The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 01, 1986, Image 1

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    pv» Texas A&M 1^^ mm m •
The Battalion
M75S |
ol. 82 No. 61 CJSPS 045360 12 pages
College Station, Texas
Monday, December 1, 1986
Rilling still
By Jo Ann Able
Staff Writer
e murder of a Texas A&M
liate student last week is still un-
:r investigation. Bob Wiatt, direc-
r® security and University police,
Ajother A&M student found the
Hof Linden Kauffrnan-Linam,
I graduate student in the De-
Hient of Oceanography, at about
p.i . Tuesday in Kauffman-Li-
im’s apartment outside College
auction Cain Road.
A| spokesman in the Brazos
auliy Sheriffs Office said a
itement about the case probably
plx issued sometime today.
Wiatt said the time of the woman’s
a(| has not yet been determined.
Hsaid he has seen a preliminary
T on an autopsy being per-
in Dallas, but the final re-
ilts|will probably not be known im-
CV'A'When those do come in, they do
ITMiave to be made public until
ppt |tgf> are brought,” Wiatt said.
'■ In an article in Wednesday’s
wn-College Station Eagle, Brazos
] |A||]|nty Sheriff Ronnie Miller said
M'fwoman apparently was strangled
• th some kind of rope or cord. He
c'U'dd there were few signs of struggle
lie door was unlocked when the
was discovered. A television set
a stereo were left in the apart-
ent. Miller said, possibly eliminat-
fbuiglary as a motive in the kill-
li u, Miller said Kauffman-Linam was
jund wearing a nightgown in the
CVK:droom of her apartment, but he
—~ idn’i know whether she had been
Sually assaulted.
Wi.itt said he was unable to com-
lent on these statements, but con-
Bd the murder was sex-related.
Wiatt said the sheriffs depart-
lent is heading up the investigation
icause the murder occurred out-
derity limits. He said he is assisting
■the investigation because of his
tpeiience investigating sex-related
Jtniddes when he worked for the
Wiatt said Kauffman-Linam’s
Bind came to Bryan-Gollege Sta-
■from El Paso over the holiday
«kend to make funeral arrang-
icnts. Details of the services are not
Photo by John Makely
Into The Wild Blue Yonder
Mark Weichold, an assistant professor of
electrical engineering, takes son Karl and this
model of a PT 1 19 trainer out to the Zachry
parking lot Sunday afternoon. While local
weather was nice on Sunday, forecasts predict
a temperature drop today.
fetor Cary Grant dies of stroke at 82
ram. whose masculine elegance
iarkly handsome features made
in unrivaled star of both sophis-
Id comedy and chilling intrigue
ore than 30 years, has died of a
ke stroke at the age of 82.
I ITk- debonair leading man with
-I edimpled chin and clipped accent
Bat 11:22 p.m. CST Saturday at
[Luke’s Hospital in Davenport,
■ where he was to appear in a
J Knute program that included a
Ikaml clips from his movies.
His fifth wife, Barbara, was at his
■hospital officials said.
He had appeared well at rehears-
Hat afternoon, then seemed to
Kn, said Lois Jecklin, director of
isitini’ Artists, which sponsored “A
Bersation with Cary Grant.” His
mdition deteriorated rapidly.
James Gilson, a cardiologist who
Bed him, said,“There was noth-
Ifthat could be done. There’s no
intervention when something like
this happens.”
Grant’s lawyer, Stanley Fox, said,
“There will be no funeral. The fam
ily wishes no service and no funeral
is planned. Cremation is intended.”
Grant’s body was returned Sun
day to Los Angeles, Fox said.
President Reagan, himself a for
mer movie actor, called Grant a
longtime friend.
“He was one of the brightest stars
in Hollywood and his elegance, wit
and charm will endure forever on
film and in our hearts,” the presi
dent said.
Grant was one of the biggest
names in movie history, starring in
such classics as “The Philadelphia
Story,” “Bringing Up Baby” and
“North by Northwest.” But his only
Oscar came after his retirement.
He seemed to have been born an
aristocrat, but his father was a
presser in a garment factory.
He was the idol of millions of
women around the world, but his
private life often was troubled.
“I pretended to be somebody I
wanted to be, and I finally became
that person,” Grant once said. “Or
he became me. Or we met at some
point. It’s a relationship.”
It was a singularly successful
relationship, one that began in 1932
and filled the big screen with 72
movies until 1966, when his last film,
“Walk, Don’t Run,” was released.
Grant, wrote film critic Pauline
Kael, “had the longest romantic
reign in the short history of movies.”
