The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 10, 1986, Image 8
Page 8/The Battalion/Wednesday, December 10, 1986 Battalion Classifieds • WANTED $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 FEVER STUDY We need to test 4 new thermometers. If you have a temperature over 100°, and have taken no pain medication (aspirin or tylenol), and could use $40 for a short visit call us at 776-6236. $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Wanted patients with very mild asthma, ex-asthmatics, patients with cough or occasional weasing or short ness of breath, even with exercise. To participate Jan. 3 - Jan. 19. $200. incentive for those chosen to partici pate. Call 776-6236. $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Patients with “acute diarrhea” (less than 48 hours duration) needed to evaluate potential over-the-counter medication for diarrhea. Volunteers will be paid for time and cooper ation. G & 8 Studies, Inc. 846-5933 FOR RENT INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 _ ♦ FORRENT 2nd Semester Private Room - Dorm Plan 2 Persons Per Apt. All Bills Paid / Furnished $170./Per Month Per Person Casa Blanca 4110 College Main/846-1413 close to campus-quiet-convienient Duplex 1711 A Trinity PI. * 2 Bdrm., 1 Y2 Bath * Fenced Back Yard * Garage * $350./mo. Call Bill at 693-5177 after 5 p.m. 822-7321 Newly Remodeled Newly Redecorated Very Large 1 bedrooms from $200. 2 Bedroom, 2 Baths as low as $335. Many Leasing Specials Available! Pool On site staff Sun Deck Security Club Room Laundry Facilites Near Shuttle Large Closets 3200 Pinfeather Professionally managed by Chatham Enterprises 65t1/30 SPECIAL! Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm.: $150./2 Bdrm.: $175. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. Bargain at $225.2 Bdrm. apart ment in 4-plex, Bryan. W/D con nection, dishwasher, disposal, near shuttle, 1.7 miles from cam pus, no dogs. 693-7761 or 775-5270. Duplex; one or two vacancies in a 3 bdrm. duplex. $ 125./mo. 846-8261. 71112/16 House - nice 3 bdrm., 2 bath, LR, den, garage, fenced, pets. Near campus. $495,696-6657. 71tl2/16 House - large 3 bdrm.,LR, den, garage, fenced, pets. 5 minutes from campus. $450. 696-6657. 71tl2/16 2nd Semester Special! 2 Bdrm. apt $245./mo. Available Now & Dec. 15 Casa Blanca Apts. 846-1413 Room in older home with 3 other female students. Fur nished. W/D, $175./mo. In cludes utilities. South edge of campus within sight of Presi dent’s home and Duncan Hall. Call Laura at 696-8643 after 5 p.m. ♦ NOTICE DEFENSIVE DRIVING, TICKET DISMISSAL, YOU'LL LOVE OUR FUN CLASS! 693-1322.35t 12/17 • FOR LEASE TOTAL MOVE IN $40.00 No Rent Until January ’87 On A 9 Month or 1 Year Lease! Plus, 15 sessions at Total Tan paid for by Country Place Apts. Only 8 Blocks From Campus! country place apartments 3902 College Main 846-0515 a compass management property • TRAVEL Spring Break ’87. Beach and ski breaks available now! South Padfe Island, Daytona Beach, Steamboat Springs, Miami Beach/Fort Lauderdale, Mustang Is land/Port Aransas, Galveston Island and Fort Walton Beach. Call Sunchase Tours Central Spring Break toll free hot line todav for information and reservations, 1- 800-321-5911. 64t 12/12 PERSONALS Afford Colorado. $25./NITE FOR TWO. Ten cozy log cabins/kitchens & fireplaces. Game room/fireplace, HBO, pooltable, sauna. Fishing, x-country skiing. Ski Winter Park/Silver Creek. MOUNTAIN LAKES LODGE. Brochure, reservations - Grand Lake, Colo rado. 1-303-627-8448. Owned by Denver college pro fessor. 7 It 12/10 • ROOMMATE WANTED Female roommate wanted. House, North Bryan. 778- 0497 or 779-2050 after 5:30. 7U12/16 ♦ LOST AND FOUND Lost Yellow Cat. University Oaks and Munson area. (Large Kitten) 693-8882. 69t 12/12 Sublet large efficiency, 550 sq. ftl, $275./mo., free de posit. Ceiling fan, newly remodeled. 693-1653.67tl2/l7 Duplex near campus. Jan - May or future lease. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, fenced yard. No pets. $250. rent, $150. deposit. Call 846-1274, leave message. 67tl2/17 SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 69tl2/15 Typing/Word Processing. Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Papers - Dissertations. Call Diana, 764-2772. 66tl2/17 Typing and Word Processing. Thesis, Dissertations, Reports. Reasonable Rates. 693-1598. 62tl2/12 STI 1)1 NT TYPING - 20 YKARS e act m ate, reasonable, gmu anteed. 693-fr tperiencc. Fast, 1537. 4 It 12/17 TYPING BY WANDA. Any kind, sonable rates. 