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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1987)
Page 10/The Battalion/Friday, January 30, 1987 Battalion Classifieds New ‘emergency rules issued in South Africa NOTICE VALENTINE PERSONALS Surprise someone special with a Valentine Message in the Battalion! Come by the English Annex Monday - Friday, 8:30 - 4:30 to place yours! All Valentine Messages will be pub lished in the Classified section on Feb ruary 13th * deadline is February 11th GRADUATING MAY ’87 You MUST apply BY FEBRUARY 6th. Having a de gree check and having the fee assessed IS NOT an application for graduation. STEP 1: Make sure $15.00 diploma fee has been paid. STEP 2: Bring paid fee slip to RM 105 Heaton Hall to apply for graduation. STEP 3: Complete application forms in Heaton Hall. GRADUATE STUDENTS: Apply at Teague Bldg. INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 _ • FOR RENT Hunter’s Creek Stable - New management, excellent facilities, within College Station city limits. 693-6482, 696-1905. 77t2/10 • SERVICES Left your love at home? Use a lot of long distance? Buy bulk long distance at .220/min. ’ Split cost with roommates. Call 846-6347 D & L Communications 8311/26 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset Spring Break Hurry! Limited space available at these number one collegiate beach and ski destinations. South Padre Island, Daytona Beach, Steamboat Springs, Miami Beach/ Fort Lauderdale, Mustang Is land/ Port Aransas, Galveston Island and Fort Walton Beach. Call Sunchase Tours Central Spring Break Toll Free Hot Line Today for information and reservations 1-800-321-5911! 83t2/20 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 79t2/13 Expert Typing, Word Processing, Resumes. Error Free. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 86t3/13 Versatile Word Processing. Term Papers, Reports, Thesis, Resumes, Dissertations, Graphics. LASERW RITER QUALITY. Best Prices. Call 696-2052. 83t5/8 TypiugAVord Processing. Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Papers - Dissertations. Call Diana. 764-2772. 79t2/13 GMAT TEST TAKERS for 3/21 exam. Classes start Wednesday 2/11. Scholarships available. Call today. Kaplan Center. 696-PREP. 86t2/4 M.C.A.T. TEST TAKERS for 4/25 exam. Classes start 2/3, 2/7, and 2/19. Financial aid and scholarships avail able. Call today. Kaplan Center, 696-PREP. 86t2/5 GRE TEST TAKERS for 4/11 exam. Classes starting! Call today. Kaplan Center, 696-PREP. 86t2/5 Free LSAT Diagnostic Evaluation. Receive 5 to 6 page print out of areas you need help on. Call Kaplan Cen ter, 696-PREP. 86t2/5 Free GMAT Diagnostic Evaluation. Receive 5 to 6 page print out of areas you need help on. Call Kaplan Cen ter, 696-PREP. 86t2/5 • rORRENT 822-7321 Newly Remodeled Newly Redecorated Very Large 1 bedrooms from $200. 2 Bedroom, 2 Baths as low as $335. Many Leasing Specials Available! Pool On site staff Sun Deck Security Club Room Laundry Facilites Near Shuttle Large Closets 3200 Pinfeather Professionally managed by Chatham Enterprises 65t1/30 OAK FOREST MOBILE HOME PARK A Few Lots Are Available Call Now ! 693-5206 301 KrenekTapRd. College Station HELP! Tenants Needed! 2y 2 blocks from campus 1 & 2 Bdrm efficiencies Cheap Rent! 260-9637 FOR RENT Police chief gets greet censorship powers Walking distance to campus and only $230. 2 Bdrm., 1 Bath, newly painted with carpet. 508 Wellborn Rcl 846-9077. 78t 1/30 ♦ ROOMMATE WANTED Roommate desperately needed! Nice two bedroom, two bath apartment. $115. month. Call after 6 p.m. 260-7560. 87t2/5 $133./mo. & utilities. Own room, washer & dryer, shut- tle bus. 693-9116, 764-3016. 86t2/4 NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO LIVE IN Share house with 3 other female un dergraduates. 808 Aberdeen, just across from Bonfire area within sight of Duncan Hall and President’s home. Furnished, including laundry & utili ties. $175./mo. Call 696-5286. 85t1/ 30 Share home with 3 other male under graduates. 802 Aberdeen, just across Jersey from Bonfire area, within sight of Duncan Hall & President’s home. Furnished, including laundry & utili ties. $175./mo. Call 696-5286. 