The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 21, 1986, Image 10
Page lOAThe Battalion/Friday, November 21, 1986 Battalion Classifieds # NOTICE ROOMMATE WANTED $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Malt* needed for nice apartment. 2 bdrm./l bath, close to campus $130./mo. 8c elec. 268-0898. 57tl 1/21 • LOST AMD FOOND Wanted Males 18-45, Nonsmokers with mild asthma, chronic cough, or shortness of breath to participate in a 30 hour research study. $200. incentive for those chosen to LOST navy blue jacket BILL—BLASS—BRAfUD Wednesda% Oc t. 29, Karl 690-1497, 845-9733.56tl 1/21 Found: Bracelet, on campus. Call to identify. 260-7081 or 260-5382. 60tl 1/25 • FORREMT participate. Preleasing foi Spring. Neai Milton. 2/8 bedroom du plexes. 846-2471 01 693-1027. 50U2/17 Apartment. All utlilities paid, $200. monthly, $50. de posit, quiet person only. Call 823-1 179. 57tl 1/24 Call 776-0411 or 776-6236 Condo - lircplaic. 2hdrni.. 2 bath, piivate. backs.ud. u/d i onn.. < Ing. Ian. 090-9202 aIum 5 p.m. 32lil/24 Furnished home, Southwood Valley. Rooms $225. plus hills, nice. 693-0939. 46t 11/26 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Call Battalion Classified 4911/14 845-2611 <2? ^ SifflcQ 1621 Texas Avenue South College Station, Texas 77840 Culpepper Plazu (Wear Hastings anti Sehin<l Holiday Inn), 10-8 M-F 10-6 SAT Stop by and get your popcorn for the game Saturday! Beat TCU! • SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates, Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset ABEL SERVICES Top Quality Word Processing 3832-B S. Texas, Bryan (Next door to Dan’s Kwik Kopy) 846-ABEL Bring this ad for discount! S (T 1)1-'.NT TYPIXe; - 20 Y1.ARS experience. Ka> .tcicuuiie. i easnnalile. jpiai anteed. (i l .K‘l-85;i7. 4 1112/17 /ERSATILE WORD PROCESSING. Fast, Accurate, nexpensive, LaserWriter Quality. Call 696-2052. 47tl2/4 Eclilinjf/Pnmfi eatlinn. Dissertations, theses, all longer nCunnset ipts, L.I.. Cat lisle - ()9(>-.‘565 7. 39tl 1/26 TYPING. No Job Too Small. Answering/Wake Up ~ ■ 44U2/2 Service (409) 823-7723 Expert Tvping. VV'otcl Processing, Resumes. lit till $1.35 pet page. PEREECi T PR1 XT, 822-1430. 16tl 1/26 \VT)RD PROCESSING: Dissertat ions, theses, manu scripts. teports, tetni papets, resumes. 764-6614. 4tlt 12/5 « FOR SALE 19i7t) Corvette Stingray, Blueprint 350 engine, trans mission, 4036. new paint, tires, 58,000 miles. 845-3859, 774- 59t 11/26 MOBILE HOME. 14x70. New carpeting, good condi tion. $5,500. negotiable. 776-8149. 54t 11/26 1986 DAYTONA TURBO, BLACK W/BLACK IN TER, GOLD PSTRIPE. AM/FM CASSETTE, CS PACKAGE, LOW MILES, AFTER 6pm. 846-2510. 59tl 1/26 H£-41CX. OPTICAL WAND PROGRAMS, LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN 696-7642. 59tl 1/25 i960 YAMAHA 400 ASKING $550. 2 HELMETS IN CLUDED. AFTER 5:00p.m.. 764-1865. 59tl 1/26 Gbld & Silver chains- closeout- All prices, wholesale. Ia|rs 764-6619 evenings. 56tll/21 TEXAS A&M - UT GAME TICKETS - 20. EACH. CALL (512)255-4111. 57U1/24 • TRAVEL LAST CHANCE! I Limited space remains on TAMU Vyinter Ski Weeks to Steamboat, Vail, or Keystone with five or seven nights deluxe lodging, lift tickets, moutain picnic, parties, ski race and more from only $142.1 HURRY, call Sunchase Tours toll free for full details 1- 800-321 -5911 TOD AY! 46t 11 /21 Resort Hotels, Cruiselines, Airlines, Amusement Parks, NOW accepting applications. For more information and an application; write National Collegiate Recre ation Service. P.O. Box 8074, Hilton Head, S.C. 29938. . 59t 11/26 ♦ CHILDCARE Infant care person needed full or part time starting late November. Call 846-3765» 7-9 p.m. weeknights. 53t 11/25 * PERSONALS Happy Birthday Micheal! I Love You Suzanne PERSONALS SIR AJ, Tonight’s the Night xxx xxx * HELP WANTED I I l DEFENSIVE DRIVING, TICKET DISMISSAL, YCTU’LL LOVE OUR FUN CLASS! 