He was paired with Katharine
Hepburn, Myrna Loy, Audrey Hep
burn and Grace Kelly. To him Mae
West tendered the most famous, and
frequently misquoted, proposition in
movie history: “Why don’t you come
up sometime and see me?”
He was born Archibald Leach on
Jan. 18, 1904, in Bristol, England,
the only child of an unhappy mar
Cary Grant
His father often was withdrawn
and his mother filled him with
dreams of wealth and taught him to
sing and dance.
Grant, who became a U.S. citizen
in 1942, amassed a fortune esti
mated as high as $40 million.
Leader seeks
special panel
on arms sales
Republican leader Bob Dole on Sun
day urged President Reagan to con
vene a special session of Congress
immediately to appoint a Watergate-
style committee to investigate secret
White House arms sales to Iran and
money transfers to Nicaraguan re
Sen. Robert Byrd, the Democxatic
leader of the Senate who will assume
Dole’s post as majority leader with
the new Senate, also called for a se
lect joint committee, but he said it
would have to wait until Congress
reconvened in January.
He said that calling a special ses
sion would contribute to the crisis at
mosphere, and instead urged Rea
gan to appoint an independent
One senior Justice Department
official, who spoke on condition of
anonymity, said Sunday he believes
the weight of the arguments now fa
vor moving to an independent coun
sel. But he did not believe that a de
cision had been made to take the
probe out of the hands of Attorney
General Edwin Meese III and other
J ustice officials.
Byrd and Dole said they had dis
cussed the proposal to name a spe
cial panel, which the Democratic
leader said must be done by the full
Congress, so that the committee
would have all the powers of sub
Dole, interviewed on ABC’s “This
Week with David Brinkley,” said
Congress should be called back to
town next week, rather than waiting
until it reconvenes with new mem
bers in January.
White House spokesman Dan
Howard called Dole’s proposal a
novel idea, but declined direct com
ment on it.
“We simply haven’t had time to
consider it,” Howard said. “No one is
more interested in getting to the bot-/
tom of this than the president, and
he wants to do so quickly.”
Reagan, on his way to Washington
from a Thanksgiving holiday at his
California ranch, told reporters:
“We’re doing everything necessary
to get at the truth and we will make
the truth known.” The president did
not answer any further questions.
Although Republicans will retain
control of the Senate until the 100th
Congress meets in January, Dole
said a Democrat would probably be
appointed to head any select com
“We’d probably have to pattern it
after the so-called Watergate com
mission,” Dole said, referring to the
congressional panel whose televised
hearings played a critical role in
forcing the resignation of President
Richard Nixon in 1974.
No president has summoned a
special session of Congress since
Harry Truman called lawmakers
back to Washington in 1948 to deal
with labor disputes, said Dole.
Byrd said a special counsel should
be appointed to investigate disclo
sures that a White House aide, Lt.
Col. Oliver North, arranged for up
to $30 million in proceeds from the
secret sale of arms to Iran to be
channeled to help Contra rebels
fighting Nicaragua’s leftist Sandi-
nista government.
The revelations announced by
Meese last week forced the removal
of North and resignation of national
security adviser Vice Adm. John
Byrd said, “(Meese) is personally
close to the president ... is a mem
ber of the National Security Council
and . . . has said that everyone
should stand shoulder to shoulder
with the president.”
Administration officials have said
the Justice Department will handle
the investigation for the executive
Byrd declined to speculate
whether Meese knew before his in
vestigation about the Nicaraguan
connection, although the attorney
general supplied the president with
the legal opinion that led to a partial
easing of the arms embargo on Iran
last Jan. 17.
“The perception is that there is a
personal interest and a conflict of in
terest,” Byrd said, referring to the
leaving of Meese in charge of the in
vestigation. “The president needs to
avoid all of that.”
Both the Senate and House intelli
gence committees have already
started their own investigations of
the Iran and Nicaraguan trans
actions, and lawmakers are calling
for judiciary, armed services and
foreign affairs committees to follow
suit, creating the prospect of more
than a dozen congressional investi
gations on Capitol Hill.
Byrd, appearing on CBS’s “Face
the Nation,” saiid there should be a
single committee to avoid overlap
ping and confusion.
Arms sales
profits tied
to Contra aid
White House aide apparently used
profits from Iranian arms sales to
build a small, American-manned air
force that delivered weapons to Ni
caraguan Contra rebels this year,
according to U.S. government offi
cials and documents from the opera
Lt. Col. Oliver L. North, fired last
week for his role in diverting as
much as $30 million through Swiss
bank accounts, had managed a Con
tra aid network for two years with
President Reagan’s approval, White
House officials have said. Reagan
gave his support to the plan before
Congress banned military aid to the
rebels, the officials have said.