690-1113. my length. Rea- 67tfn • HELP WANTED TROPICAL BEACH SUMMER JOB’S Resort Job’s Unlimited is now seeking applicants to work in tropical beach resort’s for next summer, in the hotel and restaurant industry. There will be 3,000 + jobs available in places like: Florida, U.S. Virgin Islands, Hawaii, South Carolina, Grand Cayman and manymore. We need your response now to reserve your job for the sum mer months. Buddy plans available. Call 303-969-8210 P.O. Box 28061, #16 Lakewood, Colorado 80228 The Houston Chronicle Has immediate openings for holi day season & spring route car riers. Carrier positions require working early morning hours deliv ering papers and can earn $400. to $600. per month plus gas allow ance. Call Andy at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment. 67tfn CHRISTMAS BREAK EMPLOYMENT Students from Dallas, Ft. Worth, Corpus Christi, Tyler, and Brownsville needed to observe seat belt use during Christmas Break. 3 Days, $100. Call Julie, 845-5815 69t12/12 2 Bdrm., large apt. Garage. 415 S. Springs, $300. 413 Nagle, $280. Efficiency $180. 779-3700. 67t 12/10 5 Bdrm., 2 Bath house, 307 C. Main $500. - apts. near univesity $165. up. 693-0122, 779-3700. 6702/10 OUTDOOR TRIP LEADERS WANTED to lead day and week end adventure trips. Outdoor skills, first aid certification re quired. For more information call Patsy Greiner, 845-7826. 69t12/17 Sublease 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, new carpet, ceiling fan, mi crowave. 696-3253. 67tl2/10 Condo - fireplace, 2 bdrm., 2 bath, private, backyard, w/d conn., clng. fan, 696-9262 after 5 p.m. 65tl2/15 4 FOR SALE J= World and Nation Aquino, rebels consentP to cease-fire of 60 days Part time help. Grapevine Restaurant. Call 696-3411. 7102/17 Engineering/Drafting layout person, CE or ME, Jr/Sr. At least 1 yr. until graduation. Don, Bob, or Rocky, Vertex Equipment. 775-3676. 71tl2/16 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS List $16,040 - $59,230/yr. Now Hiring. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9531. 34tl2/16 Preleasing for Spring. Near Hilton. 2/3 bedroom du plexes. 846-2471 or 693-1627. 50U2/17 Duplex, 1 Bdrm., partially furnished,/walk to campus, $170./mo. 696-0350. 70H2/15 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, like new. Parkway Circle Apts. Call Scott or Chris, 693-6404. 71U2/17 Look at the Ads in the Battalion MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The government and rebels resolved a dispute over weapons Tuesday, re moving the last obstacle to a truce in the Communist insurgency that has plagued the archipelago since 1969. Spokesmen for President Corazon Aquino and the rebel National Dem ocratic Front said the 60-day cease fire would begin at noon today (10 p.m. Tuesday CST) as scheduled. Both sides said the agreement provides that armed guerrillas will not enter “population centers” and soldiers will not confiscate rebel weapons during security patrols. One of Aquino’s first acts after be coming president last February was to free political prisoners, including some former Communist leaders, as part of a “national reconciliation” that also involved seeking a cease fire with the rebels. She said there was no reason for them to continue fighting because President Ferdinand E. Marcos had fled the country. Defense Minister Juan Ponce En- rile said she was too soft, and there were reports of coup plots by mili tary officers loyal to him. She fired Enrile on Nov. 23. The last-minute negotiations over the cease-fire stemmed from a mili tary threat to seize illegal weapons, including those belonging to the Communist New People’s Army that were found in “security operations.” Agreement came several hours af ter the military said rebels killed five people in an attack on the southern island of Mindanao. Af ter the attack, Gen. Fidellj mos, armed forces commandti dered the military toconduci a aggressive operations” against 3 redators of the peace, espd against Communist terrorists. Guerrilla officials said theyapJ to go ahead with the truce J though some details had notl; resolved, including a definfel the “population centers”offfcj armed guerrillas. S.ttui ( k .unpo, a leader of j 1k*1 front, said the government a delay might create more problrl Negotiations began Au{| 2,000 people! 'insurgenq-rtij| More than been killed ir ini idrnts" undci the Aquiu . J But w I ment. according to the militan §e baske Te too Rangoon red ’65 Mustang. 14,000 miles on rebuilt V8- 289 motor. Call 846-785t> evenings. 