The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 11, 1986, Image 9

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Thursday, December 11,1986^The^Battalion/Page 9
World and Nation
.S. officials confirm Honduran
airstrikes in Nicaraguan territory
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WASHINGTON (AP) — Reagan administra
tion officials confirmed Wednesday that Hondu-
Vanjets struck targets inside Nicaraguan territory
Bast weekend.
But they denied charges by Nicaraguan Presi-
Jent Daniel Ortega that Honduras carried out
jthe raids at the request of the United States.
The Los Angeles Times quoted sources in
londuras on Wednesday as saying U.S. officials
vere not told the Hondurans planned to attack
aositions inside Nicaragua and that the Ameri
cans were distressed to learn of the bombing
But U.S. officials, who asked not to be identi-
fied, said the administration had not taken a po
sition on the propriety of the Honduran action.
The Honduran government denied again
Wednesday that it had undertaken any raids in-
kide Nicaragua, but Sandinista military officials
showed reporters craters and shrapnel in the
town of Wiwili that they attributed to Honduran
bombing runs.
The Sandinistas said that the air strikes left
seven soldiers killed and 12 wounded. The town
is about 16 miles from the border. Nicaragua said
an army post at Murra, 11 miles northwest of Wi
wili, also was attacked.
The raids apparently were in response to re
cent border crossings by Nicaraguan troops into
Honduran territory.
An administration official said U.S. intelli
gence agencies had confirmed the cross-border
attacks, but added he did not know what damage
had been inflicted.
Meanwhile, another U.S. official described as
exaggerated a report that the Honduran govern
ment has reached an understanding with Nicara
guan rebels that they would withdraw from Hon
duran territory by next spring.
The reports said the rebels had pledged to
Honduras they would carry out their fight
against the Sandinistas from Nicaraguan terri
tory. Rebel use of Honduran territory has been a
sore point with that government for years.
Asked about the report, State Department
deputy spokeswoman Phyllis Oakley said, “It is
the view of the United States that the Nicaraguan
resistance belongs in Nicaragua. The govern
ment of Honduras has expressed similar views
and we are aware of them.”
She denied reports that the United States and
the Honduran government had reached
agreement on a rebel withdrawal from Hondu
ran territory.
The Miami Herald quoted unnamed Hondu
ran officials as saying that the U.S. ambassador in
Tegucigalpa, Everett Briggs, told them that with
$100 million in new U.S. aid, the rebels will be
moving into Nicaragua as early as April or May.
A U.S. official in Washington said the new as
sistance should help the rebels to carry out their
struggle from Nicaraguan territory.
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of OPEC '
HOUSTON (AP) — The na
tion’s increased dependence on
foreign oil, combined with the
! shrinking of the domestic oil in
dustry, is laying the foundation
| for another oil crisis in the United
I States, the president of Occiden-
I tal Petroleum, Corp. said
1 Wednesday.
“Have you heard this before,
I 1979 maybe?” Ray R. Irani said at
I a Houston oil and gas sympo-
I sium. “It’s very disconcerting that
I as soon as oil became cheap we
I again conveniently forgot about
I energy independence.”
Irani predicted the Organiza-
I tion of Petroleum Exporting
I Countries would assume com
plete control over oil prices by the
mid 1990s because of the shrink
ing energy industry and growing
demand in the United States to
OPEC market share is up 20
percent in the past year alone, he
Irani said OPEC’s dominance
also will be aided by Communist-
| bloc countries who will buy more
i Mideast oil, making it a powerful
geopolitical weapon.
NOW study lists Washington
as best women’s rights state
Group releases guide explaining state laws
ington ranks best and South Caro
lina worst when it comes to legal
rights for women, the National Or
ganization for Women said Wednes
day when it released a state-by-state
comparison of laws affecting
A “chronicle of sweeping legai
revolution” is the way NOW de
scribes its 523-page “State-By-State
Guide to Women’s Legal Rights,”
written by the NOW Legal Defense
and Education Fund and Renee
The book reviews laws on mar
riage, divorce, domestic violence, in
heritance rights, reproductive
rights, unmarried couples, equal
pay, fair employment, credit, hous
ing, insurance and public accomoda
tions for each state, and gives the
state code citation for each law.
“We want women to be informed
consumers of their legal rights and
remedies — especially when they
come face-to-face with writing a will,
buying a house, starting school, get
ting married or divorced,” said Rox
anne Conlin, president of NOW-
Until the mid-1960s, the book
says, it was illegal to prescribe, sell or
use contraceptives in many states. In
1970 “there was no such thing as a
shelter for battered women,” it says.
