lester. Score — 94. A five-p>oint violation was cited in the rep>ort because an employee was smoking in a storage area. One point was deducted for a mi nor violation. Baskin-Robbins 31 Ice Cream Stores at 2418 S. Texas Ave was inspected by David Pickens. Score — 90. A four-p>oint violation was cited in the rep>ort because cock roaches were in a storeroom. Three two-point violations were cited in the report because shelves and drawers near a hand sink needed cleaning, no towels were in a restroom and a restroom door needed to be self closing. SCORED BETWEEN 85 AND 90: Shooters at 2501 S. Texas Ave. was inspected by Mike Lester. Score — 88. Two four-point vio lations were cited in the rep>ort because items were stacked in and around a hand sink and a rear minor violations. Winn Dixie Deli/Bakery Southwest Parkway wasimi by Mike Lester. Score — 88,Fitt pxjints were subtracted fronulit report because briskets anil chicken on display were ci than the prop>er temperatureo! 140 degrees. Four points wen deducted from the report k cause a hand sink was obstruad A two-p>oint violation also wt cited in the report because mil was stored on tne floor. oil the fc inspec — 77. SCORED BETWEEN 75 80: Fort Shiloh Steak House id Grille at 2528 S. Texas Ave ra ected by David Pickens.Scon A regular inspections p»erformed on Feb. 5 andthetts taurant received a score ofll This was a follow-up inspectel and many of the same violatK were cited in the report. Majotn olations cited in tne report is eluded an open rear door, an it- accessible hand sink, cockroaches under a handsini greasy build-up on some kited: ovens, and some food ittn stored on the floor. Other mm violations were cited- is an esta M Sti s in A nts. “We (1 G dire ans wi ancial ther a islatoi The [oup is nt an tside c penses Gener ,vel to lent st M. The t G are her e M sti ues to entati As a Bnt Sei icLSG epreset “Netv David Jefferson, a registered sanitarian at the department,mn taurants with scores of 95 or above generally have excellent opera and facilities. He says restaurants with scores in the 70s or low usually have serious violations in the health report. Scores can be misleading, Jefferson says, because restaurantstzl get the same score by having several minor violations or a few major olations. He says the minor violations can be corrected durinelk spection. Point deductions, or violations, in the report range tnm point (minor violation) to five points (major violations). Jefferson says the department might close a restaurant if: the is below 60, the personnel have infectious diseases, the restaurant adequate refrigeration, sewage is backed up in the building, therein rant has a complete lack of sanitization for fcxxl equipment. The department inspects each restaurant every six months.Jelk foi iPARi noke, bid. The; “It’s The led fi ptroget son says a follow -up inspection is sometimes required if a restaurant twees lx a four- or five-point violation that cannot lie corrected duringtiitspnH wh, spection, or it there are numerous small violations. Inspectors at the department are registered sanitarians. Gary Reynolds, a junior industrial distribution major, made his final “Thank God” walk down the runway as Mr. Aggie 1986, after the contes tants were presented. Miss Texas A&M 1986, Catherine Vincent, then asked the contestants to gather on stage for a final appear ance before thejudges. Reynolds then crowned Meek with the aluminum foil-covered Leaders: House to extend temporary sales, gastaxs “It wasn’t a contest; it was a way of life,” Meek said. “We trained hard. By gosh, by daw r g, it is a great feel ing. We struggled through sweat, tears, pimples and rashes togetTier. I love you all. Gig ’em.” Eichor disagreed. “I should have won. They cheated. I have cuter legs. I petition the event. Gig ’em.” AUSTIN (AP) — The House will soon approve a slightly modified version of Gov. Bill Clements’ plan to extend the temporary sales and gasoline tax increases. House leaders said Wednesday. The tax package filed by Re Stan Schlueter, D-Killeen, keep the sales tax at 5.25 percent and the gasoline tax at 15 cents per gallon until Sept. 1, 1989. Clements wants to keepik creased sales tax and roll tilt line tax back to 13 centsperpl; & Schlueter said the waysanda panel would review the tit T uesday. Speaker Gib Lew there is a good chance the mta could reach the floor nextweti Schlueter, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, pre dicted the House would