Page SAThe Battalion/Tuesday, January 27, 1987 Problem Pregnancy? ^ Battalion Classifieds Nation honoring Challenger crew with memorials' e NOTICE GRADUATING MAY ’87 You MUST apply BY FEBRUARY 6th. Having a de gree check and having the fee assessed IS NOT an application for graduation. STEP 1: Make sure $15.00 diploma fee has been paid. STEP 2: Bring paid fee slip to RM 105 Heaton Hall to apply for graduation. STEP 3: Complete application forms in Heaton Hall. GRADUATE STUDENTS: Apply at Teague Bldg. INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 • FOR SALE Honda 1985 Interceptor, 2000 miles, perfect shape, i arelv i idden. $2000. Kvle, 764-88 11. 8111/27 COMPUT ER. MACINTOSH 512, excellent condition. (EXTRA) Univega 12-speed. Call 846-4232 before 8:30 AM. 83tl/30 FUTONS, FRAMES and BEDS. Mail order saves 50% off retail. Twin futon $58. For credit card orders or free brochure call The Futon Factory, 1-800-252-9146 ext. 1689. 82tl/27 1982 Yamaha Virago 750, like new, 5300 miles, $1498 negotiable. 764-2940. 81t2/6 ♦ FOR RENT mmmm Hunter’s Creek Stable - New management, excellent facilities, within College Station city limits. 693-6482, 696-1905. 77t2/10 • SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset TYPING: Accurate, 95 WPM, Reliable. Word Proc essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 84tl/27 Spring Break Hurry! Limited space available at these number one collegiate beach and ski destinations. South Padre Island, Daytona Beach, Steamboat Springs, Miami Beach/ Fort Lauderdale, Mustang Is land/ Port Aransas, Galveston Island and Fort Walton Beach. Call Sunchase Tours Central Spring Break Toil Free Hot. Line Today for information and reservations 1-800-321-5911! 83t2/20 Versatile Word Processing. Term Papers, Reports, Thesis, Resumes, Dissertations, Graphics. LASERW RITER QUALITY. Best Prices. Call 696-2052. 83t5/8 822-7321 ' Newly Remodeled Newly Redecorated Very Large 1 bedrooms from $200. 2 Bedroom, 2 Baths as low as $335. Many Leasing Specials Available! Pool On site staff Sun Deck Security Club Room Laundry Facilites Near Shuttle Large Closets 3200 Pinfeather Professionally managed by Chatham Enterprises 65t1/30 (AP) —- Fourteen-year-old Tami Quinn in Grants Pass, Ore., raised $6,000 for NASA. “Star Trek IV” audiences see a dedication to Chal lenger’s crew as the film opens. New Hampshire plans a planetarium to honor Christa McAuliffe. The international outpouring of grief that began last Jan. 28, when the space shuttle exploded, has been channeled into dozens of projects over the past year to remember the astronauts in song, scholarships, paintings and monuments. The largest is the Challenger Cen ter project taken on by the crew members’ families. They are trying to raise $50 mil lion for a space science teaching lab oratory in Washington and a re gional center in Houston, and to provide scholarships and sabbaticals for teachers to attend. About $250,000 had been raised by Jan. 6, and the families hope businesses will donate 10 percent of their sales on Wednesday’s anniversary. The Tennessee Education Asso ciation is sponsoring Tennessee Space Week this week, with lessons geared toward space. Television and radio stations in the state plan space quizzes and space-related news cov erage. The state also set up a teach ing scholarship. In another major effort, about $1.2 million has been collected for the Challenger astronauts’ 11 chil dren, aged 2 to 25. A month after the blast, children at Livingston Park Elementary School in North Brunswick, N.J., raised $400 for the fund through a bake sale. Tami Quinn raised $6,000 for NASA in the “Kids for Space” fund she established. WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 79t2/13 Typing/Word Processing. Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Papers - Dissertations. Call Diana. 764-2772. 79t2/13 ♦ FOR SALE HP-41CX, $170., plus programs, optical wand, solu tions manuals, at discount prices. 696-7642. 84tl/30 86 Honda Elite 250. 6 months old, 1,500 miles, black, $ 1,800. Cali Philip, 764-6591. 84t2/2 ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE! IBM-PC/XT COM PATIBLE: TWO 360KB DRIVES, 640KB-RAM, 8/4.77MHZ TURBQ, PHOENIX BIOS, KEYBOARD, MONITOR, SOFTWARE: $699. COMPUTERS, ETC. 693-7599. 83tl/29 Bike: 1986 Univega Supra-Sport 21" frame, excellent condition, inanv extra’s, $225. Pat. 696-0458. 82t 1/28 Dorm refrigerator, good condition. Cheap! Used two semesters. 764-7692 after 5. 82t 1/28 • HELP WANTED WANTED: HORTICULTURIST WITH EXPERIENCE IN FRUIT TREES AND BED PLANTS. $15.00 PER HOUR TO START. CONTACT: TEXAS RENAIS SANCE FESTIVAL, Rt. 2, Box 650, PLANTERSVILLE, TEXAS, 77363 or call 409-894-2516,713-356-2178 NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO LIVE IN OAK FOREST MOBILE HOME PARK A Few Lots Are Available Call Now ! 693-5206 301 KrenekTap Rd. College Station HELP! Tenants Needed! 2Y 2 blocks from campus 1 & 2 Bdrm efficiencies Cheap Rent! 260-9637 t to clean nursery school from 3:30 - 5:30. 