Monday, November 24, 1986AThe Battalion/Page 5 Touch Down at the Hyatt in Austin Aggie fans pick a winner after year with the Hyatt Regency Austin. We re right downtown. On the river. Just minutes from the stadium and Sixth Street. So touch down for an unforgettable football weekend with your friends at the Hyatt Regency Austin. Spe cial Thanksgiving package available including holi day buffet. For more information and reservations call 1-800-228-9000 or 512-477-1234. Hyatt Regency©Austin ON TOWN LAKE 'OUf'tlli Stack Naked Corps and civilian bonfire workers dropped their pants after hear ing the cry, “Stack naked!” The members of this outfit may have Photo by Amy J. Drum started a new A&M tradition as they worked all night with their pants on their shoulders. lice charge o juveniles murder JIOUSTON (AP) —Two 15-year- w " kl boys who escaped from a state jim nile detention facility last month live been accused of the rape and shjoting death of a Houston yBnan, authorities said Sunday. >aei** )o |j ( . e recovere( | t | ie l )0{ iy of Ca- H Lynn O’Daniel, 2b, Saturday whdione of the youths took officers M '' to pti isolated area four miles south qfflvin, investigators said. .■he woman’s body was found in a l ' <) j ) ) field about a quarter mile from a dead-end dirt road, Brazoria County ^Htice of the Peace G.E. Webb said. a “ s ^Bh e had been sexually assaulted and shot several times with a small- W l caliber pistol, authorities said. ,e bidfl' ie youths were arrested Thurs- j n( jji day in the victim’s car in Greenville, ai)oui 30 miles northeast of Dallas, DaidiBjJ- Freeze of the Harris County |fl SBriffs Department said, of j® * le two esca P e< T from a Fort i ( , s f[«id juvenile detention facility last Bub, Freeze said. Schools reporting success with voluntary drug testing AUSTIN (AP) — Successful re ports from four school districts us ing voluntary drug-testing programs have led other districts to mull over similar programs for their student athletes next year, officials say. The Belton, Longview, Pfluger- ville and Temple school districts said their programs worked well during the football season. A mandatory program instituted by the Hawkins school district for all students in ex tracurricular activities also has been reported as successful. Eddie Joseph of the Texas High School Coaches Association said the programs seem to be working well. “A lot of school districts have got ten interested in the idea in the last few months,” he said. “I think it is going to really catch on across the state.” Joseph estimated that as many as 100 school districts are seriously studying voluntary drug-testing pro grams for students in extracurricu lar activities. Joseph also said he expects the coaches association to endorse the concept of voluntary testing within the next few months. “We’re not saying there are a lot of dopeheads in athletics, but it would be naive to say we don’t have any student using drugs,” Joseph told the Dallas Morning News. “This is just facing reality.” School officials in the four dis tricts testing for drugs report that 90 to 100 percent of their athletes are voluntarily participating in the ran dom exams. At the schools using voluntary drug tests, names of athletes agreeing to participate are placed in a pool. Every three or four weeks, a handful of names is randomly se lected for urine tests, which are con ducted by private laboratories. Students testing positive for drugs would be suspended from their ex tracurricular activities and ordered to undergo drug counseling. A stu dent would be removed from activ- ites for the school year if subsequent tests are also positive. Each of the school districts using the programs said none of the stu dents who underwent drug tests showed positive results. John Blocker, athletic director of the Pfiugerville school district, which began tests this fall, said 240 out of 250 students in football, basketball and volleyball agreed to participate. Ten of the students have been randomly tested and all results were negative. Another 25 to 30 students will be tested through the remainder of the school year. Temple has tested a dozen foot ball players this fall and none were found to be using drugs. In Belton and Longview, which are in their second and thircT years of testing, respectively, no instances of drug use were found this fall. In its three years of drug testing, Longview has found one student who tested positive for drugs, said Superintendent B.L. Davis. 30 % OFF Yv lr fV All Items In The Store Pre-Holiday Clearance Sale -s Sale Ends 11/29 PiGP 1 imports Associate m Stsro MANOR EAST MALL (adjacent to ( lot hworld) TEXAS AVENUE AT VILLA MARIA • BRYAN, TX I0am-7pm weekdays—I0an» to <*pm Sat. When you need . „ y it fast (and cheap)' Zip’N is what a convenience store is supposed to Groceries, hot food, cold beverages and • quality Shell gasoline. And you can charge everything on your Shell Credit Card. 2 liter PEPSI 99C Valvoline and Shell products are available at all Zip’N stores in Bryan-College Station including these locations: 1400 S. 'Ifexas Avenue • 321 Redmond Drive and Tbxaa Avenue • 609 University Drive and Nagle • 3500 E. 29th and Barak • 1124 ViUa Maria • 1615 N. Tbxas Avenue • 200 N. Ifexas Avenue • 1309 Palasota Drive • 2626 Pinfeather • 3151 Briarcrest • 3600 Old Heame Road 2901 Villa Maria • 1439 Villa Maria Our 2 Bedroom Studios best kept secret in town! Rates starting at Cheese for Aggies From Aggies Cheese made at the A&M Creamery from milk produced by A&M Cows Bacon-Chedder cheese in limited (2000) first edition stoneware crocks 125 lbs. cheese in crock $9, 50 ea. Jalapeno pepper cheese 2 lbs. cheese $8. 00 ea. Natural Chedder cheese 2 lbs. cheese $8. 00 ea. Great for souvenirs or gift giving. Available at the MSTC Salesroom (west side of campus). Hours: 9am-6pm M-F also before TCU game 9am-12pm $325 East Gate Apartments 401 Lincoln Dr. East (409)696-7380 00 per night single or double DON’T BE A TURKEY _1 IrmBr# Consider a tempting alternative for just Enjoy a luxurious room at the Radisson Plaza Hotel at Austin Centre November 26 through November 30 Football Fans—Don’t Forget! CJT plays A&M on Thanksgiving Day. 700 San Jacinto, Austin, Texas 78701, (512)476-3700 Rate based on availability. Please present coupon at check-in. Central Cycle <5r Supply PEPiNY SALE— Buy aJNEW VTH700-A2 Kawasaki for ONE PENNY OVER INVOICE! One of the lowest baddestV-twins ever to seize the streets, it's got more of what you want in a cruiser. Like high tech features, low street styling, and enough horsepower and torque to outstage just about anything in its class. No Trades. While supply last transfer fees, assembly and prep, destination and documentation fees # f w# CYCLE a SUPPLY 3505 E. 29th, Bryan • Call8460207