85U/30 • HELP WANTED WANTED: HORTICULTURIST WITH EXPERIENCE IN FRUIT TREES AND BED PLANTS. $15.00 PER HOUR TO START. CONTACT: TEXAS RENAIS SANCE FESTIVAL, Rt. 2, Box 650, PLANTERSVILLE, TEXAS, 77363 or call 409-894-2516,713-356-2178 83t2/20 JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) — A judge nullified one of the police commissioner’s press restric tions Thursday and the government responded hours later with new emergency rules allowing him to ban “any matter” he chooses. An attorney who represents news media, Paul Jenkins, said Police Commissioner Johan Coetzee had been “elevated to the country’s chief censor.” The commissioner used his new authority within two hours, issuing an order at 1 a.m. Friday prohibiting publication of advertisements “which defended, praised or en deavored to justify unlawful organi zations’ campaigns, projects, pro grams or actions.” Judge H. Daniel of Rand Su preme Court in Johannesburg inval idated an order Coetzee issued Jan. 8, the day after 22 newspapers pub lished advertisements urging legali zation of the African National Con gress, the main guerrilla group fighting white rule. Although Coetzee’s order Friday morning referred only to advertise ments, the one struck down by the judge also had prohibited news re ports and comment that explained, defended, supported or might en hance the public image of any banned organization, such as the Af rican National Congress. Daniel said Coetzee had no au thority to issue a nationwide ban. Under the new rules: “The com missioner may, for the purpose of the safety of the public, the mainte nance of public order or the termi nation of the state of emergency, and without prior notice to any per son and without hearing any person, issue any order not inconsistent with a provision of these regulations pro hibiting any publication, television recording, film recording or sound recording containing any news, com ment, or advertisement on or in con nection with any matter specifi the oi der, to be published.' They are encompassed til stricter press code President fl Botha promulgated Dec. 11 ®J the state of emergency imJ June 12, 1986. Those rules severely restriciecj banned reporting on unrest,seciii f orce actions, treatment of del nees, most forms of peacefulptttl and a broad range of statement!! government considers subver!| They are being challenged in Pietermaritzburg Supreme CourJ Natal province. Bv custom in South Africa, t iugs by provincial supreme t J are followed throughouttheconj unless another supreme court! differently. In that case, them goes to the South Africa’s bight-1 bunal, the Court of Appeal Needed working people, preferably with knowledge of word purpose. Willing to take responsibility. Needed afternoons and evenings. 846-3755, Joe or Jinny. 85tfn Waitress needed. Come interview 2:00-3:00 p.m., 9:00- 10:00 p.m. Pacific Garden Restaurant, 701 University E., C.S. 85t2/3 OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT MANAGER WANTED: Need student with experience in outdoor recreation to assist with maintenance and checkout of recreational equipment. Apply at the IM-REC Sports Office, 159 Read. 85t2/2 Reagan’s gift of Bible to Iranians confirmed PHOTOGRAPHER WANTED: Must have B&W Darkroom experience. Apply at IM-REC Sports Of fice, 159 Read. 85t2/2 Earn $480. weekly - $60. per hundred envelopes stuffed. Guaranteed. Homeworkers needed for com pany project stuffing envelopes and assembling materi als. Send stamped self addressed envelope toJBK Mail- company, P.O. Box 25-150, Castaic, California 91310. 79tl/30 Real Estate Appraisal firm seeking recent college grad uate to be an appraiser. Send a resume to 1304 King- wood Dr., Kingwood, TX 77339. 86t2/12 • FOR SALE *85 Renault Convertible. Auto, air, 18,000 miles, war ranty, mint. 846-3015. 87t2/5 Kingsize waterbed with heater, frame and liner. $115. 846-6921. 85tl/30 Used motorcycles: Yamaha RX50, $495. Scooter 180, $895. SR185, $595. RD350, $345. XS650, $1095. XS850, $795. Kawasaki Eliminator, 3261 m., $2795. LTD 1000, $1285., also - V45 Sabre, GS450, prices in clude T.T. 8c L. University Cycles, 696-8222. 85t2/3 86 Honda Elite 250. 6 months old, 1,500 miles, black, $ 1,800. Call Philip, 764-6591. 84t2/2 COMPUTER. MACINTOSH 512, excellent condition. (EXTRA) Univega 12-speed. Call 846-4232 before 8:30 AM. 83tl/30 HP-41CX, $170., plus programs, optical wand, solu tions manuals, at discount prices. 696-7642. 84tl/30 1982 Yamaha Virago 750, like new, 5300 miles, $1498 negotiable. 764-2940. 8D2/6 Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 WASHINGTON (AP) — After months of silence, the White House confirmed Thursday that President Reagan signed a Bible sent secretly to Iranian officials, but said it was nothing more than an “isolated, in significant matter.” The only reason that Reagan’s ac tion was acknowledged was that the Bible was publicly displayed at a news conference in Tehran Tuesday by Hashemi Rafsanjani, the speaker of the parliament. A senior adminis tration official said privately that Rafsanjani did so only “for internal consumption.” Spokesman Larry Speakes said, “It’s in the paper (pictures of the Bi ble) and I’m glad to confirm it for you.” A day earlier, Speakes had dis missed the subject and said he would not bother to ask Reagan whether he had signed a