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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1987)
Inr'l TexasA&M mm v • The Battalion I iol.82 No. 106 USPS 045360 12 pages College Station, Texas Thursday, February 26, 1987 i*. m Inside /jtf^ 1987 Tour of Homes ormer employee arrested n slaying at CS restaurant By Carolyn Garcia Staff Writer A former employee of Julie’s I Place restaurant was arrested I Wednesday in connection with I the Jan. 15 murder of Beatrice I Hiding. Terry Washington, a former Idishwasher at the restaurant where both he and Huling [worked, is being held without [bond and will be charged with [capital murder, Lt. Ervin Todd [of the College Station Police De partment, said. College Station police officers, [assisted by Bryan police, ar- [rested Washington, 23, at a [Bryan residence about 10 a.m. [Wednesday. Julie’s Place manager Scott [Milton said Washington contin- [ued to work at the restaurant [until last weekend, when he was [fired. Assistant manager Wade [Clark confirmed rumors that [police asked the management to [keep Washington employed. The restaurant called to no- jtify the police that they were [going to fire Washington, Clark (said. Police refused comment on [Clark’s report. Huling was killed after fin- jishing her shift as night manager [of the restaurant. Police said a [caller reported finding Hiding’s [purse near the restaurant. Investigating officers found [the restaurant locked, and when [Milton arrived to unlock the [doors, Huling’s body was found lying in the doorway of the res taurant’s office. She had been [stabbed repeatedly and disem- jboweled, police said. All the doors were locked and more Jthan $500 had been taken from (the restaurant. Washington, of Rt. 5, Box 1124 in College Station, had [been employed by Julie’s Place restaurant for about six months, | Milton said. Milton said Huling had prob- [lems with Washington’s work performance. NCAA hits SMU with one-year ban on football Sgt. Larry Johnson transfers murder suspect Terry Washington to the Brazos County Jail. Photo by Dean Saito “They (Huling and Washing ton) had their differences in the past with his getting to work on time, and he had been caught drinking on the job one time,” Milton said, “but these things were a couple of months before this all occurred and they had pretty much blown over. “He was terminated because he had missed a shift.” Milton said Washington was not as visibly shaken by the mur der as the other employees were. “The rest of us up here were horified and had a lot of ques tions to ask,” Milton said. “Terry didn’t seem horified and he didn’t ask any questions about what happened.” card disputes Reagan statements lower commission soys U.S. sold arms to Iran for hostages I WASHINGTON (AP) — The Tower commis- [sion will report that the United States sold arms to Iran to win the release of American hostages, [despite contrary statements by President Reagan, but the panel could not determine how profits Ifrom the deal were diverted to Nicaraguan re- t bels, a source said Wednesday. ■ Concluding a three-month investigation, the gthiee-member board headed by former Sen. John Tower, R-Texas, will deliver its findings to ic president today and discuss its report at a ws conference. On the eve of the report’s release. White ouse spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said Reagan d sent the board a letter last Friday as it was mpleting its work, because “he simply felt icre were other recollections and clarifications wanted to provide the board.” Jin two meetings with the board, Reagan made |nflicting statements about when he authorized Te first shipment of U.S. weapons to Iran, cording to published reports. Current and for mer White House aides have disputed each other on when Reagan approved the transaction. An administration source said Reagan’s letter offered yet a third version — that he simply had no recollection of when he approved the ship ment and that he may have allowed himself to be influenced by the recollection of others. Meanwhile, a source at the Tower commission said the panel concluded that an arms-for-hos- tages swap was at the center of U.S. contacts with Iran. While the idea of trying to establish ties with a strategically, important nation “may have been in the president’s thoughts,” the source said, “we didn’t accept the notion of it being the driving force. That does not appear in fact to be what drove the program.” Neither of the sources would comment except on condition they not be named. Reagan has insisted that a trade was not in volved. “Let me say it was not my intent to do business