The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 05, 1986, Image 5

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    Friday, December 5, 1986/The Battalion/Page 5
In Advance
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Players to give Christmas show at mall
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Ichristmas spir it will be in the
air at Post Oak Mall Saturday as
tht Aggie Players’ Post Oak Edi
tion present their children’s
Christinas theater.
JPerformances are scheduled
for 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. outside
thi J.C. Penney entrance to the
■The group comprises four
Texas A&M students who will
•form five Christmas pieces,
sai l Director Michael Greenwald.
[The pieces include “Nine
Qjieers for Christmas,” a piece
•t involves songs and audience
Brticipation in spelling
Christmas; “Shoes and Stockings
and Solomon,” a story that gives
children exposure to Christmas
chstoins of other countries; and
“Prairie Christmas,” a cowboy’s
Christmas Eve story, r
Also included are “The Shoe
maker and the Elves,” a rhyme
about a shoemaker and his wife
who are in dire need of money
and are helped by a group of
Christmas-spirited elves; and,
“The Night Before Christmas,” a
rhyme about Santa Claus’ visit on
Christmas Eve.
The troupe of players includes
Mary Ellen Brennan, a freshman
theater arts major from Austin;
Janice Jarutowicz, a junior the
ater arts major from Elouston;
Todd Jones, a freshman theater
arts major from Houston; and,
Mark Wilhite, a freshman theater
arts major from Mount Pleasant.
Greenwald says these four stu
dents ]) resent four shows
throughout the year with a
$4,000 grant from the mall.
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l&M choirs present Christmas concert
[The Texas A&rM Vocal Music
grams will present their an-
Jijial Christmas concert Sunday at
7:^0 p.m. in Rudder Audito-
feiim. The concert will feature
th< Singing Cadets, the Century
Singers and the Women’s Chorus
lei forming a variety of seasonal
■ The concert will begin as the
Women’s Chorus performs Ben
iamin Britten’s “A Ceremony of
iatols” under the direction of
“Paiiicia P. Eleitas. Written for tre-
pe voices and harp, this work
consists of carols based on nine
medieval poems. Shana Norton,
of Austin, will perform the harp
■ Following the Women’s Cho-
l|is. the Singing Cadets will sing a
■pertoire of Christinas tunes,
■his all-male chorus has been un-
Hu the direction of Robert L.
Boone since 1960 and is presently
|tcompanied by local pianist
jannett Goforth. The “Aggieni-
zors”, the barbershop quartet in
the Singing Cadets, also will par
ticipate in this portion of the pro
A contrasting Christmas reper
toire will be presented by the
Century Singers, under the direc
tion of Eleitas. Their part in the
program will open with familiar
tunes and a “Jingle Bell Travelo
gue” around the world. A brass
ensemble, composed of members
of the A&M Symphonic Band,
will join the singers in the
Christmas cantata by contempo
rary American composer Daniel
The evening will conclude with
the three groups joining to sing
the “Hallelujah Chorus” from
Handel’s “Messiah” under the di
rection of Boone.
General admission tickets are
on sale at the Rudder box office
for $4. For more information, call
the box office at 845-1234 or the
Vocal Music Office at 845-5974.
omen’s group to see Faculty Senate
me m
ties, ind
he Committee on the Status
wof Women in the University will
■(■bruit a resolution to the A&M
Faculty Senate at 3:15 p.m. Mon-
» lay in 601 Rudder Tower.
I ■ The resolution asks that policy
be developed by the president’s
office regarding the hiring and
letaining of female faculty and
real esi [Administrators.
T Also, Dr. Donald McDonald,
Irovost and vice president for
ademic affairs, will address the
nate Monday.
he committee’s resolution
so states that annual reviews of
male faculty salaries be con-
jresidff Bucted to assure equal pay, and
that an academic business com
mittee he set up to study the pos
sibility of establishing a child care
facility for A&M faculty, staff and
A third section of the resolu
tion asks that all sexist language
he removed from official Univer
sity communications.
The Senate also will consider a
resolution from the Academic Af
fairs Committee proposing that
annual course/instructor evalua
tions be administered at A&M no
later than Fall 1987.
