The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 24, 1986, Image 8
m L Battalion Classifieds AGGIE FANS! Popular Handcrafted Wood Cutout Write Solo Arts, 906 E. Wayside Wharton, Texas 77488 for more information. • NOTICE $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Wanted Males 18-45, Nonsmokers with mild asthma, chronic cough, or shortness of breath to participate in a 30 hour research study. $200. incentive for those chosen to participate. Call 776-0411 or 776-6236 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 VER/, m m Auto Service “Auto Repair At Its Best” General Repairs on Most Cars & Light Trucks Domestic & Foreign OPEN MON-FRI 7:30-5:30 ONE DA Y SER VICE IN MOS T CA SES CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 846-5344 Just one mile north of A&M On the Shuttle Bus Route 111 Royal, Bryan Across S. College From Tom’s B-B-Q 1621 Texas Avenue South College Station, Texas 77S40 Culpepper Plaza (Sear Hastings and Behind Holiday Inn), 10-8 M-F 10-6 SAT Stop by and get your popcorn for the game Thursday! DEFENSIVE DRIVING, TICKET DISMISSAL, YOU'LL LOVE OUR FUN CLASS! 693-1322.35tl2/17 SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset Editing of theses, dissertations, journal articles, jour nals. Experienced. Professional. Tracy 845-8596 or 775-2015. 6D12/2 NO MORE WRINKLES! IRONING BY BETH. CALL AFTER 3:00p.m. 846-0138. 5901/26 Expert Typing, Word Processing, Resumes. From $ 1,35 pet page. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 16t 11/26 Editing/Proofreading. Dissertations, theses, all longer ripts. L.I.. (Tu lisle - 696-3657. 390 1/26 TYPING. No Job Too Small. Answering/Wake Up _ . 4402/2 Service (409) 823-7723 TYPING BY WANDA. Am kind, any length. Rea sonable t au-s. 690-1 I 13. 520 1/24 VERSATILE WORD PROCESSING. Fast, Accurate, Inexpensive, LaserWriter Quality. Call 696-2052. 470 2/4 TYPING/WORD PROCESSING - Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Papers - Dissertations. Call Diana - 764- 2772. 5301/25 S IT DENT TYPING - 20 YEARS experience. Fast, accm ale. reasonable, guaranteed. 693-8537. 4102/17 • FOR SALE Can you buy Jeeps, Cars, 4x4’s seized in drug raids for under $100.? Call for facts to day. 602-837-3401, Ext. S-942. FANTASTIC SAVINGS! 2-360KB DRIVES 8MHZ/6MHZ TURBO, 640KB RAM, TTL MON ITOR, KEYBOARD, IBM COMPATIBLE $699. COMPUTERS, ETC. 693-7599. 61112/2 Is it true you can buy Jeeps for $44. through the U.S. government? Get the ficts today! Call 1-312-742-1142 Ext. 8390. 61112/5 HP-41CX, OPTICAL WAND, PROGRAMS, LOW EST PRICES IN TOWN 696-7642. 59tl 1/24 1980 YAMAHA 400 ASKING $550. 2 HELMETS IN CLUDED. AFTER 5:00p.m.. 764-1865. 59tl 1/26 TEXAS A&M - UT GAME TICKETS - 20. EACH. CALL (512)255-4111. 57t 11/24 MOBILE HOME. 14x70. New carpeting, good condi tion. $5,500. negotiable. 776-8149. 54t 1 1/26 1976 Corvette Stingray, Blueprint 350 engine, trans mission, new paint, tires, 58,000 miles. 845-3859, 774- 4036. 59tl 1/26 1986 DAYTONA TURBO. BLACK W/BLACK IN TER, GOLD PSTR1PE, AM/FM CASSETTE, CS PACKAGE, LOW MILES, AFTER 6pm. 846-2510. 59tl 1/26 • TRAVEL Resort Hotels, Cruiselines, Airlines, Amusement Parks, NOW accepting applications. For more information and an application; write National Collegiate Recre ation Service. P.O. Box 8074, Hilton Head, S.C. 29938. 59tl 1/26 • CHILDCARE Infant care person needed full or part time starting late November. Call 846-3765, 7-9 p.m. weeknights. 53t 11/25 • FOR RENT SPECIAL! Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm.: $150. /2 Bdrm.: $175. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. Male Roommate needed for Spring Semester, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, apart. 696-8988. 61tl2/5 Sublet large efficiency, 550 sq. ft., $275./month, free deposit. Ceiling fan, newly remodeled. 693-1653. 6102/12 Furnished home, Southwood Valley. Rooms $225. plus bills, nice. 693-0939. 460 1/26 FOR RENT Apartment. All utlilities paid, $200. monthly, $50. de posit, quiet person only. Call 823-1179. 57t 11/24 Condo - fireplace. 2bdrm., 2 balli, privatev backyard, w/d conn., dug. Ian. 696-9262 aftei 5 p in. 52t 1 1/24 Preleasing lor Spring. Near Hilton. 2/3 bedroom du plexes. 846-247 1 or 693-1627. 50tl2/17 Very Spacious Attractive 1-BDR Apt. W/D, Built-in Bookcase, Covered Deck overlooking woods. 1-273- 2479. 60t 11/26 Sublease 2BDRM, 1 V^Bath, New Carpet, Ceiling Fan, Microwave. $385/month. 696-3253. 60t 11/26 • PERSONALS Afford Colorado. $25./NITE FOR TWO. Ten cozy log cabins / kitchens. Fireplaces. Game room / Fireplace, HBO, pool table, sauna. Fishing, x-country skiing. Ski Winter Park / Silver Creek. MOUNTAIN LAKES LODGE. Brochure, reservations - Grand Lake, Colo rado. 1-303-627-8448. Owned by Denver college pro fessor. 