with (Iran revolutionary leader Ayatol lah Ruhollah) Khomeini to trade weapons for hostages, nor to undercut our policy of antiterro rism,” the president said in a radio address Dec. 6. Underscoring that argument, Fitzwater said, “The primary purpose was to try to make con tacts with certain elements in Iran that would be favorable or friendly to the United States in a post-Khomeini government . . . not arms for hos tages.” The Tower board, which interviewed nearly 60 witnesses — including arms dealers Adnan Khashoggi and Manucher Ghorbanifar — was not able to determine how profits from the arms sales were diverted to Contra rebels in Nicara gua, according to the source. “Our evidence (of the funneling of arms sales proceeds to the Contras) is primarily circumstan tial,” the source said, adding that the investiga tion of that point was frustrated by the refusal of former White House aides John M. Poindexter and Lt. Col. Oliver L. North to testify. DALLAS (AP) — The NCAA abo lished football for the 1987 season at Southern Methodist for “abysmal” repeated violations, but fell short of the full measure of a two-year so- called death penalty in Wednesday’s announcement. The harshest football penalty in NCAA history was accepted without rancor or plans to appeal by SMU officials, who had worked hand-in- glove with the NCAA to uncover a slush fund for players. “Not only is Southern Methodist University a repeat major violator, but its past record of violations is nothing short of abysmal,” said the NCAA report made public Wednes day. The probation, SMU’s record-ty ing seventh since 1958 and the third this decade, lasts until 1990. The Mustangs can play only seven South west Conference games in 1988 — none at home — and are barred from television or bowl appearances. “It will have a long-range impact on the program,” said NCAA en forcement director David Berst, who announced the sanctions in Dallas Wednesday. “We intentionally only made it seven games so the conference and SMU will have to work together and face the problem,” Berst said. SMU loses non-conference games against Oklahoma and New Mexico this year and Oklahoma and Notre Dame in 1988 at an estimated cost to the school of more than $500,000. The Mustangs also are limited to one head football coach and five full-time assistant coaches until Au gust 1989, and can award only 15 scholarships in 1988. Off-campus re cruiting is prohibited until August 1988. The NCAA report said an un named booster paid 13 football team members $47,000 during the 1985- 86 academic year and that eight stu dent-athletes continued to receive payments from September through December 1986, totaling about $14,000. Berst said the NCAA agreed to grant anonymity to those involved so the full scope of the payoffs could be determined. “We decided to accept this with out question because SMU was going the extra mile,” he said. The NCAA report said the case presented “some unique circum stances that arguably call for the committee tq exercise its discretion to impose less than the mandatory penalties.” The NCAA enforcement staff had recommended against eliminat ing the program, but the Committee on Infractions opted for stronger ac tion. “SMU views the wrongdoings which have been done in its name with regret and with embarrass ment,” interim President William Stallcup said Wednesday. Former SMU linebacker David Stanley’s confession of cash pay ments after the Mustangs had been strapped with a three-year probation in August 1985 triggered the NCAA investigation. Stanley said it was P.J. “Bootsie” Larson, a former assistant coach who was fired in August 1985, who paid him $25,000 and initiated monthly payments that continued after SMU was placed on probation. A joint investigation by the school and the NCAA uncovered monthly payments to football players ranging from $50 to $725 from September 1985 through December 1986. “This date was very significant,” Berst said. “It made SMU eligible for the new NCAA ‘death penalty’ legis lation,” because SMU continued to commit NCAA violations even while it was on probation. SMU’s 52 scholarship football players are free to transfer immedi- See related stories, page 9 ately to other schools without loss of eligibility, Berst said. The latest sanctions tie SMU with Wichita State for the number of times on probation, but the Mus tangs hold the record outright as the most penalized school. Under the “death penalty” rule, the NCAA may suspend the pro grams of repeat offenders for up to two years, prohibiting competition, recruiting, coaching or scholarships. After the latest recruiting scandal broke in November, SMU President L. Donald Shields took early retire ment and Athletic Director Bob Hitch and Coach Bobby Collins re signed. 