69tl2/12 Israeli soldiers shoot 2 youths during protests BIR ZEIT, Occupied West Bank (AP) — Israeli soldiers shot and wounded two Palestinian youths Tuesday and clubbed others who were among more than a thousand people marching to protest the kill ings of Arab students. Four Palestinians have been killed and 27 wounded since clashes be tween Palestinians and Israeli sol diers began Thursday in the Israeli- occupied West Bank of the Jordan River and Gaza Strip. In New York, the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution Monday condemning the violence, and on Tuesday Egypt criticized the “violent repressive measures.” Egypt is the only Arab country that has signed a peace treaty with Israel. The Israeli Parliament debated three motions of no confidence in the government of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir for its handling of unrest in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which Israel' captured in the 1967 Middle East war. The motions came from both the political right and left and were defeated by the co alition government of the conserva tive Likud bloc and socialist Labor Party. In the Gaza Strip, troops shot a 16-year-old protester in the head when he tried to grab a soldier’s rifle at the Bureij refugee camp, an army spokesman said. The youth was in serious condition at Tel Hashomer hospital, the spokesman said. Another Palestinian teen-ager was slightly wounded when troops fired at stone-throwing demonstrators in a refugee camp near Bethlehem, according to the army. World Briefs 8 injured in nuclear plant accident Emergency Sent SURRY, Va. (AP) — A water line ruptured and released hot water and steam Tuesday at Vir ginia Power’s Surry nuclear power plant, injuring eight con struction workers, authorities said. Five workers were critically burned. There was no release of radia tion, Janet Clements of the state of Office said. The pipe, about 18 indin diameter, carries heated waiei one of two main pumps thaiii liver it to three steam generals that produce electridty, Laid said. Officials had not determine! what caused the pipe to well in sp trial baske tin to pu nit hasn’i minutes, j today’s Explosion in Boston building injures? BOSTON (AP) — An explo sion and fire struck a 42-story of fice building in downtown Boston on Tuesday, injuring seven peo ple and forcing hundreds of workers to evacuate the smoky skyscraper, police said. An unknown number of j>eo- ple were trapped in elevators and on upper floors when the blast in the basement of One Post Office Square knocked out power, police Sgt. Thomas Kelley said. Firefighters worked forstvmi hours to rescue those tnppdii the building. The blaze ra quickly extinguished, said Gitj Alexander, the building's prop erty manager. The tire was triggered bvik explosion of an electrical w former and spread to anoilicr transformer. Fire CommisaoDer Leo Stapleton said. Parisians plan to protest peacefully PARIS (AP) — Volunteers wearing white badges and hel mets plan to stand between police and demonstrators today to try to avert violence at a student-led protest march across Paris. In a statement, members of the group of doctors, lawyers and civil servants that calls itself “White Helmets” said they would “allow the free exercise of the constitutional right to demon- | The f in, but ready o Texas A Open at a&m Nash s weren’t weekend «pects l ish in six the resul .week. ■ The A sti ate and avoid asmuchaspoi’ hie confrontations." The march will be led by B] student movement (hat fold conservative Premier Jaque Chirac to abandon a billchaifii regulations for French unives ties. The bill was withdrawn,ta 1 the student leaders decided lop ahead with the silent march,mil dedicated to victims of last web violence. dividual Women c petition qu.ilifyin gjwimmir Miche in the 5: i tinie of second o Susan H; events as 200 free; Maps show earth’s Foreign Minister Shimon Peres criticized the U.N. Security Council vote and said he regretted that the United States abstained instead of vetoing the resolution. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Crude maps of the depths of the Earth show its molten metal core is not a smooth sphere, but is roughened by mountains taller than Everest and valleys six times deeper than the Grand Canyon, researchers said Tuesday. Friction from the sloshing of the liquid across these features may explain why the planet ro tates with a slight jerkiness that . iL 2:04.84 ; core not smooth aon hea makes a day five-thousandthsofjg^ " second longer or shorter that/ m hours every decade, said thewf raeet . enlists from NASA, the Calibmjjgj se nia Institute of'Technologyandij jq j British laboratory. “There has been no prenyl evidence for bumps on die tort said Caltech geophysicist Rofel Clayton. “They were onlyspe- lated. This is direct evidence'-j they exist.” llation, isted a te consi aststrc The l :stigioi lurse m course sv Report: American women delai marriage longer than ever bet Can you buy Jeeps, Cars, 4x4’s seized in drug raids for under $100.? Call for facts today! 