The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 12, 1986, Image 12
Page 12/The Battalion/Friday, December 12,1986 Battalion Classifieds • WANTED $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 FEVER STUDY We need to test 4 new thermometers. If you have a temperature over 100°, and have taken no pain medication (aspirin or tylenol), and could use $100 for a short visit call us at 776-6236. $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Wanted patients with very mild asthma, ex-asthmatics, patients with cough or occasional weasing or short ness of breath, even with exercise. To participate Jan. 3 - Jan. 19. $200. incentive for those chosen to partici pate. Call 776-6236. $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Patients with “acute diarrhea" (less than 48 hours duration) needed to evaluate potential over-the-counter medication for diarrhea. Volunteers will be paid for time and cooper ation. G & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 FOR RENT INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 _ ♦ FOR RENT Duplex 1711 A Trinity PI. * 2 Bdrm., 1 Ya Bath * Fenced Back Yard * Garage * $350./mo. Call Bill at 693-5177 after 5 p.m. 2nd Semester Private Room - Dorm Plan 2 Persons Per Apt. All Bills Paid / Furnished $170./Per Month Per Person Casa Blanca 4110 College Main/846-1413 close to campus-quiet-convienient 822-7321 Newly Remodeled Newly Redecorated Very Large 1 bedrooms from $200. 2 Bedroom, 2 Baths as low as $335. Many Leasing Specials Available! Pool On site staff Sun Deck Security Club Room Laundry Facilites Near Shuttle Large Closets 3200 Pinfeather Professionally managed by Chatham Enterprises 65t1/30 Bargain at $225.2 Bdrm. apart ment in 4-plex, Bryan. W/D con nection, dishwasher, disposal, near shuttle, 1.7 miles from cam pus, no dogs. 693-7761 or 775-5270. SPECIAL! Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm.: $150. / 2 Bdrm.: $175. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. 4911M 4 Older 1 Bdrm. cottage with yard Sc carport. $175. per month or $500. per semester. Cottage will be available after Jan 1st. To make an appointment to see it please call 512-658-1847 between Dec. 20th & Jan 1st. 73tl2/17 Spacious duplex - 2 bdrm., 1 bath, fenced yard, $325. Call 764-6892. 73U2/17 2nd Semester Special! 2 Bdrm. apt $245./mo. Available Now & Dec. 15 Casa Blanca Apts. 846-1413 A&M students townhouse, 4 blocks from campus, 2 bdrm. plus loft room, 2 bath, $400./mo. 713/440-0264. 73tl2/17 APARTMENT TO SUBLEASE: TWO BEDROOMS, 1V& BATHS, WASHER AND DRYER, VERY SPA CIOUS. $340./mo. Call 696-8782. 73tl2/12 Duplex, 1 Bdrm., partially furnished, walk to campus, $ 170./mo. 696-0350. 70t 12/15 House - nice 3 bdrm., 2 bath, LR, den, garage, fenced, pets. Near campus. $495. 696-6657. 7 lt!2/16 House - large 3 bdrm.,LR, den, garage, fenced, pets. 5 minutes from campus. $450. 696-6657. 71tl2/16 Room in older home with 3 other female students. Fur nished. W/D, $175./mo. In cludes utilities. South edge of campus within sight of Presi dent’s home and Duncan Hall. Call Laura at 696-8643 after 5 p.m. • FOR LEASE ♦ FOR SALE SILVER, ETC. SHOWING Sterling Silver Jewelry Megaphone, Heart, Texas, Bows & Bear Dangle Rings Necklaces, Bracelets, Rings, Earrings, Chains Puffed Hearts (all sizes & kinds) Also Animal Charms or Pins Check our Prices! Fri., Sat., Sun. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 3702 So. College (Hank’s Laundry Building) Why Pay Rent When You Can Buy a Used 10’x 42’ trailer home! Neat, Clean, and Reasonable. Call 589-3096 after 6 p.m. Or Weekends $3,500. 72112/17 • NOTICE INCREDIBLE INFORMATION!!! Earn up to $600 per week & drive a new mercedes without cost. Cali 615/292-6900 ext. M161. 72t 12/15 DEFENSIVE DRIVING, TICKET DISMISSAL, YOU’LL LOVE OUR FUN CLASS! 693-1322.35tl2/17 ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE! IBM—PC/XT COM PATIBLE: TWO 360KB DRIVES, 640KB—RAM, 8/4.77MHZ TURBO, PHOENIX BIOS, KEYBOARD, MONITOR, SOFTWARE: $649. COMPUTERS, ETC. 693-7599. 73U2/17 SERVICES 1985 Honda Elite-150 Deluxe, red, 4,000 miles, excel lent condition, $ 1,100. Phone 764-0744. 73tl2/15 Aggie Senior Boots for sale. Size 12. $225. Call Ted, 822-3629. 67tl2/17 Sharp t.v. 13”. Excellent condition. $200. or best offer. 693-5861 after 5:30 p.m. 7D12/12 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes Typing and copying at one stop On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset Honda Spree scooter ’86. $400. 