6 attorneys appointed in local trial By Daniel A. La Bry Staff Writer State District Court Judge Caro lyn Ruffino appointed six local attor neys Tuesday to represent two men and one woman accused of capital murder in connection with the Feb. 18 slayings of two Bryan residents. Gary Allen Penuel, 20, of 204 Edge St. in Bryan; David Michael Clark, 27, of Route 5 in Bryan; and Mary Gober Copeland, 25, also of Route 5 in Bryan have been held without bail in the Brazos County Jail since their arrests Friday. The three defendants were ar rested in connection with the shoot ing deaths of Charles Gears, 21, and Beverly Jean Benninghoff, 25, both of 408 Foch St. in Bryan. Ruffino appointed Travis Bryan III and Glen Douglas to represent Penuel, Hank Paine and Robert Orozco to represent Clark, and Wil liam W. Vance and William Burdett to represent Copeland. Oroz;co said whenever a person is charged with an offense in which the person can lose his life, two attor neys are appointed to assure the per son competent representation. He said the trial is more technical than usual and requires additional work. The defendents were charged with capital murder under a new Texas law defining capital murder to include cases when more than one murder takes place during a single event. i yilipinos celebrating eople’s revolution’ ■ MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Fil ipinos cheered and danced Wednes- ioay in the same streets they filled a ^ar ago, facing down tanks with leople power” and driving Presi- pt Ferdinand E. Marcos into exile. Bands played. Some people peed on cars and rooftops. The [owds cheered “Cory! Cory!” for ttrazon Aquino, the widow of an as- Issinated opposition leader. She as thrust into his role and became Resident. JAn enormous cheer arose as the Ight sky blazed with fireworks at |05 p.m., the time on Feb. 25, 1986, ] which Marcos and his wife Imelda [ft the presidential palace in an [merican helicopter. They were |ken to Clark Air Base, then to Ha- aii the next day. I Aquino was swept to power by a ci- [ian-military uprising that followed the fraud-tainted Feb. 7, 1986, presi- ■ntial election, which the Marcos- controlled National Assembly said he had won. The revolt culminated in a four- day confrontation in which hun dreds of thousands of Filipinos filled the streets, urged on by Cardinal Jaime Sin, the Roman Catholic arch bishop. When the crowd of people formed a shield around a camp of rebel soldiers and dared loyalist ar mored units to run them down, the tanks stopped. Marcos and Aquino were sworn in last Feb. 25 in separate ceremonies, but Marcos gave up that evening and ended 20 years of autocratic rule. “We have restored freedom in this country,” Aquino told the crowd of an estimated 500,000 to 1 million af ter an open-air Mass. “Now, we have to continue with the same ‘people power’ spirit of selflessness and ded ication to achieve our other goal . . . alleviation of mass poverty.” Humana Hospital nears completion; expanded CS facility to open in April By Robert Morris Staff Writer After 15 months of construc tion, the new Humana Hospital- Brazos Valley officially will open for business in April in College Station. The move from the present lo cation on Memorial Drive in Bryan to 1604 Rock Prairie Rd. in College Station was largely the re sult of a need for expansion, said Marsha Herring, public relations director for Humana. The hospital will, in most ways, simply be a revised version of the smaller Humana hospital. Her ring said. Facilities will be ex panded but the professional staff will remain basically the same. However, about 50 new jobs will be created because of the addi tion of nursing staff for the ob stetrics department. The addition of the obstetrics department was a major reason for the move, Herring said. Previously, only St. Joseph Hospital offered such care in the area. The new obstetrical unit has a 15-bed capacity and will offer a free OB education program, called the “Cradle Club,” to all ex pectant mothers beginning in late March. Cardiac catherization is also a new service for Humana, as well as a helipad for emergency pa tients. All other services Humana for merly offered, such as laser sur gery, CT scanning and Xero mammography will continue to be available with the only differ ence being the added space given each department. The $20.4-million, 100-bed fa cility will begin taking patients April 18. Photo by Tom Ownbey Humana Hospital Brazos Valley in College Station. elt»