61111 /24 • LOST AND FOUND Found: Bracelet, on campus. Call to identify. 260-7081 or 260-5382. 60t 11/25 • HELP WANTED WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 49t 12/5 Students, earn extra money for Christmas! Delivery drivers needed for finals week. Commission paid on pizzas delivered Must have own car Apply at Chanello’s 2404 Texas Ave. ^pizza delivers) f rom 2-5 daily THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE Has immediate openings for route carriers. Carrier positions require working early morning hours delivering papers and can earn $400. to $600. per month plus gas allowance. Call Andy at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment. . Private Club hiring p.t. buspersons. AM/PM shifts. Ap ply in person, 2-5 PM, M-F, 3000 Briarcrest, Suite 600, Bryan. E.O.E. 61tl2/2 GOVERNMENT JOBS! Now hiring in your area, both skilled and unskilled. For list of jobs and application call (615)859-8155 Ext 8155. 61111/24 Responsible caretaker for 15 month old. Our house or yours if no more than one other child. 690-0015 eve nings. 60t 11/26 3000 GOVERNMENTJOBS List $16,040 - $59,230/yr. Now Hiring. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9531. 34U2/16 Part time temporary day care workers. Apply at 3404 Cavitt between 3 & 5. No phone calls please. 57tl 1/25 Need student to clean house twice weekly for four hours each day. Call 823-8606. 59tl 1/25 Earn $480 weekly - $60 per hundred envelopes stuffed. Guaranteed. Flomcworkers needed for com pany project stuffing envelopes and assembling materi als. Send stamped self addressed envelope toJBK Mail- company P.O. Box 25-24 Castaic, California, 91310 60tl2/l • WANTED Roommate/Babysitter needed. Exchange rent for care of two children. After 3 p.m. and evenings. For more info write: Angell, F.O. Box 9588, C.S., TX, 77840. 57tl 1/25 The Battalion 845-2611 WISE MOVE Have your C-41 color print film processed at the regular price and get a second set of the same size prints free. Chose either 31/2x5 or 4x6 prints. Offer good Nov. 25-Dec. 4 Photgraphic Services at Goodwin Hall or Texas A&M Bookstore in the MSC $499.00 is for the small price of the IBM Actionwriter™ 1 Type writer. And just in time for the holidays. Which makes it the perfect gift for your family scholar, your office or yourself. We’re an Authorized IBM Typewriter Dealer. So stop by today. Because the only thing better than getting an IBM Actionwriter™ 1 Typewriter, is giving one. I Typewriters No matter how you look at typing, we’re your type. EXECUTIVE BUSINESS MACHINES 505 E. University College Station (next to the Interurban) 409/260-9808 r Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 Page 8/The Battalion/Monday, November 24, 1986 Volcano eruptions hit Japan TOKYO (AP) — Mount Mihara subsided Sunday after a fiery erup tion that forced 11,000 people to flee a small island, but hundreds of miles away another volcano erupted and sent a big rock flying into a ho tel, injuiring five people. Officials said Mount Sakurajima hurled a rock 6V2 feet in diameter into a one-story concrete hotel just outside Sakurajima, about 620 miles southwest of Tokyo. Officials of the Central Meteoro logical Agency said Mount Sakura jima has erupted often since 1955, including 474 eruptions last year. Police said 15 people were in the ho tel at the time and two were seriously injured. Officials said the eruption was not linked with that of Mount Mihara, about 540 miles away on Oshima Is land, 70 miles south of Tokyo. One Central Meteorological Agency official, speaking on condi tion of anonymity, said about 30 gas explosions were recorded Sunday morning in the craters of Mount Mi hara, compared with countless ex plosions Saturday, but that none was observed Sunday afternoon. Only light smoke was seen coming from the mountain, but streams of yellow water were observed on the island’s eastern and southern sides, indicating possible underwater eruptions, the official said. The volcano, dormant for 12 years, erupted twice last week. The second eruption, on Friday, sent lava streaming toward Oshima Island’s main town and forced the evacua tion of more than 11,000 people, in cluding tourists and nearly all 10,300 residents. Slouch By Jim Earle I’M 33YEAR-OLD THIS MONTH f 953-/986 4 THIRD OF ( ' ACENTtIRV? Oil field site of battle over Alaskan wildlife T-O- jRe Sfrog: 74-1 < Field Im filled fense pn A when ated Here' A tal of the ol in T T* 1 most 77-0 < Unive Ji / lished th< S held l‘Y | • A pkssec The agency official said 54 earth quakes had been counted on the is land on