The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 18, 1986, Image 6
Problem Pregnancy? we listen, we care, we help Free pregnancy tests concerned counselors Brazos Valley Crisis Pregnancy Service We’re local! 1301 Memorial Dr. 24 hr. Hotline 823-CARE NEED MONEY??? Page 6/The Battalion/Tuesday, November 18, 1986 Sell your BOOKS at University Book Stores Northgate & Culpepper Plaza 20 30 Poster Prints Only $12. 95 From Your 35 mm Color Slide Or Negative - Offer Good Nov. 18-Dec. 1 Photographic Services at Goodwin Hall or Texas A&M Bookstore in the MSC MSC CAFETERIA MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER-TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SPECIALS SOSS MONDAY EVENING SALISBURY STEAK Mushroom Gravy, Whipped Pptatoes. Choice of Vegetable. Roll or I Cornbread, Butter TUESDAY EVENING MEXICAN FIESTA Two Cheese Enchiladas With Chili, Rice, Beans, Tostadas WEDNESDAY EVENING CHICKEN FRIED STEAK Cream Gravy, Whipped Potatoes, Choice of Vegetable, Roll or Cornbread, Butter THURSDAY EVENING ITALIAN DINNER Spaghetti, Meatballs; Sauce, Parmesan Cheese, Tossed Salad, Hot Garlic Bread FRIDAY EVENING FRIED CATFISH Tartar Sauce. Cole Slaw, Hush Puppies, Choice of Vegetable SATURDAY NOON & EVENING YANKEE POT ROAST (Texas Style), Tossed Salad, Mashed Potatoes W Gravy, Roll or Cornbread. Butler SUNDAY NOON & EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce, Cornbread Dressing, Roll or Corn- bread, Butter. Giblet Gravy, Choice of Vegetable TEA OR COFFEE INCLUDED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE ON SPECIALS EVENING SPECIALS AVAILABLE 4:00 PM TO 7:00 PM DAILY MSC CAFETERIA OPEN 11:00 AM-1.30 PM AND 4:00 PM TO 7:00 PM DAILY “Quality First" GIVE THE AGGIE SPIRIT. This handsome wall clock or handy goodies tray with an Aggie T-shirt tucked inside are perfect gifts for any Aggie fan. Made of sturdy plastic molded in maroon, both the clock and goodies tray are proudly adorned with the Aggie emblem. Fits any budget. The wall clock is only $19.95. The goodie tray with free T-shirt .is _ only $15.95. Add $2.00 for postage and handling. Order today and we'll ship your gift within 48 hours. (Specify shirt size L-XL.) WALL CLOCK 19 95 Add $2.00 for postage and handling TRAY WITH FREE T-SHIRT 95 15 MasterCard - VISA ■ Money Orders Made in Texas by Texans. 1 800 442 4799 ext 831 World and Nation V c SCHULMAN THEATRES 2.50 ADMISSION 1. Any Show Before 3 PM 2. Tuesday - All Seats 3. Mon-Wed - Local Students With Current ID’s. 4. Thurs. - KORA "Over 30 Nlte” •DENOTES DOLBY STEREO PLAZA 3 | 226 Southwest Pkwy 693-24571 I*CROCODILE DUNDEE nis Hi| I*COLOR OF MONEY R 2^1 I CHILDREN OF A nol 1 LESSER 600 it 9 50 | MANOR EAST 3 | Manor East Mall 823-8300 | 1 SOMETHING WILD * j sl I LET’S GET HARRY r 5;8| 1 TOUGH GUYS » £**| SCHULMAN 6 2002 E. 29th 775-2463 TOP GUN p« SHADOW PLAY po » ;» KKYS 105 Presents $ DOLLAR DAYS $ This Week’s Features Are: STAND BY ME * i S RUTHLESS PEOPLE n 2 3 RUNNING SCARED * •-- - ' #4^ Shuttle astronauts will rehearse 1st countdown since Challenge Set s4i‘ wot bal- jrui ace 1 er> CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Astronauts will board a space shuttle today for the first time since the Challenger accident for a practice countdown that will help launch teams maintain proficiency during a long flightless period. Five veteran space travelers will settle into the cabin of Atlantis, perched on launch pad 39B, for the final, two hours of a rehearsal that will end with simulated ignition of the main engines. The countdown started on time at 7:40 p.m. On Thursday, a team of seven rookie astro nauts will board Atlantis to participate in an emergency crew escape exercise. The drills will conclude seven weeks of launch pad tests for Atlantis, which will be moved back to a hangar on Saturday. The exercises mark the last chance that astro nauts and launch teams will have to sharpen their skills with a shuttle on the pad until Discovery is rolled out of storage to be readied for the next shuttle launch, now set for Feb. 18, 1988. The three remaining shuttles have been grounded since Challenger exploded 73 seconds after liftoff last Jan. 28, killing the crew of seven. A faulty joint between segments of a solid f uel booster rocket that caused the accident is being redesigned. The tests provide “a chance for a morale boost right in the center of this letdown, and there has been a letdown,” said Conrad Nagel, NASA di rector of shuttle flow operations. T he five astronauts who board Atlantis today will be the same ones who flew tfie last successful shuttle mission, that of Columbia, which ended just 10 days before the Challenger tragedy. They are commander Charles Gibson, pilot Charles Bolden and mission specialists George Nelson, Steven Hawley and Franklin Chang- Diaz. Two non-astronauts who flew on that flight. Rep. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., and RCAenginm ert Cenker, will not take part. The countdown will involve teams a: launch control center here and at missiont at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. Thursday’s crew-escape test will last, three hours as the seven astronauts andd; of fire and rescue workers run through evt pet t of emergency pad operations. During the exercise, a launch emergent lie declared and some of the astronauts w| injury. Workers will pull the astronautsfroi cabin and take them from the pad tonearti copters. Stand-ins for the “injured” crew memfe be flown to hospitals in Gainesville and Titii! No' VVe and red de" acc< the imf bef The stand-ins will be Right surgeons freej Johnson center who will evaluate emeiiti room procedures at the two hospitals. Immigration law hasn’t produced firings feared by Hispanic groups WASHINGTON (AP) — His panic groups fear that the new im migration law could lead to wide spread firings of workers with Spanish accents, but a random sur vey finds little evidence that large numbers of Hispanics are losing their jobs. Amin David, president of a His panic rights group, Los Amigos of Orange County, Calif., said, “There are definitely rumblings in (His panic) neighborhoods” about job losses. vidual — regardless of the documents that person can provide. But while reports of firings haven’t gone beyond the rumor stage, David predicted employer sanctions will harm the Latino com munity “because skin color will de termine the employability of an indi- Even before President Reagan signed the bill to overhaul the immi gration laws — and make it a crime to hire an illegal alien — there were some indications in Houston and Dallas that employers might move to fire Latino workers who may fall into that category. Trying to access the extent of the problem, the Associated Press sur veyed selected cities. It found that while confusion reigns, job losses have been held in check as Hispanic organizations worked hard to ex plain the bill’s employer sanctions provisions. The immigration bill has two cor nerstones: amnesty for illegal aliens who arrived before 1982 and lived in this country continously since then and penalties against employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens. For the next six months, the Im migration and Naturalization Serv ice is to conduct a public information campaign on the sanctions program, during which no enforcement ac tions can be taken. After the six months, a one-year period would follow in which first offenders would only receive warn ings. But the full effect of the pro gram would allow civil fines ranging up to $10,()()() per illegal alien and a criminal penally of six years in prison. Most importantly, the law only ap plies to new hires, not those working before the bill became law. U.S., Soviets £ set tentative arms meetin WASHINGTON (AP)- United States and ihe i Union have reached a tec. agreement to have their st arms-control negotiaton : early next month in Genet* the stalemate in nuclear wz reductions, an administratK fii ial said Monday. The special talks were quested by Moscow, the offi who demanded anonymity,s Ambassador Max M. Kje man and the two other Ui,* tiators, Ron Lehman and 5 nard Glitman. will represec: United States at the Dec.2: sion. 5. African police use force to quell GM strike A 1 Ion 8-1 I A i pt I ceii cen 1 1 jtioi ices Cal to < new | 1 rou ers iarc | Con ‘ V Fou An/ stau plea PORT ELIZABETH, South Af rica (AP) — Police used dogs and rubber whips to disperse strikers outside the General Motors plant Monday, and the company said those who stay off the job will be fired. The automaker gave strikers a deadline of 9 a.m. Tuesday to return to work. The walkout began Oct. 29 in this depressed industrial city on the Indian Ocean, where GM is the largest employer. Sixteen workers were arrested during the clash with police at the plant gate and released on bail of 100 rand ($45) each without formal charges, their union said. Police said about 300 strikers were intimidating workers who wanted to go to their jobs inside the plant. Employees struck over demands for compensation from the Ameri can parent company after General Motors announced plans to sell its South African operation to local management. nom Bob White, the GM managing di rector, said about one-third of the 2,000 strikers returned to work Monday and the company also would consider rehiring most of the 567 fired for holding a pfcfcci two weeks ago. t() lion. A police spokesman said (In)| 1.000 people were outsideiltt*A when officers arrived andc MCI them to disperse. He said their moved away, but about 300 The chanting slogans and inler and with workers trying to enifp|t>n plant. Catch a Greyhound Holiday Money Saver and catch a free ride laten Go home for the holidays on a Greyhound Money Saver and you’ll go home with a very special gift — a coupon good for one free com panion ticket when you buy one regular-priced ticket between January 12 and tyiarch 31, 1987. (Travel must be completed by April 6,1987.) Plus, our new Holiday Money Savers give you super-low fares to thousands of destinations, many with no advance ticket purchase required. And there are still plenty of seats available. So go Greyhound now, and go free later. With a Greyhound Holiday Money Saver. JGO GREYHOUND And leave the driving to us! 114 E. Walton (Eastgate By Mama’s Pizza) College Station, TX 696-0209 Some restrictions apply. Fares and schedules subject to change without notice. No other discounts apply.