846- 82tfn Preleasing Now! 2 & 3 bdrm duplexes near the Hilton 846-2417,776-6856. 83tufn Ten students needed to conduct brief telephone inter views and computer coding data Mondays thru Thurs days 6pm-9pm. Begin Febuary 2 thru March 15. Transportation needed. Contact Dept, of Rural Socio logy. Dr. Don Albrecht. $4.50/hr. 845-5332. 83tl/30 • PERSONALS Earn $480. weekly - $60. per hundred envelopes stuffed. Guaranteed. Homeworkers needed for com pany project stuffing envelopes and assembling materi als. Send stamped self addressed envelope to JBK Mail- company, P.O. Box 25-150, Castaic, California 91310. 79tl/30 Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 HELP!! Rudder Theatre Complex Needs Student Workers For Stagehand and Spotlight Work. To Apply Come To: Rudder Auditorium Wed. Jan.28 7 p.m COME SIGN UP! ogy, plans to exhibit l. is space me mentos in a museum to be opened next year and named a highway for him. The Soviet Union named craters on Venus for McAuliffe, the high school teacher who was to have been the first “ordinary” American in space, and Judith Resnik, the only other woman on the flight that ended in disaster little more than a minute after liftoff. The Paris-based International As tronomical Union named asteroids after all seven crewmembers. In Florida’s Brevard County, home of Cape Canaveral, schools have been named for McNair, McAuliffe and the “Challenger 7.” Auburn, Wash., where Richard Scobee grew up, has a Dick Scobee Elementary School and a Scobee scholarship fund. The municipal air port was renamed for him, and a Scobee mural hangs at his high school. In Akron, Ohio, Resnik’s Fire stone High School this month named a library addition for her and has established a scholarship fund in her name. Children in West Virginia col lected pennies for a statue of McAu liffe. And in Bath, N.Y., Haverling High School students raised $17,000 in their “Pennies for Space — Reb uild the Spirit” fund. They plan to ask the president where to send the money. In Winston-Salem, N.C., Jona than Pitts, 12, who wants to be an as tronaut, spearheaded a drive that raised money for a shuttle mock-up and scholarship. Ronald McNair’s family estab lished a scholarship foundation in South Carolina for disadvantaged students. The state inducted McNair into its Hall of Science and Technol- Hawaii’s tributes to native-son El lison Onizuka include a scholarship fund of more than $300,000. An ed ucational pavilion and museum are being built. An astronomy center and an island flower were named for him. The Sunnyvale Air Force Station outside San Francisco was renamed in Onizuka’s honor. In Beaufort, N.C., Michael Smith’s hometown, the airport where Smith learned to fly as a teen ager is now Michael J. Smith Field. Many scholarships and educatio nal awards have been named for McAuliffe. New Hampshire plans a planetarium in her honor, and the government of Japan sent the high school where she taught more than $112,000. John Denver, a church choir, a symphony composer and school chil dren have recorded music commem orating the crew. In Philadelphia, composer Christopher Rouse ded icated the first of six works com memorating the U.S. Constitution’s 200th anniversary to the astronauts. The shuttle exploded as he was com posing a section about Zeus, the Greek god, knocking a runaway chariot out of the sky with a thun derbolt. Reagan’s speeches show rosy view of U.S. Large one bedroom, furnished apartment. Close to campus. 846-3050. Hurry only one left! $225. plus util ity plan. 84tfn WASHINGTON (AP) — In 1982, President Reagan talked of “an era of American renewal.” In 1983, the nation was “on the mend.” In 1984, the country was “back, standing tall,” in 1985 “poised for greatness” and in 1986 “on the move.” And in 1987? In five State of the Union mes sages, Reagan has painted portraits of an America as confident and buoyant as the image he presents when he steps to the rostrum in the high-ceilinged chamber of the House of Representatives. Sublease large one bedroom apartment - $280./mo. for spring semester. Cripple Creek Condominiums. Julia, 693-1607. 81tl/28 One/T wo Bedroom apis. Fm uished/Unfin nished. neai universitv. $18()./up. 779-3700. 83tl/29 Walking distance to campus and only $230. 2 Bdrm., 1 Bath, newly painted with carpet. 508 Wellborn Rd. 846-9077. 78tl/30 SUMMER IN EUROPE. $279. Lowest scheduled fares to all of Europe from Dallas. Call 1-800-396-2222. 79tl/27 Tonight, however, as he goes be fore the lawmakers again, he faces — for the first time — a Congress dominated in both houses by Demo crats poised to launch major investi gations of alleged misdeeds by his administration. Aides say Reagan will deal only briefly in the speech with the crisis brought on by secret arms sales to Iran and the diversion of some of the profits to aid anti-communist re bels in Nicaragua. Some in Congress, however, say this could be the most important part of the speech, arguing that the president must assume more re- we listen, we care, we help Free pregnancy tests concerned counselors Rush for tax breaks pushes home sales to record high Brazos Valley Crisis Pregnancy Service We’re local! 