Friday, December 12, 1986/The Battalion/Page 7 'Warped e -HEiLO, os TOPAK^ mem 'fOE GOING TO 5/iQW you FOR LAST- MINUTE. ter/^-papek waiting, first,take. mass ^ MATERIALS ANP- light-hearted (j| which the audit to participate] ristmas carols, ■n of Rice Clotii School of | d soloists V 1 Francis Bill e BVSO for Dei I lisclie Elve," he Orchestra;y\/Q | (jO Iter the conceit i’ ■ “Music for lit for adults, Si senior citizen! en under 13.It at the I any other Tick by Scott McCullor MME Is#* V,! IT'S STILL I busy; i'll never 1 BE ABLE TO REGISTER! ) asked not to t, manager ol it Center • Ixrn stronz the sale tents has bee lid a great t ir sales coon by Kevin Thomas iscarded Christmas trees sought for needy families A&M professor spreads Christmas cheer By Lydia Berzsenyi Reporter e shirt des r ggies’ return!: lired. Phrases suet pur id re we corner orth” with apt Noi all Santa Clauses are white- chubby old men who waddle hd saying, “Ho! Ho! Ho!” One local Kris Kringle disguises ihstTi as a 6-foot-2, red-mous- >wl nexttoi ,:Bd sociology professor, deter- the clothing ned to increase the social aware- m stands if, tesstof today’s youth. , RodnevHi IDr. Larry Stern, an assistant socio- izingontk::'.iy pmlcssiu at I c\as AK-M, has te Univerap reanized several major projects to k who paintMilinj} yuletide cheer to the less fortu- of all Aggies. Bffmembers of the liryan-College view during Itatioii community. Ihanksgr 1 to the Aggif licturesabd ach crawlint 3n’t Trash Your Tree” is the tto of Stern’s version of saving retinas leftovers. t year Stern asked students to iting their Christmas trees to Dun- Aggie Bi alField at the end of the semester, id the design HI and several of his more ded- fessor in tit Wed students then took the trees to rent, said tl pn City Mission Inc., which gave e campusbiptrees to families who could not Iso is being! ffortl their own. building nil |Stei n collected only 15 to 20 trees olarship funi I 1 year, but he said poor advertis- im Deiningt! b of the project was the major or and wlio Wem. automobile! He hopes to increase that number rere are two p year by collecting not only from out this wwifflmpus students but also from e “cockroach H in major apartment com- jexes, he said. Stern said all campus residents are L Jicouraged to bring their trees to Itjfjplebai k — or northeast corner — of Ban Field. Other students wish- I to donate trees should place . u , . , im in a central location within J ol,he£f rcom P ,ex ’ hesaid - e officials oB retail value:® Stern said the best method of mustering publicity for the project would be for someone in each com plex to post fliers, then call Stern at 845-0812 to tell him the location. He asked, however, that only one per son from each complex call him so his office won’t be swamped with phone calls. He said he also is searching for volunteers with trucks to take the “Many people believe that they can do nothing to make the world better. But even a little thing like this can make a differ ence. ” — Dr. Larry Stern, A&M assistant professor trees to the mission. Anyone wishing to donate time should contact Stern. “Many people believe that they can do nothing to make the world better,” he said. “But even a little thing like this can make a differen ce.” Stern said the project is aimed at raising the student body’s sense of social awareness. “I want people to know that they can help without hurting,” he said. Another project aimed at social awareness is Stern’s annual Christmas fund-raising campaign. This year he’s collected $425 from students in his sociology classes and several ex-students, he said, as well as from the members of Company G-2 of the Corps of Cadets, for which he is an academic adviser. Stern said his campaign has an ad vantage over its competitors: the do nors get to help spend their money. Any student who pitched in a dol lar to the cause was invited to meet him at the Kay-Bee Toy & Hobby Shop Inc. in Post Oak Mall. The col lection then was divided and each student received a sum with which to buy a toy. After two hours of shop ping, 55 participants bought 177 items, spending $399. “The students got so much fun out of it,” Stern said. “Almost as much as the kids will have.” The remaining money was do nated to the Bryan-College Station Eagle’s Cheer Fund, and Stern said he still is accepting donations. “If we all help a little, collectively we can do a lot,” he said. Stern said he wants to start a new Aggie tradition ^— giving. “I simply want to raise people’s so cial awareness for things they believe in,” Stern said. “I’m not opposed to any cause,” he said. “I just want people to know that everyone can do something.” Stern said he would like to start a “floating fund” through his classes or through the sociology depart ment. “With a floating fund, we can take $50 to relief workers in Mexico, or we can sponsor a child overseas,” he said.” Stern said many people are reluc tant to give because they can’t see the results of their contribution. “I don’t agree with that,” he said. 1 (he robber jii for Vaswaroul came up hiswani) thoii'I ick and saidjl to the store ail r it up and [fI larnessaid. I is a francfel ased Carlin I How to carry a full load when school^ out. >re Let Greyhound’ carry it. Just pack your stuff in a box and ship everything ahead at the perfect price — collect. 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Over the last ten years, I’ve seen millions of people from many races, cultures and tongues respond to the life-changing message of Christ through the ministry of Christian music. Are you a singer or an instrumentalist with a call to missions and a commitment to excellence in your life? Do you desire to use your musical and technical skills to share the love of Christ with a hurting world? If so, read on. CELEBRANT SINGERS, an inter denominational Spirit-filled music ministry, has immediate openings* for short - term (summer) team members. As a CELEBRANT, unique ministry oppor tunities are open to you across North America and around the world. CELEBRANT SINGERS is musical excellence ... ten singers with a twelve-piece orchestra ... praise and worship .. . i I hi 11 il l 14h i i; l l international missions ministry ... prayer ... personal counseling ... not “just another music group” — a team of spiritual workers who know the call of God and mean business with the gospel. From Calcutta’s bustee slums, to war-torn Iran and Northern Ireland, throughout Europe, troubled Central America, the Caribbean, and across North America, we’ve seen thousands of lives forever changed by the gospel of Christ. Now we’re “enlarging our tent” — adding more workers to reap a ready harvest. For more information on how you can be involved in a summer ministry experience that will change your life, call toH free U.S. (800) 321-2500, CA (800) 344-2500, CANADA (209) 627-4000, or write today! An Outreach of Stone Ministries. Inc. Post Office Box 1416 • Visalia. CA 93279 • (209) 627-4000 ’Immediate shod-term and limited full-time openings for vocalists, brass, woodwinds, stnngs. rhythm technicians, and signers for the hearing impaired on teams ministering throughout the U S Iceland, Eastern Europe, and Latin Amenca Auditions on Campus - Tonight! Fri., Dec. 12 - 8-10 pm Rudder Tower 504 Come view a short film - Free Information