693-1322.35t 12/17 Students, earn extra money for Christmas! Delivery drivers needed for finals week. Commission paid on pizzas delivered Must have own car Apply at Chanello’s 2404 Texas Ave. delivers; f rom 2-5 daily abilities UNLIMITED Cl- 3737 t ?0tn St Bryan T, 268 4001 Minimum $1OO purchase Limit one coupon per visit Not voiig wth aoy other otter Cord expires t2'3l/86 J X vy> THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE Has immediate openings for route carriers. Carrier positions require working early morning hours delivering papers and can earn $400. to $600. per month plus gas allowance. Call Andy at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment. 38tufn Earn $480 weekly - $60 per hundred envelopes stuffed. Guaranteed. Homeworkers needed for com pany project stuffing envelopes and assembling materi als. Send stamped self addressed envelope toJBK Mail- company P.O. Box 25-24 Castaic, California, 91310. 60tl2/l OPEN: THURS-SAT BYOB - COVER: $3.00 Responsible caretaker for 15 month old. Our house or yours if no more than one other child. 690-0015 eve nings. 60t 11/26 TYPING/WORD PROCESSING - Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Papers. - Dissertations. Call Diana - 764- 2772. 53U1/25 Need student to clean house twice weekly for four hours each day. Call 823-8606. 59tl 1/25 NO MORE WRINKLES! IRONING BY BETH. CALL AJFTER 3:00p.m. 846-0138. 59tll/26 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS List $16,040 - $59,230/yr. Now Hiring. Cali 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9531. 34t 12/16 Local dental center needing licensed dental hygenist. For information call Dr. Lawson, 696-9578. Sill 1/21 Part time temporary day care workers. Apply at 3404 Cavitt between 3 & 5. No phone calls please. 57t 11/25 THEATRE GUIDE NOW Saturday I Sunday AT^rnmiRg- FIRST KWINK SHOWING ONLY TYPING BY WAX DA. Am kind, am length. Rea sonable t ates. <>90-1 113.- 52t I 1/24 • WANTED Patients with “acute diarrhea” (less than 48 hours duration) needed to evaluate potential over-the-counter medication for diarrhea. Volunteers will be paid 4or time and cooper ation. G & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 POST OAK THREE 1500 Harvey Rd. 764-0616 PaHj£ 7:05 9:30 TAI-PAN (R) Sat & Sun 2:00 4:30 7:05 9:30 PEGGY SUE GOT MARRIED (PG-13) Dalljj 5:20 7:35 9:40 5:20 7:35 9:40 I Sat & Sun 1:05 3 AMERICAN TAIL (G) PaHjj 5:00 7:00 9:00 Sat & Sun 1:00 3:00 5:00 7:00 9:00 CINEMA THREE 315 Colleqe Ave. JUMPIN’ JACK PUSH (R) uaiiv ‘ 1:tf5 3:10 5:20 7:30 9:40 ^ Dally 7:30 9:40 Sat & Sun SOUL MAN (R) Daily 7:35 9:50 Sat A Sun 1:10 3:15 5:25 7:35 9:50 THE WRAITH (PG-13) Dally 7:00 9:00 Sat A Sun 1:00 3:00 5:00 7:00 9:00 INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 46t11/26 Roommate/Babysitter needed. Exchange rent for care of two children. After 3 p.m. and evenings. For more info write: Angell, P.O. Box 9588, C.S., TX, 77840. 57t 11/25 ♦ FORRENT SPECIAL! Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm.: $150. / 2 Bdrm.: $175. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. Very Spacious Attractive 1-BDR Apt. W/D, Built-in Bookcase, Covered Deck overlooking woods. 1-273- 2479. 60t 11/26 Sublease 2BDRM, iVSBath, New Carpet, Ceiling Fan. Microwave. $385/month. 696-3253. 