It wasn’t until 1972 that “Con
gress officially recognized that sex
discrimination existed in the schools
“We want women to be in
formed consumers of
their legal rights and re
medies. ”
— Roxanne Conlin, presi
dent of NO W-LDEF
and passed laws designed to remedy
these deep-seated practices,” NOW
says. A year later the Supreme Court
legalized abortion.
Other changes over the past 20
years include the availability of no
fault divorce in all states, the emer
gence of joint custody arrangements
and the increasing consideration of
children’s rights, the book says.
In addition, it says, some states
now consider marital rape a crime
and many have passed laws guar
anteeing women fair treatment in
the marketplace.
Marsha Levick, legal director of
the NOW fund, said, “There has
been tremendous progress in the
area of home and family, but the le
gal gains have not yet been trans
lated into economic gains.”
In rankings based on the book,
Washington topped the list with,
among other things, a state equal
rights amendment, pay equity policy
for state employees, equal pay and
equal employment laws, state abor
tion funding, a model law on enforc
ing child support payments, laws
benefitting displaced homemakers
and abused spouses, divorce laws
that permit joint child custody and
require equal distribution of prop
erty and laws against discrimination
in credit, housing and public acco
Massachusetts and New York
ranked second and third. Bringing
up the rear were Georgia, Missis
sippi, Alabama and South Carolina,
with South Carolina at the bottom.
South Carolina, among other
things, does not have a state ERA,
the survey found.
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Official says dissident died of illness
was on hunger strike
MOSCOW (AP) — A Soviet offi-
Cial said Wednesday the death of im
prisoned dissident Anatoly Mar-
Ichenko was caused by a cerebral
hemorrhage after a long illness. His
wife said he had been on a pro-
liscovcrfd't B) n g ec j hunger strike.
of an i»
, so bf §
well, La 0
Foreign Ministry spokesman Bo
ris Pyadyshev read a two-sentence
statement in response to questions at
a news conference marking Interna
tional Human Rights Day. It said
Marchenko died in a hospital, but it
gave no date or other details.
1 The human rights activist had
spent 20 of his 48 years in prison or
internal exile.
1 During the rest of the news con
ference, officials called dissident An
drei Sakharov a criminal and con
demned alleged human rights
Isolations in other countries, but
they sidestepped or refused to an
swer most questions about the situa
tion in the Soviet Union.
A friend of Larisa Bogoraz, Mar
chenko’s wife, said Tuesday that she
left for Chistopol prison, 500 miles
east of Moscow, after receiving a
telegram from prison authorities
saying her husband was dead.
Bogoraz has said she believed
Marchenko began a hunger strike
Aug. 4 to protest the fact he had not
been allowed to see her since April
1984, three years after he was given
a 10-year term for “anti-Soviet agita
tion and propaganda.”
Last month, Bogoraz said the
KGB secret police suggested she file
a formal application for emigration
to Israel. She speculated then that
her husband was being force-fed.
Bogoraz said she refused to file
the application unless she was al
lowed to meet with her husband.
In a letter dated Aug. 4 that made
its way to a Western human rights
group, Marchenko wrote of beatings
and repeated confinements in a cold
isolation cell that he said amounted
to “an assembly line to annihilation.”
Bogoraz said a KGB officer told
her Nov. 21 that “Marchenko is feel
ing wonderful.”
The Foreign Ministry spokes
man’s statement Wednesday said the
dissident had been seriously ill for
some time and was hospitalized, pre
sumably in a prison facility.
Marchenko wrote the dissident
chronicle “My Testimony” about his
prison experiences, which began
with a two-year prison sentence fol
lowing a fight at the hydroelectric
power station where he worked.
He escaped while serving the first
sentence but was captured while try
ing to flee the country and sent to
prison for six years on conviction of
After release in 1966, he wrote
the book and began protesting the
imprisonment of dissidents. That
produced further sentences that cul
minated in a conviction in 1981 for
anti-Soviet agitation and propa
Marchenko also was a founding
member of the group formed in
1976 to monitor Soviet compliance
with human rights provisions of the
1975 Helsinki agreements on Euro
pean security and cooperation.
The group has disbanded. All but
two of its members have been sent to
prison or internal banishment in re
mote areas or are exiled abroad.
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It out in
The Battalion