Sunday by 8 p.m. The strongest measured 4 on the Richter scale. On Saturday, 92 quakes were re corded, with the strongest 6.1 on the Richter scale, he said. Tokyo police said more than 400 people still were on the island, in cluding more than 200 police and 130 journalists. WASHINGTON (AP) — Battle lines are forming for what is loom ing as one of the big environmental fights of 1987: whether the caribou and musk oxen of northeastern Alaska will share the frigid tundra with oil rigs. “There is a battle of monumental proportions brewing on this issue,” says Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, who likes to refer to the 1.5 million acres in question as “the Saudi Ara bia of North America.” Beneath this land is potentially the biggest untapped U.S. oil re serve, perhaps rivaling the 9.6 bil lion barrels originally contained in the Prudhoe Bay field, the conti nent’s largest. Stevens and other development advocates say it is essential for na tional security that the reserve be tapped to counter a growing U.S. dependence on foreign energy plies. Knvironmental and comer § groups are calling for a perniainj 1 prohibition on drilling therebyaa 1. mg the 1.5 million acres 10 Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, 19-million-acre preserve just 10 south in Alaska’s north slopereg: The Interior Departmentloi' scheduled to release a studyandii tatively suggest what action & gress should take regarding die j lure of the acreage — knownasi Coastal Plain — that abuts theBei fort Sea, part of the Arctic Ocean Animals living on the Coas Plain include wolves, polar liez migratory birds, and a growingke of 600 musk oxen whose ancesn nearly were wiped out by hum early this century. Congress seeks more powe over security council action! WASHINGTON (AP) — The National Security Council, the center of a political storm over President Reagan’s poligy toward Iran, was formed nearly four decades ago as a low-profile group with instructions to leave policy-making to others. Now the White House says that the NSC, with the Central Intelligence Agency, conducted the details of Iranian contacts and arms deals, giving rise to demands in Congress for a greater role in overseeing the agency. Some in and out of Congress are suggesting that John Poindexter, the president’s national security ad viser, be fired. Some suggest that future appointees be subject to Senate confirmation. Zbigniew Brzezinski, who held the position in the Carter administration, thinks upgrading the national security adviser would be a good move. “I think we have to face the fact belatedly that in this day and age national security policy can only be made in the White House, because it’s more than just diplo macy,” Brzezinski said in an interview. The members of the National Security Council are Reagan, Vice President George Bush, Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger. CIA Director William J. Casey and Adm. William J. Crowe Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, are advisers. Poindexter, a retired vice admiral in the Navy, is Rea gan’s fourth national security adviser. The first Richard V. Allen, who resigned in 1982 and was ceeded by William Clark, a former California Supn Court justice. When Clark became secretary of the im rior, his place was taken by his deputy, Robert C..'ij Farlane. McFarlane resigned in December and wait to Tehran this spring as part of overtures to whati administration describes as Iranian moderates. Senate and House intelligence committees hearings on the Iranian overtures Friday, wither® charging that the administration was trading arms Iran for its help in securing the release of Amend! hostages — a deal the administration had vowed would never make. Several lawmakers have suggested legislation to I® in the NSC, possibly by making the presidentialadvisf subject to confirmation. That suggestion met wilk cool response from Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., theif coming chairman of the Senate Intelligence Con® tee, who called it a remedy that could deprive ful presidents of needed advice. Brzezinski, however, said, “Very often, people that if the national security adviser plays a prominei role he is thereby usurping the position of the secreia: of state. Once he were confirmed by the Senate,k would have to testify, have to opine, make formalpif sentations, and that would greatly enhance hisroleatf further diminish the secretary of state,” he said Low I ke TEXAS C^iN EXCHANGE Sterling Silver Fashion Jewelry Perfect for Holiday Gift Giving! 404 University Dr. College Station 846-8905 3202A Texas Ave. Bryan 779-7662 Lay-away now for Christmas