602-837-3401 ext. S- 942. 7U12/10 Sharp t.v. 13”. Excellent condition. $200. or best offer. 693-5861 after 5:30 p.m. 71tl2/12 Honda Spree scooter ’86. $400. 696-7243. Call before 10 a.m., after 9 p.m. 71U2/16 ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE! IBM—PC/XT COM PATIBLE: TWO 360KB DRIVES, 640KB—RAM, 8/4.77MHZ TURBO, PHOENIX BIOS, KEYBOARD, MONITOR, SOFTWARE: $649. COMPUTERS, ETC. 693-7599. 67H2/10 Aggie Senior Boots for sale. Size 12. $225. Call Ted, 822-3629. 67U2/17 Unset diamond. l/3rd carat. Flawless. $650. 260-6106 or 846-6703 mornings. 67U2/10 Coastal Hay, fertilized. $1.65 per bale. Delivery avail able. Call 845-4921. 68U2/10 3 Seat Sofa, neutral colored Broyhill with oak trim. Ex cellent condition. $300. 693-2058 after 5 p.m. 68U2/15 WASHINGTON (AP) — Ameri can women are postponing marriage longer than ever before, tying the knot later than even their great- great grandmothers of the 1890s, the Census Bureau reported Tues day. The typical first-time bride is 23.3 years old when she goes to the altar, the highest median age for women to marry since the government started keeping that statistic in 1890. And the median age of 25.5 for their bridegrooms hasn’t been topped since 1900, according to the bureau’s study, “Marital Status and Living Arrangements: March 1985.” Addressing a wide variety of top ics the study also reported that: • The number of unmarried cou ples living together has leveled off at about 1.9 million after skyrocketing in recent years, confirming a prelim inary finding issued a year ago. New figures, due out later this month, are expected to show a small increase for 1986. • There were 128 divorced peo ple per 1,000 people living with their new spouses, up from 47 per 1,000 in 1970. The ratio for men is 103, compared with 153 for women, be cause men are more likely to re marry after divorce and do so sooner than women. • More than one American adult in 10 lives alone, triple the number since 1960, although the rate of in crease slowed in recent years as tighter economic conditions discour aged young people from setting up their own households. Indeed, among peopleajf£ ; 24, 60 percent of men and^ cent of women still lived# home with their parents or inf dormitories. That is up from : 1 cent of men and 35 pen- women in 1960. Postponement of mam? young people has beenwidell by social scientists in recent children of the post-World® Baby Boom generation opted 1 centrate on their educations!- reers. The result has been a si# in the median age of manias 1 ' the record lows of 20.1 for/ and 22.5 for men postedinl- Country Living. 14’x 60’. ’77 Sandepoint. 2 Bdrm.; 1 bath, on wooded, Vt2 acre, rented lot. 10 minutes from Vet. School. Good condition. 690-0421. 66tl2/17 New Louis Vuitton purse. Paid $230., sell for $125. Great Christmas Gift! 696-1422. 70tl2/15 Study reports growth of low-wage jobs WASHINGTON (AP) — More than half the 8 million net new jobs created between 1979 and 1984 in the United States paid less than $7,000 a year while the number of jobs paying $28,000 or more actually fell, according to a new study. The report also said the middle- income share of job growth dropped from 64.2 percent in the 1970s to 47.5 percent in the early 1980s. The two authors of the study — Barry Bluestone and Bennett Harri- sion, political economy professors at the University of Massachusetts-Bos- ton and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, respectively — said the proliferation of low-wage jobs points to growing U.S. income inequality. “If this pattern of development continues,” they said, “the standard of living of a growing proportion of the American workforce will be sig nificantly jeopardized.” Citing Census Bureau data, aud using the Consumer Price Index to account for inflation, the authors said they arbitrarily divided workers into three income categories: “Nearly three-fifths of ^ new employment generated 1979 and 1984 was low-waf pared with less thanone-fil the preceding (1973-79)pe# report said. The report said the big# have been white men while j nners have • Low, with incomes below $4,900 in 1979 and $7,012 in 1984. • Middle, with incomes between $4,900 and $19,600 in 1979 and be tween $7,012 and $28,048 in 1984. • High, with incomes above $19,600 in 1979 and $28,068 in 1984. gest w women. “Since 1979, nearly 97 pe : net employment gains anW' 1 men have been in the low turn,” it said. “During the riod, white men have expci net loss of 1 million job $28,000 or more in 1984dol