60tl 1/26 AAMC0 TRANSMISSIONS Specializing in | STANDARD and | | AUTOMATIC trans- 1 | missions, CLUTCH, | 1 adjustments, and | replacements E (Both foreign and domestic) = 1215 Tx. Ave. | (at the bend in Tx. Ave.) | Bryan 779-2626 | Under New Ownership | A glance at the A&M-TCU series Texas A&M has won the last 13 games with Texas Christian to lead the overall series 45-29-7. Here are some highlights of the A&M-TCU series that began in 1897: • 1985 — Safety Domingo Bry ant’s first quarter interception re turn for a touchdown and Kevin Murray’s TD pass to Keith Wood- side boosted the Aggies to a 53-6 win. With 46-0 lead, A&M kicked what TCU believed was an intentio nal onside kick, which fueled ill feel ings after the game. • 1984 — Cornerback James Flowers’ TD return of an inter cepted pass early in the first quarter helped A&M win 35-21 and knocked the Horned Frogs out of the Cotton Bowl. • 1977 — In his first start, fresh man quarterback Mike Mosely rushed for 98 yards, while George Woodard and Dickey each gained over 150 yards. A&M set school re cord for most yards rushing (606). • 1976 — A&M led 35-3 at the half. Tony Franklin set school re cord with eight PATs. Running back Darrell Smith set A&M Kyle Field record with a 90-yard touchdown run. Smith also had a 47-yard TD run en route to 59-10 victory. • 1975 -— A&M scored touch downs on first two possessions and then withstood late Frog rally 14-6. Injured defensive back Pat Thomas entered game in fourth quarter and shut down TCU wide receiver Mike Renfro. • 1974 — Aggies won 17-0 as de fense set school record for fewest yards allowed rushing (minus 58). A&M recorded 13 quarterback sacks. This was the last time A&M has shut out TCU. • 1968 — Quarterback Edd Har gett completed career-long 84-yard touchdown pass to Barney 1 larris. Harris (four catches) and Tommy Maxwell (five receptions) each Ik over 100 yards receiving while other Aggie had a reception. • 1967 — Coat h Gene Stafci SWC champs shut out Frogs 1/ Linebacker Bill Hobbs set SWCi cord with 100-yard touchdown it turn of an intercepted pass. HdJ finished with 132 yards in interaf lion return yardage (an A&M it cord). • 1960-63 — A&M scored points each year; tied twice (198 1963) and lost twice (14-15 in IK and 14-20 in 1962). • 1956 — Aggies won 7-6 gr; played under worst weather coni tions ever at Kyle Field with he; rain and high winds for most of ill game. TCU failed to score onl clowns near A&M goal line. • 1955 — A&M won 19-16, only TCU loss in the SWC thane; son. — Compiled by Tim Stanfit!; Bos Phil Wo Net Net Atlc Milv Chi Indi Del Cle Hoc Doll Atta Aggies to host TCU in swim meet ^ By Loyd Brumfield Assistant Sports Editor The Texas A&M men’s and wom en’s swimming teams will take on Texas Christian University here this weekend, but they’ll be a bit hand icapped. A&M will start out trailing the Horned Frogs 28 points to zero be cause it does not have a diving team. “We just don’t have the facilities for diving here,” A&M Coach Mel Nash said. “Our indoor pool is too shallow and our outdoor pool gets too cold.” - V& Hits ii “t "0i i'it YW The meet will begin Saturday at 6 p.m. at the P.L. Downs Natatorium. The A&M men and women are coming off upsets of Southern Methodist University. The women’s team is currently ranked No. 12 in the nation and the men are ranked 16th. Nash said the wins over SMU have helped the Aggies gain respect na tionally. “People are just now finding out how good we are,” he said. “I don’t think anyone knew it until our women beat SMU by as much as they did (1 13.5-69.5).” Nash said both teams shouldk well-rested for the meet, butthc.lg gies are still plagued by injuries For the women’s team, Sums Fiori is recovering from an ankle jury, but Nash said she should able to compete Saturday. Is Sheedy is also out with an illness The men’s team is hampered* several injuries. Aaron McDonouj! has a broken right hand, Mario\i has a knee injury, Eddie Altman recovering from a shoulder injm and Mike Varozza has a sorethroai Hey Zips! Don’t be caught DEAD in your tracks! Elephant Walk is high noon at Sully Monday, Nov. 24th . OFFICAL ZIP '87 T-SHIRT on sale until 3pm Tues., Nov. 25 10-3-MSC & Quad Elephant pictures in the Grove Party-pics throughout the course