Bible that was given to the Iranians last fall. Ever since the secret sale of U.S. arms to Tehran was disclosed last November, there have been reports that U.S. officials trying to establish contacts in Tehran carried gifts such as a Bible, a chocolate cake and Colt pistols. The White House - has re fused to discuss the subject. While confirming that Reagan did sign the Bible — and wrote out a verse — Speakes said he did not know anything about the cake and guns. He said Reagan signed the leather-hound volume during a morning meeting in the Oval Office last Oct. 3 at the suggestion of John M. Poindexter, then his national se curity adviser. At the time, the United States already had secretly shipped weapons to Iran as part of an attempt to win the release of U.S. hostages held by pro-Iranian el ements in Lebanon. The Bible was taken to Frankfurt, West Germany, several days alter it was signed and presented to an un identified Iranian who was to l>e- come a new intermediary between Washington and Tehran, Speakes said. He said he was almost certain Oliver L. North represented Reagan at that meeting. Speakes said presenting the Bible was a gesture to indicate that those who were there at the meeting were truly representing the president and that he was a man of God, also. He said the Bible was supposed to he passed along to higher-ups in Iran, but said he did not know if it was supposed to be given to Rafsanjani. Speakes said the White House, in a review of documents, turned up information on the Bible. “Ollie initiated the idea of a Bible presentation to those individuals be cause there had been discussions about the common religious heritage and background that existed be tween Moslem and Christian and Jewish religions,” Speakes said. Brother sayi NASA ‘used McAuliffe Thro\ kitting d Ibees and When Id i s a p p ■during ■spring Imester? It seei [doesn’t [sixth rru Ison. I rea [Texas ar [nated fr |gie spir [through ■just the I Nowa ■men’s l [about cc ^ame in mly dif land an Let’s ? a g- . j Besid sistant A dd Cro 1 throwin dike ( versity ; FRAMINGHAM, Mass — Christa McAuliffes brothe>J cused NASA on Thursday ofa ploiting his sister for pubii:l and called on the governmeof abandon, for now, program!fj put everyday people into spate I “They shouldn’t be using 1 public for something [h| mainly for the government,’saj Christopher Corrigan, whose! ter was chosen to lie the firsi:[ vale citizen in space. Corrigan also said he feds I sister was used by the spacesj gram “because she thoughtit J more safe than it was." His comments endedayeail almost complete silence from a atives of the Concord, \l schoolteacher, who was with six fellow astronauts J the shuttle Challenger blevc] shortly after liftoff Jan. 28, Iq The National Aeronautic!.! Space Administration has pul i space program on hold and J said no ordinary citizen woule j on any of the next five shn flights and perhaps notonan j the first 20, said F.dwardCar ion, a spokesman in Washing!j “They’re not going to putaj vilians on until we are comlV] able with the design changes J have been made,” he said. Lac ■ Fresh < Baylor Tv ttiry in tl As M’s La be playin enth-rank at 7:30 in ■ The La rently ma west, raisi l|-2 Wed Texas Te lier this s< feated SM I The La Western Auto , The Auto Supply Company 490 Windshield Washer Solvent Armor-All Protectant 4 oz. Limit 2. Gallon. Limit 2. 690 Lube, Oil & Filter Change Includes up to 5 quarts any Western Auto single or multi-weight oil, oil filter (74-5901 ser.), chassis lube and all la bor. Most U.S. cars. 823-1265 1901 S. Texas Bryan $10 88 M-F 8-8 Sat 8-6 Sun 9-6 Now Offering European Body Wrap ^Aboutou Student MetobeifS^I’ Official Tanning Center of the Miss Texas A&M Pagent The Original. Perfect Tan Po*t Oak Square, Harvey Roa! 764-2771 difzi < \^ r LCl't^ T LiXL£lj x ex \ DDEZOC-M-ro The Golden Rule Renting for the Spring Semester. 2 Bdrm., 2 Bath, furnished apartments. Locked storage, free laundry, bus UTILITIES & CABLE PAID!! Telephone connected. One deposit for all! Deposit earns 5% interest. $i 50./m6'.‘-share‘bedroom. 2 openings for females Call 693-5560 TODAY! Clean, quiet, 2 bdrm., 1 bath, walk to class. $180. 8c bills. 696-7266. 87t2/6 Close to TAMU. 2 bdrm., 1 bath, garage, fenced yard, central heat. 201 Dellwood, $375./mo. Call 696-4357. 85t2/l 7 Large one bedroom, furnished apartment. Close to campus. 846-3050. Hurry only one left! $225. plus util ity plan. 84tfn Preleasing Now! 2 & 3 bdrm duplexes near the Hilton 846-2471,776-6856. 83tufn 2 Bdrm., 1 bath duplex. W/D conn., $275./mo. $100./deposit. Near shutde bus. Call 696-1335. 86t2/4 U PRESENTS THE Gilligan’s Island 1 Arbor Square Party Room on Southwest Parkway* For More Information: 696-2685 Party Arb °'Squ i