In other business, the Senate
will approve candidates for De
cember graduation.
Task force
to find jobs
DALLAS (AP) — Gov.-elect Bill
Clements on Thursday named a 67-
member task force charged with
helping create jobs for Texans.
Clements named businessmen Jim
Adams of Dallas and John Cater of
Houston as task force chairmen. Ad
ams is president of the Texas Divi
sion of Southwestern Bell Tele
phone Co. Cater is president of
“The key issue facing us today in
Texas is jobs, jobs and more jobs,”
Clements said at a news conference.
“I am embarrassed as a Texan that
our unemployment rate exceeds the
national average.”
The Texas unemployment rate
for October was 9.5 percent. The na
tional average was 7 percent.
Clements and the co-chairmen
said the task force will recommend
legislation when the state House and
Senate convene in January. They
would not discuss specific legislative
recommendations. The task force
also will work on mid- and long-
range economic programs.
But Adams said an example of
laws that will be addressed is those
that hamper business, such as state
“We are an action-oriented
group,” Adams said. “We’re looking
to change trends, not predict them.
That’s what we’re all about.”
The task force will focus on small
business development, capital for
mation, technology, energy, agricul
ture, relations with Mexico and in
ternational relations.
Cater said another committee will
address issues such as transporta
tion, worker’s compensation and
others that don’t fall into one area.
While acknowledging that the
drop in oil prices has hurt the Texas
economy and caused unemploy
ment, Clements said “oil is a piece of
our economy and only a piece.”
“We’re not going to let that tail
wag our dog,” Clements said. “The
price of oil only contributes eight
cents of every dollar to the state’s
Cater said, “No one denies that
the oil and gas sector is a significant
part of the Texas economy. But the
point that is so often overlooked is
that we are in a state of overbuilding.
So there’s excess capacity, no matter
what the price of oil.”
Clements said he will press for a
tariff on imported oil, and he is
scheduled to discuss the issue early
next year with President Reagan,
who opposes a tariff. Clements
would not say whether he believes
Reagan has changed his mind.
Clements said the Texas economy
also has suffered because of “federal
neglect.” He said he believes having
Jim Wright, D-Texas, as House
Speaker will help Texas in Congress.
Al SPIN (AP) — The president
ftju Phi Kappa Psi fraternity at the
injvcrsity of Texas refused to com-
Bon news reports Thursday that
)u| fraternity members face sus-
enjsion after investigation of the al-
aho! related death of a Phi Kappa
The Austin American-Statesman
epoiicd that four fraternity mem-
ers, including president Brent
'ofiileone, had been told by uni-
y officials that they will be sus-
inteleone declined to comment,
e American-Statesman and the
Texan, the University of
s’ newspaper, said other stu-
also were targets of discipli-
action after a six-week univer-
ivestigation into the September
i of Mark Seeberger.
R|)ii Brown, UT vice president for
student affairs, would not comment
on the reports, saying, “We treat all
disciplinary actions as confidential.”
He said such actions are not an
nounced until they are final.
The news reports, citing un
named sources, said the punishment
decisihns were made in late Novem
Seeberger, an 18-year-old fresh
man from Dallas, died in his off-
campus dormitory Sept. 18, a few
hours after a Sept. 17 event de
scribed to police as a fraternity
“ride.” A “ride” is the practice of
driving pledges far from their
homes and letting them out, often
while intoxicated.
An autopsy indicated Seeberger
drank about 18 ounces of rum.
Monteleone and the fraternity’s
pledge trainer, who is among those
reportedly facing suspension, were
not in the van the night of Sept. 17.
But sources told the American-
Statesman that UT officials con
cluded the officers knew pledges of
the fraternity were taken on rides
regularly and were in a position to
stop the practice.
One source said UT officials
would not have assessed so severe a
punishment against the officers had
they cooperated more with the in
Glenn Maloney, assistant dean of
students, has said the individuals
charged with violating UT regula
tions will be allowed to choose
whether to accept the penalty as
sessed, request a hearing or wait un
til a criminal investigation by the
Travis County district attorney is
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ports: 4 fraternity members at UT
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