696-7243. Call before 10 a.m., after 9 p.m. 71tl2/16 SI l 1)1 N ! 1 YIMNC. - 20 ^ 1 ARS experience, last. •kt in ale. i casonablc, gnai antt*e«l. 693-8537. 4 1112/17 Country Living. 14’x 60’. *77 Sandepoint. 2 Bdrm., 1 bath, on wooded, acre, rented lot. 10 minutes from Vet. School. Good condition. 690-0421. 66t 12/17 Rangoon red ’65 Mustang. 14.000 miles on rebuilt V8- 289 motor. Call 846-7856 evenings. 69tl2/12 New Louis Vuitton purse. Paid $230., sell for $125. Great Christmas Gift! 696-1422. 70tl2/15 1982 Chevrolet Citation, good condition. $2500. Furni ture, good condition, must sell. Prices negotiable. 696- 2114, or 845-3122 7-12 p.m. 72tl2/17 ’86 Honda Spree, red, low mileage, 4 months old. $400. Call 764-2755. 72tl2/17 TRAVEL Spring Break ’87. Beach and ski breaks available now! South Padre Island, Daytona Beach, Steamboat Springs, Miami Beach/Fort Lauderdale, Mustang Is land/Port Aiansas, Galveston Island and Fort Walton Beach. Call Sunchase Tours Central Spring Break toll free hot line today for information and reservations, 1- 800-321-5911. 64tl2/12 ♦ HELP WANTED mm ROOMS, $135., $185., $235. House. Southwood Val ley, furnished, plus bills approx. $25. 693-0939. 72U2/17 TROPICAL BEACH SUMMER JOB’S Resort Job’s Unlimited is now seeking applicants to work in tropical beach resort’s for next summer, in the hotel and restaurant industry. There will be 3,000 + jobs available in places like: Florida, U.S. Virgin Islands, Hawaii, South Carolina, Grand Cayman and manymore. We need your response now to reserve your job for the sum mer months. Buddy plans available. Call 303-969-8210 P.O. Box 28061, #16 Lakewood, Colorado 80228 The Houston Chronicle Has immediate openings for holi day season & spring route car riers. Carrier positions require working early morning hours deliv ering papers and can earn $400. to $600. per month plus gas allow ance. Call Andy at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment. Trailer, nice 1 Bdrm., $150. per month. 301 Krenek Tap #90. Call collect, 409/245-1734 days, 409/245- 9658 nights. 72tl2/17 Duplex; one vacancy in a 3 bedroom duplex. $125./mo. 846-8261. 7U12/16 Sublet large efficiency, 550 sq. ft. $228./mo. No de posit. Ceiling fan, newly remodeled. 693-1653. 67tl2/17 OUTDOOR TRIP LEADERS WANTED to lead day and week end adventure trips. Outdoor skills, first aid certification re quired. For more information call Patsy Greiner, 845-7826. 69112/17 Condo - Fireplace, 2 bdrm., 2 bath, private, backyard, w/d conn., clng. fan, 696-9262 after 5 p.m. 65tl2/15 Male dancer wanted immediately. Good pay. No expe rience necessary. Call 778-0303. 72tl2/l7 Duplex neai campus. Jan - May oi future lease. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, fenced yard. No pets. $250. rent. $150. deposit. Call 846-127 4. leave message. 67tl2/17 Babysitter needed spring semester in my home. Two or more mornings/week. $3.00/hour. 846-3484. 72tl2/l7 Part time help. Grapevine Restaurant. Call 696-3411. 7D12/17 Preleasing for Spring. Near Hilton. 2/3 bedroom du plexes. 846-247 1 or 693-1627. 50t 12/17 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, like new. Parkway Circle Apts. Call Scott or Chris, 693-6404. 71112/17 Engineering/Drafting layout person, CE or ME, Jr/Sr. At least 1 yr. until graduation. Don, Bob, or Rocky, Vertex Equipment. 775-3676. 7D12/16 TOTAL MOVE IN $40.00 No Rent Until January ’87 On A 9 Month or 1 Year Lease! Plus, 15 sessions at Total Tan paid for by Country Place Apts. Only 8 Blocks From Campus! country place 3902 College Main 846-0515 a compass management property 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS List $16,040 - $59,230/yr. Now Hiring. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9531. 34U2/16 ♦ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OWN YOUR OWN...turn key business...Distribute Frito-Lay and similar snack food products through ac counts set up for you by the company. No selling. Cen sus of industry figures shows average monthly profit of $ 1557.67 on minimum cash investment of $ 15,000. Ex pansion is automatic through company participation if you are selected. No special vehicle needed. Write New American, P.O. Box 360247, Birmingham, Alabama 35236 or call toll-free 1-800-231-0563. Ask for opera tor 4-S. 73tl2/12 ROOMMATE WANTED Female roommate needed for spring to share beautiful studio apartment in Southwood Valley. $ 140.50/mo. 764-7244. 