Although that assistance enabled
the Contras to continue fighting, the
rebels still had trouble resupplying
troops operating inside Nicaragua.
One government source said Sunday
that the problems may have led
North to create an air resupply wing
for the Contras — and turn to
money from the Iranian arms sales
to pay for it.
In explaining North’s firing from
the National Security Council staff
last Tuesday, Attorney General Ed
win Meese III said only North knew
precise details about the Iran-Contra
connection and his boss, national se
curity adviser John Poindexter, who
resigned, did know that something
of this nature was occurring.
^elf-esteem ‘strong influence’ on 2nd marriage
rt T: By Amy Young
An individual’s self-esteem is one
i|c strongest influences on sec-
Biarriage happiness and success,
j tolling to a recent study con
i' ped by a Texas A&M doctoral
' Bntand psychology researcher.
Jay R. Solomon completed the
H in August after spending an
Ike year collecting data and com-
Ikg the results. His project in-
Bd contacting 113 subjects, all of
■ had been divorced and then
Bed a second time, to determine
Fifiost significant predictors for
Ppiness in a second marriage.
B study showed that people
B good view of themselves are
Pprand that the happiness of one
fuse is directly related to the hap-
B of the other. Self esteem is an
Bant factor since divorce can
tei1 destroy one’s sense of self-
"tH, the study said, and if this is
'A regained it can cause problems
Bond marriage.
Dr. Arthur Roach, a psychology
professor at A&M, worked closely
with Solomon during his study.
Roach said they had believed that
certain relationships of the spouse
would be good predictors of second
marriage success. Three of these in
cluded the relationships between the
present spouse and the former
spouse, the remarried person and
his new in-laws, and the remarried
person and his own family and pre
vious in-laws.
However, the study showed none
of these had a significant effect on
the success of a second marriage.
A similar study is being conducted
by Karen Boyd, another psychology
researcher at A&M who is working
on her doctorate. Her study involves
comparing what produces satisfac
tion for women in first and second
Fifty women in their first mar
riages and 50 in their second mar
riages were sampled for the Boyd
study. The women were matched for
income and education, with minori
ties excluded from the study.
The study indicated that women
are looking for different things in
first and second marriages and that
expectations differ in both. In first
marriages, important factors to
women were self-control and auton
omy. These were not found to be
factors in second marriages. The
study showed that women in second
marriages were more satisfied if
their self-confidence was high. The
need for achievement was another
important factor, according to
Boyd’s study.
In a recent interview. Roach de
scribed some current trends of mar
riage and divorce as shown in other
studies. He said the divorce rate
peaked during 1984-1985 and has
not risen since. Roach also says that
people now feel more free to get di
vorces because less social stigma is
associated with it and it’s a lot easier
to get divorced than it used to be.
According to Roach, a 1930s mar
riage study indicated that a similarity
in religious backgrounds was a sig
nificant factor for success in a mar
riage. This is not really a predictor
now. Roach said, although certain
values can be.
Roach said other information
showed that more men than women
get remarried. Ten percent of the
female population is not married as
compared to 5 percent to 6 percent
of the male population, Roach said.
He said that not many studies
have been conducted on people in
their second marriages.
“Second marriages are a little less
stable than first marriages,” Roach
said. “I think the topic is important
because people want to know what
their chances for happiness in mar
riage are and if it will work.”
Roach said that the doctoral stud
ies were conducted mostly hv ques
tionnaires that use a “criterion mea
sure” to measure satisfaction in
marriage. The studies, he said, were
limited in that they were restricted to
about one year in length and there
fore could look only at one point in
time as opposed to studies which are
conducted over a number of years.
But congressional investigators
have begun examining how an oper
ation as large as the Contra air re
supply mission, based at El Salva
dor’s Ilopango military airport in
clear view of U.S. military advisers,
could have been funded from Ira
nian arm sales without Reagan and
other top officials knowing.
U.S. government officials, famil
iar with the North operation but in
sisting on anonymity, said that al
though the Iranian-Contra link was
a closely held secret inside the White
House, North’s management of the
air operation was known to officials
in the State Department, Pentagon,
CIA and the NSC.
“Everyone knew something was
going on down there and that Ollie
(North) was doing it,” one official
The air operation came to light
Oct. 5 when an American-manned
C-123K cargo plane was shot down
over southern Nicaragua while fly
ing guns to the Contras. Two Ameri
cans were killed and one crewman,
Eugene Hasenfus, is now a prisoner
of the leftist Nicaraguan govern