The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 21, 1986, Image 17

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Best Bets
Well, folks, if you miss the Judy's concert
tonight, the Aggie game tommorrow and the
Voices of Praise performance tomorrow night,
you’ve missed the major entertainment events in
the Brazos Valley for this weekend. Of course,
after reading the At Ease feature on Austin, you
may decide to pack your bags and head out of
Aggieiand one weekend ahead of schedule.
If if s just not your style to desert the Aggies
when that SWC championship is so close — and
yet so far then consider some of these best
Le Cabaret
Le Cabaret is in the Westgate Shopping Center on
Wellborn Road. Anyone 21 or older admitted,
Call 846-1427 for more info.
Next Wednesday - Lippman Music Co. Jam
Session — local musicians. No cover.
This club is about one-half mile north of campus
on College Main. Those 21 and older are
admitted. Beer, wine and setups are served. For
more information, call 846-1812.
Friday - Design for Living. Cover $4.
Saturday - The Locomotives. Cover $4.
• -NexCIhursday fBattle of the Bands Part !L ,
: Nocover. ' . •
come to town
At a time when the
public wants to hear the
musical efforts of models,
actors and even comedi
ans who feel a need to
exercise their vocal cords
for cash, it’s refreshing to
find a group that’s sincere.
The Judy’s will take the
stage tonight in Deware
Fieldhouse from 8 to 11,
and this trio from Pearl
and is about as sincere as
you can get. Their look,
their sound and their lyrics
add to the genuine quality
of the Judy’s. They are
The Judy’s have put
out three albums to date
— “The Wonderful World
of Appliances,” “Washa-
rama,” and their latest,
David Bean, the
group’s lead singer, says
the title for the most re
cent album was purely
“It just kind of came
out of the air like a lot of
the stuff we do,” Bean
The band’s repertoire
ranges from songs about
milk and television reruns
to the Iranian hostages
and the Three Mile Island
nuclear disaster.
But while the Judy’s ly
rics are simple and con
cise, they are definitely
not lacking in intellectual
“Guyana Punch”, an
eerie song about Rev. Jim
Jones (“There’s a strange
one in the jungle,/And he
says that death need not
hurt,/There’s a strange
one in the jungle,/ He’s
got something to quench
your thirst/Freshen up,
freshen up, freshen up.”)
explores the tragic impact
of the Jonestown Mas
The group has a knack
for satirizing the superficial
and materialistic values
that seem to dominate the
upwardly mobile psyche
“All The Pretty Girls”, a
scathing putdown of
stuck-up high school girls,
(“Well they all have ath
lete boyfriends,/And they
all wear designer jean-
s,/Always puttin’ on too
much make-up,/And the
prom is their only
dream.”), and “Magazine
Man” (“He’s so GQ”) are
perfect examples.
The music, dubbed
minimalistic, utilizes few
instruments and simple
phrasing, producing an
uncluttered sound that in
variably starts toes tap
ping and heads bopping
to the beat.
Bean says that since re
leasing their last album,
the band has undergone
some changes.
Judy’s drummer, Dane
Cessac, left the band and
a few new members were
added. Matthew McCar
thy, 21, is the new drum
mer, Scott Krshnak, 23,
plays the saxophone and
Vanita E., according to
Bean, is just the girl. She
doesn’t play an instru
ment, she doesn’t sing,
but she does dance a little,
he says.
Besides Bean, Jeff Wal
ton, 23, is the only other
original member of the
Judy’s. He plays bass gui
tar and sings.
Most of the members
are still in college, and
while sometimes the
needs of the band have to
come after schoolwork,
Bean says it hasn’t been
much of a problem.
“What’s going on with
the (college students in
the) band is also going on
with the people we play
for. So it kind of keeps us
in tune with the audien
ce,” he says.
While Bean, 24, holds
a B.B.A. and an M.B.A.
from the University of
Houston, he plans to
make music his career. He
does hope, however, to
put his degrees to use in
handling the management
side of the band, he says.
Bean writes most of the
music and lyrics that the
band performs. He says
he has no set technique
for developing a song.
See “Judy’s,” page 12
Voices of Praise present 'Gospelfest'
With voices powerful
enough to move moun
tains, an group of student
singers will be creating
some major motion to
morrow night on the
A&M campus. Rudder
Theater will be rocking at
7 p.m. as the Texas A&M
Voices of Praise, a sub
committee of the Black
Awareness Committee,
presents “Gospelfest ’86
...A Gospel Music Extrav
The show promises to
be an uplifting event as
the Voices fill the theater
with inspirational music.
The Voices will sing a
variety of tunes, including
compositions by their own
musicians. All of the num
bers are filled with such
emotion and sincerity that
concert-goers are sure to
be caught up in the up
beat rhythm.
Tomorrow night’s
show will include guest
choirs from San Antonio,
Sam Houstqn State Uni
versity, the University of
Texas, Prairie View A&M
University and Lamar
After the Voices open
the show, each choir will
perform for about 15 min
utes, and then all the
groups will join together
for a final performance.
If you find yourself in
need of some inspiration
with finals just around the
comer, you might want to
give Gospelfest ’86 a try.
You can pick up tickets at
the Rudder Box Office for
$3.50 if you’re a student,
and $4 if you’re not. It’s a
small price to pay for a
large dose of spirit-lifting
by Karen Kroesche