1301 Memorial Dr. 24 hr. Hotline 823-CARE MiniiiiiiniiiimiiinniHHiiiiinnniiiniiia AAMCO TRANSMISSIONS ♦ KINK0S PROFESSOR PUBLISHING SAVES MY STUDENTS TIME AND MONEY sponsibility for what went awry in his foreign policy. Reagan has denied that the arms sales were a swap for the release of hostages and has said he knew noth ing of the diversion of funds to the rebels he has often acclaimed as “freedom fighters.” Both the House and the Senate have created special committees to look into these contentions and other aspects of what is called the Iran-Contra affair. Much of Reagan’s speech will out line his legislative agenda, following the constitutional command to re port to the lawmakers and “recom mend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.” Among these measures are ex pected to be proposals to overhaul the welfare system and the federal budget process. Both are familiar Reagan themes, which he has pushed with mixed success in pre vious State of the Union messages. This year’s speech will mark the president’s first major personal ap pearance since his Jan. 5 surgery for an enlarged prostate. Doctors say his recovery, expected to take six weeks, is proceeding satisfactorily. WASHINGTON (AP) — A rush to take advantage of expiring tax breaks helped push sales of existing homes to an all-time monthly high in December, closing out the best year for home resales since 1979, a real estate trade group said Monday. The National Association of Real tors said existing single-family homes were sold at a seasonally ad justed annual rate of 4.17 million units last month, 6.6 percent higher than November and the highest monthly sales pace on record. Analysts attributed the big surge to unusually warm December weather and a rush by some home- owners to sell while their profits would still be taxed at favorable capi tal gain rates before the new tax law took effect on Jan. 1. “This change was particularly im portant to sellers of higher-priced properties who wanted to take their capital gains under the old tax rules,” association economist Glenn Crellin said. For all of 1986, sales of existing homes totaled 3.57 million units, 10.9 percent higher than 1985 and the best annual sales total since 1979, when 3.83 million existing homes were sold. Analysts attributed the strength last year to a dramatic drop in mort gage rates, which fell below double digits for the first time this decade. Currently, fixed-rate mortgages are averaging 9.1 percent, the lowest level since January 1978, according to a weekly survey by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. A belief that mortgage rates will hold at this level or decline even more in coming months is leading economists to forecast that sales of both newly built and existing single family homes will rise even higher in 1987. Sales of new homes for 1986 are expected to top 700,000 units when December figures are released early next month. Let Kinko’s help organize and distribute your supplementary class materials this term. kinko'S’ Great copies. Great people. 201 College Main 846-8721 Specializing in STANDARD and AUTOMATIC trans missions, CLUTCH, Phot || A Dud llexas? Si H-ocery st adjustments, and replacements (Both foreign and domest: 1 ' m Hie st< times, but ■i gat he |«d of the ■ What < Customer: they shoj or shoot a jS The ct founded rrek ope rdllllllllUlllllllllllllllllUlltlllUlUK and offici Smetana. 1215 Tx. Ave. I (at the bend in Tx. Ave Bryan 779-2626 ! Under New Ownersfii: Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 post offic as postms jl Sramel ter the IMoser, Bt Hosed so Oppressiv S Otic song: YESTERDAYS ipto a nat i His stc town for into a na DART TOURNAMENT Blind Draw Doubles Mondays 8:00 pm House Dress Code near Lubys 846-2625 (fcmiinm ■ Srame fete 180( Collar ADeal! Shirts laundered at “‘‘R each, when youbri this coupon to our location just ofl l'nivtiw College Station Cleaners University Drive East Oiac:t yea I hi 19‘ Mpok ovei Hew Sme Original. Blaster - Hie new s dee of thi 1 gi andsoi while we chemistr completi taught at Realizi tana Grc assumed College Station Cleaners offers the professional garment care you expect for your clothes. ( Reg. S 1.10 ea.) 505 University Drive East 8-46-i3(>* College Station ONE HOUR SERVICE AVAILABLE) Cieanersi great-gn 'I After years, Bi Davis, B tary, dec more eff ;i In 19 idc‘as foi Davis sti people f< FARMERS MAREE Rich Boy Sandwich, your choice of chips & medium drink $2 29 Northgate plus tax 1846-6428 Deliver Denver You dovft need to be rich to rent here... One Bedrooms From $270 Two Bedrooms From $360 • Spacious Floorplans • Central A/C & Heating • Ceiling Fans • Swimming Pool • Pets Allowed • 24 Hour Emergency • Shuttle Bus Line FREE B&W TV IF YOU LEASE BY JAN. Two Bedroom Special Pay 1 /2 rent on 1 st & 3rd Full Month LPC FRENCH QUARTERS 601 N. Cross, College Station 846-8981