73tl2/12 Female roommate wanted. House, North Bryan. 778- 0497 or 779-2050 after 5:30. 7It 12/16 2 Bdrm., 2 Bath, furnished. $202./mo., near campus. Very nice. Tim, 764-8055. 72tl2/16 $140./month. 4 bdrm/3 bath across street from cam pus. 200 Montclair. Please call, 693-0276. 72tl2/17 Room in house. Near campus. $160./mo. Bills paid. Male. 696-3884. 72U2/17 LOST AND FOUND INY ADS. BUT REAL HEAVYWEIGHTS WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT. o matter what you've go to say or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job. Call Battalioti Classified 845-2611 Lost Yellow Cat. University Oaks and Munson area. (Large Kitten) 693-8882. 69tl2/12 Press group urges S. Africa to repea censorship rules La WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 69112/15 LONDON (AP) — The Interna tional Press Institute said Thursday it was appalled by the censorship regulations introduced in South Af rica and said they would reduce the nation to a police state. It also protested the expulsion from South Africa of Los Angeles Times correspondent Michael Parks. A government announcement Tues day said Parks’ work permit was not being renewed and he had been told to leave by Dec. 31. IPI director Peter Galliner said in a message to President P.W. Botha: “The International Press Insti tute, representing leading journal ists, editors and publishers tjirough- out the world, is appalled at the unprecedented new censorship mea sures under which both the local and foreign press is forbidden to report in advance on ‘unrest,’ a very broadly defined concept. “These restrictions, which go sig nificantly further than the severe press curbs already in force (since June 12) under the state of emer gency, will effectively reduce South Africa to a police state. The institute, with offices ill in end Censorship! nothing new! Typing and Word Processing. Thesis, Dissertations, Reports. Reasonable Rates. 693-1598. 62tl2/12 Typing/Word Processing. Fast, Accurate. Guaranteed. Papers - Dissertations. Call Diana, 764-2772. 66t 12/17 TYPING BY WANDA. Any kind, any length Rea sonable rates. 690-1113. 67tl2/17 “They are an affront to human rights and a disgrace to the free world to which, with increasing im- plausibility, you claim South Africa belongs. “The IPI strongly urges you to abandon these des|>erate measures before objectivity and truth disap pear entirely from the pages of the South African press.” The new regulations came into force Thursday. They require journalists to get of ficial approval before reporting on most peaceful actions against apart heid as well as violent unrest. Galliner also said he sent messages to Botha and Home Affairs Minister J.C.G. Botha concerning the expul sion of Parks. “We understand that no reason has been given for this decision and we urge you to reconsider the case and allow Mr. Parks to remain in South Africa and to continue his work without further harassment," Galliner said in his messages. don and Zurich, is an indepe organization of nearly 2,(H)0r.i|-:. ] lishers and editors in moretkll countries, dedicated to the (it-lE of press freedom. H .\ s if ■gongh to Hd, (tie Basketball kssic wo jment to I »te-Lony B-ee lean Bed for for Israelis #5,^ Big 2-3 A The Dir III \ \ l \ . Israel (AP)- llong series journalists in South Africa ait; metiis hos tending with expanded c®«|&)puses r restraints for the first time Lady Aggie local and foreign reporteri’iat6:0() agai have had to submit to the be folio censor’s blue pencil. Bfech vers Sui rounded by hostile Ar/iRayoibac ks and having fought five waniM^ontana its years of existence, Ismjstniggled if c ensorship essential tostatescJturns sever The military censorship jlast year’s back to 1945 emergencyrejuffleacling scoi issued by the British in Paitsa^Bior forw; pievent publication of repoffli^A & M I fi-sM'di uin In giiniiid i,0'.upsi(Bkey u w ing British authorities. end scompt 1 he army distributesapei will give he list of subjects that must: ■fieagainst milted to die censors before;’■This is i photographs are publishu The list is expanded pen include some specificnevs The permanent subject: military activity of anv son deaths, weapons sales a chases, nuclear research or oil purchases and immiei Jews from enemy countries The |>eikxlic additions such events as (he 1981 Ethiopian Jews. The censors are