approve the plan, possibly next week. Lt. Gov. Bill Hobby said Wednes day the $2.9 billion the tax would raise in 1988-89 would be about $2.5 billion short of what is needed. “Yes, I’m for the Clemetif plan,” Lewis said. “If wet the Clements tax plan, weartlj to lx* broke Sept. 1.” Lewis said without spendinjl the funds raised by thetaxe won’t balance the state b “But that’s what (Clet wants,” Lewis said, “and thats| we are going to let him have," His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Founder of Ihe Transeendcniai Meditation Program Dear Student, T here's something you can do for a short time each day that will im prove every aspect of your life— your grades, your future career, your rela tionships. everything—a/I at the same time. What's more, it's easy to do. Over 1.000.000 students have experienced the benefits. And you can too. You'll learn about it soon at a special free lecture on the Transcendental Med itation technique. This lively, entertaining talk may well change your life. My name is Kevin Blair. Tin president of the student government at Maharishi International University, where students, faculty, and staff all practice the TM technique. I want to tell you three things about the upcoming lecture: I At the lecture, you'll learn how the simple, natural TM technique, which is practiced 15-20 minutes twice a day. brings profound benefits to mind and body, and how these benefits automatical ly improve one's social behavior, school and job performance, and much more. If you really want to know how to improve your grades, your career, and your life there’s an upcoming lecture you shouldn’t miss. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 2 You'll also learn that more than 350 scientific research studies have been done on TM worldwide over the past 15 years. Many of the research results are directly relevant to your personal and academic development as a student: ■ increased intelligence and learning ability ■ improved comprehension, concentration, and memory ■ improved academic performance ■ reduced stress and anxiety ■ inefeased happiness ■ improved interpersonal relationships ■ improved athletic performance You can have these qualities growing in your life too. simply as a result of prac ticing the TM technique. 3 Finally, you'll learn that the TM tech nique doesn't just help the individual. Research has shown that when as little as the square root of one percent of the population of a city or nation practices the TM program and its advanced aspects, the entire population becomes more orderly, peaceful, and progressive. This brings great hope towards solving the age-old problem of world peace. IT WORKS! I f you're wondering how one simple technique can bring so many benefits to mind. body, behavior, and even the world as a whole, then attend the lecture. The explanation you'll hear is at once simple, scientific, and profound. You'll hear, for example, about the unified field of all the laws of nature as described by modern physics and by ancient Vedie science. And about how the TM technique lets you experience the unified field within your own consciousness, thereby bringing you the support of all the laws of nature. The main thing, however, is that TM works. I know from my own experience. I've been practicing the technique for fi years, and it's made me more relaxed.yd more dynamic and productive. Asa result; I'm enjoying greater success—both in and out of the classroom! That's why I'm urging you to attendifc free lecture. If oxen ten percent of what I* said about TM proves to be true, think what it could mean for your achievement and happiness for the rest of your life. The date and time of the lecture are given below. 1 hope you'll he there. And don't hesitate to bring your friends: you'll be doinu a sireat thine for them as well! Wishing-you success in all that you do. Kevin Blair President. Student Governmcnl Maharishi International Unixersitv ■ iTy/■‘is die single mostim- A IV A portant pan of being a peak performer. It gives you the ability to excel in an environment of stress, to make rapid decisions based on rapid changes, and to do so functioning very well." —Christopher Hegarty, President Hegarty and Associates San Francisco, CA -i Transcendental Meditation FREE LECTURE Transcendental Meditation is a service mark of the World Plan Exccutiv Council —United Stales, a non-profit educational organization. Thursday, February 26 Harrington Hall 7:00 pm RM 200 iMillerB