Friday, November 14, 1986/The Battaiion/Page 7 IT-!! St!, »€d alty 8 stati;.' 'elopes Former astronaut talks labout impact of space By Kelli Jo Day Reporter Space technology affects everyday merican life, former astronaut )onald K. “Deke” Slayton told more than 2 0 0 Texas A & M ■tudentsThursday night. Slayton spoke with an expertise ■hat goes a long way back. He was in volved with the National Aeronau- Bcs and Space Administration when ( the well-publicized “Space Race” was ■lunched. Slayton said that while the United tales won the race in July 1969, the re-moon landing flight tests in 968 ttiggered an ecological icvement. “We landed successfully on the IliW 00 ", aiK * 0,1 t ^ ie i |rst try.” Slayton J,i f | “and we did it by Kennedy’s i" currmi; Wl Sib Ighl 3 PM NME| ES Sieltj: 21 ROM 2/19 2/19 Biandate lade. by the end of the de- I But Slayton said, “I think it made Is realize that what we have is all le’re ever going to have, and we bet ter take care of it.” I Slayton said the first lunar land ing put Americans way ahead of the Soviets, who weren’t even close. “The main aspect of the (Apollo 18-Soyuz 19) llight was that two coun tries could work together on something construc tive. ” — Donald K. “Deke” Slay ton, a former astronaut Slayton was one of the astronauts who flew in the joint program with the Soviet Union. The Apollo 18- Soyuz 19 program was a chance to cooperate with the Soviet Union in stead of compete with it, he said. “The main aspect of the flight was that two countries could work to gether on something constructive,” he said. There were three American astro nauts in the Soviet Soyuz aircraft, and the toughest part was that they had to speak Russian and the Soviets had to speak English, Slayton said. Other than ecological awareness and diplomatic relations, Slayton also said space technology affected the more general areas of American life. Space technology advances are mirrored in the production of more efficient and much smaller comput ers and calculators, Slayton said. As a result of the Apollo flights’ instant meals and efforts to make them more appealing, manufactur ers have become aware of packaging techniques to maximize instant food appeal, he said. Slayton said extensive construc tion material testing has produced advanced alloys for further aero space construction. Elaborating on space construction, Slayton chal lenged the group to find new an swers. “There’s got to be a whole lot more clever way for space construc tion,” Slayton said. “The technology is there. Most of you will see it. Some of you, I hope, will do it.” The program was sponsored by the Society of Flight Test Engineers and the American Institute of Aero nautics and Astronautics. Clements taps bank leader to be assistant AUSTIN (A P) — The vice chairman of the Bank of Dallas was named Thursday to be spe cial assistant to Gov.-elect Bill I Clements to handle gubernatorial appointments. James R. Huffines, 35, was co- chairman of the Clements cam paign in Dallas County and had held volunteer positions in the Republican’s 1978 and 1982 cam- ; paigns. A 1973 graduate of the Uni versity of Texas, Huffimes will be gin work Dec. 1, Clements said. In Texas, the governor ap points the members of the more than 200 boards and commissions which oversee operation of the various state agencies. In making the appointment, Clements said he believes Huf- fines' business background will be an asset. “Coming from the business world, James Huffines shares my view that men and women of the highest quality will be appointed during the Clements administra tion,” the governor-elect said. “Ability, commitment and a can-do attitude will be the cor nerstone of the appointment se lection process,” Clements added. Huffimes serves on the boards of the Dallas Symphony, the Texas Lyceum, the North Dallas Chamber of Commerce and the Dallas Council on World Af fairs. He also serves on the executive board of the Meadows School of the Arts at Southern Methodist University. Environmentalists fined for chaining themselves to trees NEW WAVERLY (AP) — Six en vironmentalists were fined $113 for chaining themselves to trees and ma chinery in an attempt to stop U.S. Forest Service officials from destroy ing pine trees in the National Forest. The six Earth First! movement members were convicted of disor derly conduct by Walker County Justice of the Peace John Pasket. The four-hour trial Wednesday featured a vigorous exchange of phi losophy between forest rangers and environmentalists and an 11 Vi-min ute videotape