resp t hei king the reports of Israi reporters, 350 resident for respondents and an annu visiting journalists. The censor passing. Hit with a Hickey sai hasn t startc yeai but the Hh we ge |ave (2-4) A State Long enth in the Filipino communists ban on weapo ent willlbe really Hut’s abou well We’re Bb” ; Hickey sail ■ Lady Aj ■l to the t ^was surp as was | :e. pencil is alkipThey (ten ^called th tey were sh We die defy SAN JUAN, Philippines (AP) — Communist rebels on Thursday de fied a ban on display of weapons and brandished M-16s and AK-47s in a march with supporters. The chief of staff called the bra zenness a provocation that could en danger a day-old truce. About 50 New People’s Army guerrillas carrying U.S. and Soviet assault rifles joined a march in this village on the Bataan peninsula 25 miles west of Manila. The march was called in support of the 60-day cease-fire that took ef fect Wednesday. Many of San Juan’s residents sho wered the insurgents with confetti and chanted, “Long Live the NPA!” Government officials in Manila said Thursday there were no reports of clashes between rebel and military forces since the truce began. The rebels marched alongside two officials of the Communist-domi nated National Democratic Front, Satur Ocampo and his wife Carolina Malay-Ocampo, to a makeshift bam boo stage. The two led a crowd of about 2,000 in singing the “Internation ale,” the communist anthem. Rebel officials, immune from ar rest for political activities under terms of the cease-fire, invited for eign and Filipino reporters from Ma nila to watch the rally. “This is an opportunity lo the government and (Armed Forces of the PI that the NPA is lovedbytht Ocampo told the crowd. The demonstration wasoj to intensify the dispuiebew government and the Nationi ocratic Front over the issued rilla arms-bearing. Maj. J oseph Cabato, i spokesman at nearby Camp said troops were sent to Sanj^ disarm the insurgentsbut ter the rebels had left. He termed the incident a of i he cease-fire agreement In Manila, Chief of StafK<s| del V. Ramos denouncedtlie as a provocation and accused" bels of frightening civilians But he stopped short o( the incident a cease-lirev Where and underwhaltt rebels may carry weapons the principal unresolved truce. The two sides announetd day they had agreed bels would steer clear of "py centers.” But they have been fine what constitutes a “poi* 5 center.” Attei Junk 76-year-old retiree debris as elf at parking garage CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Con cord’s parking elf, captured after a nationwide search, made his debut at the downtown garage Thursday, frustrated by the computerized me ter system he was hired to make “user friendly” for the holidays. “It’s flawed,” said Charlie Bon- jorno, a 76-year-old retired barber who answered Concord’s call for someone to wear the elf suit. “You only get 20 seconds’ time when you’re supposed to remember where you parked your car, have your change ready and push the numbers,” Bonjorno said. “If you’re slow . . . that’s it, you’ve lost your money.” Parking in the garage dropped from 100 percent to almost nothing when a computerized meter requir ing a good memory and quick fin gers was installed this year, said Ken Lurvey, the city’s director of eco nomic development. “People got confused, they got ticketed and they got frustrated,” he said. “It’s far from user-friendly.” Parking tickets had prompted a steady flow of letters to the editor and complaints to police and city of ficials. So the city agreed to I ing attendant as part of an* ing campaign to boost do* shopping, but couldn't find s willing or able to wear the^ costume required for the S 1 ’ hour job. When the city went pubfe’] holiday plight, aspiring el J all over the country ansnj plea, hut Bonjorno, a I fornian who moved to 1 three years ago, won out. “I’m helping out theciiy J ting some money to buy ft j presents for my children and 1 children,” he said. “I try to kj pie and hopefully the o |, | enough publicity that they'll to pay my wages and business out of this parking:-' As ai rnembe Union, designe * Visa 16.9 ( • Gua inten cadet mont years Why get som us, and quality 800-247 The meter is outside, degree temperaturedidni/;| affect the elf’s sense of huiw'j At a news conference k : he said he should have wf\ better deal. “1 should've charged tkf I centage (of parking revtf j stead of a flat rate,” hesaid