showing the 52-ton tree crusher used to clear the land. Rangers were attempting to clear 2,500 acres of pine beetle-infested trees in the Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville. Rangers said the clearing project was essential to their battle against further infesta tion by the beetle. However, their first encounter turned out to be with the protesters who chained themselves to the tree- crusher and the trees. The protesters stalled the clearing operation for 24 hours before they were physically removed. The environmentalists said they believed there are better ways to combat the pine beetles than to clear-cut thousands of acres. Dr. Charles Taylor, 43, of Austin, said, “We felt we were appealing to a higher law to stop the useless, wan ton destruction of trees. Chaining yourself to a tree is not offensive, it’s a symbolic media event.” James Jackson, 37, who was re moved by a ranger who chopped down part of the tree he chained himself to, said he was trying to pro tect everyone’s property. / “I saw people in our forests crush ing trees and animals, and I went in there to stop them,” Jackson said. Billy Ball, the forest service secu rity agent in charge of the group making the arrests, said he doubted the sincerity of the protesters. “It was a bigjoke, just a big joke to y’all,” Ball said during the hearing. One of the six protesters was ar rested at the conclusion of the hear ing by federal agents who said he had failed to pay a fine stemming from an earlier protest in July at Yellowstone National Park. Robert Lewis Cargas, 34, of Aus tin, was arrested on a warrant issued by U.S. Magistrate Stephen E. Cole. The warrant accused Cargas of fail ing to pay a $200 fine. Others convicted were Patricia Taylor, 45, of Austin, wife of Dr. Taylor; Christi Stevens, 24, and Ro bin Lee Spraggins, all of Austin. The judge gave them 10 days to pay the fines on the class C misde meanor convictions and said he would consider ordering them to do public service if they could not af ford to pay the fines. All six said they would appeal the convictions. jGalveston marine theme park foreclosed GALVESTON (AP) — The origi- [nal owners of Sea-Arama Ma- Jrineworld are trying to re-acquire ■ the popular Galveston tourist attrac- Jtion which was closed this week after oreclqsure notice was filed to col- llect loans. ■ “It’s a simple matter of them de- Jfaulting on the note,” original owner J.K. Dismukes of Austin said. “There’s a sizable amount of money j involved,” he said. “We operated this park for 20 years before selling it to them. We’re not going to walk away from it.” According to a foreclosure notice (posted Tuesday, the property along the Galveston seawall will be sold to the highest bidder at a courthouse I auction Dec. 2. hi August, the property was up for sale for $5 million, althoiigh its principal owners, Kenneth Shelton Jr. and William Cherry, said they hoped to build a $100 million hotel- entertainment complex on adjacent land. Spokesman Gini Brown, “The ex pansion plan was a dream. Dreams don’t always come true.” Dismukes said: “We could never understand how they could be talk ing like that.” Shelton and Cherry, who bought the park last year, said in a statement released Wednesday that talks with lenders had failed. The amount of money owed has not been disclosed, although Dis mukes said it was in the millions. The park has been in business 21 years, attracting more than 200,000 Texas A&M Flying Club Club Elections Tuesday, 7:30p.m., Nov. 18 at the Airport Clubhouse. For More Information Call Don Read, 696-9339 visitors annually to a dolphin show, shark exhibit, exotic birds and gar dens. Sea-Arama has about 30 employ ees, most of whom .will be laid off, Brown said. According to Cherry,“Only those employees essential to protecting the property and maintaining the ani mals, fish and birds will be on duty until the matter is settled.” Dismukes said the poor economy was a culprit in the park’s money problems. “This action is an effort by us to get the park back,” he said. “Maybe, we could reopen it under the origi nal management.” “Our concern at this point is to take care of the employees and the animals.” Look at the Ads in the Battalion ALL Members Need to Attend Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 introducing Seafood to Northgate Come and enjoy a frosty mug of beer while you watch the Aggie Game this Saturday. 105 Boyett 856-3497 this Christinas give... presents they’ll open again and again! 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